Gender: 2
Race: Vampire
Family: None
Weapons: Two daggers that are strategically placed about her body. One is in her boot, and the other one is tucked neatly in her right glove, so that she is able to get it whenever she wants. She also has a pistol that comes in handy.

Personality: Lanette is not the type of character to mess around with. After her love's death, her soul had become cold and she was now heartless. A once unusually happy vampire was now turned into the typical vampire- one who cares for no emotion. As said before, one wouldn't want to meet her in a dark ally. Her attitude can change within the snap of the fingers, and before one would know it, you might be dead. She has a wicked- fast toungue of sarcastic comments, and can use them well to verbally abuse her opponents. She can be, however, tolerable towards her allies, and it is a rare sight if she goes off on them. She doesn't trust anybody fully, but has come to understood that allies are needed if one has the need to survive, yet she doesn't make friends very easily.

Appearance: Lanette is what one would frankly think of as terrifying. You wouldn't want to meet her in a dark ally. She has layered dark brown hair. The left side falls over her mulberry-colored eyes in a straight wisp, covering the inky black lines running down from her eyes. Her face is tan, despite her being a vampiress, and her hair has streaks of dark, bloody red. Her clothing is a dark red tank that ties down the sides and a black skirt that trails the ground. Chains are draped across her hips and over her right shoulder. She has boots, and gloves covering her hands with vine patterns in the wrist. Her wrists are also draped with chains.


She used to work for the government, but when she was assigned to kill her only love, she felt helpless. Not letting feelings into her job, she set out on a hunt for him. It proved to be a worthy battle, and she got him pinned down and was about to shoot him. But in the end she could not bring herself to kill her love, and walked away. She planned on leaving- moving away. As she turned around to set her eyes upon him for the last time, he had his gun pressed up against his head. A shot rang through the air, and his body went limp on the cold grass.

Since then her heart had been cold, and she had taught herself not to show any emotion. Enemies seek the weakness that will bring the downfall of their oponents, and emotion being hers, she pushed aside all feelings.
And yet, try as she might, she thinks about him daily, and what life would have been like if he hadn’t died. The horrible night haunts her in her dreams, handicapping her sleep.

After that she left the goverment, but they soon found out what she really was- a vampire. They then set up a team to hunt her down and kill her. She went from home to home, looking for shelter, but leaving the places after only a few days so that the family wouldn’t fall into trouble for coming in contact with her.

She falls inlove with a mortal, but in the end, he was working for the group that was out to kill her. He kills her by cutting of her head, but before he does he ‘professes his love’ for her. Unsuspectingly, she falls for it, and before they could kiss he had her pinned against the ground.

Her last words are a blur and a memory only to him, and being the traitor he is, he looses no sleep in what he has done. Unbeknownst to him, however, Lanette had given birth to a baby girl while on the run (his child), and had named her Alyth.

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