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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: September 15, 2004 01:02
Rand heard footsteps outside the key hole and looked threw it, she began to tap harder on the door till he came over to the door."Rand?" she gasped loudly,it was Reneth "Listen to me, Rand. Did a tall man, with fairly dark brown hair, an expensive tunic, and black boots just talk with you?" He paused. "And... are you all right?""im fine and yes he came here i think he's going to buy me" she was saying in a whisper but Reneth couldnt hear her.She heard more footsteps who turned out to be Gwan.

"Reneth...i think im going to be sold to that man." she said sadly.
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: September 16, 2004 06:47
Reneth listened to Rand's reply in the affirmative. He waited in silence, turning over his thoughts. Sithern might not be as bad as he had grown to think of him. After all, he had been one of his best friends, and until he sold Renethain to slavers, he had been as kind and generous as the rest of them. Who was to say that he had not gone back to his old ways?
"Tell me Rand, what were your impressions of him?" He knew that his questions would sound strange to the girl on the other side of the door, but he could not help that, and he couldn't explain.
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: September 17, 2004 09:39
Gwan carefully kept watch as the evening grew dark. Things did not look good for Rand. He waited as Reneth and Rand quietly spoke of what had happened. As things grew late, the gaurds starting making their rounds on Thraden's vast lands. He krept back inside. If they didn't hurry back to the slave quarters, the gaurds would think they were trying to escape. Trouble could come quickly if they didn't watch out.

"Reneth," he called inside, "Reneth, you better hurry! The gaurds are starting to look around! We have to get back to the slave quarters or we'll be punished for trying to escape!"

Gwan quickly left the building and headed for the slave quarters. He couldn't afford to get caught out this late. If he did, his plan to see Davina wouldn't work. He hurried into the slave quarters were he fell into an exhausted sleep, knowing that it would be an early morning. He fell asleep knowing that Thraden would expect him and the other house slaves to be awake and working by the time Thraden awoke and called for his slippers and robe.

* * * * * * * * * *

When Davina awoke late that night, she knew not where she was. She looked around franticly hoping to remember something. Anything. She saw from the cot that she was on, a man asleep in the large bed in the center of the room. She looked down and found herself in a red and yellow skirt, her legs easily visible through the mnay scarves that created it. The man rolled over in the bed, startling her. She looked up at him. The moonlight pooled around his face. Who was he? Why did she recognise him? Why did she fear him?

Cazildir! That was the man in the bed! Davina quickly thought back. The feast... The fights... Him... At the feast, Thraden had given her the task of pleasing Cazildir for the night. Then at the fights, she had danced for him, her movements enticing the lust in his heart. She remembered how the slave had won his freedom and how that annoyed Cazildir. She remembered how afterwords, here in this room, he had found his comfort and pleasure in her. She shivered thinking about it.

Silently he slept as the dawn krept up. Davina wanted to leave. To do anything, but be here when Cazildir awoke, anything. She stood up and silently her bare feet walked upon the polished stone floors. She krept toward the window and leaning on the ledge, she watched the sun rise. Even though she wanted to get away from here, she knew that Cazildir never left his room unlocked.

Davina quietly watched the sun rise. She her soul, her heart fly away with the birds as the morning wore onward. The growing sun warmed her skin as the birds happily flew and sung of the oncoming day. Her soul flew with the birds as it had done in her five years of silent freedom.

"I see my young flower has arisen," a voice from behind her said as she suddenly found herself locked in a room with Cazildir.

"Come here, Davina, sit here," Cazildir motioned to his bed as he unlocked the door and called for some servants. "I am planning on spending today resting and relaxing. I shall have a small meal brought here for our breakfast, and then, young one, you shall dance! Dance for me, little one, dance!"
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: September 18, 2004 08:28
"Tell me Rand, what were your impressions of him?" asked Reneth.Rand was a bit confused by this question but answered it anyway."Well he doesnt seen the best person but he is a bit nicer than other slave owners ive been with.Reneth.." she said,"If im to be sold and i dont get to see Davina or Gwan again...tell them that i will always remember them and same goes for you Reneth.But you should go...its getting late and i dont want you to get punished."She said finally as she moved away from the door and curled up in the corner and waited for the guards to return"Its dawn.."she said as she heard stiring feet out in the hall.
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: September 19, 2004 04:48
As Renethain listened to Rand’s reply, he was also aware of Gwan’s warning. He was aware of footsteps approaching the building, and therefore heading his way. He just had time to whisper a quick ‘goodluck’ through the keyhole, before he dived out of the building, and into the cooler air of the outside. Two guards were rounding the corner, and Renethain attempted to scramble into a bush, as the only place of concealment in the immediate vicinity. Unfortunately, the rustle caused by the leaves attracted the one of the guards, and he crossed over to see what had made the noise. The guard parted the leaves.
“What the--? You, get out of there now.” Renethain rose to his feet, cursing under his breath. What possible excuse could clear him now? His mind raced, but his was careful not to show it.
“Yes sirs?” He asked the guards brightly, having thought of one possible idea, which might… just might give him a chance. He wiped dirt form his hands onto his trousers.
“What were you doing there, and why are you not in your quarters?” The guard demanded an explanation, but the object of inquiry’s face was a blank.
“Sorry? I don’t understand. What was I doing where? I’ve been standing here all this time.” The guards exchanged annoyed glanced. Renethain was simply praying that his rushed plan would work.
“You have no business in this part of the grounds. Explain yourself, slave!” Renethain conjured up an expression of pure idiocy.
“Slave? I am no slave. This garden,” he gestured vaguely in the direction of the bush, “is my sacred haven. I am slave only to the spirits.” He blinked feverishly at them, and they proceeded to back a few steps away. They muttered to each other in undertones.
“He’s mad. He’s obviously mad.”
“We’d best leave him, and pretend we didn’t see him. I don’t want any business with a half-wit.” They stared at Renethain, who was smiling cheerfully at them.
“Come on.” They walked on, occasionally throwing glances over their shoulders, at the ‘insane slave’.

Renethain turned away triumphantly, a grin upon his countenance. All of his troubles had been forgotten in the success of the moment. He set his steps towards the slaves’ quarters now, with the aim of catching a few hours of sleep. He had realized now that he was tired, and that the morning would undoubtedly bring more difficulties and cruelties. The missing guard would be bound to be noticed by the morning, and then nemesis would in all likeliness descend upon him. He slipped onto his sleeping mat, and closed his weary eyes. He almost immediately drifted into a heavy sleep.

* * * * * * * * *
By dawn, Sithern had reached the city where he knew hat his brother now dwelt. It was larger than the town that he himself lived in, but less well-kept. It sprawled over the countryside. As he entered the gates, the gatemaster did not question him. Probably that was because he was asleep. Sithern had no trouble in finding his brother’s house, as he had visited many times before, but never at this unusual hour. He leapt down from his horse, and led around to the back, where he knew that the stables were situated. He tethered his horse, and proceeded to the main door. Teleron was not married, and Sithern hoped that he would not mind being called upon at this time. It was serious after all. He stepped up to the door, and knocked loudly. After a while, it was opened by a bleary eyed servant, who scrutinized the figure, then after recognizing his master’s brother, admitted him into the reception room.
“If you would please to wait here, sir, while I notify the master of your arrival.” Sitern nodded, and seated himself upon a soft and cushioned chair. Presently, Teleron entered the room, looking slightly puzzled, but all the same, pleased to see his elder brother.
Over the years, Teleron had changed significantly in appearance. He was no longer the small, short young man of six years ago. He still retained his light footed and silent tread, but he was much stronger.
“Sithern! What are you doing here?” The brothers greeted each other, and Sithern proceeded to tell the tale to Teleron.

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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: September 29, 2004 09:56
((OOC- Lieghlia, we miss you!))

Rieth awoke late the next morning. She snuggled down deep in the warm blankets, enjoying the comfort of the large bed. Thraden had been such an admirable host. Things were going great! She had succsesfully completed her father's busness with Thraden and now she could relax all she wanted.

Yet, at the same time, she couldn't ever relax. Seeing her Gwan beaten and abused as a slave tore at her heart. And though it had hurt her a real lot, she knew that when he had said that he loved a slave girl and not her, he was only fibbing himself. She knew that he really loved her. So, today, she would work to try and free him. Save her love from this torture he endured, she would.

Rieth removed the soft blankets and stood on the polished stone floors. She shivered a bit as the bed had been much warmer than the air was now. She walked over and poured some cool, clean water into the silver basin. She washed her face and hands. She brushed through her long raven colored hair to pull the knots out of it. She dressed in a light blue elven dress and smiling at herself in the mirror, she opened the door to the main hall.

"Um, excuse me?" she asked a passing servant, "can you ask your Lord Thraden to dine with me for the morning breakfast? Tell him I wish to speak with him and enjoy his gracious company, please?"

"Yes Ma'am," the servant said before hurrying off.

Rieth went back to her room and out the balcony. The servants and slaves had already been working at their assigned jobs for at least an hour now, but the rest of the land was only begining to rise. The entire area around the villa seemed peaceful and just perfect.

"Ma'am, Thraden will happily join you for this morning's meal. He asks that you come join him on the terrace and that you would dine with him there" the servant asked as he entered the room quietly.

"Tell him, I'm on my way," and with one last look at the peacefull morning she walked toward the terrace.

"Why, Rieth! You look lovely this morning!" Thraden said as he stood to greet her.

"Thank you, Thraden," she said as they shook hands and together sat down in the piles of soft pillows and began to munch on the platters of fruit in front of them. "Now that my buisness between you and my father is complete, can we discuss the offer I made earlier?"

"Oh, yes, that offer! I have thought about it. Now, that slave had always given me trouble since I first layed my eyes on him. Yesterday, he begged to serve me. Knelt at my feet, pleading to serve me. So far, he has done an amazing job." Thraden snapped his fingers. From behind a curtain, Gwan shuffeled out on his bare feet with a tray of pastries in his hand. "You see Rieth, dear, he hasn't given me any grief since then."

Gwan shiffeled off, trying hard not to look back at Rieth, as he could obviously hear that their conversation conserned him.

"So, will you sell him to me or not?" Rieth asked.

"I... I don't know. What will you pay for him?"

"My fathers best horse. I know you want it as you have offered high prices for it. Not yet, have I gotten the okay to sell it. I can assure you that you would get this horse in exchange for Gwanunig."

"...Your father's best racing horse?" Thraden thought out loud. "I'll think on it and let you know in the evening... Untill then," Thraden clapped his hands, "let us watch the group of our newest dancers as they dance for us."

The dancers all shuffeled out. They wore skirts of purple and magenta scarves that hung on golden belts, low on their hips. None of them even had a collar to announce their slave status. Just a scar in the back of their necks.

Maria stood at the front of the group, her arms held high abover her head that sat erect on her shoulders. The slave musicians began to play in the back ground and the slave girls began to dance. Maria's eyes stayed locked on Thraden as the small group of girls together played with Thraden's heart. Telena stood in the back scouring at every wrong move. But, the girls danced on as Thraden and Rieth laughed and ate. The girls danced on as Gwan and the other slaves filled the cups of their master.

With her hips swaying and her arms held high, Maria danced with the rythem of the music. Her years of expierience helping her to exceed the other girls in the ability of the dance. Her bare stomach curled and rolled as she moved her feet and her body to the songs the instruments played. Her arms curled like cobra's around her head and body. After each song, she would gasp for breath from the effort that she put into each step. Surely Thraden would see her. Surely, he would be pleased. Maybe, just maybe she would be able to gain favor it his eyes as she danced now for him and his guest. Maybe she would be able to find favor in the eyes of Telena... Maybe... Maybe...

[Edited on 29/9/2004 by musicalgal123]
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 02, 2004 10:26
( omg i am so sorry i just havent had time to post and my comp has been screwing up plus ive been having trouble figuring out what to post lol so forgive me if this post isnt too good )

Rand waited till the door opened and the light poured into the small room."Get up slave" said a guard.Rand got up slowly for her ribs were sore from being kicked."We are supposed to take you to a medic and get you all healed up so that man will buy you and take you off Thraden's hand."The guard tied a rope around her wrists and her neck and they dragged her out into the sun.

