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on: February 10, 2015 09:20
For a descriptive writing exercise I found one that said to describe your favorite character from a movie, so of course you know who I picked! I shall post it below; do you think this is an accurate description?

He stands tall and erect, holding himself proudly with the air that he is king, demanding respect and honour. Holding his head high makes his neck look long, granting him the imperial air he desires. His pale skin is complimented by his dark silver robes and cloak, which has a pop of dragon-fire red on the inside and matches his spiky crown of leaves and silver. As he walks, the cape billows behind him and only serves to add to his majestic air.
This is the Elvenking, Thranduil of the Woodland Realm, a sorrowful and reserved individual. The tragic deaths of his parents in one millennium and his wife several thousand years later haunt the depths of his soul, leaving a first impression that he is cold and hard. However, deep down inside he is a loving and caring man who is afraid to show his love to others because everyone he’s been affectionate towards has died. His desire to see his kingdom thrive and protect the rest of his people from certain death makes him wary of strangers, especially when they refuse to tell him their business. The dark forces of evil thriving within the lower portions of his forest have created a dark fear in his heart as he recalls those very same forces killing his parents before his eyes, and he could do nothing to stop it. Sauron’s minions later slaughtered his wife in the same manner, so it is little wonder that he trusts few people. He desires love yet at the same time pushes it away because he refuses to be hurt again.

The latter portion more about his personality is why I love to write about him so much, and also why I can pretty much never bring myself to actually kill off his wife! (I've probably told you that I've tried I think three times to do this & every single time have to work it out so that the Elvenqueen is fine So I only have 1 story where she's actually dead, which does make for some precious Thranduil scenes that wouldn't work if she was with him)
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
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on: February 10, 2015 12:28
Blue, I think that is a wonderful description of the Elvenking! It is nice to see the transition from his outward appearance to his heart and past. Nicely done!
"And I dreamed of seas and ships, and of waves crashing on the shore in the twilight of the world..." ~Song, member of the Realm of Ulmo
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on: February 10, 2015 06:44
Thanks! It was rough going so I had to raid Pinterest on facial features lol But it was helpful to do it, & fun! I really should quit talking about him so much lol
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
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on: February 24, 2015 04:27
Have you seen the behind the scenes video, "Thranduil's Wardrobe?" So hilarious!
"And I dreamed of seas and ships, and of waves crashing on the shore in the twilight of the world..." ~Song, member of the Realm of Ulmo
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on: February 24, 2015 05:47
Oh my goodness! I don't think so...It sounds totally awesome! I'm good with you posting the link here lol
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
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on: February 25, 2015 01:02
Here you go! Make sure you aren't drinking anything when you watch.


Thranduil is so fabulous!
"And I dreamed of seas and ships, and of waves crashing on the shore in the twilight of the world..." ~Song, member of the Realm of Ulmo
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on: February 25, 2015 05:56
Wow! I might be hyperventilating here a bit! All those fabulous cape moves! ~swoons~
He is totally fabulous! I mean, he's Thranduil! He's supposed to be!
Thanks for sharing!
My absolute favorite part is where he raises his eyebrows! There's a gif of that on Pinterest. I just don't even know how to describe that awesomeness.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
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on: March 02, 2015 05:16
I've seen the video! So funny and cute! Such an extensive wardrobe. I wonder if they called upon the books,or just started to wing it like they did on so many other things in the film.
We were one in the same, running like moths to the flame. You'd hang on every word I'd say, but now they only ricochet.
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on: March 02, 2015 07:32
The only description of Thranduil's attire that I remember in the book is something about he had a crown of leave, flowers, or berries depending on what season it was. That & he loved green jewels, so I would imagine he's make use of them in his clothing.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
Elfeawen Lomiondil
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on: March 14, 2015 04:53
he's a pretty amazing actor too (actually the Hobbit is the only thing I've seen, although I'd like to see Guardians of the Galaxy).

