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Estelanor Of The Shire
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Post What are your favorite Tauriel scenes in Hobbit 2 and 3?
on: March 16, 2015 11:23
What is your favorite Tauriel scene in either Hobbit 2 or 3? And what makes it your favorite? Just to get started, here is one of my favorites in The Desolation of Smaug.

Kili and Tauriel talk in Thranduil's dungeon.
I like this scene for multiple reasons. It is one of the first scenes where you start getting to know Tauriel, and what kind of elf she is. First off, her willingness to treat Kili as more than an "enemy mortal" proves her to be more open minded and compassionate than her fellow Mirkwood elves. This scene is a direct contrast to Thranduil and Thorin's hostile and selfish confrontation that is taking place elsewhere in the palace (the one where Thranduil tells Thorin he can go rot for a hundred years). Tauriel's curiosity and acceptance for different peoples is something I would like to see more of in our world as well.
Although after watching Battle of Five Armies, this part mostly makes me sad,it is also kind of funny; when Tauriel walks past Kili's cell and sees him tossing his stone, and he tells her it will curse any non dwarf who looks at it, and then shoves it at her. Tauriel gets a really disgusted look, like whatever, weirdo Dwarf.
My next favorite part is when Tauriel asks Kili if he is reckless, and he is like, Nooo, then drops the promise stone. He looks so worried when Tauriel takes it, like he thinks she is going to pocket it and run off. Poor Kili!! Then when she gives it back, I think he doesn't quite know what to think. She is supposed to be an enemy, yet this simple act of kindness proves that she isn't.
I'll admit the first time I saw this scene, I caught about half the words, but after re watching it, it made so much more sense. Tauriel and Kili both discover that they have a love for exploring and the natural world.
The acting is just outstanding, and of course the soundtrack (feast of starlight) is beautiful and now I can't listen to it without feeling pretty sad.
Legolas's charming commentary, to Tauriel's observation that Kili is tall for a dwarf, "But no less ugly", is another high point in the Mirkwood sequence. I'm not agreeing with Legolas, by the way; I just think its funny!

[Edited on 03/17/2015 by Estelanor Of The Shire]
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Elfeawen Lomiondil
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on: March 16, 2015 01:18
Thanks for creating this thread! I look forward to the discussion. I will have to think about your question because I'm pretty sure I like all the Tauriel scenes.

That thing with the stone is really funny but significant at the same time. It was ominous when she read the runes on the stone. I couldn't help but wonder if she was cursed from then on.
"There shall be war between the Children of Iluvatar and the Ainu Melko. What if we perish in our quest? The dark halls of Vê be little worse than this bright prison" ~ Fëanor
Estelanor Of The Shire
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on: March 17, 2015 11:12
Elfeawen Lomiondil said:
It was ominous when she read the runes on the stone. I couldn't help but wonder if she was cursed from then on.

I also worried that she had been cursed, especially after watching DoS, since I believed Tauriel was going to die in Battle of Five. I don't think the stone had any power, if it did, Kili wouldn't try to curse an elf he was trying to impress. However, it was definitely a disturbing idea. I think one of the important functions of the stone in that scene is that Tauriel hears about Kili's promise to his mother, which makes her more sympathetic to Kili. She wants him to be able to fulfill his promise to his mother.

Does anyone who reads dwarfish know what it says on the stone?

[Edited on 03/18/2015 by Estelanor Of The Shire]
May it be when darkness falls, your heart will be true..
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on: March 17, 2015 10:09

The words mean...*Return to me* I searched *Kili's Rune Stone* and ta da...there it was. You can buy a replica of that stone.

You know what? Just thinking back about that scene, I took it to be a complete lie made up by Kili just to start conversation with Tauriel. I did not believe a word of it. But now, learning what the runes mean, Kili's story is true.

I like all the scenes showing Tauriel in battle. I love that she is such a fierce warrior. It does not matter to me that she is not canon...it just was great to see a female Elf doing more than wearing pretty dresses. I loved her devotion for Middle-earth and her telling Legolas it was their fight.

I hope they show more of her in the extended of H3 but there are only 30 minutes of extra scenes. Does anyone have thoughts on what happened to her? I feel it was left unresolved in the movie.

[Edited on 03/18/2015 by Lindarielwen]
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on: March 17, 2015 10:18
Haha I hadn't thought of that Lindarielwen!

My favorite part is when (sorry Tauriel fans) Thranduil slices her bow up in H3.
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Elfeawen Lomiondil
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on: March 20, 2015 04:20
Thanks for sharing, Lindarielwen, I wondered!

I like all the scenes showing Tauriel in battle. I love that she is such a fierce warrior. It does not matter to me that she is not canon...it just was great to see a female Elf doing more than wearing pretty dresses. I loved her devotion for Middle-earth and her telling Legolas it was their fight.

