The word Lembas was Sindarin and came from the words 'lend' and 'bass' (literal translation is 'journey bread'). Also called coimas (Quenya).

The first to make and destribute Lembas as a waybread was Yavanna. She sent some along with Oromë to sustain the Elves who made the Great Journey.

Later Lembas was made by the Elves. Just a small piece could sustain an Elf for a long time. Also, it helped to keep strength and to heal the injured. The Elves didn't often give their waybread to Men, or other races.

It was wrapped in mallorn leaves for freshness, and sealed with a white wax seal shaped like a flower of Telperion.

**Additional information provided by Ilfa**
Encyclopedia entry originally written by Hathaldir