Race: Elf
Height: about 5'11
Age: About 43
Family: unknown

Personality: raised on the Falasiel i Aeron, he was taught very early that those who do not do their part to aid a ship's smooth voyage are not kept around. He's hardworking, and does whatever is asked of him by the captain, Val, who looks on his as her younger brother.

Appearance: He's fairly tall, and powerfully built, with strong upper-body muscles from working on a ship. He has fair hair, which he wears long and keeps tied back simply. His face is tanned, and he has a few freckles. His dark eyes are friendly, but he always looks a bit awkward and unsure of himself when he's on land, but on ship he'll talk your ear off if you'd let him about the sea and ships and voyages etc.


He was shipwrecked when he was about two. His parents were setting out on a sea-journey to the Grey Havens, to go to Valinor, and nobody knows what really happened: either the ship was attacked or there was an accident, but Trasta was found floating in a basket among some wreckage by the sailors of the Falasiel i Aearon. Most of the sailors were a bit supersticious, and were all for putting him ashore at the next port they stopped at, siteing the well-known adage “it’s bad luck to have children aboard ship”. however, before they could reach any port, a ferocious storn came up, and by the looks of it, none of them thought they’d ever see any port again. However, they came through it a lot easier than they thought they would, and still supersticous, they decided that the child was good luck after all. The captain, Val, laughed at their fears, and asked whether they shuold name him Trasta, “trouble’ or Galu, “luck”. They decided on Galu, but Trasta stuck as a nick-name, and now he calls himself Trasta Galu.
Now, he is aboard the Falasiel i Aearon, having rarely been on land for more than a few weeks together. He is shy and a bit suspicious of land-lubbers, feeling much more at home among the waves. Always fascinated by the tales Val told of the Valar, and Eldar of old, Trasta spends much time speaking to Uinen, who he believes (remember-*believes*. im not godmodding) has come to him several times in a dream, and who he loves dearly

reason for being abourd Val’s ship: because that’s where he was raised and is still there,

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