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Isildur, a novel (in Fanfiction)

…Isildur arrives at Pelargir Jun 25 Muster of Pelargir begins Jun 27 Corsairs sail from Tolfalas; Gildor arrives at Pelargir Jun 28 Corsairs arrive at Ethir Anduin; Cirdan arrives at…

Shadow and Thought (in Fanfiction)

…It was all a sham, all Faramir’s protestations of love for her, nothing but a political ploy to unite Rohan and Gondor and avoid her being an embarrassment to Aragorn’s…

Epilogue (in Fanfiction)

…LegolasÂ… Â…Orlando Bloom PippinÂ… Â…Billy Boyd Sharku/SnagaÂ… Â…Jed Brophy EldarionÂ… Â…Sadwyn Brophy DamrodÂ… Â…Alistair Browning KuroÂ… Â…George C. Cole EothainÂ… Â…Sam Comery Nathan Algren (Red Samurai)Â… Â…Tom Cruise CelebornÂ… Â…Marton…

Herbs and Stewed Rabbits (in Fanfiction)

…urged his master onwards as best he could, knowing that Frodo sought answers to many questions in his head. “Are you alright, Mr. Frodo?” Sam asked a third time in…

Something Scary (in Fanfiction)

…(In a think Austrian accent) Aragorn my love! The two EMBRACE. The CRACKING OF BONES can be heard. ARAGORN squeals, and Arwen drops him. ARWEN Sorry about dat. ARWEN turns…

LotR4: Attack of the Spammers (in Fanfiction)

…any worse. Aragorn and Legolas are far away by now, tracking the hobbit army. Gandalf’s whereabouts are also unknown, Faramir and Eowyn are probably at this moment exchanging vows in…

Lire O Lorien (Song of Lorien) (in Fanfiction)

…unexpected, but then not at all unpleasant.” “Not at all, My Lord.” “But tell me, as far as you knew, I was still residing in Imaldris. As far as you…

The Long Journey Home (in Fanfiction)

…heavy and he fell into a deep sleep. ******* The next week Sam sat in the study at FrodoÂ’s desk with BilboÂ’s book. Sam opened the book and took a…

Guardian of the Golden Wood (in Fanfiction)

…her until she grew mad at him, as always, until he took her into his arms and kissed away her anger. As usual, she would have given in to him,…

Coming of Age (in Fanfiction)

…to be raised by those Brandybuck aunts and uncles who chose to take an interest in him. His adoption at 20 years of age by Bilbo and return to his…