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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 02, 2005 12:32
((I think what happened was that he posted while I was writing, so I didn't see it. Oops, lol!))
Yavannildi and proud!
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 03, 2005 04:31
Thon was right. His eyes were still heavy and he knew that if it came to single combat Thon would cut him down. He had to act fast and smart to get out of this. He spun around and had the new girl, Nessa he thought he heard her named, pinned to the wall by the blade of his sword.

"Think you can kill me before I kill her Thon?" he panted. "I've seen how you look at her, she means something to you doesn't she?" Alec pressed the sword up against her neck tighter. "Let me go and she lives... for now."
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 04, 2005 05:00
Linath finally decided to just go inside. There was no reason to stand outside and freeze, hoping someone would show up with information.

She didn't like the looks of the place inside. It seemed like the sort of joint thieves would spend time in, though, so she went to a corner table, pulled her hood over her head and waited. The smell of smoke was already strong, and it made her feel nauseated; it was bad at night, but she could hardly stand it in the morning.
Her luck here was better than that in the other inn; at a nearby table she heard someone mention the name of 'Thon'- she remembered Alec calling the tall man such. Leaning that way a little she attuned her senses toward that conversation, hoping no one would notice she was listening. The man speaking had an accent that was either completely forign or completely slurred by ale, but she was able to gather that Thon had been seen in this dive not long before. Linath fingered the crossbow that was hidden under her cloak, wondering anxiously if the thieves were still here. She didn't see them anywhere, but one could never tell... people like that lived in the shadows. They knew how to hide in broad daylight.

Another part of the conversation came around, and what she learned this time was much more disturbing. Apparantly Thon and his friends had taken a fourth character out, one who seemed "drunk or hurt or something of that nature", to use the exact quote. Linath also gathered that they had not been too gentle.
Her first stabbing fear was that it was one of her companions. This was, after all, the direction Alec had come in when they had split up. Cursing, she leaned forward, lowering the hood even more. For all she knew, she was being watched. What was she to do? Her instincts said to stay put, but she would need to tell Callixtus of what she had heard.

(ooc: Are yall in this inn, or in the 'stockade' , or where exactly? and what should I have Linath do? heh, I get confused easily...)
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 04, 2005 11:44
Ooc - The stockade is just the wall around Edoras used to keep enemies out and what animals are in there, in. They're in what I first said was a livery stable but has since morphed into the pub you're in dreamdancer.

Ic - Thon tensed and ran his gaze swiftly over Nessa, "You left your girdle off!!" He eventually exclaimed.
Nessa looked apologetic, "It was warm." Her demeanour changed, "And I wasn't counting on getting attacked in my own Inn!!"
That was it then, Nessa wasn't armed as Thon had counted on her being, none of them could reach her before Alec dealt the killing blow.
"Aye." Thon sighed, "She means something to me." His lip curled in disgust at the lows Alec was prepared to sink to and his own emotions getting in the way, "Let her go."
"And you can leave, with your life."

Ooc - Erk, ELOI
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 05, 2005 06:40

ic: Callixtus left the inn and wandered aimlessly about the streets, keping a sharp lookout for Thon or his companions. He walked about for about an hour without any results, then saw Linath entering a inn. He decided to follow her, but was careful not to attract her attention.

He entered and sat down at to watch and listen. Then he looked over at Linath and noticed that she was very interested in a conversation going on at another table. He let her listen for a few minutes then caught her attention and motioned to her to leave. He wauted for her to leave then followed her out.
"What where those men talking about?" he asked.
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 05, 2005 04:26
(ooc; ah.. thanks for clearing that up! ^_^)

Linath was more than relieved to see Callixtus across the room, and when he motioned for her to leave, she did so gladly.
He wauted for her to leave then followed her out.
"What where those men talking about?" he asked.

