Gender: 2
Race: elf
Height: 6'1
Age: 234
Family: Father: Nuradur Mother:Losaniel Cousins:Nilikar, Shonter,Zani and Zaith.
Weapons: bow,arrows,sword,and daggars.

Personality: Kind,Nervous ((Sometimes)),caring, smart,and brave.

Appearance: Hair:long, Black-Brown Eyes: Brown Figure: Mucular and Skinny Skin:Tan


When he was three he hid from his mom while going to Rivendell. As she looked for him, orcs found her first and killed her. He was found by his father’s friend,Aranor. Who told him about his father’s death. He was sent to live with his cousins:Zani,Shonter, and their father Zaith. When he was old enough,he left them. Years later he met his assumed to be dead ,young,cousin , Nilikar ,who was an orphan. He stayed with her for a couple of years. Years after that,he met Nilikar’s old friend, Sona, and fell in love with her.

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