Gender: 2
Race: Sindarin elf
Height: 5'9
Age: Immortal
Family: Mother (Aréndä, father (Thréndil), older sister (Gwën),older brother (Vöndil)
Animals: Brown horse named Réndä, dog named Kóllä
Weapons: Mirkwood bow and quiver of arrows given to her by her father, Thréndil.

Personality: Loves nature and animals, only uses her special power when necessary. Is kind and fun to be with, although she likes to walk alone most of the time. Loves to help wounded animals along with Gwën, likes to sing, doesn't like false people and like her father, her skill with her bow is amazing.

Appearance: Has long blonde hair (like her father and brother) and hazel eyes. Doesn't wear a headdress like her sister Gwën or her mother, and likes mostly green and gold gowns/dresses.


Is descendant of Sindarin princess Lúthien. Was born in Mirkwood and grew up surrounded by nature and by her family. She then traveled to Lothlórien, because she wanted to meet Galadriel and her husband, Celeborn. Stayed there for a few years and then decided to return to the Woodland Realm, but first went to Rohan to visit her old friend Eowyn. Years after her return she traveled with Gwën, Vöndil, Legolas and other elves from the Woodland Realm to Ithilien. She then returned to Mirkwood with Gwën and Vöndil.

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