"They saw Thon and his friends here," she replied softly, "and I think he must have taken Alec captive; him or someone else like him. It was hard to tell-- I am not fluent in 'drunkard' language." Sighing, she turned and looked up at the ranger.
"What now?"
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 05, 2005 04:34
If Thon had cared to look behind him, he might hae been startled by the white-knuckled grip Gadai had on the hilt of her knife. She fairly seethed to lash out at anyone--how could Thon do that to them? Even considering letting this irritating...man go and for what? An innkeeper Thon had spent a few nights with years ago! Alec stepped a little back from Nessa, still keeping the point of his blade raised towards her throat.

"Do I have your word?" he asked calmly.

"We have been in this situation before, I think you may recall. You may leave unharmed. If you're willing to accept the word of a robber, that is, of course," Thon finished with a cold smile.

Alec the slightest bend of his head in acknowledgment and began walking towards the door. Gadai glared at Nessa, Thon, and him equally but it was Alec who had the nerve to look at her in a way Gadai found instantly insulting. With an angry cry she launched herself toward him, within a second having him in the same position he had so recently held Nessa.

"I gave you no word of mine, Alec!" Gadai spat.

"Let him go Gadai!" Thon walked towards her looming impressively in the tiny room; Gadai refused to be impressed.

Sionn added his voice into it. "Gadai, calm down, this isn't the way to act and Thon gave his word, that binds us all."

"Since when have we been bound by anything?" she shot back, but after a few seconds, stepped away. "Get out of my sight!" She pointed with her knife towards the window. "Go!"

As soon as he began to move, she slammed her knife back into its sheath and stalked out the door, across the common room and was two steps into the muddy street when she froze. Rage drained away. The ranger from the night at the mansion and the woman from the same time were talking. They hadn't seen her. Slowly she backed into the inn keping an eye on them and praying they wouldn't turn around and spot her.
Yavannildi and proud!
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 05, 2005 06:08
Alec pulled open the window and turned back to thon, who was still wearing his coat.

"I guss we'll put a rain check on the whole, killing you thing." Alec lept out the window and hit the ground two stories below. Then he ran around to the front, right into Callixtus and Linath.

"You two alright?"
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 06, 2005 12:25
Thon moved to stand infront of Nessa, his eyes soft, "I trust you have learnt something here."
"Aye." Nessa sighed and a glint lit her eye, "Find a more comfortable place to secrete a knife." Her brows knit together in a frown. "And now you know this I think you'd better go after that excitable young filly of yours, make sure she doesn't do anything... rash."
Thon shook his head as he considered Gadai's behaviour then, guesturing for Sionn to follow him, made his way to the common room.
Gadai was nowhere to immediatly be seen as they descended the stairs but she soon appeared, backing through the door.
Abruptly Thon stalked up behind her and spun her roughly to face him.
"And just what did you think you were doing up there?!" His face was dark with rage, "If you had broken the promise I had made to Alec he and anyone else he associated with would have been free to kill the lot of us! Explain yourself!"
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 07, 2005 06:25
No sooner had Gadai put one foot back inside the inn than she was roughly wrenched around, a small cry of startlement escaping her lips before she could supress it. Immediately she found herself staring into Thon's eyes.

"And just what did you think you were doing up there?!" His face was dark with rage, "If you had broken the promise I had made to Alec he and anyone else he associated with would have been free to kill the lot of us! Explain yourself!"

Gadai felt every nerve in her body go rigid. He had no right to treat her like this! That, she would deal with later--for now, saving their skins superceded saving her own pride. But that did not mean she had to be a milk-water farmgirl either. "Well, I beg your pardon," she shot back in close to whisper, "but if you want to get out of this horse stable of an inn alive, I suggest you lower your voice and start thinking with your head before your friend Alec's other two cronies come in from about three feet outside this door! Personally, I don't think your wonderful Edoras idea is geting us anywhere. The only thing worth taking around here is Meduseld and I don't think you can carry that off on your back."

"What?" Thon replied in a calmer tone of voice, though Gadai could see anger still flicker in his eyes, "was Alec with them?"

Gadai sighed. "If I saw him, I'd have told you, but considering that if he is not with them it is the more dangerous for us, I suggest you ask your precious Nessa of there's a back way out of this place!"

