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Post Stephen King
on: November 06, 2002 03:48
well i know at least one other person on the site is as big a Stephen King fan as i am *cough* Ashe *cough*

so there must be other right.

well we thought we would talk about stephen kings books.

warning this thread will contain spoilers!

so anyone read the langoliers?

i really like hte idea of the langoliers- little past eating monsters, and the idea that the bermuda triange is a gateway to the past wow!

that book for some reason i find scariest of all of KIngs works- i dont know why its just ack

all the characters are so interesting too- what about hte one who rips paper lol

hmm anyway any thoughs on the book- i wil post a better one when its not 2am and im not dosed up on 2 litres of caffine :evil:
The Happy Pariah
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 06, 2002 05:18
It's been such a long time since I've read that book that I've forgotten most of what happened. I was unfortunate enough to have seen the television movie made from it, but it didn't do the story justice at all.

Were they flying through the Bermuda Triangle? Maybe - my memory is shot. I seem to remember them passing through an aurora of sorts and the only reason the certain characters survived was because they had been asleep.

Did you see the TV movie? lol The monsters ended up being these flying balls of brown fur with teeth. It was impossible to take the story seriously with giant meatballs flying everywhere.

Have you read IT? I think that's the only one of S.K.'s books that truly frightened me. That poor book spent nearly every night in the freezer; I didn't want it near me.
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 06, 2002 05:32
remember them passing through an aurora of sorts and

It was the aurora borialis(sp?) over the desert.

all the characters are so interesting too- what about hte one who rips paper lol

Mr. Tummy(something like that) Aww i loved him. Course i like villins so...:evil:
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 06, 2002 05:38
My favorite Stephen King book: The Stand (with the Dark Tower series being a very close second)

Favorite short stories: The Mist, Mrs. Todd's Shortcut, and Trucks

One that scared me the most: The Shining

I've read just about everything that he's written, except for a handful of the recent stuff. I am currently reading Dreamcatcher. So far it consists of a whole lot of farting and belching. Am not impressed yet.
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 06, 2002 05:56
no parma i was warned against the movie- the brown furry langoliers would have just made a joke of it

sorry i wasnt clear on hte bermuda triange bit- they did fly through a small "aurora" in the desert but they theorised (the characters i mean) that there was a large one over the bermuda triange!

It is a fantastic book- i read it after the DT series and was surprised how DT it was- the turtle that was great

"i am the turtle i created the universe but please dont blame me i had a belly ache" lol that was certainly a novel creation theroy wasnt it!! (in case you dont remmeber the turtle threw up and that was the universe)

i really enjoyed IT though it was fun- i was so glad the lady (im terrible iwth names) came back to life in the end- from her catatonic state i mean

Rivka i have to say i am the ohter way around i love the dark tower seried first of all kings books- the stand is very very good though! i cannot wait to see how the DT series progresses

ok dreamcatcher wasnt hugley impressive- i love finding the links in stephen kings works (it gets to be habit!) and the only bit i was really impressed with was the ending

short stories: mrs todds shortcut was cool
the one about the water- causing everyone to get altzheimers i loved

there are so many!!! i really like the castle rock short stories too

the worst short story of his i read was the two milkman ones- i didnt ahve a clue what they were on about!!

has anyone read hearts in atlantis- i love that book too

( i have a feeling- i love that book is going to be said by me alot on this thread)

on the last count i havent read about 5 of SK's books so im doing well

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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 07, 2002 12:34
I've been turned off of King as of late. His books seem to just drag out now. He's also getting more gruesome with his violence which is a big turn off for me.
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 07, 2002 12:40
really lady of the wood- which books do you mean?

i have to admit i didnt really like dreamcatcher. but i enjoyed black house.
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 07, 2002 12:51
The two books that stick out in my mind as being overly gruesome are Dreamcatcher and Black House.

The King books that I actually do like are... The Stand, 'Salem's Lot, The Talisman, The Eyes of the Dragon, Misery, Rage, The Dark Tower series.

I'm just getting tired of King's newer novels. Back in the 70's and early 80's he was awesome.
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 13, 2002 03:44
today i watched "stand by me" the film adaptation of Stephen Kings "the body"

i really enjoy that film its so simelar to the book- i love it when films keep the content i mean most of the time they end up taking away the essential part of the story.

did anyone see the film adaptation of Hearts in Atlantis??

what did you think?

(hmm i hated it the plot was changed the characters seemed different and it was all too rushed- never explained properly and i dont know it just wasnt right they took out some of the most lovely lines :cry: lol i came out of the cinema and went into a dark tower rant- i think my friends all thought i was crazy talking about towers and roses and breakers.....)

~Time grows thin, the pasts a riddle: the Tower awaits you in the middle~
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 14, 2002 02:32
I've given up reading King books.
Air Hostess of Gwaihir
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 21, 2002 08:21
I've always liked to read King's books.

They are so exciting you just can't put them down.
Allthough he seems to overdo it sometimes. To compare it to something we've all read , in LOTR they save Middle Earth, and that's it and all's well.

I several King's books (like The Talisman, IT) they save the whole universe, or all the billions of universes that excist, even though most people don't know it...

