Gender: 2
Race: half Elven and Half Human
Height: 5 foot
Age: 20
Family: Elrond is my uncle and Grima is my father
Animals: Horse name Nora
Weapons: bow

Personality: nice girl but likes to play pranks on the Elves in Rivendell.

Appearance: Raven black hair, has the pointed ears but there always cover by her long hair. where's alot of purple and a necklace given to her by Elrond that turns red if he is mad at her, blue if worried,silver if in a normal mood.


Elrond is Willow’s great uncle. Willow’s mother Brya left her with Elrond when she was 3. And till then Willow has been very close to her Uncle. but she just found out her father is still alive and is out looking for him. Elrond knows of Grima and knows he would hurt Willow so he trys to keep her in Rivendell but it does not work because Willow is a great escaper.

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