"We shall continue our discussion on your actions later, Gadai. Now get back up to the room and tell Sionn to start packing."

Briskly, he stride off to find Nessa, Gadai was sure. Firmly quashing the urge to finger one of her knives, Gadai ran back to their room, ignoring the startled galnces of the other patrons who had seen the exchange.

"Sionn! Start packing. The girl and the Ranger are out there and I doubt they know about Alec's 'rain check.'"
Yavannildi and proud!
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 08, 2005 06:18
Then he ran around to the front, right into Callixtus and Linath.

"You two alright?"

Linath jumped, startled, when Alec seemed to appear out of nowhere.
"I'm fine!" she answered, "Just cold- and worried about you. What happened? Are they inside?"
She gestured back toward the inn.
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 08, 2005 09:15
A man named Naradir made a sharp turn down a side street in Edoras. He kept running because he heard the footsteps of his pursuers. A few moments later, he unslung his bow from his back and looked behind him and saw all six of them. Still running, he drew an arrow and shot behind him. It fell short. I have terrible aim today, he thought to himself as he drew another arrow and brought a man down, Well that is one man down.

The remaining five were closing in fast so he took off at a sprinting speed. Naradir made another sharp turn and continued to run until he saw a company of three a short distance of three. I wonder if they can help me, he thought. He shouted and drew his sword, and swung it wildly in the air, trying to get their attention. He herd footsteps behind him so he turned around just in time to cross his blade with the sword of one of the men hunting him. All he could do was hope that the company of three down the road was armed and that they would not just ignore him.

(just to clarify, the "company of three" is Alec, Linath, and Callixtus)
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 08, 2005 10:06
Callixtus was debating with Alec what they would do next when he saw a man run around the corner. He shouted wildly then turned and crossed baldes with another man. Callixtus ran towards him and saw several more men charge and attack the one who had been running.
Callixtus blocked off one of them and as he did not know what was going on, simply parried and held his ground waiting for the guard to arrive.
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 08, 2005 10:26
Ooc - Unless Emnet has any grat objections I'm gonna take advantage of this golden oppourtunity.

Ic - Thon found Nessa in the kitchens haraguing a maid for dropping half the clean lines all over the floor of the yard. He patiently waited for her to shout herself out then approached.
She turned to him and studied his face. After a while she seemed to sag. "You're leaving, aren't you."
He sighed, "Aye. Really Nessa, I thought we had left them behind. I thought we could take a little time to let our feet touch the ground again." He abruptly drew Nessa into an embrace, "I will come back, I promise."
"Don't make promises you can't be sure of keeping Storm Cloud." She took a deep breath as she drew back.
"Would... would you do a favour for me Nessa?"
"Not another one!"
"This is different." Thet all man fished in the purse attached to his belt and pressed soemthign into Nessa's hand, "Put that on his grave, please?"
Nessa opened her hand, there, nestled in the palm was a tiny wooden horse.
"Nice," She muttered, "Where'd you steal this piece from?"
"I didn't. I made it." He looked into her eyes, "Please Nessa."
"Of course." Again she took a deep breath, "Now go. I'm sure you can get a head start on that Alec character."
Thon didn't say anything but ben and planted a soft kiss on Nessa's cheek before striding from the room to collect his belongings and his companions.


"What now?!"
"Fight in Tin Lid Alley! We've been called!"
The young Ranger put away the arrow he had been re-fletching and rose with ill grace. "Just when you think it's safe to relax for a little while." But he ran as fast as the rest to reach the scene and break it up before any fatalitles were incurred.
As it was the six man Ranger patrol were too late to prevent one death but a fair few men were still standing, and fighting so there was still a job to do.
"HOLD!!" The young man yelled drawing his sword. "Rangers!"
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 08, 2005 12:42
Linath had been listening to the others when she caught sight of the commotion down the street- a single man running with blade in hand, chased by many others. Her heart lept into her throat as the man charged straight for them- and suddenly the fight was all around them! Callixtus parried against one of the men without taking time to notice who was the villian and who wasnt. Linath drew her dagger but made no attempt to fight; instead she turned tail and went back inside with a small yelp, peeping around the door with wide eyes to watch the fight. She was too afraid to do anything more.