They walked for a while until they came to a small building.A small man came out of the building and motioned them in.When they entered the man went right up in Rands face. "This one has been through a beating hasn't she" said the man i a crule laugh."I'll get her all fixed up but its going to take awhile." The guard then left. "So got any broken bones i should know about?'' Rand nodded and pointed to her side. "Ahh broken ribs huh? been kicked alittle hard is my guess" the man then wrapped her middle with cloth very tightly."Leave that on for about a week and thoses ribs will be as good as new.Now for those nasty looking cuts on you face." he dabbed some sort of clear liquied on her cuts and it burned badly."O it only burns for a second" said the man as he saw her pained face.

When the man was finally done healing her wounds it was nearly dusk."Well your new owner will be lucky to have a slave like you.You may leave." she walked out and the guard slipped the rope around her neck and wrists.She would soon see the man that was going to buy her.
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 03, 2004 07:12
(( I like the way Thraden is kinda omnipresent… everywhere at the same time. Anyway, when I use Thraden in this post, he can still be having breakfast in musicalgal’s as well ))

Renethain awoke, and groaned as he realized that it was another day. How many more of them would he have to get through and suffer? He pulled himself to his feet, with some difficulty as he was aching all over. He stumbled to the door, and blinked in the light. He began to move down the path towards the stable yard, for another long day of back breaking labour and boredom. As he turned the corner, a guard stepped forwards and stopped him in his tracks.
“You, slave!” Renethain halted, and scowled at the guard. “Don’t you look at me like that, you filth.” The guard struck him firmly between the shoulders, and taken by surprise, Renethain stumbled back a few paces and fell against a fence post. He slowly rose to his feet again, not bothering to wipe the dust from his tunic.
“Well? What do you want?” He glared angrily at the guard.
“I’m the one asking the questions here – shut up!” Renethain lapsed into silence, knowing how much he could get away with without being punished. “Do you anything about the guard that usually supervises the slaves doing stable work?” Renethain paused for a few seconds. So… they had finally discovered the missing guard. Could he manage to clear his name?
“Anything? I know that his name was Tucius.”
“No – fool! Where is he?”
“How should I know? Why don’t you ask him?”
“He’s disappeared! How many brain cells do you have?! Well.. after all you are a slave… but I thought that even vermin like you had two brain cells to rub together.” Renethain ignored him, and began to turn away. “Hey! Stop! We know that you slaves have something to do with it!” Renethain continued to ignore him. “I’ll report you to Thraden, then you’ll be sorry!” Renethain glanced over his shoulder, and spat out in rage.
“See if I care! As if anything you could do could make me afraid. I was not always a slave, you know – none of us were!” He strode down the path, and vanished into the stable.

After Renethain had finished stacking the tenth pile of hay, sounds alerted him to some action that was happening outside. He ran his fingers through his hair, leaving bits of hay caught up in it, and turned towards the doorway, to see what all of the commotion was about. The guard from earlier was standing in the stable doorway, with a satisfied smug expression upon his face which Renethain didn’t quite like. Why was the guard looking so pleased with himself?
Warily, he set down the pitchfork, and moved over to the door. The spectacle which met his gaze almost made him jump backwards.
Thraden stood by, watching as a dozen slaves and guards worked together to try and coax a maddened black stallion into the stable yard. He could tell that Thraden was enjoying this entertainment, as slaves got kicked out at, and men fell to the ground, bloodied.
He gazed in amazement as the horse emitted noises of fear and rage, and human shouts rang out. After a few moments, Thraden noticed Renethain standing, watching the happenings with a curious expression upon his face.
“So,… Renethain, isn’t it? Yes, I can see that you are admiring my latest addition to the stables. A spirited creature isn’t he?” Renethain’s eyes didn’t leave the horse, but he was listening to Thraden.
“I have decided to give you the honour of breaking him in.” Renethain’s eyes still didn’t move, but they widened in shock – which he failed to conceal from Thraden, although he tried.
“And, of course training him, and looking after him in every way.” Thraden watched Renethain’s fixed expression with pleasure.
Renethain’s mind was in turmoil. It was six years since he had ridden his own horse, and even he wasn’t as wild as this. He had never seen a horse get into such a state, and he was definitely sure that he couldn’t break him in single handed. He was sure that a dozen people couldn’t, and he was to have no help. That much was certain by the way that the guard he had offended looked so happy.
He swallowed, a little nervously, and finally turned his gaze to Thraden. He couldn’t refuse… that would make the punishment worse.
“You accept your task of course, slave?” Thraden’s oily voice broke into Renethain’s thoughts. He paused, silent for a moment, looking deeply into Thraden’s eyes, wondering if there was any softness in his soul at all.
“Yes master.” He turned his back on Thraden immediately, and moved to lean against a different part of the wall, watching the surviving men finally succeed in getting the horse into the yard.

* * * * * * * *
Two riders reached the gates of the town, and slowed their pace to a steady trot. Sithern had returned, accompanied by his brother, who had been very willing to help out. Teleron turned to his brother, and resumed their conversation from the previous night.
“You know, I’m looking forwards to meeting Ianthé again.” Sithern cast him an odd look.
“Why on earth? She’s nothing but filth and deceit.” Teleron shook his head.
“No… well I meant – she wasn’t always so.” Sithern did not reply, and so Teleron continued. “She never used to be deceitful in any way. She was… carefree. Both of them were.”
“Ianthé and Renethain.” Sithern turned an angry glare upon his brother.
“Don’t you start as well. Reneth doesn’t exist any more.”
“You just used his companion name.”
“No I didn’t.”
The brothers fell into an awkward silence, which eventually was forgotten. They didn’t want to quarrel with each other, so soon after meeting again.
“Teleron? We’re almost there.” The riders turned up into a lane, and came to a set of white gates, which were opened for them by a guard. They dismounted, and left their horses at the stable behind the main house.
The lord of the house strode up to the main entrance, and found his lady waiting to greet them. Linnet had not changed much in the eyes of Teleron. He had last seen her on her wedding day. Her hair was still golden and curly, but it was restrained and caught up about her head. It did not hang free like it had used to.
“Welcome, Teleron.” She led the way into a room, where the brothers settled down. “I shall go and sit in the garden… the light is so lovely.” She left them to themselves, and sat down on the dewy grass. For once, not caring about her dress like she hadn’t before.

Sithern turned to his brother.
“I nearly forgot, I’m supposed to be seeing a slave which I’m going to buy soon – perhaps today. Anyway, she’s up at Thraden’s place. Do you know Thraden? He’s practically the lord of the town. Got hundreds of slaves and building and the like. Do you want to come with me? I don’t think it’ll take long.”
Teleron agreed, and they spent an hour or so catching up with each other’s news.
Then they saddled their horses again, and set out for Thraden’s villa.
They deposited their horses at the stables, leaving them with a surprisingly sullen guard, who didn’t even glance at their faces.
Renethain had no idea about what was going on outside of the walls of Thraden’s land. He didn’t know about any of his old friends, apart from Sithern. He didn’t know that Sithern and Linnet were even married.
He didn’t look up at them, and so didn’t know about Teleron’s arrival.

The two men strode up the path towards the villa. They were met by Thraden, who was walking up from the stables as well.
“Sithern! You’ve come to finalize that deal, I suppose?” Sithern nodded.
“Might I introduce my brother? Thraden, Teleron, Teleron, Thraden.” (( I love writing that – it looks so silly!)) Thraden shook hands with Teleron, and they all continued up the path. Thraden directed them towards where the slave would be.
“I was having her cleaned up. You know she was in a bit of a bad state. The healers should have finished with her by now.” Sure enough, as they reached the healers’ rooms, they met the said slave with a guard.
“So you’re sure you want to buy her?” Sithern looked her up and down again, using his trained eye.
“I know you’ve had a bit of trouble with her… but yes I’ll buy her. She’ll be useful – doing all sorts of jobs.” He laughed, and shook hands with Thraden, sealing the deal. He handed over a few coins, and the guard pushed Rand towards him.

(( I'm dying to bring in another char!! grrrr I have too many... ))

[Edited on 3/10/2004 by anduril269]
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 03, 2004 08:26
(ok im going to be gone for about a week so this is my last post till i get back. I have asked anduril269 to play Rand while im gone.I hope anduril269 says yes )

Rand stood there while Sithern looked her over. She felt like an animal when he did this."So you’re sure you want to buy her?” “I know you’ve had a bit of trouble with her… but yes I’ll buy her. She’ll be useful – doing all sorts of jobs.” When they shook hands Rands Heart broke.She wished she could say by to Gwan.She hadnt seen him in a long time.The guard pushed her forward and handed the ropes to Sithern.She then yelled out in elvish so her friends could hear( i dont know elvish so im just going to put it in english) "Gwan! Reneth! I will miss you both.If you can hear me...please come and see me off!" she then felt a hard hit right between her shoulder blades.She cringed and looked back at Sithern. He shook his head, "We will be leaving soon so dont make me rethink my decsion Rand". with that she fell silent.
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 04, 2004 07:41
(( I have agreed to take on Rand until she comes back – Yay! A new character for me! ))

Renethain was standing in the stable yard, about twenty paces away from the wildest horse he had ever set eyes upon. The stallion was now tethered to a sturdy fence post, and Renethain was silently watching the beast, hoping that somehow it would grow used to him. If the steed was familiar with him, then if might make his task easier. As the creature showed signs of calming down, he took a few steps towards it, and cautiously put out a hand to rest on its back. The horse’s skin shivered as he laid his hand down, but it did not kick out – that was something at least.
Renethain gazed into the horse’s jet black reflective eyes, and wondered if he could really tame him. There was a fire burning inside this creature.. and he had to put it out.
Suddenly a yell filled the air, and Renethain glanced around, searching for the source… it sounded like Rand, and he was worried. He couldn’t understand elvish. Just then, the horse lashed out, it’s calm state destroyed by the scream. Renethain whipped his hand away just in time, and leapt backwards, to end up sprawling in the dust, narrowly escaping a deadly blow from the horse’s front hoof.
He cursed loudly, picked himself up, and ran out of the yard. He was going to find Rand. People don’t scream without a reason.
As he rounded a corner at full pelt, he saw a group of people, and skidded to a halt, trying not to make too much noise.
Thraden was just walking away in the opposite direction, and the remaining people were a guard, Rand, Sithern, and… He narrowed his eyes, feeling his pulse quickening. The skidding noise had alerted all four of them, and Renethain shut his eyes as Teleron turned to face him. He then turned his back on them, and walked a few paces back the way he had come. He turned again, gazing at Rand, trying to talk to her without actually speaking.
He didn’t know if Teleron would recognize him or not.

Rand’s eyes lit up as she saw Renethain coming into view, but she could still feel the sharp pain of where she had been hit. At Renethain’s odd behaviour, she frowned a little, but called out all the same.
“I have to go! They’re selling me! I have to say goodb – “ At that point Sithern’s hand had closed around her mouth, and her words were silenced.
“Silence, slave! I don’t want a rowdy servant about my house. If you think you can shout like that, you’ve got another thing coming!” Rand tried to struggle, but Sithern’s grip increased – he was a strong man.
Her eyes fixed upon Renethain, and they welled up with tears. She didn’t want to leave her friends.. she might never see then again, and that would be terrible.

Renethain clenched his fists, and thanked the heavens that Rand had not called out his name. That would have betrayed everything to the two men… and goodness knows what they would have done then.
He didn’t think that Teleron recognized him – he himself only just recognized Teleron. He was not so short… and looked a great deal more powerful.
“Rand… “ he hesitated. “I… I’m sorry to see you go so soon.” He glanced at the floor, and then returned his gaze to Rand’s watery eyes. He could never feel for anyone else what he had felt for Linnet and Ianthé, but he cared a lot about Rand. She was almost like another sister… even though she was of the elven kind. “You’ve been like a sister to me, Rand… We’ve shared our suffering, and worked together, with the others. Now our circle of friends will be broken.”
He knew that Sithern and Teleron were staring at him, but he did not care. “Whatever you do… keep hope.”
Rand felt more tears trickling down her face, and Sithern loosened his grip. After all, he didn’t want a slave coming home with a bruised face. Rand was touched by Renethain’s kind words, but they made her even more reluctant to leave.