King has probably never thought that bigger isn't always the better. What's wrong with saving our humble little Earth? It's enough for most people (except astronauts and cosmonauts).

But I still like King's works. The Talisman is one of my favourite books, and I also liked The Eyes of The Dragon and Misery. Gerald's Game is a bit disgusting, but in general very good, since I usually like those few books by King that aren't (very) supernatural.

And his short stories really terrify me. The Mist was truly scary, and so was The Gramma. Mrs. Todd's Shortcut was pretty funny, I liked it.

Only thing that truly bothers me in his books is his cruelty on animals. There's always soma maniac who enjoys torturing innocent beings, and that is something I truly loathe, in books and in real life!
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 22, 2002 05:01
I read It, and it gave me nightmares.

Gosh! Scary! And some scenes struck me as being too... adult, may I say, which I didn't think it would be.

Actually, what would have been hilarious is if that guy who memorized the book that went on a show...

an audience member picked a random page, a random line, word number, etc, and he had recite the word.

Turned out to be 'the', but:

what if the audience member flipped out a page where it had a 'nasty' shall we say word?

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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 23, 2002 02:41
which book are you talking about Carancoe?

stephen king is an adult writer so i always expect adult scenes when i read them.
Air Hostess of Gwaihir
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 23, 2002 05:28
I'm a bit rude here, trying to answer for Carancoe (but you can correct me later, I just want to say this now when I still remember what I'm supposed to say!), but I think he's talking about IT.

I loved the book (plus it made me fear the laundry room of our building , it's in the basement), but the part where the kids are on the sewers under the town and start to do *you know what* in order to be saved... well it discusted me a bit. I thought there was some pedophilia in it.

But you're right k, SK is an adult writer, and people should know to expect these things.
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 23, 2002 05:40
i suppose you could say that.

i personally thought the story was very very well written though. i really enjoyed it and its among my favorite books.

i loved the character of the turtle and the idea of the way he created the universe (i think said that before somewhere).

actually i got very scared when i went to america- those drains they have ack!! exactely like the ones in IT. lol its sad cus i was 19 then and i still avoided looking at them in case i saw eyes

*thinks she has said too much now....*
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 10:07
I love Stephen King!
It's funny because I don't really consider myself the fantasy type, but my three favorite writers are Stephen King, Clive Barker and JRR Tolkien.
I am thinking about a Stephen King book i read recently that I thought was his scariest, but I can't remember which one it was.....
I loved Dreamcatcher though there was a lot of "farting and belching" (go Rivka!) indeed! I loved the Talisman when I read it the second time. The same with Black House, I didn't finish that either. But I'll try it again sometime!

Right now I'm reading the Stand (on and off, as I'm reading the Silmarillion and The Two Towers -8th time!- as well. LOT of characters in The Stand, phieuw!

I really didn't like what they did to Hearts in Atlantis moviewise. I got through about half of the film before I was certain I had read the book!

The movie version of Stand by me is great, i agree with you, k. And it has River Phoenix in it! What a waste of talent his death was...
Wait a minute, wasn't Sean Astin in it as well? Or was that The Goonies?

Well this is certainly the longest post I've ever written. Don't get me started on Stephen King! :love:

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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 10:14
oh no please... talk stephen king to your hearts content...

hmm a recent book that was his scariest yet?? you dont mean "from a buik 8" do you.. its still on hardback over here so i havent read it yet

also cant wait to read "everythings eventual" i have read the short story that the title of the book is taken from... its an odd one. want to read the short story "little sisters of elurisa" (um i spelt that sooooo wrong) as it is a dark tower story based before the events in the gunslinger.

the stand took me about two reads till i got who was who..and can you beleive it took me three reads to work out what they meant by Boulder free zone i thought they meant it was free of Boulder but then i couldnt understand that cus it was in Boulder lol i can be soooo stupid sometimes

sean astin wasnt in stand by me he is a british actor. he was in the goonies.

his scariest book for me is the langoliers for no apparent reason i mean there are others taht should be soooo much scarier.

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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 10:31
I get to talk about Stephen King! I don't know if the scary book I read was recent but I know I read it recently. Very annoying, not knowing this.

I have never read the Dark Tower, like i said i didn't consider myself the fantasy type for some reason. LOL!
But I'm starting to think i should read it. Kinda weird though, is there a turtle in there that's created the universe? Sounds Pratchettesque (oops, terrible word).

I haven't read The Langoliers yet either. :blush: I tried to watch the series but I guess that's a no no. I guess I'm more into King's "kids are allright" books.
Apt Pupil is by King as well, isn't it? Tried to see the film as wel as read itl but found it too gruesome to watch, the kid is so creepy! It's with Ian McKellen though, right?

