Gender: 2
Race: Elven (Noldor)
Height: 6'5
Age: 5686, at the beginning of the Fourth Age.
Family: All dead
Animals: His chestnut horse, Aran
Weapons: Twin long knives, several daggers, and a shortbow.

Personality: Tirision has a grave presence, most of the time. He can lighten up though, and has an affinity with melodramatics. Though he was long in mourning, he now opens up to others easily, and enjoys telling people of his adventures, as well as just being generally cheerful.

Appearance: Tirision is a tall and stately elf with chocolate brown hair just past shoulder length. He holds himself well, and dresses in rich colored robes when in Imladris. When travelling, he wears more appropriate garb, consisting of tunics and tights in varying shades of green. Still, he keeps accents of purple and red about his person, ever looking the part of an elf lord. Tirision is more handsome than most, though his long period of grieving has given him some premature lines about his face.


Tirision was born in Eregion, in SA 774. His best friend there was Amarthelwen, who was a fellow apprentice at a workshop.

Out of his entire family, he was the only one who escaped the destruction of Eregion. Sure that Amarth escaped as well, he went to the newly founded refuge of Imladris to find her. When he did not find her, he was devastated, and dwelled in his sorrow for thousands of years.

Recently, a rumor has come to his notice, in which she lives on still. Full of hope, he follows the whispers, hoping to be reunited with an old friend from a distant past.

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