As it was the six man Ranger patrol were too late to prevent one death but a fair few men were still standing, and fighting so there was still a job to do.
"HOLD!!" The young man yelled drawing his sword. "Rangers!"

The newcomers seemed to collide with the others-- but the men didn't act as if they wished to 'hold'. The young woman still gripped the dagger, hoping that her 'friends' wouldn't get hurt. She moved herself more behind the door, hoping she wouldn't be noticed at all.

(yeah, she's still a coward...)
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 09, 2005 04:51
ooc: why the italics dreamdancer?

IC: Callixtus saw a group of men come up at a run. He heard them say they were rangers and cry for the fighters to hold but none listened to them. Callixtus worked his way over to them and said,"Disarm them only. I'm not sure who's who here."
The man nodded and in a few moments those left standing were disarmed. One of the pursuers hd been killed but no one else was seriously hurt.
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 09, 2005 08:17
(I used italics because I was re-using a quote from Alsin )
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 10, 2005 08:35
Denother of Gondor, Ranger Sergeant currently serving in Edoras, strode between the two lines of men.
"Right!" He braked, "Is anyone going to tell me what's going on here? I've got four fairly calm individuals, including a Ranger, against more characters who seem to have a great desire to stick the afore mentioned party." He raised an eyebrow to where two of his comrades were holding down one fo the fighters. "Why? Someone tell me and we can all go home."


Meanwhile our fugitives had packed, saddled up and left by way of a handy little delivery gate round the back of the Inn. They kept to a slow, sedate pace at Thon's direction. People were sure to notice them if they ran so by going slow they merely looked as if they were any other citizen or visitor and no-one would be able to remember or remark upon their passing.
Soon they had reached a Well and horsetrough near the centre of the Golden City and dismounted to allow their horses to drink.
Sat in the shade of a spreading oak Thon ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath.
"I really don't know if I want to know the answer to this now, but tell me Gadai. What in the name of all that is holy got into you back there that you would risk all of our lives?"
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 10, 2005 09:48
OOC:Since i said i had a friend here we can say its Denother.
, "Is anyone going to tell me what's going on here? I've got four fairly calm individuals, including a Ranger, against more characters who seem to have a great desire to stick the afore mentioned party.Why? Someone tell me and we can all go home."

"Denother!" called Callixtus. "Its good to see you again my friend. I can't tell you much about what's going on though. This man here was being chased by the other six and we stepped in to prevent some bloodshed. He would be the one to ask though," he said idicating Naradir.
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 10, 2005 06:45
Gadai breathed a little easier every step they put between themselves and the inn. When they stopped to let their horses water, she was in full control of herself again. As she patted her horse, a fairly recent acquisition of only a few short days before that mansion, she realized that she had, as yet given no name to the beast. Not that it mattered. Gadai was morbidly sure that, with the luck they were having recently, she probably wouldn't have him very much longer anyway. She moved over to a tree and sat down on her heels. Thon saw her and sat down next to her. When he ran his hand through his hair, Gadai was fairly sure she knew what he was about to say and his next words clinched it.

"I really don't know if I want to know the answer to this now, but tell me Gadai. What in the name of all that is holy got into you back there that you would risk all of our lives?"

Gadai suppressed a groan. Why couldn't he have waited a while longer? Or just let it go? She made sure that her voice was absolutely steady before answering.

"Thon, I apologize for endangering you and Sionn. For my part, I'd rather have seen him dead and out of the way."

Turning his head, Thon looked her squarely in the eyes,"Stop dodging Gadai. I accept your apology but you've never acted like this before. Sionn and I need to be able to count on you. There's something more to this, I know it."

