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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 13, 2004 06:11
The half-elf gave a satisfied nod when Casey had bandaged her wound and Addy insisted on continuing.
"Able warriors indeed- especially going on with a warg bite and ready to kill more of the beasts."
She turned and walked forward, checking every shadow for enemies and wondering how long it would take to reach Lorien. It had been long since she had made that journey.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 15, 2004 01:16
Ainanna listened to the talk and watched Casey bandage her leg. As Meril walked off, she followed.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 16, 2004 04:28
Casey started to follow the two elves when something grabbed her up. A voice familar to all tolkien-ites rang out, "A bit hasty aren't you all? A bit hasty indeed! You aren't orcs though... Elves and humans you are!" It was good ole Treebeard!
Casey was screaming bloody murder, "Let me down you overgrown bush! LEt me down now! I'll ave yo head!"

((Does anybody want to play Treebeard?))
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 16, 2004 01:42
Meriel gapsed at the huge tree.
It talked! she thought. She looked at her Da. SHe was thinking the same thing he did.
The tree looked at them. They backed away. The tree laughed.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 17, 2004 12:58
Pearl laughed out loud when she saw the tree. "Whoa! A talking tree. That is so cool! Are there more of you?", she asked Treebeard.

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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 17, 2004 02:53
((Ok, I suppose I'm playing Treebeard... Oh yeah guyz pleaz join Powers in Middle-Earth! It's really for anything in Middle-Earth, druids, pirates, anything!))

Treebeard watched the humans, "Hasty, hasty. Yes there are more of us!" he put Casey down and rubbed her back. Treebeard turned to Aianna, "What is going on, now don't be too hasty, just explain it!"
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 17, 2004 07:22
Merilelin stared at Treebeard, wondering breifly why she hadn't noticed him before. He was a really big tree, afterall, and usually pretty loud. Shrugging, she took a seat on a tree root nearby. The ent wanted an explaination from Ainanna, and it was bound to take some time- especially since he was an ent with no desire to be 'hasty'.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 17, 2004 12:31
((Eh, sorry I missed that. Kinda leaves a gap in it when one of the *cough* star chars is missing. ))

Addy froze in mid step when she heard a loud and booming voice from behind. She turned slowly and gaped at the large tree that stood behind him. The captain watched with a bemused expression as the huge tree began to talk.

"What the devil....?" she muttered. She was puzzled at the fact that her elven companions didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that they were being attacked by a giant walking, talking tree. She stared dumbfounded at the creature that held Casey captive.

After the giant tree set the pirate down, Addy came out of her stupor and quickly unsheathed her cutlass, stomping forward to face the tree. "What is it ye want, ye talkin' stump?" she growled.

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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 17, 2004 12:58
Ainanna gaped for a moment as she realized what was happening. She bowed and said, "Sir Ent. My name is Ainanna, and I am a resident of the Firien Wood. I travel with a half elf, Meril--" here she gestured toward Meril, "and a group of pirates." She gestured toward the pirates. "The pirates have come here from a realm called Tortuga, and they wish to return there. Would you by any chance know what this realm is, and how we could get there?"
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 19, 2004 02:58
(talking stump? XD that made me laugh!)

Meril looked up at Treebeard and waited for an answer, or a reaction to Addy's threat. It had not surprised her that the pirate would say much a thing to such a large creature- it seemed she and Casey would take on a whole army of orcs if they were presented the opprotunity.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 20, 2004 05:07
"Hasty, hasty!" Treebeard said as he let Casey go. "My business is with the elves, not you humans." he said to Addy.
He turned to Ainanna, "I've never heard of Tortuga, but if you like, Quickbeam and I can carry your little group upon our shoulders and get you out of Fangorn faster."
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 20, 2004 12:46
"Thank you, sir Ent." Ainanna said gratefully.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 20, 2004 01:18
"What in the name of 'ell is that?" Teneal whispered to Serra.
"I think it's a giant, talking [/i]tree[i]" Serra whispered back.
"No really?" Teneal yelled at her sister,"Of course it's a giant talking tree, but what is it called, do you think?"
"'ey, can any of you "elves" tell us what this giant, talking tree is called? Miss grumpy pants here wants to know."

