Race: Half-Elven (Sindarin/Nolderin)
Height: 5'8
Age: Unknown
Family: Parents: Inwë Calaflas & Amras Telrúnya ; Decendant of: Lúthien & Beren ; Siblings(twin boys): Olwë & Lenwë
Animals: a grey elven steed named Amroth.
Weapons: And elven sword, a sword made by men, And a bow and arrows of red oak.

Personality: Though Kind and Friendly to most, She has a short temper. She is Strong, Wise, and Brave. And Loyal to the end.

Appearance: Long thick dark brown hair, either plaited or up in a half pont tail with the rest hanging down. Deep brown eyes. Slender, but well muscled. Usually found wearing elven archery outfit of the color green, with a black cloak.


Born sometime in the end of the Third age in Imladris, she grew up there till she was old enough to leave. Following in her father’s footsteps, she became an elven ranger..Out on the vast land known as Middle Earth, looking for adventure and excitment. But always visiting her family in Imladris when she had the chance. More to come!…

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