Gadai stared back silently. "Fine. It's Nessa. I would slit her throat almost as fast as your friend Alec's were it not for you. The woman is an insult to me." Standing up she walked back towards Sionn. "Are the horses ready?"
Yavannildi and proud!
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 10, 2005 06:51
Naradir thought about what he should say. He looked at his pursuers, who still had clenched fists. But, it was better than them having weapons.

Naradir said, "These men have been hunting me for weeks now. They have been hired to hunt me down and kill me as if I were an animal. They all ambushed me and chased me out of my own home. These men are just mindless killers." By then, there was a hint of hatred in his voice that several people detected.

The pursuer that was being held down yelled out, "Mindless? You killed three of our comrades before we got here and you call us mindless killers!"

"You have done me much more harm!" Naradir shot back and almost jumped forward to attack the man, but Callixtus held him back

Naradir said silently to himself, "I have not told a lie, I just have not told the whole truth."
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 10, 2005 08:02
OCC Hope you don't mind, it was the only way I could figure out how to get in, a new character didn't really fit with everything happening at the moment with the other group. If it is a problem, let me know and I will change it. My avatar is Adastrea, the character I have been using lately)

A white horse walked over to the trough. The rider was a woman with long black hair. She hesitated when she saw three others already there, but dosmounted and silently let her horse drink. She kept to herself, but noticed the sudden silence that spread over the group. She never enjoyed the awkward silences of a group being interrupted. She smiled slightly and nodded in greetings, not knowing what else to do and feeling like a complete fool. Why did she have to stop, she should have gone to the next one. She sighed, the sooner she finished up her business in Rohan, the better.
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 11, 2005 04:47
[I hope you don't mind my using denother a bit. I couldn't really think of anything else to post.]

Callixtus drew Denother asside and held a hurried conversation with him.
"I don't really know what to make of it all. The pursuers are definately not locals and it is obvious they are trying to kill him but we have no way of telling who offended who first."
"I'll let them go with a warning and set a watch on each of them," said Denother. "If they try anything else we'll arrest them and turn them over to King Thengel to decide."
"Very well. As soon as you've cleared this up I need to speak to you. There are some unpleasant people around who need to be stopped."
"Wait here then I'll be done in a minute."

He went over and spoke to the men telling them that they were free to go but would be arrested if they tried anything further. Then he talked to his rangers who drifted off in different directions.
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 11, 2005 06:46
Alec was glad for the fight. It had been too long since some good old fashioned hand-to-hand. A few of the Rangers seemed to recognize him, probably because they had all been told to kill Alec more than once and now a few black eyes were just another reason to want to. There was someting about the newcmer that seemed to tingle Alec's suspions. He walked up to him while Callixtus was talking to the Rangers.

Alec approached him, arms crossed, with a suspicious look in his eye.
"What's your name stranger?" he asked.
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 11, 2005 07:24
When Linath saw the the fight and ended- at least, it looked that way- she cautiously made her way out of the inn's door and over to where the others were.

"What's your name stranger?" he asked

She waited a moment to see if the newcomer would reply- she didn't know anything about him, and definatly didn't recognize his face. She wondered why he had been being chased- and if he had given them a good reason to want his death, she wanted to be nowhere near him.
Turning she eyed Callixus silently, wanting to apologize for running away- but she didn't. He was obviously busy speaking to one of the rangers.
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 11, 2005 08:13
Ooc - Wow, you've given us a time period Iceman! No big deal but can make life easier.

Ic - When Den had sent his men off to warn those in other parts of the city of the possibilty of violence breaking out again and to go and get a cart to transport the body he turned back to Callixtus.
"Callixtus my old friend, it's been too long!" He glanced about the street, dirty enough to start with but now in a state of frenzied activity as the overturned tables and spilt wares were collected up again. "I only wish we could have met in better circumstances. Anyway, you mentioned something about unpleasant people."