(OOC: sorry i haven't posted in a long time. i haven't been able to. but i will be a lot know that i'm on winter break)
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 20, 2004 04:23
Addy advanced on the giant tree---'ent'----thing, thrusting her cutlass higher. She faced the tree but said to the elves, "If ye think some pile of twigs is goin' to carry Cap'n Addy Stormbringer on its shoulders...." She then proceeded to shout a string of profanities that would make a sailor---then again, she was a sailor---blush. "I'll WALK to Tortuga before that THING touches me!" she snarled.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 20, 2004 04:27
Meril turned to the two sisters.
"Treebeard is an Ent, a tree hearder."
She then stood and adjusted the bow on her back.
"Are we traveling by Ent, then, Ainanna? I myself would feel more secure that way."
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 21, 2004 06:52
Casey shrugged and climbed ontop of Quickbeam ((who was standing nearby)). She looked down at Addy, "Come on Cap'n it's a great view up ere!"
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 21, 2004 10:43
Meriel and her father climbed up with Casey and Addy. She was terrified but she thought if her brother would love to do this, she could do it is he pretended to pursaid her. He was good at that. She usually would do whatever Ryan was pursaiding her to do so she just figured that she could do it without Ryan. She sighed once she sat down.
"It's kind of uncomfortable, isn't it Casey?"
She laughed. Thought it was.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 21, 2004 11:33
"Well, 'ent', I guess we'll just have to come along with you." said Teneal.
"Yeah, I guess," said Serra uneasily,"but I want to sit by one of these 'elves', and not you, Teneal."
Tenal thanked the gods that----for once---- Serra didn't want to tag along with her. Then she decided to sit with the rest of the pirates and get aquainted.(sp?)
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 21, 2004 12:21
Ainanna nodded to the others. "It looks as if we are travelling by Ent."

She climbed up on the Ent, sitting so that she could see well from atop the great creature, and motioned for Meril to do the same.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 21, 2004 12:27
Meril was the last to climb up (I think). She settled herself in the most comfortable position possible and relaxed. It would be much easier this way, and they would be able to spot enemies with ease from their new perches.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 21, 2004 12:34
Quickbeam and Treebeard walked with long strides and soon the group at the edge of Fangorn, near the Anduin. As Treebeard helped them down, they heard a childish giggle coming from a bush. You could just make out bright green eyes looking thru the bush.

((I'm gonna play my other charrie, Alkmarwen))
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 21, 2004 02:19
Ahna sat idly by a huge tree, alone, and to say the very least, lost. "I thought being a pirate meant that you raided people, not get whisked into weird places. Humph. Bloody 'Elves'." She muttered to herself, unsheathing a long dagger and fiddling with it. What was going on???
(note: can only post once in a very long time. plz be patient!)
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 22, 2004 09:20
Addy was skeptical and resistant as she was lifted up onto the Ent. For a while she struggled in the tree's grasp and slashed at it with her cutlass to no avail. But eventually she calmed down and found that being atop this giant tree was similar to being in a crow's nest, and she longed to be back on her ship.

It didn't take long for Addy to become restless. She sheathed and unsheathed her cutlass to pass time, then took to carving her name in one of the trees branches. Finally she decided on relaying more of her captain's stories to whoever was listening.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 22, 2004 12:25
this isn't very comfortable... Teneal whisperd to herself under her breath.