“Are you quite finished?” Sithern spat out sarcastically to Renethain, and jerked the rope that he was holding. “Come – we’re going now.”
Teleron was still gazing at Renethain, and suddenly announced,
“Wait.” His tone of voice was strange.. and Sithern looked around to see what was wrong.
Teleron crossed the distance between himself and the stable slave. Renethain couldn’t help flinching as his ex-friend stepped nearer and nearer. Teleron put a hand on each shoulder, and tipped his head back, staring deep into his eyes. Renethain tried not to blink, not to avert his gaze.
Sithern was growing impatient.
“What’s wrong, Teleron?” Teleron did not reply at first.
“I thought for a moment… must have been the light… but…” He broke off, and released Renethain from his grasp, turning to his brother. “Well.. you look.” Sithern, still holding Rand’s rope, walked up beside his brother.

Rand was standing near to Reneth now, and their eyes met. Renethain was growing very tired of being examined like a piece of architecture.
“Is there anything wrong with me?” He said moodily, glaring at Sithern, who then exchanged glances with Teleron. Teleron looked back at Renethain, and laughed in the way that he had used to six years ago.
“Na – just an unusual smudge on you nose.” His eyes twinkled. Renethain suddenly felt a shudder within him, as he repressed laughter. Something about his old friend'’ humour made him want to join in. He couldn’t stop one side of his mouth from twitching upwards, and Teleron noted the fact.
Rand stared at her friend, bemused. She had seen that Reneth had been on the point of laughing – which was unusual, and now, she could plainly see a tear making a line in the dirt on his face. Why the sudden change?
Reneth glanced at her face, and mumbled a word,
“Sorry.” Then he sat down on the ground, and buried his face into his arm, trying to keep his sobs silent.

Rand tried to kneel down beside her friend, to comfort him in his distress, but the ropes forbade her movement. Instead, Sithern pushed her down the path.
“We’re going.” She glanced back at Reneth, who was still crying.
“NO! I don’t want –“
“It’s not for you to decide.” Teleron cut off Rand’s speech. Reneth rose his head to watch them go. As they were about to disappear from view, he called out.
“Look after her!” Teleron turned to look behind, and cast one last look at the stable-slave.
He just wasn’t sure. He had for a moment looked like the Renethain he had known… but he couldn’t be. He had behaved in the same way… but he couldn’t be! He cast the thought away. ‘Forget it! He’s just an ordinary slave – just with weird behaviour.’

Rand heard Renethain’s last words, and bit back more tears. As she stumbled down the path behind her new master, she was hoping that she could somehow say to goodbye to Gwan as well. She couldn’t bear to think that she wouldn’t see Gwan or Renethain again. Even Davina, or any of the dancing girls would be comforting to say ‘goodbye’ to.

* * * * * * * * *
Ianthé was idly walking through the town market, the precious few coins clasped tightly in her fist. She only gained money by doing odd jobs for the old woman who lived next door to her, and for being a part-time scribe for the merchant who lived in the next street. She wasn’t need much by the merchant, who preferred chatty people, but she got a few coins for the work that she did do. Anyhow, she had to use the money carefully, especially as she was caring for Tuan as well as herself.
She wandered through the stalls, settling finally for a loaf of bread, and some cheese. She still had a few bronze coins left, but not enough to buy anything worth having. So she continued on through the market, looking more at the ground than ahead of her.
So it was that she found herself in the middle of the slave market before she knew it. She looked around in horror, and retraced a few steps, before continuing along.
‘Slavery’ Despicable in her eyes. Perhaps she could find her brother here, though. It was not likely however, she had been though millions of markets alike to this one, on her travels – and with no luck.
Soon she would have to get back to Tuan, although she had left him safe with the old woman next door, whom she could trust fully to secrecy.
She knew that she couldn’t keep the boy forever. Soon he would be growing bored, and would want to return to his parents. She couldn’t keep him by force… that would be cruel, and she hated being cruel to children. With adults, it was different, but only if they deserved it.
She had finished going around the slave market, and now paused opposite the stand that the slave-dealer had set up.
“Excuse me…?” The man looked up, and his scarred face creased into a smile.
“Yes, dear?” Ianthé quickly smiled back, then posed her question.
“I was wondering if you could tell me the um.. largest place that holds slaves in this area? I’m not sure if I’ve phrased it right…” The slave-dealer nodded his head.
“I understand. The largest estate that I can point out to you would be… what’s his name? Um…” He turned to a colleague, and they discussed this question for some minutes before he turned back to Ianthé. “Lord Thraden’s place, at the other side of town. Very grand place. Imposing gates and all that. You can’t miss it.”
“Thankyou very much.” Ianthé set down one of her coins on the stand, then departed.

(( That was a little longer than I intended I’ve used up at least an hour on that.. oh well. Anyway, I hope Leighla comes back soon! Perhaps she could get the thread moving more quickly… ))
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 04, 2004 09:56
"Gwan! Reneth! I will miss you both.If you can hear me...please come and see me off!"

Gwan dropped the tray he was holding. He had been cleaning up from Thraden's breakfast. Thank goodness that Thraden was not around, or he would surely have been beaten. But, that voice... it was so familiar... it was... Rand! She sounded like she was in trouble! Not careing about the platter that lay on the ground, Gwan began to run. He needed to be sure that Rand was okay. Please, Rand, be okay!

He stopped running to see Rand being pulled toward the gates. Ropes were fasteneded around her neck and waist.

"No!" Gwan screamed!

Gwan began running toward the gaurd and Rand. His anger was so great that he could no longer keep himself from acting. He had lasted this long, but this was the final straw. He began to scream to the gaurd in angered elvish and common tongue.

"Daro! Leaver her alone! Let her go! Daro! Daro!" Gwan screamed as he ran toward them, "Don't you dare touch her! Daro!"

When Gwan finnaly caught up to them, he grabbed the gaurd and threw his fist into the gaurds stomach. "You leave her alone," Gwan glared in a quiet voice. He turned to Rand, "Rand, avo 'osto! I will help you!" He quickly undid the ropes that bound her tight. "Rand, yro!"

As Gwan finished untieing Rand's ropes, many other gaurds pounced on him, pinning him to the ground.

"What did you think you were doing slave?" another gaurd asked standing right in front of Gwan's face. Then, turning to the man whom Gwan attacked, he asked, "Sithern, I am so sorry. Are you hurt? Is their anything that I can do? Again, I am so sorry! You can be sure that this slave will be severely punished. In fact, because it was you whom was mistreated, Lord Thraden will probobly give you the honor of punishing this slave. Again, please forgive me for this. We will see to it that it doesn't happen again."

The gaurds, pulled Gwan to his feet and began to drag him back to the terrace. They crossed the terrace. Gwan saw that the silver tray he had dropped still lay spraweled across the white stone floor.

Gwan was dragged through the building and over to a private terrace, where Thraden was resting.

"Lord Thraden, we need your immediate attention," they said as Thraden opened his eyes to see Gwan struggling against the many gaurds that prevented him from running off.

"What happened?" he asked, obviously annoyed that he had been bothered.

"Well you see, this slave here, attacked Sithren," the gaurd replied.

"Slave," Thraden began, "you beg to work for me in the house, claiming that you would controle your actions. I grant you this one request of yours. This morning, I leave you for a moment to tend to some buisness at my stables. Then I go to lay down and rest. The minute I close my eyes, I find that you have again, treated me, your master, with disrespect! What on earth were you thinking?"

Gwan didn't answer, but continue to struggle against the gaurds.

"I did not ask a question to recieve silence. You will answer me, slave!"

"I wanted to help a friend of mine."

"Your a slave, slaves don't know how to have friends. They don't know how to love. They only know how to serve their masters! Obviously, you have not learned this. Gaurds, tell Sithren that he can punish this slave any way that he so chooses."

"Thraden, what's going on here?" Rieth suddenly burst out on to the crowded balcony.

"Well, my dear Rieth, this slave needs to be punished, and they were bringing it to my attention," Thraden told her.

"Thraden, consider my offer, let me take him off your hands! Sell him to me! I'll give you the horse! Give him to me! I'll take him off of your hands and then punish him as I see fit!" Rieth begged him, her eyes full of pleading.

"Alright then, it seems that I can't tame him. You try. He's yours. I'll send you home with him in an escort so that you can get home, now that the horse is mine. Gaurds, take him to the branding stable and remove my mark of ownership." Thraden then dismissed them all with a wave of his hand.

The gaurds dragged Gwan over to the branding stable. Holding him down, they took a glowing red sword and pressed the side of it onto the brand in Gwan's neck.

Rieth watched from the side in horror as Gwan's knees collapsed. The gaurds yanked him to his feet and tieing his hands behind his back, tied a leash around his waist. They handed the other end of the leash to the horrified Rieth.

* * * * * * * * * *

Maria couldn't help but keep touching the silver collar that Thraden had told her to wear. It was cold and felt awkward against her skin. When the dance had finished she had returned to the dancers hall. She changed back into the green dress that Telena had fist given her. As she finsished hanging the purple skirt and top up in her small closet, someone came over to her with a large basket full of dirty dresses.

"You there, here, take this basket! Make sure that the dresses and skirts are all clean by tonight!" the girl said in a huff before walking off.

She looked down at the basket quietly. She had gained some favor in Thraden's eyes, that was sure, but she could see that she still haden't gained the favor of the other girls in the hall.

Balancing the basket on one of her hips, she went to the room where the dancers did their laundry. Kneeling down in front of a large tub of warm water, she began to scrub the outfit that sat on the top of the basket.

* * * * * * * *

Davina sat quietly in the corner as Cazildir slept quietly on the bed. After dancing for him all morning, after spending hours pleasing the lust in his heart, he slept. Her first break all day. She started longingly at the empty platter of food that Cazildir had eaten while Davina worked hard to keep Cazildir happy. Her stomach growled in hunger.

She looked around her. Cazildir, who snored soundly on his bed, held a whip in one hand. She shuddered looking at it, he had cracked it at her feet to make her dance more interresting. She rubber her sore feet that had been hit with the whip once or twice. When would Cazildir let her go back to the dancers hall?

She looked out towards the coutyard below. They were dragging a slave across toward the branding huts. A young girl hurried after them. Davina looked closer. Gwan! What were they doing to him? What was going on? Could her day get any worse?

((OOC - sorry the post is so long. The elvish words up top, Daro means stop; Avo 'osto means fear not; Leighlia, hurry back, we miss you!))
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 09, 2004 06:16
Sorry everyone....sorry I've been gone. My life is an absolute nightmare. I'll try to catch up read and get something posted as soon as I can.

*Bows deeply* All hail MusicGirl for her fine work in keeping my Davina in the story! Gotta wrack brain for something...writers block....I will overcome it. Soon. I promise!
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 09, 2004 06:23
(( Welcome back Leighlia! *jumps around happily* ))

Rand screamed as Gwan was dragged away. He had set her free, but now she was yet again tethered by the rope. If only she could get away forever. The possibility of taking her own life flitted through her mind, but she quickly disposed of it. If she killed herself, then that was giving up, and she would never give up. She’d show them what she was made of. As Gwan disappeared, she looked up at her new master defiantly, and allowed herself to be led away, but held her head high, and walked with dignity. Her carriage was perfect, and as like to that of a lady’s.
Teleron watched her with interest as they journeyed back to Sithern’s villa. She was not always a slave… he shrugged, and they arrived at the gates of Rand’s new home.

(( I'm going to be adding to this post bit by bit... as I don't have time to write one whole post in one go ))

Sithern led them through the gates into the outer courtyard, and Rand got her first impressions. Smaller, but cleaner than Thraden’s villa. Sithern dropped her rope and pushed her towards a guard standing on duty.
“There, go and show this slave around the quarters. Show her where she’s allowed to be, and where she’s not. I’ll check on her in a while. Find some other maid to show her the ropes of being a slave-girl in this house. I have an idea that it’s going to be slightly different from Thraden’s place.” With that, Sithern turned away with his brother, and walked up the steps to the main entrance. Slaves never used that door.

[Edited on 9/10/2004 by anduril269]
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 11, 2004 02:00
Davina leaned as far out of the open window as she could in an attempt to follow Gwan’s struggles in the hands of his guards. Her heart rose into her throat. What had happened? What had he done? Feeling panic flood through her she fled to the door and pulled on it, momentarily forgetting that they were locked inside, Cazildir keeping her trapped with him.

Pulling at the door in her desire to be free, to be able to run after Gwan, small desperate sounds escaped her, filling the room and waking her captor. Blinking he sat up in the bed, looking toward her as she sank despondent against the door, hand still on the handle, head pressed to the wood. Her soft sobs reached him across the room.