Blue, if you still have not seen this yet, I recommend you do not. It would probably be better for your mental health. As a Thranduil fan, it may be hard to see Pace as a blue skinned villain. Actually, I almost choked on my hypothetical popcorn when I realized Thranduil and Ronan were played by the same person. They look nothing alike, and the only thing they have in common is the way they tilt their heads and stare at you, and the way they contemptuously pronounce "mortal". Oh, and they both have trouble with rebellious female subordinates!
"There shall be war between the Children of Iluvatar and the Ainu Melko. What if we perish in our quest? The dark halls of Vê be little worse than this bright prison" ~ Fëanor
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on: March 15, 2015 03:08
Alright, thanks for your input! There are few movie rental places where I am now so I won't be seeing that unless it comes on the TV. I have seen pictures of Lee as Ronan & I find it a bit disappointing that they turned him into a "blue skinned villain" as you say. However, there's a really neat gif of my fave pic of Thranduil that starts as Ronan & fades into Thranduil.
Here's a link for it: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/116601077828793651/
Guess what! I saw something on the EE of BotFA and there's supposed to be more on Thranduil's wife! I am having a hard time waiting, unlike the royal Elvenking
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
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on: March 15, 2015 04:29
I am very interested to see what they put in about his wife. A name? A face?
We were one in the same, running like moths to the flame. You'd hang on every word I'd say, but now they only ricochet.
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on: March 15, 2015 10:20
This blurb had no name or face, and I sort of hope they leave the name open, as with the face, just because I have my own mental image of her. I'm anxious to learn just how she died because what they were saying in BoFA didn't make any sense as far as the books are concerned, at least not the way they had it. However, I think everything surrounded her death shaped Thranduil into who he is in the films. She's not mentioned in the books at all, so it's open to interpretation as to whether she was alive during the time of the Hobbit or not.
This is probably why I like giving my fave character his wife so much! lol
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
Elfeawen Lomiondil
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on: March 15, 2015 05:19

Guess what! I saw something on the EE of BotFA and there's supposed to be more on Thranduil's wife! I am having a hard time waiting, unlike the royal Elvenking

What, seriously???!! How?!

"I am not patient, and I can not wait." Right.
"There shall be war between the Children of Iluvatar and the Ainu Melko. What if we perish in our quest? The dark halls of Vê be little worse than this bright prison" ~ Fëanor
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on: March 16, 2015 02:13
Through pinterest, my friend! I have a whole board dedicated to Thranduil, so it randomly puts up pics of him So it could be false info but did seem legit to me.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
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on: March 17, 2015 09:09
I guess we will have to find out!
We were one in the same, running like moths to the flame. You'd hang on every word I'd say, but now they only ricochet.
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on: March 17, 2015 12:25
Yes, we will! How will we wait that long? I have to keep reminding myself that I waited 3 long years for AuJ to come out...You would think I could wait 7 or 8 months for something to come out!
I saw this really crazy thing on Pinterest today! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ce/dc/58/cedc582dbc0a69ca732a3a1b0f8d516c.jpg In case the link doesn't work, it says, "What if Tauriel gets killed by Smaug. She gets obliterated by dragon fire, just as the queen of Mirkwood did- and Legolas and Thranduil are there to see it happen. Again." Needless to say, I spent about 5 minutes shrieking over this, wishing I could hug Thranduil & think how interesting a story that would be. But that shall have to wait until I know exactly what PJ says happened to the Elvenqueen. Just because of Thranduil's dragon fire scars, I think it very well did have something to do with a dragon. If not Smaug then another fireworm. I'm still a bit disturbed by this quote lol
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
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on: March 19, 2015 01:50
I've been a fan of Thranduil for a little while, books and movies alike, and I must say that the casting of Lee Pace was just perfect. I read someplace that the casting crew flew to New York just for his audition; I'm glad they went to the trouble.

That's a really interesting idea there Blue. Sad, but interesting. Perhaps someone will write about it while we're all waiting for word on the Elvenqueen from PJ...
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on: March 20, 2015 06:34
I didn't know that tidbit; I certainly find the trip to NY worth it!
Yes, that idea is devastatingly heartbreaking! I have written a story called The Saga of the Elvenqueen that explains why she doesn't appear in the Hobbit (ok, I actually have 2 now, a murder mystery & this one I'm not sure how to describe it, although if I think about it it's kind of murder/suspense in a way; I guess it's easier just to read it than to have me explain the genre lol), but Tauriel isn't in it, & I don't really have much Legolas either (I'll just go ahead & admit that I'm not a Legolas fan, as much as I love his Ada! However, writing about Thranduil means his son infiltrates my stories much of the time somehow...). And now I want that EE more than ever!
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
Estelanor Of The Shire
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on: March 23, 2015 03:46
BlueberryMuffins76 said:This blurb had no name or face, and I sort of hope they leave the name open, as with the face, just because I have my own mental image of her. lol