As the newcomer watered her mount Thon lapsed into stunned silence.
An insult? What has Nessa ever done to her? What in the name of Eru is she on about?
Sionn glanced at his companions. Thonw as off in a world of his own and Gadai seemed in no mood for company so, fixing his most charming smile in place on his handsome, dark haired features Sionn approached the rider of the white horse.
"Good Day Milady." He dropped a slight, respectful bow, "May I enquire as to what brings you here on such a fine day?"
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 11, 2005 08:39
Adastrea turned at the sound of a man's voice. She gave a slight smile to the handsome man before her, "An errand for my ada...I mean...my father" She said softly, turning back to her horse. She was always overly trusting, it never crossed her mind that someone could be evil in nature. She shifted slightly and turned, "May I help you with something, my lord? I am almost finished here, I will not be much longer. Forgive me if I interrupted anything here, it was not my intent." She glanced at the others and then back at him, hoping none of them were upset in any way.
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 11, 2005 12:02
"I only wish we could have met in better circumstances. Anyway, you mentioned something about unpleasant people."

"I ran into this group in a small town about five leagues from here. They are three, two men and a woman. They are very dangerous and must be found as soon as possible. My friend here," he said nodding at Alec, "ran into them ten minutes ago in this inn. They go by the nsmes of Thon, Sionn and Gadai. Thon seems to be the ringleader and is ruthless and a very able swordsman."
Denother's eyes widened for a second before he skillfully covered his shock.
"So ethoner's about is he," he thought, "I need to find him, to see him, to talk to him. It's been to long."
Denother thought for a moment then said, "I'll tell my men to report them if they are seen. I hope we can find them before they leave or they will be difficult to find."

[Edited on 15/8/2005 by Iceman331]
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 11, 2005 04:24
"What's your name stranger?" he asked.

Naradir thought for a moment. I might as well answer him.

"My name is Naradir." he said, "My homeland is, rather was, Gondor. But then I was chased out my own home by these ruffians."

I am still lying, he thought to himself, Not that it would matter to them.

Naradir contiued, "I thank you, and I owe you my life."
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 12, 2005 08:27
"I am originally from Gondor as well," Linath dared to speak, eyeing the stranger. "Maybe you knew my father?- Kadrin, a gambler. He frequented the ale houses and taverns."
Her face was expressionless, but inside she was itching to leave- the bandits were getting away as they stood here socializing!
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 13, 2005 04:19
"Maybe you knew my father?- Kadrin, a gambler. He frequented the ale houses and taverns."

Naradir knew he had heard that name before, but in his mind he could not put a face to it.

"No miss," he answered, "I don't think I know such a man." But the fact he recognized the name bothered him.

Naradir turned back towards Alec, "Again I must thank you. But if it won't be too much trouble, may I stay, or travel, with you. I will help you if I can. You did save my life."
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 13, 2005 10:12
Sionn arranged a pleasant smile on his face, which was not as hard as it might have been, given the rather pleasing arrangment of the girl's features.

"An errand for my ada...I mean...my father," the girl said before turning quickly back to her horse. As if he was deaf! So...an elf, then. Her build and face were certainly delicate enough to not give that assumption the lie, though her hair hid her ears. She turned back, obviously discomforted, possibly at his silence. "May I help you with something, my lord? I am almost finished here, I will not be much longer. Forgive me if I interrupted anything here, it was not my intent." Sionn widened his smile a little, attempting to appear as gallant and friendly a man as he could.

"My lady, I thank you for the kind offer, but your help is not needed, and certainly you do not inconvenience us in the slightest. It is a public watering hole, is it not? Indeed, should you yourself require any assistance, my wife and father and I would be glad of the chance, I assure you." The lie slipped easily off Sionn's tongue as he gestured towards Gadai and Thon, now heading back towards the horses. He briefly wondered how their talk had gone--even he had been stunned by his sister's outburst--but set it aside for the current moment.

The girl opened her mouth to refuse, but Sionn cut her off and pretended to not have known what she was going to say. "No, no, it is no trouble to us at all, I assure you. In fact, let me talk to my father now. I am sure he and my wife, Gadai, will be as charmed by you as I am." He gave her a small bow and walked to few yards to Gadai and Thon.

"You see that girl over there?" They both nodded.

"I saw her arriving earlier," Thon said, folding his arms. "What of it?"