“My little dancer tires to flee my company? When we have enjoyed each other so much?” He spoke loudly, sliding out of the bed and walking toward her.

She jerked around quickly at the sound of his voice and looked up at him eyes wide and shining. Those eyes flickered to the whip he still held in his hand, then dropped dutifully to the floor. “Please…please sir.” She begged, her eyes on his bare feet. “Please let me go.”

“You will go when I am finished with you.” He growled at her. He looped the whip around her neck and used it to pull her roughly to her feet. The quick movement brought a small shriek from her and she stumbled against him.

One hand held the looped leather around her neck, the other slid around her waist, pinning her to him. She looked up into his face and begged again. He turned her roughly and pushed her toward the bed where she bounced on the soft mattress.

“Once was the time when time spent in my bed brought you as much pleasure as me. Freedom has tainted you.” He loomed over her. “I will drive that spark from you. You will desire only me. You WILL be mine.”

Davina swallowed and attempted to scamper off the opposite side of the bed from him but she wasn’t quick enough. He grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her back to him. Taking her by the shoulders he flipped her back over to face him and she screamed at him. “No! Let me go! I will not dance for you again!”

Her screams were cut off by the two sharp slaps across the face. As she lay there half senseless Cazildir crawled onto the bed, straddling her, looking down at her with eyes full of heat and anger. “I see I have much work ahead of me.” He said and slapped her again.

Face stinging and bruised she barely felt him lower himself to her, but she heard the word he whispered in her ear that sent fear through her soul. “Mine.”

As he took his pleasure at her body once again she cried. And when he told her to scream for him as he tightened the leather whip around her neck, she obliged him. Her screams echoed out the window to the courtyard below and through the heavy door down the halls. No guards came to find out what was going on. Screams were often heard from Cazildirs rooms.

(sorry it’s been so long guys. My life has been a nightmare. I’ll try and do a better job. Thanks for your patience and understanding.)
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 12, 2004 10:42
Rand followed the guard, who said nothing, but smiled lopsidedly at her. She backed away a little, and walked behind him. When they reached the kitchen door, he stopped, and pushed her inside, sticking his head in after her to look around. The room was deserted, and the man cursed.
“Adwen!” Silence. “Adwen!” After his second call, a girl rushed into the room. Her dress was brown, and stained, and she wore an apron, which was once white, but not bore no resemblance to the colour. The guard nodded in Rand’s direction.
“New slave. Get her sorted out, show her whatever she needs to know.” The girl called Adwen nodded, her shoulder length copper curls bobbing up and down as she did so.
When the guard left, she turned a smile upon Rand, and held out her hand.
“I’m Adwen. You are--?” Rand stared at her for a few seconds before answering. “Rand. Are you… a slave?” Adwen nodded again, her curls flying askew.
“I’ve been a slave here… um.. for about three and a half years? Yes.. it’s not all that bad here I suppose.” She moved over to a corner, and jumped up on tiptoes to fetch down an apron. She scuttled back over to Rand, and fastened it around her.
“Do you know what work you’re supposed to be doing?” Rand shook her head. She was still trying to work out this lively maid. Did she enjoy being a slave? She looked vaguely happy.. she frowned, confused.
“No… He said all sorts.. I do anything.” Adwen nodded yet again.
“I see. I’m mainly kitchen work… the master thinks I’m too messy and clumsy to do the rooms, or serve at the table, or dance. But I can dance. I used to be a dancer for my previous lord.” Adwen chattered on about her life and interests, while Rand quietly scrubbed some dishes.

When Rand finally got some peace in her cramped little room, she sighed. Adwen’s endless speech was getting to her already, and she didn’t dare think how she was going to last out. She sat down on her sleeping mat, trying to rest herself.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Adwen’s messy head poked through the doorway. She danced into the room, and Rand found herself wondering if she ever ran out of energy.
“Rand, I’ve been sent to give you this dress. I think it’s new.. but it might have been one of the other maid’s nicer ones.. I can’t remember.” She displayed the gown that was draped over her arm. “Pretty isn’t it? I think the master wants you to meet Lady Linnet.”
Rand nodded. It would be a pleasure to get out of these rags of a dress that she was wearing. She hadn’t known that Sithern was married, and this discovery pleased her. If he was married, he wouldn’t be able to toy with her, like some of the other men had done. That is – if he loved his wife. She put on the gown – a many shaded blue one, and Adwen laced the back for her. Adwen then proceeded to brush Rand’s hair, to dispel the tangles, and then showed her through the inner courtyard to the main part of the villa.

(( Brought in another char, even with Rand! But.. there had to be someone for Rand to be with.. and she's not as important as some of the other chars. ))
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 12, 2004 11:34
((OOC- :disco: Yayay Leighlia is back :disco: Now, maybe I can save Davina from some bit of total aloness with her captor.))

Rieth carefully cleaned the new wound on the back of Gwan's neck. He slept fitfully on her bed in the room Thraden offered her. She wrapped a bandage around his neck so that the wond could heal. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she could easily see the pain that Gwan was in.

* * * * * * * * * *

Maria carefully returned the basket of clean clothing to whom ever had given her the order. When she arrived, another told her to bring a tray of food to Cazildir's room. Carefully, she took the tray and began to quietly shuffle through the halls. As she got closer, she could hear screams coming from his room. She had heard rumors of how he treats the slave girls. Was someone being hurt? Fear filled Maria's face as she crept onward.

"Um excuse me," she knocked on the closed door, "I have your supper, Sir. You asked someone to bring it to you."

The door opened and a man's head popped out. "Why the heck are you interupting me?!? Are you looking for trouble?"

"N, no Sir. I only was following orders to bring this to you," Maria quivered.

"Ok, fine then. Put it on the table then leave," he glared at Maria.

Maria shuffeled through the door and placed the silver tray on the table next to the bed. On the bed sat a young girl close to tears. Maria's heart broke. This girl was obviously being hurt. Maria tried to smile to let her know that she felt bad for the girl. "I hope you'll be alright," she mouthed before quickly turning to leave.

((OOC-I hate writers block))
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 13, 2004 09:11
Linnet was sitting on her own, doing some sewing. She was seated near the wide windows which opened out onto the garden, and the breeze was blowing into the room, ruffling the golden hair which hung in curls over her ears. The rest was caught neatly up at the back of her head.

Her mind was only half occupied with the work though, half was still continuously thinking about her son. Now that Sithern had returned with Teleron, he had promised to find Tuan as quickly as possible, and she hoped that he was going to carry out his promise.

Just as she was about to change the thread, a knock came at the door, and she called out ‘come in’. Adwen opened the door, smiling, and showed an elven girl into the room. Linnet had never seen her before, so she assumed that she must be a new slave. Sithern had mentioned something about a new slave.
She rose to her feet, setting aside the sewing.

The slave standing before her was elven – that was Linnet’s first observation. Her second was that she was very pretty, and had long blonde hair.
The mistress of the house moved up to the slave, her feet making no noise on the floor. She was still the delicate thing that Renethain had fallen in love with, almost as silent as an elf if she needed to be.

“I am Lady Linnet. You may call me Mistress, or Lady.” Linnet smiled. She was a great believer in being kind to slaves. “You must tell me your name. I think slaves should be called by their own proper names… it gives them just a little of their previous life back… unless of course they were born into slavery.” Linnet paused and studied Rand’s face. “I don’t think that you were. Am I right?”
Rand nodded, trying to work out what her mistress was going to be like. Her first impressions were favourable, but time would tell.

“Now,” Linnet drew Rand over to a little cushioned stool. “You must tell me all about yourself… and how my Lord came to buy you. I want to know everything.” She sat down opposite Rand.
Rand felt like she was being treated like the lady’s closest friend… not as a slave at all. She felt strange… it felt like being free. But she wasn’t free. It was difficult to get used to.
She slowly began to tell Linnet all about herself. (( I’m afraid I don’t know Rand’s history very well ))

Linnet nodded slowly, trying to hold back tears. She despised slavery… but she couldn’t let her slaves know that – they’d probably somehow persuade her to set them free. Anyway, she had to obey Sithern.

* * * * *
Renethain returned to the stable yard, where his eyes fell upon that rebellious black stallion. He’d forgotten about it during Rand’s departure, but now the memory came crashing back to him. Taming that thing wasn’t something that he was looking forwards to.
He wondered where Gwan had got to… and Davina. He hadn’t seen them for a while. He hoped that they were faring not too badly.
He walked up to the horse, where it was tearing the grass up from around it’s hooves.
“Sa…sa, now then… calm down…” Renethain cautiously placed a hand on the horse’s back, and felt the skin shudder beneath his fingers.
He took hold of the rope, and untied it from the fence, praying that the stallion would not bolt. If it did… then he’d probably have to let go, or he’d be dragged along the ground.
He led the horse slowly into the training ground – where the horses were broken in, and fastened the rope to the pole in the centre. He then backed quickly away as the horse reared up, clearly not liking his new situation.
Renethain mumbled to himself.
“I think I’ll call you Rebellion… you’re manic enough.”
He sat back on his knees at the side of the arena, watching the horse career madly around the pole, waiting for it to use most of it’s abnormally large energy supply.

It was then that the guard returned. Two guards returned, and their shadow fell across Renethain, so that he snapped out of watching the horse.
“Well, well.” Renethain frowned up at them, then suddenly recognising the second guard looming over him. The one he had knocked out… His blood froze, and he stiffened, placing one hand on the floor, in case he had to make a quick get away.
“Yup, tha’s the one.” Renethain noticed that ‘his guard’ had a tooth missing, and he almost grinned, but it just wasn’t the occaision. The first guard yanked Reneth to his feet, but Renethain shook him off, accompanied by a cold glare.
“Right then – let’s get him to Thraden.” Renethain’s mind raced faster. How could he get out of this? They’d flog him to death.. or throw him into the dog pits… or something worse.
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 14, 2004 03:51
( ok well i am back but only for a few days so i hope that anduril269 wont mind playing Rand for a while longer cause i will be gone for the next 2 weeks see ya'll laters)

Rand sat nervously on the chair "Well umm 6 years ago i was taken from the edge of a forest while gathering firewood.I have then been in slavery. Not much to tell" Rand hung her head in embarressment.She had never been treated like this.She put her hand on her neck and felt something strange.It was the mark of Thraden "O no they didnt take the brand off!" she exclaimed.She got chills when she thought of what was going to happen to remove the mark."Please you must remove it. I dont want to be considered his property anymore."
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 17, 2004 06:23
(( Of course I don't mind playing Rand!
I don't have time to write a post now... BUT I'm finally putting character profiles up for my characters! Wahooo! I'm writing profiles for Renethain, Ianthé, Sithern, Teleron, Athdur, Linnet, and Adwen. I don't know if I should write one for Tuan or not... what do you think?
It's going to take a loooong time...
I'm also currently working on a portrait of Ianthé - I can never find pictures for my chars... ))

[Edited on 17/10/2004 by anduril269]
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 23, 2004 06:43
Linnet listened to Rand’s story with subtle abhorrence. She just couldn’t believe that people could be so cruel. Then when Rand exclaimed about her brand, her expression deepened.
“They branded you?” Linnet was disgusted. She knew nothing about slavery… Rand nodded.
“They always brand slaves. Each master had his own different mark – so if you run away, you can be recognized and brought back. I’ve still got Thraden’s mark – I never want to go back there!” Linnet stood up, and brushed the creases out of her dress.
“I’ll ask my husband. I have no order over the business of slaves… the maids just serve me, and do whatever I tell them.”
Linnet’s words reminded Rand that she was still a slave, and Linnet was her mistress, no matter how much her situation was improved... She would never be free. Rand had the sudden impulse to cry, but she bit back her tears.
Soon she would be going through the painful process of having the brand removed, and a new one put on.

Linnet took hold of Rand by the wrist, and led her out of the room. When she was in the corridor, she called for Adwen. The slave appeared almost instantly, and Linnet asked for her to be taken to Sithern.
“She’s still got Lord Thraden’s brand – I don’t know how they get rid of them… but take her to your master and explain the situation.”
Then Linnet left Adwen and Rand alone.