Curious, Blueberry, what is your mental image of Thranduil's wife -If you don't mind sharing?
I ask because I have no ideas about what she looked like. Legolas clearly took after Dad in appearance (mostly ) , so Legolas's appearance gives me nothing to go buy for what the elven queen looked like. Beautiful, no doubt, but other than that, I really can't imagine.
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Elfeawen Lomiondil
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on: March 23, 2015 05:41
Blonde of course! Funny, Estelanor, I picture Legolas looking more like her. Yes, Blue, this is your specialty, what do you think? I think its cute how you call her Elvenqueen.
"There shall be war between the Children of Iluvatar and the Ainu Melko. What if we perish in our quest? The dark halls of Vê be little worse than this bright prison" ~ Fëanor
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on: March 27, 2015 10:11
O_o ~gives self sharp reprimand~ I apologize, everyone, I have not checked this thread in a while! I am ashamed of myself lol
Well, if you really want to know, I imagine the Elvenqueen looking somewhat like me, except totally beautiful. She's definitely blonde, more of a golden, richer blonde than the Elvenking's flaxen hair. She has blue eyes, a deeper blue than Thranduil's, more of a medium-tone sky blue. I imagine they are large but don't take over her face. She's shorter than her husband, who is 6'4" (I can't figure out exactly how tall Lee Pace is, but some places say 6'3" & others say 6'5", so I'm shooting for the middle), so I'm going to say around 5'7" or so. Legolas really doesn't look like her. That's really all I have; I'm terrible with descriptions & can't draw, so the image is trapped inside my head
Oh, & feel free to use the term "Elvenqueen". I know I'm not the only one to make it up. I thought since Thranduil is the Elvenking, it logically follows that his wife is the Elvenqueen and his son is the Elvenprince.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
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on: March 27, 2015 11:17
Yep, definitely blone. Dark hair is a dominant trait, so if she had black hair, or brown, Legolas would have turned out dark haired. We see this in Elrond and Arwen, Elladan, and Elrohir, so it can't be an exemption. Light eyes too; same principal applies.

We were one in the same, running like moths to the flame. You'd hang on every word I'd say, but now they only ricochet.
Elfeawen Lomiondil
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on: March 27, 2015 05:22
I could talk Elven genetics for hours! Tolkien once said genetics don't work the same in ME, and I had already predicted that Elf genetics at least were not the same as ours. Black haired Finwe and golden haired Indis had a gold haired son. But this dosn't stop me from trying to find patterns in Elf genetics. Maybe Vanyar gold is dominant over black, but Sindar blonde is not. But Indis's other son was black haired. Stuff like that.

If the EE has more on Elvenqueen, I will be happy. I have nothing against making something up about a character Tolkien did not define, and this is the best we will ever get since Tolkien didn't say.
"There shall be war between the Children of Iluvatar and the Ainu Melko. What if we perish in our quest? The dark halls of Vê be little worse than this bright prison" ~ Fëanor
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on: March 27, 2015 11:12
Lol if it was my world, blonde would be dominant over everything else, except maybe red hair!
Yes, I almost like it that Tolkien doesn't have that much to say about the Mirkwood elves. It gives more freedom to write about them! I will definitely be happy too if PJ gives us more on the Elvenqueen, just to satisfy my own curiosity. I think that & Oropher (Thranduil's father, who was killed along with 2/3 of their army in the War of the Last Alliance) are the key to Thranduil's movie personality. He had to have some extensive PTSD from that, like Maxie has already pointed out somewhere.
As a side note, I really should try to write a better description of the Elvenqueen!
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
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on: March 28, 2015 04:29
Blue, we should bring that up in the WritersThread...write a description of your favorite, non movie Tolkien character. Somany could be used besides the Elvenqueen...Glorfindel, Elladan, Elrohir, Feanor...

