Gender: 2
Race: Unknown
Height: just shy of 6 foot
Age: 25ish by human appearance
Animals: Horse - Thran, sometimes a golden eagle - Fallon
Weapons: 2-double sided swords, light weight; sword breaker; dagger; throwing stars; bow & arrows

Personality: As a wilds ranger she is serious, quiet and observant. Able to move as silently as a breath of wind through your hair and not leave a trail to tell of her passing. She usually does not speak unless she has something to say that is worth hearing. But, in the right surroundings it is possible to get her to smile (a little bit). If there is something to be done she is not one to mince words or be concerned about the feelings of others. She will state what is on her mind. Often she comes across as brusk and abrasive when you first know her.

Appearance: Tall and thin, with a lythe strong body built as one of the elves but she would never admit if she was one or not. Striking to look at at first, her deep brown eyes are sharp as a hawks and though are not cold, lack much warmth and tell of more experiences and years than what she looks. Her skin is fair, baring only a little coloring from long years out of doors. On her left cheek horizontally starting at her ear is a thick dimpled scar, but it is only about 2 inches long but does not diminish her appearance. Long straight hair that is a deep rich brown in color but is mostly covered by an ever present scarf tied around her head in gypsy fashion, that covers at least half of her ears. The scarf is a dull brown that looks like it was once maroon with some signs of a black and gold pattern worked into the cloth. If it were ever off it would be seen to closely resemble the helmet veil of the Easterling armies, but she hardly ever takes it off for the pattern to be seen. Her clothing is generally dark or earthy colors of brown and greens so as to blend with her surroundings. Pants are of the eastern design, full legs that poof out over the tops of her boots and offer a full range of motion in their loosness. Over any shirt she typically wears a sleeveless black leather vest/tunic that is open in the front but is long enough to reach her knees. It is split on the sides and back for riding.


Zie was found as a newborn in the hands of her dead mother. She was raised in the lands far south of Mordor in the Sun-Lands. To hide her origins her newly found parents removed the top portions of her ears. She does not know who her real parents were or where they were from. Though some she has met have tried to persuade her of her origins she has never persued it.

It wasn’t until she was grown that she learned that her mother, father and all 7 of her brothers weren’t her birth family. During a time of war she followed her last remaining brothers into battle. She would not be the subserviant girl child or woman any longer. Her pride would not let her watch her the last of her family walk away from her, leaving her alone in the world, when they likely would not return. After watching them die on the fields of battle, she vowed never to return home. For a woman to participate in war was a crime and she could not return as it was.

Her travels took her into the lands of Middle Earth and she has wandered the wilds and mountain ranges as a ranger for longer than she will admit to. What she did there or whom she served is secrets she always keeps close. On average she does not travel into cities or towns unless there is a real need (supplies, information, etc.) Though she can often be glimpsed amongst the people of Edoras.

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