Race: Elven
Height: 5 foot 7 inches
Age: adult. gentlemen don't ask!
Family: Many there are in the Grey Havens whom she can call kin
Animals: none
Weapons: pacifist, so only a small Noldor dagger for eating with or trimming rough edges.

Personality: Light & happy if a bit shy in strange settings. Very studious, enjoying a good book over a party any day. Her empathy manifests in being able to identify with the pains of others. It can reach a point where she can feel for them in a very literal way. She has a gift for "healing touch," something like a massage therapy. For that reason she carries several vials of oils & salves. This gift contributes to her shyness, making her desire to avoid an overwhelming constant flow of griefs, woes & aches of others.

Appearance: Her most striking feature is long, wavy auburn hair and dark green eyes. She dress practically, no particular favorite color, although for special occasions she knows that dark greens compliment her hair & eyes. She is left-handed in most things.


An uneventful life in the Grey Havens, seeing many of her kind leaving for the West. She served many long hours with the Healers after each battle, tending the wounding & easing their discomfort. This frequent experience caused her to desire time alone & made her very introspective.

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