At that momen Serra was thinking the exsact(sp?) same thing. She had tried to talk to the elves, unsuccessfully.
"Hello, 'Elves'." she said, and she waited for a response.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 22, 2004 12:48
Ainanna smiled at the human girl who had greeted her. "Hello," she said pleasantly, "you're Serra, right?"
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 22, 2004 04:28
Meril smiled and offered a soft hello to the girl. When they arrived at the shores of Anduin she jumped down from the Ent and called up to him, ""Thank you for the ride, mighty Ent!"
A sudden eruption of giggles caught her ear and she whirled around, spotting bright eyes peering through a nearby bush. She did not, however, go over to see who was there. Instead, she waited for someone else to make a course of action.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 23, 2004 09:58
Casey had fallen asleep on the ride and when they stopped she tumbled to the ground. She heard someone giggling and spun to see who. It was coming from....a bush? She noticed two eyes and began to descend upon it with her sword, when suddenly the laughing came from behind her. She turned again and there she was a green-clad girl with green hair. She was sitting atop 'Treebeard' who was referring to her a Blossomcrown. She jumped down and extended a delicate hand to Ainanna, "Hello! I'm Alkmarwen, one of the last Green Elves. I've been watching you and thought I'd join you're little group!"
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 23, 2004 01:21
Ainanna leapt off the Ent when they arrived, and waved goodbye to it. Suddenly, she heard a burst of laughter behind her. She looked around frantically, and watched with interest as a green-haired girl leapt from the top of the Ent, landed in front of her, and stuck out a hand.

"Hello! I'm Alkmarwen, one of the last Green Elves. I've been watching you and thought I'd join your little group!" exclaimed the girl.

Ainanna took the girl's hand and shook it warmly. "Hello," she said, "I'm Ainanna, of the Firien Wood, and if the others will consent to your coming, I'd be glad to have you along."
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 23, 2004 02:51
Addy also was startled at the appearance of the green creature, though she regained her composure quickly. She climbed down from the giant tree and watched with mild interest as Ainanna talked with the girl, but stiffed when she agreed to let the green girl join them.

"'Old yer bilges. Yer just gonna let some stranger---a green stranger follow us without so much as a chantey?" she exclaimed. "Bloody trustin' elves," she muttered under her breath. Still wary of the green person, Addy unsheathed her cutlass and held it defensively.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 23, 2004 06:01
Meril nodded a brief hello to the green elf, and made no argument when Ainanna invited her to join them. She also said nothing when the pirate drew her weapon, choosing to wait and see what would happen.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 24, 2004 07:31
((This it only Tolkien-related...so I can make my charries have weird powers! *giggles like an insane maniac*))
Alkmarwen's face fell. She glared at Addy, "If you do not trust me, maybe you can be made to trust me." She waved her hand and a black form appeared. Her head was hooded by a black cloak ((Shadow)). She lifted her head and her hood fell down, her eyes were glowing red. The forest rew unusualy dark, almost pitch-black. Shadow lifted her hands and flung clear discs at Addy, discs that gave off a blinding smoke. Then Shadow was joined by Parker, whom aimed an energy arrow at Addy.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 24, 2004 11:37
Ainanna gasped audibly as Alkmarwen summoned two spirits. They darkened the forest and shot smoke at the pirates. Ainanna waited silently for the specters to finish their onslaught, but made sure she was out of their range.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 24, 2004 11:52
LOTW234 I demand you change that! They are not spectors or spirits! Read their bios! They are teens from Japan, that have powers, that are easily summoned into Middle-Earth by telepathy! CHANGE IT!!!!!!!!! *bares teeth and sword*
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 24, 2004 03:43
((LotRpAL, we know what your chars are, but our characters don't. So no need to show your piratey side....And why do all your chars have a death wish for Addy?!))

Addy's eyes widened as the forest around them grew dark and more creatures appeared. She stiffened as she saw dark, flat wisps of smoke and a beam of light coming straight towards her. She dived to her right, landing hard on the ground, but felt a searing pain in her side where something had hit her. The captain swore and hastily scrambled back up into a more defensible position, looking wildly about for her attackers.
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Post RE: Pirates in Middle-Earth
on: December 24, 2004 05:36
When the newcomers began throwing attacks, Meril stood and armed her bow, readying an arrow in an instant. She had not seen the Green Elf as a threat at first but was regretting her hasty judgement.
"We have no need for violence!" she called, trying to ignore the eerie darkness that had crept all around them.
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