Gender: 2
Race: Half-Elven
Height: 5'6
Age: 18
Family: Half-sister: Amarthelwen, Mother: Anarsilwyn, Father: Mablung
Weapons: A short sword, a longbow, and two boot-knives

Personality: Tirithiel is calm and reserved. She does not speak up unless spoken to, and even then her voice is soft and she says little. Once she is comfortable in her surroundings, she becomes slightly more amiable. One might take her for a pushover at first, but beneath her shy surface, Tirithiel is analytical and calculating. Her intelligence makes her a good fighter in a pinch, but she generally tries to stay out of brawls.

Appearance: Tirithiel has light blonde, waist-length hair, and almond shaped gray-blue eyes.. She dresses in plain clothing, and is seldom seen without her forest green cloak, a prized gift from her father. Her face is surprisingly fair, due to her elven heritage, but she generally keeps it in shadow. Her build is slim, and she is quite swift on foot.


Tirithiel was born and raised in Dale by a poor huntsman. Her elven mother, Anarsilwyn, retreated back to her woodland home once the baby was born, and Tirithiel has forged no relationship with her.

Mablung, her father, has taught Tirithiel basic fighting skills, which she uses to defend herself. In order to earn her keep, Tiri works odd jobs here and there in the town. Many of her stints were in pubs, but Tirithiel never joined in with the carousing.

When she was young, the other children of Dale often teased Tirithiel, sometimes even throwing rocks at her. She never could figure out why. Little children are just evil that way. Because of these bad experiences, Tirithiel keeps to herself.

Since Tirithiel doesn’t know much of her mother, besides the fact that she is an elf, she is not aware of her half-sister, Amarthelwen.

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