Race: Dark elf.
Height: Not sure, but tall even for an elf.
Age: Born somewhere in the first age, so pretty old.
Family: A half sister Tiger, a father,
Animals: A horse.
Weapons: Sword, archery and daggers.

Appearance: High, even for an elf, dark hair, ice blue eyes. A tattoo on his left hand showes that he is a servant of the dark onee, but he always (or close to always) hids it. His skinn are more tanned than what are usual for an elf. Normally he wears blue and green cloths, and either a dark green cloak or a black one.


Born a long time ago, Kosomot have used most of his life fighting for the dark one. He is high in rank among servants of Sauron (he is an experiend fighter and a good tactician). He has seen hin half sister twice, one hwen she was newborn and second in battle. In fact that battle was one of the few he has ever lost. Tiger comamded a group of Tigers (a mercenary group in the east, for more info about them, check out Tiger’s Profile), and Moko and some of his men got caught. Moko remember it like it was yesterday: The rope so thight around his wrists he almost bleed, the hat e in the eyes of the Tigers that pushed him into the mud, the fear in his companions eyes, they were young men from Harad and all had heard terrible stories about the Tigers. Her face was like stone, cold blue eyes, cold like ice, and a voice that made the eyes seem warm.

“Any Tigers?” Her eyes sweept over his men, butrested a moment on him. That moment he knew she knew who he was, her brother.

“No, no Tigers nor Kittens.” One of the other Tigers steped forward. He was about 30 years and looked like a cat always ready to leap, to fight, to kill, in fact all the Tigers looked that way. The man leant down and grabed some of Moko’s hair and pulled him up. “This one might be of some interest, though. An elf, in the middle of a bunch of Haradmen and he seems to be the one in control.” One of the other Tiger steped forward, a young man around 25 or younger.

“What do we do with them?” Tiger blue eyes meet Moko’s and she lookedhim straight in the eyes. Her face told nothing of what she was thinking.

“The Tigers don’t take prisoners, kill them. But save this one, I want to talk to him. Lorgan, take the men you need and…. well, take care of the prisoners. Half of the rest tend the wouned and make ready to travel. The other half helps me in showing the dead the last hounor.” She truned and walked away. Lorgan and some 10-15 Tigers took his men away and began executing them. Half of the rest walked after Tiger, the other half scerched through the fallen to see if any were alive, Moko doubted they would heal or show the last hounor to anyone not a Tiger. And he was left with one guard. Later that evening, far away, the Tigers had a good travling speed and they were quick in cleaning up after battle, but after all there were few Tigers among the fallen, and few of them had serious wounds, he and Tiger spoke together, or rater shouted at each other, she had done most of the shouting, blaming him for his faters sins and said he was no better. After the talk he was set free, why he yet does not understand…

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