Adwen gazed at the new slave with pity.
“It hurts an awful lot having brands taken off and redone… But I expect you’ve been through it before. Come on.” Adwen walked briskly down the corridor and up several flights of steps. She crossed the courtyard, and came to a door, which was just ajar. She knocked.
“Come in!” The sharp voice of Sithern came through the opening, and Adwen walked into Sithern’s study, pulling Rand in beside her.
“Lord.” She curtseyed, and Rand hurriedly copied Adwen’s movements. “My Mistress has sent me to you to explain about this new slave. She still has the brand of Thraden upon her.” Sithern suddenly remembered that this was true – they had omitted to remove the mark. He glanced at his brother who was sitting opposite. Teleron shrugged.
“Well… we’d best do that as soon as possible.” Sithern stood up, and made to leave the room. “Stay here, Adwen. You are not needed.” Sithern swept Rand out of the room, leaving Adwen alone with Teleron.

Rand was ushered across the courtyard quickly – it was just beginning to rain. They walked under the covered walkway of trellace work, and across the back yard to a long low building opposite the slaves’ quarters.
Sithern pushed open the door, and a room full of guards met Rand’s fearful gaze. They were grouped around a small fire, playing with cards.
Sithern called to three of them, and then gave his orders.
They walked around to the back of the stables, where the blacksmith room was. This was where some of the more skilful guards made horse shoes, or branded slaves.
Once there, Sithern turned and returned to his study – before the rain grew any worse.
Rand glanced at the guards nervously. One of them had started up the fire, and was waiting for the furnace to heat up. Another was pulling out various rods of metal, examining each one – looking for the correct mark. The third was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, his gaze upon Rand, watching her.
The second guard had found the right brand, and had moved over to the furnace. He thrust it in, and every now and then drew it out to inspect. Soon it glowed white hot, and Rand was shivering with nervousness and fear.

The first guard mumbled something to the second, who motioned to the third one, who had not yet done anything. Then the third guard ran his firm hands through his hair, and moved over to Rand. She stepped backwards a few steps, and was about to run, when she found his hands upon her arms, gripping her with such strength like iron.
His dark eyes looked into hers, and she almost screamed, but his hand was covering her mouth in an instant.
“You’ve got such soft skin.” Rand was gasping for breath. The guard turned her around, and took her hair in one hand, pulling it out of the way of the nape of her neck, where the brand was. His other hand was still over her mouth, and his arm was tight around her waist. Rand felt like she was being squeezed to death.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to undo your dress partly. It’s covering the mark.” The other two guards exchanged glances, and laughed. Rand squirmed in the guard’s grip as he unfastened four clips down her back, his hardened skin brushing against her soft flesh.
“Got the rod?”
“Yuh.” The second held the glowing metal over the mark for an instant, then brought it firmly down upon Rand’s skin. The guard holding Rand felt her shudder, and her muffled cries were heard. Her legs grew limp, and she could no longer stand. The rod was replaced in its place, and the guard released his grip over Rand’s mouth, arms, and waist.
She sank down onto the floor, and lay gasping for breath. The first two guards soon departed, but the third remained, watching the slave-girl with interest.
“What’s your name?”

Rand stared up at him in surprise. She hated this man. He looked… well, she couldn’t deny that he was handsome, but there was something in his eyes and face that she couldn’t abide. And yet he was asking her such a simple question.
“Rand.” She mumbled. She summoned strength to reach behind her, and fasten up her dress quickly.
“Rand.” The guard repeated her name, using such a gentle tone of voice, that it was almost like music. "Rand. A beautiful name – it matches the owner of it. My name is Pholn.” He stepped closer to her, and she pushed herself backwards, still sitting on the floor. “Come now, don’t be afraid of me. There’s no one here but you – and me.”
He reached out, and pulled her up, setting her gently down on her feet.
His arm slipped almost unnoticeably around her waist, and Rand tried to pull herself away, but as soon as she made the slightest movement of escape, the Pholn’s dove-like gentleness melted away into iron hardness. So as she squirmed slightly, his grip tightened, and she was forced to relax.
Rand understood perfectly now what Pholn was like. As long as she let him touch her, he would be gentler towards her… but if she resented him – he would be as harsh as stone.
She closed her eyes, the lashes sweeping across her cheeks, as a single tear fell from them.
Pholn’s hand moved up her right leg, up to her waist, beneath the fabric of her dress.
Rand felt like throwing up. She couldn’t bear the touch of his skin against hers, but there was nothing she could do. Her strength was weakened, and she could never stand up to this guard anyway.
His other hand tucked a lock of golden hair behind her ear, then journeyed around the side of her face, ending up with his fingers upon her lips. She shuddered, then suddenly kicked out at him.
His hands moved back, and her dress fell back into place. His hands gripped her upper arms, and he pushed her outside into the rain. His green eyes flashed, and she screamed, but he forced her down onto her knees in the mud.
“Rand. Don’t mess with me.” He took hold of her hair, and pulled her head further and further back, so that she fell over onto her back, lying in the mud.
Pholn’s knees were on either side of her legs, and she gazed up into his eyes from her prone position.
His hands grasped her wrists, and she struggled to free herself. He struck out at the side of her face, and she gave a small moan, her strength vanished.
The pain of her brand was still biting at her, and now the humiliation she was suffering made it doubly worse.
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 23, 2004 06:57
(Sorry I’ve been sorta out of it still. This is gonna be short.)

When Cazildir went to open the door Davina was terribly glad of the interruption. It gave her time to sit up on the bed and re-arrange the cloth of the gown to cover her that he had been roughly trying to free her from no matter how much she screamed and struggled against him.

A young girl that Davina hadn’t seen before entered, carrying a tray of food and her stomach groaned loudly. Cazildir had not allowed her to eat earlier. Before she had been glad of it, for she was afraid to dance and grow sick at the same time, but now……gods she was hungry. She saw the girl give her a smile and mouth words of comfort to her before Cazildir rushed the girl out of the room. Davina stood next to the bed, not having remembered sliding off of it. Oh how she wanted to run for the door. But Cazildir had the door shut and locked again before she got a chance. She could not help the small whimper that escaped her lips. Hands over her belly, she sunk slowly to the floor, folding her knees to her chest, her large eyes on him.

“Please Cazildir. I’ve served you and danced for you, pleasured you and danced more. Please release me” She begged in a soft voice, tears spilling down her cheeks.

Cazildir stood watching her for a long moment before kneeling down beside her. He gathered her into his arms, very gently, one hand slipping into her long brown hair. She trembled when he touched her, and she gasped when his fingers made a fist in her hair, pulling her head back. Her eyes filled with fear when his other hand trailed down her neck, down her chest, to rest on her belly. He nuzzled his face into her hair. “I know your secret little flower. I know what you carried back with you from your time in Jayden’s care.” He bit her lightly on the jaw. “You must know that I want you as my own. I will NOT be responsible for another man’s issue.”

He jerked her roughly to her feet by the hair and pushed her onto the bed. Crawling up over her he straddled her and looked down at her. With the second blow her screams began again did not stop until darkness claimed her vision. Again and again she screamed only one word, one name. “GWAN!”

[Edited on 24/10/2004 by Leighlia]
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 23, 2004 07:42
(( I've finished all of my char profiles, apart from Pholn ))
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 23, 2004 02:16
Gwanunig paced in Rieth's room. Rieth had said that they were going home tomorow. Home. It had been where he was raised. His parents were there. Yet, it could no longer be the home that he remembered. Inu was not there. She would never more be there. Davina would not even be there. It was no longer his home. Did he even have a home? Gwan could no longer tell.

Gwan paced the room uneasily. Rieth had paid for his freedom, but he still felt helpless. His friends were stuck here or dragged off. The woman he loved was to be left behind here, being beaten and hurt. Who cared that she was pregnant? Who cared that she was going to be a mother soon? Who cared about her? No one who would still be there with her. No one but himself. And he was leaveing tomorow. With Davina locked away somewhere, could he even tell her? His life seemed to be collapsing. Ever since that infamous day.... How long ago was that? It seemed to be forever ago.

Rieth watched Gwan pacing from where she sat on her bed.

"Gwan, sit! Relax. Your free! Doesn't that mean anything? I love you! I did what I could to free you. Please, sit down. Forget this and sit with me like you used to," she pleaded.

"I, I can't! My friends are all being treated worse than dirt. I can't sit and relax while the woman I love is being beaten, which is probobly what is happening. I can't just sit and watch my friends be mistreated!" Gwan told her.

"What do you mean, the woman you love? I am right here!" Rieth said, her voice begining to crack. He couldn't be serious. He wasn't serious the other times. Was he?

"Rieth, I," Gwan began, but his voice was cut off with a shrill scream.

"GWAN!!!" a woman's voice screamed. Not just any voice. Davina's voice.

"Davina!" Gwan jumped. "Rieth, I'm sorry, I have to help her. She's in trouble!"

Gwan ran out of the room, following the screams. Rieth followed, trying to keep up. Gwan's face turned red and his hair bounced around the now red tips of his elven ears. Davina was not going to be hurt. Not while he could do something about it.

Gwan raced through the halls, his elven blood pounding. The slaves and gaurds who were in his way, were shoved to the floor or into a nearbye wall. The voice that screamed his name, getting louder and louder as he drew closer to her.

The screams carried Gwan to a closed door. He ratteled the handle to find it would not open. Locked.

"Gwan, I beg you, please don't! You'll only get hurt!" Rieth pleaded, tears rolling down her pail cheeks as she finnally realised that Gwan's love for this other girl was real. No longer, did Gwan love her as he once did.

Gwan's anger blocked out Rieth's pleading. Stepping back, he slammed his body into the wooden door. The door collapsed. Although it had been made with a strong, expensive wood, it could not stand up to this angered elf. He rushed into the room to find Davina lieing on a bed screaming. Cazildir sat ontop of her, attacking her.

"You leave her be!" Gwan screamed as he jerked the man off of Davina and threw him to the floor.

"What in god's name do you think your doing slave?" Cazildir asked as the two fought.

"Slave? I am no slave! I am free. No longer do you rule over me. And, by my order, no longer will you rule over Davina, whom I love!" Gwan screamed.

Rieth's anxious cries for Gwan to stop were unheard as Gwan grabbed Cazildir and pushed him backwards toward the opened window. Cazildir fought with all his might, but no longer could he fend off Gwan's fierce anger and his firery glare. Gwan walked foward, pushing Cazildir with his tight grip. Soon, Cazildir was pinned.

"You'll never get away with this," Cazildir gasped as Gwan pushed him slowly out of the window, "Once a slave, always a slave and slaves never get away with murder!"

"I am no slave!" Gwan hissed as he gave one final shove and Cazildir went tumbling to the ground below.

The room was silent as Gwan watched Cazildir land with a thud in the dirt. No one knew wether or not Cazildir was dead or not, and at the moment, all were too shocked at what just happened to care.

"Oh my!" Rieth wimpered as she collapsed to the floor in the hall, not fully understanding what just happened.

Slowly Gwan turned and walked towards the bed. Taking Davina in his arms, he whispered, "I won't let anyone harm you again. I'll do all I can to keep a single tear from your eye. Davina, it is you whom I love."

He held her tightly as the sound of running footsteps began to fill the air. The future looked grim, but for now, Gwan did not care. Right now Davina was in his arms.

((OOC - If you don't want Cazildir to die, since he's kinda your character Leighlia, then he's not dead, only banged up a bit. If you don't mind, then, he's dead. Please don't mind! I have an awsome idea in store if he dies. If you do mind, it won't take much to tweek it. Anywho, since you created the character, you get to decide whether or not Cazildir is dead. Oh, and when the gaurds come, if you want Leighlia, I don't mind if they take Gwan from you in your post. Just post what you think should happen. Use Gwan use Rieth, I give you total permission.))
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 27, 2004 06:25
(I don’t mind if he dies. I just put him out there to have other characters to use for everyone. Question….it seems in my absence that we’ve lost a few other players as well? Where’d Mara and Felon go? Good work on the profiles Anduril? We gotta do something so Andruil isn't RPing off by himself.)

Davina floated in the darkness of pain as she dimly heard sounds of fighting and shouting around her. When silence fell and arms gathered her gently up, she opened her eyes and found herself looking into Gwan’s loving eyes. Her thoughts were slow and her body hurt, but one thought swan to the surface and spilled from her lips. “Gwan…what…have….you done?” She slurred through swollen lips. Still, to have his arms around her again. Her fingers clutched at the sleeve of his shirt. He was here.

