Gender: 2
Race: Sin. Elven
Height: 6.2
Age: 3379
Family: Royal blood
Animals: horse, arabian look. gray.
Weapons: elven white blades, a longer elvish blade, bow.

Personality: quiet, only speaks when nessecary(usally). hardly ever finds her funny side. very serous about most things. has a temper but is very caring.

Appearance: Normal: jet black hair. very long. tall, thin, but very strong. wears wealthy travel cloths but they are old and torn some what. Her look demands respect. Warrior: when she fights or is in rage, her hair turns the same color as her skin, a very pale almost white. (same as my icon) She has a tear shaped scar under her right eye.


All she remembers is her family dying in Náessënth Valley. She can recall all of what happened. When she was there some sort of evil magic changed her. She remembers nothing before that point…for the moment.

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