Good point on the genetics, Lomiondil. We should try and do more research on this.
We were one in the same, running like moths to the flame. You'd hang on every word I'd say, but now they only ricochet.
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on: March 28, 2015 06:36
Yes, Maxie! Fabulous idea! I love Glorfindel, and Erestor, and the twins, but of course not as much as the Elveking. By the way, how did you find Thranduil in BotFA? I personally thought he was at his finest, but then again you know how biased I am towards him
And let me know if ya'll do the genetics thing; while I don't think it really matters, it would be nice to know if Tolkien said much on it.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
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on: March 28, 2015 07:38
To be completely honest, I saw so much of myselfin Thranduil's haughty attitude. "Such a pity. But still, you tried." "He is stubborn, like his cousin." "Get out of my way." Some of his facial expressions mademy day, as well. So yes, he was at his finest. I loved to see his humanity when he brought help to the people of Esgaroth.
We were one in the same, running like moths to the flame. You'd hang on every word I'd say, but now they only ricochet.
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on: March 29, 2015 03:50
Yes! I love that he helps the people of Lake Town; he's so precious! Have you seen the Valentine running around Pinterest where he's saying something about he would bring you food if your town got burned down and you had to evacuate? ~total fangirls~
He does have great facial expressions, like when Tauriel threatens him (she upset me greatly there, although I only yelled "No!" at Dain when he threatened him lol).
My absolute fave part is at the end where he's comforting Tauriel & realizes that she & Kili really did share true love. Well, and the part where he tells Legolas his mother loved him. I wish Thranduil had hugged both of them, though. Oh well. Maybe in the EE!
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
Estelanor Of The Shire
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on: March 29, 2015 07:36
BlueberryMuffins76 said:
My absolute fave part is at the end where he's comforting Tauriel & realizes that she & Kili really did share true love. Well, and the part where he tells Legolas his mother loved him. I wish Thranduil had hugged both of them, though. Oh well. Maybe in the EE!

I agree! He should have hugged them, but still it is the warmest display of affection we get out of Thranduil in the whole series. His words to Tauriel "It was real" are very meaningful, not just to Tauriel, but to the audience as well, because it shows that Thranduil admits that he was wrong, and hopefully is going to allow himself to open up to others, especially his children, in the future.
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on: March 29, 2015 09:20
Absolutely! Although Tauriel was in the wrong too. She should have respected her King, even if he can sometimes be hard for them to deal with.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
Estelanor Of The Shire
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on: March 29, 2015 12:43
BlueberryMuffins76 said:Although Tauriel was in the wrong too. She should have respected her King, even if he can sometimes be hard for them to deal with.

For the scene where Tauriel blocks Thranduil's way and he cuts her bow in half, I think they were both in the wrong. Thranduil was abandoning the fight, which is understandable, since he wanted to save his people, but it would have been pretty bad for the Dwarves and Laketown citizens. As for Tauriel pointing her bow and arrow at Thranduil, well, that obviously wasn't a very diplomatic solution! But she was right that Thranduil should not walk out on the fight.
They both were too emotional, but I think that Tauriel's accusation that Thranduil had no love in him , was the turning point for Thranduil. So while I don't condone arguing while pointing lethal weapons at each other, this confrontation actually had a positive outcome.
In the EE, Legolas should give Tauriel a hug when she is crying over Kili. I wanted to jump through the movie screen and hug her!!

In the final scene with Tauriel and Thranduil, what I think is real interesting is when Tauriel says something like; "if this is love, I don't want it. Take it away" I think she is willing to give up on friendship, and become the sort of cold unfeeling elf she believed Thranduil to be, BUT then Thranduil's words to her show that he isn't unfeeling, and that while losing a loved one is painful, you shouldn't give up and become hard and cold. I am certain Thranduil was thinking about his wife's death in this scene.
Sorry, I just love analyzing these scenes in ridiculous detail So That was my interpretation of that scene, what do you think?
Also, in the Battle of Five Armies Soundtrack, the music for that scene is called "Courage and Wisdom ". Does anyone besides me think that courage refers to Tauriel and wisdom to Thranduil?