He was here!! Where…what? She could not help the tension that rose in her body and brought new waves of pain through the bruises of her beating. “Cazildir? Where…..what has happened? Cazildir?” she asked weakly.

It was then that the room filled with guards, pushing their way past Rieth. Shouts could be heard outside the window. “CAZILDIR IS DEAD! CAZILDIR IS DEAD! SOMEONE SUMMON MASTER THRADEN!” The guards eyes fell on the two of them on the bed and rushed to them, pulling them apart. Davina gasped loudly in pain and Gwan began to shout and struggle at them.

“Get your hands off her! Leave her alone!”

One of the guards moved back out into the hall and called down it. “A slave has killed Cazildir, bring irons to his rooms quickly!”

Rieth stood with a look of horror on her face. “No….no, you can’t.” She protested weakly, still disbelieving what had happened. She reached out and pulled roughly at one of the guards as they passed her, pulling the struggling Gwan out of the room. A third guard had ahold of Davina but she hung limply in his grasp, unable to keep her feet beneath her.

The guards arm that Reith had taken was pulled roughly out of her hold as Gwan nearly struggled free in attempt to reach Davina again. Soft words quieted all the sounds of the room.

“He didn’t.” Davina said weakly in her guards hold. “I did it. I pushed Cazildir from the window. It was an accident.” Tears spilled down her bruised cheeks as she looked only at Gwan, his face red from the choke hold one of the guards had on him. “I didn’t mean to. I pushed him and he….fell….. Gwan didn't....” Her words got weaker as she spoke and her words began to slur until she went limp in his arms. The guard scooped her up in his arms and tossed her over his shoulder like a sack.

That action made Gwan struggle all the harder. “Be careful with her you fool! She’s pregnant!” But his words died on his lips and his struggles ceased as he saw the blood smeared on her legs.

(Ok, I hope this doesn’t interfere with your plans or ideas too much, but I’ve been wanting to do that since before I left for awhile. I am going to be spending the next 2 weeks relocating from Wisconsin to Kentucky, so I may have very few opportunities to post. So if I do not post by the third week from today, Gwan has my permission to post for me and I'll get back into it as soon as I can or make trips to the local library. Thanks. Mod's - sorry about the long OOC.)

[Edited on 28/10/2004 by Leighlia]
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 28, 2004 12:07
((OOC- Woah! Totally different from what I expected! But, I like it better! It's great!!!! Now, where to start?.....))

Maria heard the quick patter of feet. She looked up from the skirt of hers that she was hemming to see gaurds running through the halls. They were shouting and many had weapons drawn and ready or were in the process of drawing their weapon.

Her curiosity sparked, she put down the skirt and the needle and headed towards the door. Shouts of "SUMMON MASTER THRADEN!! CAZILDIR IS DEAD!!!"

The girls in the Dancer's Hall all rushed into the hall to find what was happening. No one noticed when Maria left the hall to follow the running gaurds. Keeping toward the side and out of the way, she let her self get swept by the flow of the gaurds towards the room of Cazildir.

Maria arrived at the room right as two people were being dragged out. One, a tall stuggling elf was shouting to the gaurds to leave the other alone. He kept shouting that she was pregnant. He stopped struggling when the other fell limp and was tossed over the gaurds sholder like a sack.

The crowd of gaurds headed towards the terrace where Master Thraden stood, his face red with anger as a gaurd told him what had happened. Trying to stay near the back of the crowd, so as not to be seen, she tried to watch what was going on. The girl, having fainted was being taken somewhere. Maria didn't know where. The other, the elf was pushed to his knees before Thraden.

"Lord Thraden," one of the many gaurds that held the elf down began, "this slave was in the room where Cazildir was murdered by the dancer Davina! He may have helped her!"

"Firstly," the elf began, "I am no slave. Rieth has payed for my freedom. I, Gwanunig, am a free man. You will treat me like such!"

"Fine then," the gaurd interupted, smacking Gwan across the face, "You are not a slave. You are a criminal. Like a slave, you have no rights! Shut up!"

"Thraden, let me speak!" Gwan pleaded before being smacked again."

"I told you to shut up!" the gaurd began to yell before Thraden silenced him.

"Let him speak. I would like to hear this!" Thraden said turing to look around the room.

"Let Davina go! I pushed Cazildir out of the window. She had no part of this! Let her go! I did it! I murdered him!" Gwan pleaded.

Silence. Thraden turned back towards Gwan, but as he did, his eyes rested on Maria. He motioned for Maria to come to him. She did, kneeling at his feet, Thraden began to speak.

"What was going on when you arived, Drayggor?" Thraden asked the gaurds as Thraden began to twist Maria's hair around his fingers.

"Well, my Lord, when we arrived, this elf had Davina wrapped in his arms. The door had been busted down and lay in shambles on the floor. Some of the furniture was amiss and Cazildir lay in a pool of blood on the marble walk way beneath his window. Davina told us that it was an accident and that she pushed him out of the window. She said that Gwan didn't do it, Sir."

At Thraden's command, Maria stood and began to rub Thraden's back as he returned to where he sat on the large pile of silk pillows.

"Gaurds, take him away. I'll deal with him later. I need to think."

The gaurds stood and dragged the elf off. The rest left to return to their posts. Thraden called for a band. The instrumentalists began to play from off to the side, behind a curtain.

"Girl, help me clear my mind. Dance for me."

"Yes, my Lord," Maria nodded as she walked out to the center of the floor. Closing her eyes, she listened to the song and began to sway in time with the music. Slowly she began to dance for her Master.

* * * * * * * * * *

Rieth let the tears fall down her cheeks. She knew for a fact that Gwan's love for her was no longer what it was. Putting the pen down, she reread the note to Thraden, explaining why she was leaving. Then, gathering her things, she called a servant to help her load them onto her horse. She would not be returning.
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 29, 2004 09:23
(( Oooo exciting, Leighlia! I'm fine.. but it would be nice to have a bit of company. Perhaps one of you could make a new char over at Sithern's.. or I suppose you could take over one of mine... ))

The guards took hold of Renethain by the arms, and commenced to drag him out of the stable yard, and up the path. The desperate slave tried to dig in his heels into the ground, but the guard he had attacked seemed to have regained all of his strength, and Renethain was already too battered to cling on to the stable fences.
He finally gave up and crossed his arms in front of him, while the guards were dragging him up the path. This really made a comic scene, and the guards grew even angrier at Renethain, who was making them look foolish. One of them thumped him in the small of his back, and he fell forwards, scraping the ground. He spat dust out of his mouth, and raised his eyes to see the white steps leading up to the villa.
The guards did not hesitate as they dragged him up the rough steps, bumping him, and treating him as if he already was a corpse. Renethain shut his eyes, and made one last attempt to get away. He struggled, squirmed, and wrenched at the guards’ grip, but it was no use. They were simply not going to let him get away.

Music could be heard faintly as they continued, and when they finally reached Thraden, a curious setting met Renethain’s gaze. They had been shown to Cazildir’s rooms, but he was not there. Thraden was sitting, stately, as if nothing had happened, but the room was in a mess. A dancing girl was performing with the music, and Thraden was sitting, deep in thought.
There was an ominous looking pool of blood on the floor.
Renethain frowned, hoping with all his heart that none of his friends had been involved.
The guards either side of him dumped him down in a painful heap upon the floor, and Thraden finally turned their way. The lord’s frown deepened.
“More trouble?” The guards’ eyes glittered, and they nodded, and one of them explained the whole story, while Reneth sat on the floor between them, sucking a cut on his hand.
Thraden’s expression grew blacker, and all of the anger and stress that had built up in him over the day seemed to suddenly pour out.
He rose to his feet, and slowly stepped towards Renethain, who stopped trying to prevent the blood flow from his hand. The slave’s soulful and staring eyes had no effect upon Thraden.
As Renethain gazed up at his master, Thraden looked a thousand times taller than before, and he raised his hand to strike Renethain a fierce blow.
The musicians faltered, and the dancing girl was watching the scenario with a nervous interest.

Renethain could see no way out of his situation. ‘Might as well be hung for a sheep than as a lamb…’ He focused upon Thraden’s eyes, and glared.
“Why did you do this, slave?” Thraden’s voice contained anger, and contempt, but Renethain stuck his chin out, and rose to his feet, ignoring the pain.
“Why shouldn’t I do it? What would you do if some man walked up to you and forced you to shovel out muck for the rest of your life? What would you do if some man punched you in the face? What would you do if you were knifed in the arm?” He stared at Thraden, a deadly gleam in his eye, greater contempt in his voice, and he took a step forwards. The guards seized hold of him, and dragged him off his feet, and backwards a few steps.
Renethain glared up at Thraden standing before him, and gave him a look of pure scorn.

Thraden took a deep breath, and turned his back on Renethain.
“Take him away. Dispose of him somewhere… I’ll think of something – he can wait for his punishment.”

(( I'll write for Ianthé's bit in my next post ))
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: October 30, 2004 09:05
Gwanunig awoke from a fitful sleep. He didn't open his eyes for fear that the nightmare that had just happened would be true. He was sore all over. Espessially his shoulders. He rolled his neck around to try and loosen the stiffness. Finnally, he reached his hands up to rub his eyes. As he did, he heard the clanking of chains.

Gwan opened his eyes and looked around. He couldn't remember where he was. It was dark. Was it day or night? He let his eyes ajust to the darkness around him. He had chains on his wrists and ankles. There was straw scattered around the floor. There was a small plate and bowl on the floor near the door. The bowl had some water in it and the plate held a bit of bread. Hungry, Gwan grabbed the food and quickly devoured the little bit that was there.

Gwan leaned against the cold stone wall. What had happened? He had heard Davina's screams and ran to help her. He broke the door down and pushed Cazildir out of the window, killing him. Both he and Davina had been grabbed and dragged off. Davina fainted. She had looked ill and blood ran down her legs. Where was she? Was she okay? What had happened? She definately wouldn't be delivering her child yet! Gwan had only been told three days ago! She didn't even look pregnant! It would probobly be months till she would deliver. Was she okay? Gwan began to fill with fear. Where was she? What happened? Was she hurt?

Gwan jumped to his feat. He tried to run towards the door, but his chains held him back.

"DAVINA!!!!" he screamed, "DAVINA, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!? DAVINA!!!" Tears rolled down his cheeks. The only reply was the empty echos of his screams.

Gwan heard footsteps from outside his cell. The shuffling of gaurds dragging someone somewhere. He heard the sound of a key nearbye, unlocking a door.

"WHERE AM I?!?!?" Gwan shouted to the gaurds? "WHERE IS DAVINA?!?!?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!?!?!? ANSWER ME!!!!"

"Quiet in there!" The gaurds replied banging on his door, "If you don't quiet down, we'll make you quiet down!"

The gaurds then walked away, their footsteps getting softer and softer, as Gwan sunk to his knees, tears rolling down his dirt stained face. What was going to happen?"

* * * * * * * * * *

"Musicains, play! Slave, dance! I need to calm down!" Thraden ordered as he sat down again, his head sinking into his hands.

Maria nodded and began to dance with the music. Her hips swayed and her stomach rolled. Her thin, tan legs kicking in and out of the short skirt. Her hands were held high as they twisted like cobras. She danced close to Thraden, trying to entice him into the dance. She kicked her leg up to rest on a pillow next to him, her hands rolling around his face.

Suddenly, his hand lashed out and slapped Maria hard. She fell to the floor, and the musicans stopped suddenly. "This isn't working! Girl, you can dance some, but it's obvious you haven't learned the art completely! If you dance this way, you better be prepared for anything! You of course aren't! Come!" He said as he stood and grabbed her arm. Pulling her to her feet he began to pull her through the villa. She had to run to keep up. He pushed her into a large bedroom and shut and locked the door. Snapping his fingers, musicians began to play behind a large screen that created a wall in the room. Thraden pushed her onto the bed and climbing ontop of her said with an evil grin "now, let me teach you to dance!"

((OOC - :evil: I'm in a slightly more pessimistic mood today. I hope the post is within all the rules. If not, let me know and I'll change it))

[Edited on 30/10/2004 by musicalgal123]
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: November 01, 2004 12:19
Davina drifted in and out of consciousness. She heard someone talking quickly and loudly before, calling her name. Once she screamed in pain when hands pressed at her belly and lower regions and the voices had turned frantic, but she had drifted into painless dark and no longer cared.

