Race: Men
Height: 5'8
Age: about 23
Family: Father is a blacksmith, mother is a seamstress, 2 sisters & 3 brothers.
Animals: none
Weapons: can use a bow/spear for hunting purposes, knows the rudiments of swordplay

Personality: Tom is a cheerful lad. He's lived all his life in Bree, and so has rough country manners, but has a good heart. He loves to sing and listen to tales, and would like to learn to read. He loves to meet people and make friends.

Appearance: Dark hair and eyes, freckles, usually a friendly grin on his face that is very tanned from working on a farm, where he is 'prenticed to farmer Giles. He wears normal Bree-ish clothes that his mother makes and mends for him


Born and raised in Bree, Tom has never been outside his home save for a very few occasions. The farthest he has been outside Bree is Fornost, when his father decidede that he needed to take a break from smithing, and see something of the world. They travelled first to see Weathertop, and then on to Fornost. Tom sometimes gets the wandering bug, as all young men do, but for the most part he is a homebody. For several years, he helped his father in his smith, before decideing that he wanted to try farming. Therefore he knows a good deal of blacksmithing, and can use a plow quite well 😀

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