Okay, I am now going to embarrass myself terribly, but is Sean Astin really British? Figured from his accent he was American. Oops! I thought it funny PJ said they wanted British actors for the Hobbits and that Elijah showed up then. "What about S ean?" I thought.
I hereby apologize to all SA fans for not knowing this! But hey, I'm Dutch, how can I tell all these accents apart?? (blush, blush)


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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 10:53
tha dark tower books are defiantely worth a read (then again i would say that )
i was never a huge fan of fantasty in fact other than lord of the rings and the dark tower i tend to stick to horror.

the turtle thing is to do with IT. though there is a turtle in the dark tower i wont say more cus it may give away some of the plot maybe. i am not 100% sure that the two turtes are related but they are very simelar.

apt pupil was kind of freaky. im still not sure if i liked the book, i didnt go and see the film adaptation.

has anyone read the bachman books- the long walk.....that book was great i dont know why i was so addicted to it, i mean it wasnt exactely fast paced but i really enjoyed it.

im not ever so impressed with the other bachman books though regualtors i really disliked i much perfer the "stephen king version" of that book (desperation)

I don't know if the scary book I read was recent but I know I read it recently. Very annoying, not knowing this
can you remember anything about it? names plot etc..

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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 10:58
Nope, total blank. I am going to look up a list of what he's written and see if I can remember it.

Is Bachman a Stephen King alias?

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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 11:03
yes it is an allias. under the name of bachman he wrote:

-thinner (didnt like much)
-regualtors (eek didnt like at all)
-rage (hmm ok)
-the long walk (yay!!)
-roadworks (never able to finish this one)
-the running man (ok)

i seem to remember reading that he wrote the dark half shortly before or after he revealed that he was also Bachman (then again i could have just dreamed it!)

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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 11:10

I have just stumbled upon the official Stephen King website. That's gonna be a lot of fun, let's Bookmark!
Didn't find the title though, must've read it in the Dutch translation. Shame. I did remember one of my faves though: The girl who loved Tom Gordon. Anyone else like that one?
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 11:15
Dolen- check out the links in the links thread, there are some good King sites there.

The girl who loved tom gorden.... hmm it was good though i was dissapointed when i first read it, i re read it recently. its strange not like his other stuff in my opinion

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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 11:23
Good one, k, will check out soon!
I can't find the scary book. LOL that sounds funny! Ahem, 'scuse me.
I will however search for it from now on!

By the by, if you're into horror as well, k, what do you think of Clive Barker? I looove Imajica. Love it love it love it!
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 11:28
hmm you know i have never read clive barker.. i have read other horror novelists
- dean koontz (his more recent work is great)
- james herbert (umm he is good but rather violent)
- peter straub (i dont get on with his writing i should stop buying hte books)

Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 11:29
Oooh, The Long Walk. That's one of my favorite Stephen King (well, Bachman) books. And I'm not sure why...
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 11:48
I haven't read any of the writers you mention, k, could you give me a tip on each of them?

I you want to read sth by Clive Barker I suggest you start with Imajica, which is in my Top Three of all time faves. What's a shame with Barker in my opinion is that he uses a lot of his monsters and stuff in more than one book, though there are no other connections between those books. Seems a bit uninspired at times to me. But Imajica: love it. Women rule!

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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 11:52
Dolen, have a look in either the book reviews thread i will post the answer to your question in there.

Rivka the long walk is odd isnt it! strangely compelling (is that the right word) for no apparent reason...

who has read the dead zone?
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 12:10
Thanx k, I will check it out.
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 12:21
The Dead Zone is pretty good. Not as well written, I think, as some of his other works, but it has some compelling scenes and ideas. I've watched the tv show that's based on it a couple of times, and it was pretty good, too...
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 01:53
K, and Dolenmentiel...may I just say I am in awe of how many books you gals manage to read!

[Edited on 25/11/2002 by highlandergirl]
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 01:55
yes i quite liked the TV adaptation (what i remember of it)

i agree some of the writing was not as good as it could have been- i loved the idea that came up about going back in the past.... the question that johnny asks "if you could go back in the past would you kill hitler" something like that... i thought about that one for a long time.

king seems to do that to me though- certain phrases, thoughs or sayings just stick in my mind forever....
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: November 25, 2002 01:56
Hello highlandergirl,

Don't you read that much? I know my sister has children, and she doesn't have much time to read. And they are all in their teens!

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Post RE: Stephen King
on: December 05, 2002 01:22
But you're right k, SK is an adult writer, and people should know to expect these things.

I learned the hard way! I did find IT a tad disturbing.

And a guy seriously did memorize it. I mean IT. I mean... bleh!
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Post RE: Stephen King
on: December 31, 2002 03:08
From a Buick 8

so i just read it- took me two days so it was pretty addictive.

for the most part it was additcive and imaginative as ever. a couple of things annoyed me though:

1. no dark tower not one single little bit- i couldnt even make something up that fitted it (ok i know im a tower junkie, but well thats cus DT books rock) not a hint of purple grass no roses and no white..... :cry:

2. the ending was a little lame- i cant really describe what happens but well its kind of- oh how can we end this i know lets pretend this happens! grrrrrr

other wise it was a fab book- i am slightly worried about kings recent fascination with aliens though i mean thats what dreamcatcher was about (dont like that book) and hmm well its kind of what this one was about... but not really. i hope he isnt going down the alien path though im not keen on sci-fi

next book on my list to buy is everythings eventual- i know for a fact that a DT story is in that one.....
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