Several times voices lifted her to that pain filled edge of consciousness and she fought it. A man’s voice came to her from somewhere. “Why wasn’t she brought here sooner? She should have been in the huts from day one and this wouldn’t have happened. Bad enough to loose the child, but if …..” And she drifted away again.

In the darkness she dreamed. Cazildir ordered her to dance but her feet seemed to have sunken into the floor and she couldn’t move. Time and time again he snapped his whip at her ankles, ordering her to dance. When she cried that she could not, he stepped to the window. Sitting on the window’s edge he looked back at her and spoke softly. “I would have made you mine. I would have treated you well if you belonged to me and you would have grown to love me once again.” Before she could even think to respond, Cazildir jumped out of the window and flew away. She just sunk to the floor, her feet still stuck in place and cried.

When she opened her eyes, the only thing she could see in the darkness around her was a single candle flame from the small candle that sat on the table beside her cot. Turning her head did no good and brought a weak groan from her lips. Her belly hurt, low and deep and moving made her want to be sick. There was nothing to see anyway. The room was completely dark.

She heard a soft noise in the room, shuffling of feet and a warm hand touching her face. Soft words caressed the darkness around her, but she couldn’t wrap her mind around them. More movement and it was silent in the room, but only for a moment. The darkness was pushed back by the brilliance of a double candle holder with large wicked candles on them. A gruff looking man bent over her and peered into her face, lay a hand on her forehead. Leaning forward as he looked at her caused her to blink at the brightness of the candles and she turned her head away from them. Reaching down, he peeled the blankets from her.

Davina wanted to protest when she felt the night air caress her bare skin, but she couldn’t will her body to obey that much. The man and another exchanged words and she understood them, but the meanings slipped away like water in a bottomless bucket. She felt herself shiver a little and they thankfully covered her again. Darkness of sleep reclaimed her again before the candles left the room.

(Ok, gonna be gone for a week to Kentucky. Sorry this isn't much. Musicgirl is gonna post for Davina if necessary in the coming week. Thanks everyone.)
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: November 01, 2004 01:41
(( Hope you have a good time... I have got a post ready - but it's taking years to type up.. >.< ))
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: November 02, 2004 02:36
(( OK im back and thank you anduril for playing Rand while i was gone. You did a wonderful job ))

Rand kicked at Pholn, he slaped her again. Her face was red from his hits.She was crying hard and she had had enough.She kicked harder and she bit his arm. He let out a yell of pain.She manuvered her way out of his grip and ran."Get her!" he yelled as she ran into the rain.She ran eveywhere looking for Adwen.

She ran up the stairs Sithern study hoping to find her. She ended up runing face to face with either Sithern, Teleron, she couldnt tell from the dim light.She cowered down but still cried, "Let me go!" she shouted as she cried.
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: November 03, 2004 06:44
(( Welcome back Elven! I know I've used Rand in this post.. but I'd already written it before you came back. I've added an extra bit to accomodate your last post. After this though, Rand's all yours! ))

Renethain shut his eyes again as he was lifted off his feet by the two guards. They proceeded to jerk him along to a long low building. Renethain noted the smallness of the windows, and the fact that they were barred. He was about to think that it was even worse than the slaves’ quarters, when one of the guards suddenly, and without reason, punched the side of his head. Renethain drew in his breath quickly, and swayed. Stars flew around and around his vision, and everything lost its colour and merged into one.
Still reeling, he was only dimly aware of the passage into the building. He heard a key turn in a lock, and found himself falling heavily down onto a rough floor.
He raised a bruised hand to his head, and felt something warm and wet trickling down past his ear, leaving his fingers vaguely sticky.
Renethain swore loudly, and tried to adjust his vision to the dark. A single shaft of light penetrated the shadows from a narrow aperture high up in one of the walls. It was too small to be called a window.
Renethain stared up at it, and clenched his fists. What had he done to deserve this? His mind turned towards his friends. What had they done to deserve the same? He realized that he knew nothing about Gwan, Rand, and Davina.
Renethain cast his eye once more around the room. He had only been there for a few seconds, and he was hating it already.
Then he heard a burst of shouting coming from somewhere nearby. He frowned, thinking that he recognized the voice… His guards were still outside, and they shouted something back in reply, and banged on the door next to his.
Renethain was silent, and listened to the receding footsteps of the guards. Then he ventured to use his voice.
“Gwan!” His voice cracked, so he coughed hoarsely, and yelled out again, “GWAN!” Is that you?” Then he paused, but confident that it was Gwan, he continued. “It’s me – Reneth. They found out about that guard – and I was rude to Thraden. I have a feeling that he’s planning to make some sort of spectacle out of my punishment. That guard certainly won’t let me live – that’s for sure.” Renethain sank to his knees, then raised his voice once more. “Gwan? What happened to you? Why are you here?” Then he remembered the scene he had come across when meeting Thraden, and he closed his eyes, willing it to be untrue. “Gwan… it wasn’t you, was it? In Cazildir’s rooms?” Renethain listened for his friend’s answer, praying that he would receive the answer he was hoping for.

* * * * * *
Teleron gazed at the frantic slave, and wondered what to do. It was not often that this sort of thing happened, but he was determined to deal with it properly. He waited until the girl regained normal breathing, while he took in the details of her muddy dress.
“Calm down, or I’ll report you. What happened?” He then recognized her as the girl they had purchased from Thraden.
“It… he… I can’t tell… he… the guard…” Rand gasped out, the words sticking in her throat. She couldn’t tell him… she couldn’t. Then Teleron’s voice broke the silence.
“The guard tried to do something to you?” Rand stared fearfully at him, then nodded. “He tried to rape you?” Tears ran down Rand’s face. “I understand,” Teleron spoke. “It’s happened before.” However, Teleron didn’t let on that he had done the same thing to other girls.
“How about you get cleaned up, and do something to take your mind off it, hm?” Teleron wouldn’t mess with one of the guard’s acclaimed play-thing, but he somehow felt the tiniest bit sorry for her – after all, she was new here, even if she was a slave.

Rand opened the rickety door of her little cell, walking into the room, slid the door shut, and leaned against it, breathing deeply. She glanced down at her wet and muddy dress, which clung limply to her skin. Rand headed over to a large chest which stood against one of the walls. It almost filled the room, as the space was not great. The chest, and her sleeping pallet were the only pieces of what you could call ‘furniture’ in the room.
The elf opened it with a creak. It was full of clothes. All were apparently handed down to her by the previous slave-girl in her place. There were ragged kitchen frocks, pinafores, flimsy dancing dresses, short skirts, smart evening gowns, and aprons.
Rand pulled out a pale auburn dress, simply cut, and fastened a skirt apron of blue linen around her waist. She picked up the soggy dress, and on her way to the kitchen, dumped it into the washing basket to be cleaned up later.
She entered the kitchen. Adwen was morosely scrubbing up a baking dish – she seemed to be less mirthful than usual, and her cheeks were flushed. Rand frowned, not knowing that the other slave was thinking the same about her.
Adwen tossed a cloth over to Rand, and pushed a tin box towards her.
“You’d better make a start at polishing the silver in the dining hall. I expect the mistress will be in there at this time, but that shouldn’t matter.” Rand picked up the box, nodded, and left the kitchen, wondering where the dining hall was – she hadn’t been shown.

When Rand finally found her way to the right room, she found not only Lady Linnet there, but also Lord Sithern and his brother. She nervously entered the room, and after glancing about her, located the silver cabinet. She headed over to it, and turned the little key in the glass door.
The three other occupants of the room were seated around a small table. Rand noted the serious expressions on their faces, and when Linnet glanced up at the slave-girl, she only gave her a blank smile. Her eyes were shadowed. Sithern and Teleron didn’t even acknowledge her appearance.
Rand began to polish the set of silver plates.
“Well? What are we going to do?” Rand’s elven ears pricked up at the sound of this strange line as Linnet’s voice broke the silence.
“I’ve said before – Teleron and I will go together and fetch back the child.” Linnet’s hands twisted nervously in her lap.
“Are you sure? I mean… simply ‘fetching’ him back… will you cope?”
“Honestly Linnet, she’s only a girl.” Teleron voiced his opinion, but Sithern cut across.
“No Teleron – she’s a woman now. She’s grown up too over these years. It’s not just us. And I’ve met her – if only distantly. She’s not stupid.” Teleron just shrugged.
“I only meant… well, two men against one woman? We only have to snatch the boy, and head home again.” Suddenly Linnet buried her face in her hands, and started crying. Between her sobs, she spoke in a muffled voice.
“Why would she do this? What reason does she have? Oh… we used to be such friends!” The two brothers exchanged glances, but said nothing.

Rand was silently watching the whole scenario, taking in every detail. It was most interesting, but she didn’t have a clue what, and who they were talking about.
Teleron mouthed something across the table to his brother, but Rand couldn’t work out what it was. Sithern only nodded in reply, and Teleron turned his gaze to the table top.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Linnet raised her head again, and Sithern called out,
“Come in!” A guard entered, showing in a very battered looking footsoldier. He was out of breath, and looked like he had been running, which must have been difficult, as he was wearing chain mail, and a breastplate.
“Lord Sithern,” He gasped out, “I’ve come from the outskirts. The closest village to here is under attack – orcs. The men there are holding out, but they’re… forgive me sir, they’re not very well trained. We need back up.”
Sithern glanced at his wife and brother. Rand’s hand stopped moving the cloth over the silver surface.
“I’ll go.” Sithern shook his head at his brother. “Teleron – you tackle Ianthé on your own. Linnet –“ Linnet had turned very pale. “Don’t worry darling, I’ll be fine.”
Sithern rose, and accompanied the soldier out of the room. They stopped off to pick of a dozen guards, then headed out of the town.

(( Yes - I know I said I'd write Ianthé's part... but I haven't typed it up yet. Oh, and I'll write a bit for Pholn as well.))

[Edited on 3/11/2004 by anduril269]
CoE Volunteer
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: November 03, 2004 10:31
“Gwan GWAN! Is that you?" Gwan jerked his head upward. He slanted his head with his ear towards the door, trying to hear who was calling him. Why someone was calling him? There was a pause before a voice, which Gwan recognised continued.

“It’s me – Reneth. They found out about that guard – and I was rude to Thraden. I have a feeling that he’s planning to make some sort of spectacle out of my punishment. That guard certainly won’t let me live – that’s for sure." There was a short pause before Reneth began again. “Gwan? What happened to you? Why are you here? Gwan… it wasn’t you, was it? In Cazildir’s rooms?”

"I," Gwan began, unsure that he could truely say what had happened with out breaking down again, "I heard screams. Davina's screams. I ran. I saw...." Tears began to stream down his face. For a few minutes, he didn't speak, only cry. Then, with his hands, he tried to dry his eyes, his chains clanking all the while. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I saw Cazildir. He was beating Davina. I was afraid for her and her child. I was angry at Cazildir. I... I attacked him... Pushing him out of the window. I didn't care. I held Davina close. She was weak. THe gaurds came and grabbed us. Davina confessed to it. She said she did it. Then... Then she..." Gwan's voice choked with sobs. He shook his head and shut his eyes trying to remove the picture from his eyes. "She had blood running down her legs. I got scared when I watched her faint. Then the gaurds brought me here. I... You see... Well..." Gwan stopped, he could no longer continue. Tears streamed down his cheeks and his body shook with each sob.

Over come by his emotions, Gwan lashed out in elvish screams. "Where is she?!?!? Answer me!!! Si!!! Avo thano rûth vi gûr alfirin!!!! Estelio nin!!!!! If you want to be hurt, then don't answer me, but I swear..."

There was a loud pound on the door. A gruff voice followed saying "This is your last chance. Shut up in there or we will come in and make you shut up!"

Gwan sunk down to the floor. When the footsteps died off, Gwan called out to Renethain.

"Reneth, what do I do? What do I do?"

* * * * * * * * * *

Maria ran back towards the dancers hall, her arms hugging her stomach. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt so sick. She ran into her room and layed down on the cot that served as her bed. She felt so... so...

Last time one of her masters had done something like that was about four and a half months ago. She remebered feeling sick and rotten for a few months after that. Actually, her sick feelings only stopped about two weeks ago.