"She says she's on an errand for her father, though she slipped and said ada. Either way, she's alone and I've already gotten her half way to traveling with us. Everyone knows those Strange-ears are rich."

"Not to mention, being an escort gives us a way out of this giant horse stable without being remarked," Gadai added, with a sidelong glare for Thon.

"Where did she say she was traveling?" Thon asked.

"I haven't asked yet, but neither have I told her where we are traveling. Unless something has changed in the last few minutes, I don't think any of us know that, so it shouldn't be too hard to travel in her direction now would it?"

"And why not simply follow her at a distance? Why put up with a slip of an elf for a day or two if we don't have to?"

"Escort," Gadai replied, in a tone which clearly said she was enjoying Thon's forgetfulness of that little point.

Sionn nodded. "Exactly."

Thon stood for a few seconds thinking it over, glance shifting between the girl and themselves. "Very well. Ask her where she is headed and offer her our protection."

((What race is Adastrea, celebmir3? I'm assuming Elven because of the "ada", obviously, but is she only half, or did she just grow up with the Elves? Alsin, I hope you don't mind my use of Thon! PM if you want to change it at all.))

[Edited on 13/8/2005 by Timpenin]
Yavannildi and proud!
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 13, 2005 12:11
Ooc - Of course not Timp.

Ic - "They go by the names of Thon, Sionn and Gadai. Thon seems to be the ringleader and is ruthless and a very able swordsman."
Denother's eyes widened for a second before he skillfully covered his shock.
So, Ethoner's about again is he? He thought, I need to find him, to see him, to talk to him. It's been too long.
Turning his attention back to Callixtus, "Very well, I'll tell my men to report them if they are seen. I hope we can find them before they leave or they will be difficult to find."
Thinking about what he knew of his older brother and hoping he hadn't changed too much Den politely took his leave of his old friend and hurridley made his way towards the centre of Edoras.


Ethoner began to ready both his and Sionn's horse with ill grace while keeping up and low background grumble in which could occasionally be distinguished words like 'damn Elves' and 'uppity beggars'.
When both mounts were again readied for travel he stood leaning on his own massive animal as he waited for Sionn to get his interminable flirting over with.

"My Lady. My Father and Wife agree with me that we may offer you our help, we know the area well and offer to escort you wherever you may be headed." He let his eyes take on the twinkle he had been told he developed when he wanted soemthing, "Where may that be exactly?"

[Edited on 15/8/2005 by Alsin_of_the_Forest]
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 13, 2005 05:55
Adastrea hesitated a moment, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her pointy ear as the man went to talk to his companions before she could refuse their help. She waited silently turning away from the group to be polite. When he came back and told her that they would escort her to wherever she needed to go, she looked at the others, then back at him. "I had to go to my brother's home to tell him something, but I am going back home to Lothlorien after this. I am not sure if that is out of your way."

She waited for his answer as she patted her mare who was ready to go. "I am Adastrea, by the way..." She said to him. She felt a little awkward to be offered an escort from strangers who didn't even know her name.
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Post RE: Hunting The Bounty
on: August 14, 2005 11:36
Sionn smiled, "A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. And Lothlorien is close to where we are going."
"Where are you going?"
"We have friends and family in the Wold, near Fangorn." It was a plausible lie, "It would be of little matter to see you to Lorien then return South."
"I thankyou then for you generosity."
"The pleasure is all ours Lady Adastrea. I am Sionn, my Wife is Gadai and my Father goes by the name of Ethoner, though he prefers Thon."
Sionn waved to his companions to bring their horses that they may move out.


Denother skidded to a halt by the horse trough just in time to see a group of riders leaving. One of the horses he recognised all to well, Lessana, the massive beast belonging to his brother. The young Segeant's certanties were confirmed when the tall animal's rider turned and flicked a gaze around the square, skimming over him but not coming to rest.
"I see you Ethoner," Den muttered to himself, "And I'm not going to let you run away again."
Shooting one last look at the retreating figures Den began to jog back to the inn where Callixtus and his companions remained.
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