Race: Elf (Sindarin)
Height: 6'3
Age: unspecified
Family: unknown
Animals: none
Weapons: carries a longbow and a long sword that were made in Gondolin

Personality: Nathron is generally a very reclusive person, he always was, and always would be. He is polite, but is known to be very synical, and follows no one's adgenda but his own.

Appearance: Nathron has red hair which he ties back in a pony tail. He stands at about 6'3, and has green eyes. He wears buckskin cloathing, that is dyed dark brown, red, and a dark shade of yellow. On his face, behind his eye, is a scar that he earned from the crossing. He makes no move to conceal it.


Nathron was born in Valinor and was one of the few to survive the crossing after the two trees had fallen to ruin. He kept himself at a distance from others, surviving on his own. He does not rememer his family, and he does not dwell on that.

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