Maria finally fell into a fitful sleep.

((OOC - I know it's not alot, but I'm low on time. I'll finish later. "Si" means now. "Avo thano rûth vi gûr alfirin" means do not kindle anger in an imortal heart. "Estelio nin!" means trust me. Lieghlia, I know your not here at the moment, and that really makes me sad but, I just wanted you to know that my character Maria is not copying yours. Well, not intentionaly. I'm just trying to get her to you so that Davina can be cheered up a little.))

[Edited on 3/11/2004 by musicalgal123]
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: November 07, 2004 09:56
(( i dont think i can do as good with Rand as anduril269
did lol so dont be surprised if mine arent as good))

Rand looked at Linnet who was still very pale."Miss" she said quietly,"dont be sad, he will be back". She looked to Teleron and gave him a small smile of appriciation for what he had done when she ran into him inthe stairs."Is there something you need Miss or Lord?"

(( anduril269 you can still use Rand it your posts ok since you sure can write some good stuff for her))
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: November 11, 2004 07:58
"Maria, wake up! Maria, NOW!"

Maria was roughly awoken by Telena. Telena didn't look happy. Her eyes were glaring and her foot tapping with impatience. In her arms was a skirt. The skirt consisted of many silver and black scarves hanging from a golden colored belt.

"You and a few other girls will be dancing for the gaurds tonight. You'll wear this," Telena said as she tossed the skirt and a black top into Maria's tired arms.

"Put it on and then go see me," Telena ordered as she left the room.

Maria slowly stood up and began to undres. She put the black top on. It covered only what was nescesary, the rest of her stomack, back, and arms were bare. She removed her skirt and began to change into the short skirt.

"That's funny," Maria mumbeled to herself, "I can't get the skirt up all the way."

Maria carefully tugged, trying to get the belt up abover her hips, but the skirt wouldn't budge any higher.

Holding the skirt up so that it wouldn't begin to slide down toward her feet, she left the room to find Telena. Telena was in the middle of giving some anklets to the other girls that would dance tonight.

"Telena," Maria began, "I can't get the skirt on all the way."

"What?" Telena exclaimed rushing over to her, "This is not a time to joke like this," she said with a glare, "let me see."

Telena grabbed the belt and tried to pull it up above Maria's hips, but it wouldn't budge any higher than where Maria had inched it up to it. Maria tried hard not to gasp at how tight and painful the skirt was. She didn't want to annoy Telena any more than normal.

"I don't understand," Telena exclaimed, "This is the same size as all your other dance skirts. I... Jenia, come here!"

One of the few dancers with a golden color came over, her hips swaying with each step.

"What's wrong? Does the dancer not want to dance?" the girl mocked.

Maria watched as Telena whispered into the girl's ear. With a nod the girl grabbed Maria's wrist and together they left the dancers hall. They ran along the villa to another building, Maria's bare feet bouncing on the steps and her free hand, holding the skirt up. The entered a rather small building. Maria had never noticed it before. She had no idea where she was.

The dancer, signaled to an older woman. She whispered in the woman's ear before runnig off. The woman nodded thoughtfully as she looked at Maria.

"Come along," she said, "There's no use standing around here in the night breeze."

Maria followed the old woman into a small room. There were 2 small cots in the room. On one cot, a girl slept fitfully, everynow and then a small groan coming from her lips. Her head faced the wall and the small table next to it had a candle burning down low on it.

"The poor dear," the woman said as she followed Maria's gaze, "Her name is Davina. She was beaten pretty badly by Cazildir, right before his murder. Thraden has men investigating who did it. She lost her child in the process. I feel so bad for her. Well, enough about her. Have a seat on that cot. I'll be back in a minute."

Maria sat on the cot while the old woman left. She looked over at the young girl who's moans told of the pain she was in.

"Wait a minute," Maria said to herself quietly, "She... She's the girl from Cazildir's room. The girl who I smiled to and the one who was dragged off. She..."

At the moment, the woman returned with a bowl of water and a towel.

"Well there dear, my name is Pelima. Don't be frightened I won't hurt you. I'm just here to look at you. Just relax, take a deep breath, and let me do my job."

Closing her eyes, Maria did just that. Even though it was uncomfortable, she obeyed. It was over quickly, and soon, Maria could hear the old woman wash her hands with the water.

"Well, dear, I guess you'll be staying here for a while. You don't and you could end up like Davina, in pain and with a lost child."

((OOC- If i didn't follow a rule with this post, tell me and I'll fix it.))
CoE Volunteer
Posts: 723
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Post RE: The Captives (Everyone welcome!)
on: November 11, 2004 08:35
((I don’t think it’s breaking any rules… *sighs* Guess what I’ve done? I’ve flipping gone and lost the posts I’ve been typing up.. aaargh.. there was about 7 pages of it.. and I can’t find it anywhere! Luckily I’ve either posted it already.. or typed it up.. but half of Ianthé’s post is gone… so I’ve got to use my rubbish memory… I’ll try and write Reneth’s next post as soon as possible.. but I’m being buried alive under work – and I have my first important exam next week… 4 days to revise… and overdue work))

Teleron glanced at Rand, who had spoken.
“Ah.. I don’t think so. Linnet?” Linnet didn’t lift her gaze from the table, but shook her head. Then when she rose from her seat, she quickly departed from the room, pausing only at the door to speak to Teleron.
“Be careful… look after Tuan.” Teleron nodded, and sat alone in the room for several minutes before leaving. He was contemplating his mission.

Ianthé was kneeling on the ground of the back-yard, rinsing her few dishes in a bucket of rain water. The sleeves of her black shirt were rolled up to her elbows, and her black boots were half unlaced to make kneeling more comfortable. She had left Tuan again with the old woman next door, as the little boy had been determined to learn how to knit from that lady. Ianthé smiled as she recalled his attempts – wool strewn everywhere. Tuan had peculiar whims like that, and she found them often amusing.
Ianthé had been willing to let him go – it gave her a chance to finish off some chores, and get on with making those crates for the fishmonger. She did odd-jobs for people around the town. She had to – it was her only income.
After a few minutes, she thought that she heard a thump on her front door. She brushed soap suds from her tunic, stood up, and went to investigate. A frown was upon her face – she never got visitors… who could have told anyone where she lived? Unless she had been followed… The thumps came again – whoever it was, was getting impatient.
She picked her way through various items lying on the floor of the kitchen, and reached the door. Keeping the door on the chain, she unlocked it, and opened it a crack.

Teleron had waited a few minutes, then just before he was preparing to break the door down, the door opened, and he could see one sparkling black eye peering out at him. The black eyebrow above it bent into a frown. Ianthé had not recognized him.
Teleron placed a hand upon the door, intending to push it open, but it was on the chain, and would not move.
Ianthé finally spoke.
“I’m sorry – you must have got the wrong house.” She expected the stranger to leave, but he stubbornly remained where he was.
“No… you’re Ianthé.” Ianthé stood in silence, her heart beating faster. How could this perfect stranger know her name? In her confusion, she didn’t realize that the chain had slipped, and the door slowly swung upon to reveal her whole face and figure.
Teleron took a step closer.
“Yes, you’re Ianthé. I recognize you, even if I am a stranger in your eyes. You’ve not changed all that much, y’know.” Ianthé stared, her lips slightly parted, but then her eyes flickered, and she stepped quickly backward, trying to push the door shut. Teleron however stopped the door from closing, and pushed it so violently that Ianthé had to jump backwards and out of the way. The door banged against the wall, rebounded, and slammed shut.
Ianthé skirted around the table, and stopped with the length of it between her and Teleron.
“Don’t be afraid, Ianthé.” Teleron gazed at the young woman standing opposite him, her hand within reach of a kitchen knife. “I said you hadn’t changed much. You’re still beautiful, still…desirable.”
Ianthé glared at Teleron. No wonder she hadn’t recognized her ex-friend. The Teleron she knew was a smaller, quick witted, but sometimes shy lad. This man was taller, more well-built…no longer little lithe Teleron – but a strong man.
“You’re still a hopeless flatterer, Teleron. You really think I’ll fall for you - after what you’ve done?”
Teleron simply laughed, and suddenly reached his arms out across the tabletop, seizing both of her wrists. He yanked hard, and Ianthé’s feet left the ground. She was pulled up onto the table, scattering objects to the dusty floor. Teleron looked down at her face, and read the anfer in her flashing eyes.
“Calm down, pretty vixen.” Teleron put all of his weight on one end of the table, and with a creak, it tilted jerkily. He let go of Ianthé’s wrists, and she instinctively brought up her arms to protect her head. There was a crash, and Ianthé was flung on top of Teleron, one of her legs over his shoulder. Her hair became undone, and hung down to the floor. While struggling to free herself, she muttered angrily.
“Y’know, it’s not best comfortable hanging upside down.”
Without warning, Teleron let her fall, and she had just enough time to throw her arms over her head once more before she hit the ground.
Ianthé stared up at Teleron.
“Well. You’ve shown that you’re serious at least… but was that really necessary? Now that’s over, perhaps you’d like to explain why you’re here.” Teleron smiled, and raised her to her feet.
“I came to see if you were still the sweet girl I once knew.”
“Fine then – as you’re obviously not… I came to get the boy back.”
“I knew it!” Ianthé nodded… that sounded more rational. Then she moved several paces away – she couldn’t bear being so close to Teleron – not now. She had actually quite liked him, six years ago, but now that was completely vanished.
“He’s not here.”
“He’s not here.”
“So… the house is child-free?” Ianthé rolled her eyes, and spoke sarcastically.
“No, I just felt like saying that.”
“Right.” The ghost of a smile was upon Teleron’s lips, and Ianthé backed off. She didn’t trust that smile… and she was quite right.
In an instant she found one of Teleron’s strong arms around her waist, and the other had caught hold of her hair, tilting her head back. Teleron’s hand clasped the back of her head, and he forced her head forwards, until their lips met in a rough kiss. The dark haired girl shivered in his grasp, but whatever she tried, she couldn’t free her body from his.

Ianthé shut her eyes tightly, and felt as if she was being drowned in anger. She suddenly summoned all of her power and strength, and put it into a kick. She kicked hard – where it hurts.
Teleron gave a yelp of pain and his grip loosed. Ianthé shot away across the room, and snatched up the kitchen knife, but as she was turning around again, the sound of metal reached her ears.
Her eyes fell upon the sword now grasped in Teleron’s hand. It pointed dead straight at her, and his hand did not shake.

“So.” She put down the knife. “The sword always wins in the end. What’s your plan now?”
“You’ll come with me up to Sithern’s villa. You will tell him where his child is. You will be sorry. You will accept the consequences of your rash actions.”
Ianthé glared at him.
“Sithern!” She spat out the name as if it were too bitter to linger in her mouth. “He can do nothing. He was too afraid to come himself. He sent his little brother.”
“Shut up! Do you exactly think I’m little? You’re the little one.”
“And why do you suppose that is? Because I’ve been living off the dust of you and your brother’s luxury… I’ve been right down to death’s door.”
Teleron raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.
In the silence, a small noise could be heard. The door creaked upon it’s hinges, and a small tousled head appeared around it.

“Uncle?” Tuan stared at Teleron, then his gaze rested upon Ianthé. “ …Yanthy?”
Ianthé gazed at the child like a dumb thing. Whatever could she say to the boy? The kitchen was a mess… signs of the fighting lay everywhere. However, Teleron stepped forwards to the little boy, and spoke lovingly.
“Tuan! You’re back…” He smiled down at the boy, and proceeded to explain. Ianthé stood in a contemptuous silence, listening to his lies. It ran along the lines of this:
“I was visiting Ianthé – she took me for a thief – bit of a struggle – all sorted out now – we’re going back to your mummy and daddy.”
Tuan glanced up at Ianthé, who merely shrugged, and swept out of the room, calling back,
“Don’t worry – I’m coming back.” When she returned, her thick hair had been brushed out and it was tied securely with her usual silver wire. She had slipped on a cleaner tunic as well, and had just finished lacing up the neck and sides.
“Let’s go.” As they stood in the street, Ianthé turned to lock the front door, then the three of them walked up the street.
It was an odd sight… the richly dressed lord, the little boy, and the young woman all in black.

(( I hope my post isn't breaking any rules either! ))
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