[Edited on 03/30/2015 by Estelanor Of The Shire]
May it be when darkness falls, your heart will be true..
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on: March 29, 2015 01:12
Yes, I have to admit that scene allows for such awesome parallels when Thranduil comforts her at Kili's death! And yes, he had to have been thinking about his wife. He's the one I want to hug lol So I do agree with your interpretation!
Just curious, you said Tauriel believes Thranduil is cold and unfeeling; I see through to all his sweet, good points, so I am just curious as to what you actually think about him. I know he seems cold on the surface, but he's really not. Then again, that could just be me fangirling over him, believing the best out of him just because he's my fave character in the movies!
Oh, I like you interpretation of the song title too! Although I find Thranduil rather courageous; just think, he's been hiding his feelings all these years, sharing them with no one, then sees the light and starts sharing. That takes a lot out of someone, even an Elf King I'm sure! But that's probably where I have this bias towards Thranduil...
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13, NIV I'm a fanfiction writer and appreciate reviews! Check me out at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6434280/BlueberryMuffins76
Estelanor Of The Shire
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on: March 29, 2015 04:57
I really should be studying for my exam on Tuesday!
Asking me what I actually think about Thranduil could make this a real long post, but I'll try to keep it short
I have complex feelings about Thranduil, because he is such a complex character; which obviously makes him more compelling, right?
I think that Tauriel thinks that Thranduil is cold and unfeeling, but like you said, I do not personally think that he is without feelings. Thranduil has just done to good a job of hiding his feelings from her, so Tauriel believes that Thranduil does not care for anyone, and I think Legolas was beginning to feel the same way.
I think hiding his feelings behind a cold exterior was Thranduil's way of dealing with his wife's death. And I agree with you that it took a lot of courage to begin sharing them with people, especially since he seems pretty proud to me. For this reason, the last scene between Thranduil and his 'kids' (Tauriel and Legolas) is my favorite Thranduil scene in the series. It is inspiring and very touching to see someone who had withdrawn from the world and lost so much to begin to see the world in a new way, and begin healing.
Does this make sense?? So, I'm still not 100% sure what I think about Thranduil all the time, but I think he is a great character, and I am fascinated by his story, and his family's story, and I love to debate and discuss it And I love his riding elk, I think Thranduil was very sad when it was killed.

Well courage could apply to both Tauriel and Thranduil, since they are both courageous. I thought wisdom for Thranduil because he has that to offer to Tauriel, while she is young and inexperienced, so the main thing she has to get though this trial is her courage.
Oh, I think I am a fan of Elrond similar to how you are about Thranduil
I wanted to ask about the scene "The Fallen"(that's the song title for that scene anyway), but I really need to go study, so I'll have to analyze that part later
And I forgot to say I like your description of the Elvenqueen. She sounds very beautiful.

[Edited on 03/30/2015 by Estelanor Of The Shire]
May it be when darkness falls, your heart will be true..
Elfeawen Lomiondil
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on: March 29, 2015 05:40
Estelanor Of The Shire said:
BlueberryMuffins76 said:Although Tauriel was in the wrong too. She should have respected her King, even if he can sometimes be hard for them to deal with.

For the scene where Tauriel blocks Thranduil's way and he cuts her bow in half, I think they were both in the wrong.

There is morally wrong, and then there is what is proper. I think Tauriel was morally right, but expressed it the wrong way. But she was so desperate. By the rules of society, it is even more wrong to threaten your king than an ordinary person, but on another level, all people are equal. Speaking truth to power takes courage, but threats are always wrong.To be fair, she did not draw her bow right away. It was only when he said "Yes, they will die," in what seemed to her an incredibly callous way, that she snapped. Then he snapped. I saw that you, Blue, found this scene horrifying because you thought she was trying to kill him. I also find it horrifying when people who should be close come near to violance. But I don't think for a moment she was trying to kill him. I don't think she would ever want to. She stopped at full draw, after all.

I'm trying not to say too much here, as I've already said a lot about both scenes on the Fave Tauriel Scene thread. I actually wrote a lot about Thranduil's motivations there, you might like to check it out.

Estelenor said: Also, in the Battle of Five Armies Soundtrack, the music for that scene is called "Courage and Wisdom ". Does anyone besides me think that courage refers to Tauriel and wisdom to Thranduil?

That's a beautiful interpretation.

[Edited on 03/30/2015 by Elfeawen Lomiondil]

[Edited on 03/30/2015 by Elfeawen Lomiondil]
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