Agreed. I like to see a variety of female characters. The warrior types make me appreciate the other types and visa versa, because if all females were action heroes, I would miss the Arwen and Galadriel kind (whom I also love), and if there were no action females, I would get a deficiency.

I hope they show more of her in the extended of H3 but there are only 30 minutes of extra scenes. Does anyone have thoughts on what happened to her? I feel it was left unresolved in the movie.

I hope for more too . . . although I doubt they will add any scenes after her last. I have been trying to choose a scene to write about, but I like all of them. I think about the last one a lot; it may be abnormal to "like" it, but it was certainly impressive. It was almost harder on me to see Tauriel suffer than the deaths, which at least I expected. Every word she spoke hurt; I couldn't bear watching her vibrant young spirit breaking. For me, the harshest thing about the movie was that we were given no indication that she would grow stronger from this instead of being broken forever.

"If this is love, I do not want it . . Why does it hurt so much?" Thranduil, tears in his eyes as he allows himself to feel for the first time in years, "Because it was real." Their eyes lock, and the world changes. She looks down, at Kili's face. And some things can not be changed.

I believe in her. The second time I watched it I saw it differently. I saw her accepting her love and her grief and understanding that she would have both forever. This is the beginning of strength. What comes next? I wrote my theory in the Tauriel Fan thread.
"There shall be war between the Children of Iluvatar and the Ainu Melko. What if we perish in our quest? The dark halls of Vê be little worse than this bright prison" ~ Fëanor
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on: March 21, 2015 02:27
This one!:
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on: March 21, 2015 10:32
Okay, I had a great laugh over that one, PSK. Funny, so funny...and true.
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
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on: March 21, 2015 10:32
Okay, I had a great laugh over that one, PSK. Funny, so funny...and true.
My destiny is riding again, rolling in the rain, unwinding in the wind. My destiny is fighting again, secretly unwinding..what it was I was supposed to say...to say to you today.
Estelanor Of The Shire
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on: March 21, 2015 05:04
Thanks for the rune stone translation, Lindarielwen! I think the stone is a Dwarfish charm/good luck token, sort of like the lei we give to people when they leave Hawaii. The idea is if you give someone a lei, they will return one day. The stone is the symbol of Kili's promise to return to his mother. So sad that he can never fulfill that promise!
I also love all the scenes with Tauriel in battle. Not only is it fun to watch her in action, I agree that it is great to see a female elf in a high position in the elvish guard. I wish I could shoot as well as she does, but I'm a real novice with a bow. The youngest elf child could defeat me in an archery competition

As for what happens to Tauriel next: I really hope for even a brief extended Tauriel scene in the EE that will hint at her future. I know this is unlikely, but We Wants It!!!!!!! Yes preciousss, we do.
I think Tauriel will return to Mirkwood for a time, but then spend many years exploring Middle Earth. She will meet many people, humans, elves, dwarves, and hobbits. She will make new friends, and lose some of them. She will know many sorrows, but also many joys. When at last in her wanderings she finds peace, she will return to Mirkwood to live for many ages beneath the green trees. Always she will carry the promise stone.
Elfaewen: I love your theory on the Tauriel fan club thread about Tauriel's future!

Cenor: I also appreciate that scene,(when Thranduil cuts Tauriel's bow in half) but perhaps for different reasons. This scene is very Important to the elf story because I think that Tauriel's words: "You think your life is worth more than theirs, when there is no love in it. There is no love in you!" break through Thranduil's cold hard shell and make him realize what an uncaring person he has become. I think her words truly surprised him because he hadn't recognized that he no longer treated Legolas like a son, or Tauriel like a daughter. I see the last scene between Tauriel and Thranduil as a hopeful sign that Thranduil can overcome his past and become a better king, father, and friend.
So maybe pointing a bow at Thranduil's head wasn't the best approach, but I can sympathize. Maybe it is because I am young as well (600 is young for an elf!), but I really understand wanting to do the right thing, wanting to make the world a better place, but making mistakes because you can't always know how things will turn out or what the exact right thing to do is. Tauriel is a very inspirational character for me.

[Edited on 03/22/2015 by Estelanor Of The Shire]
May it be when darkness falls, your heart will be true..
Elfeawen Lomiondil
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on: March 23, 2015 05:19
Bow cutting scene was intense.

This scene is very Important to the elf story because I think that Tauriel's words: "You think your life is worth more than theirs, when there is no love in it. There is no love in you!" break through Thranduil's cold hard shell and make him realize what an uncaring person he has become. I think her words truly surprised him because he hadn't recognized that he no longer treated Legolas like a son, or Tauriel like a daughter. I see the last scene between Tauriel and Thranduil as a hopeful sign that Thranduil can overcome his past and become a better king, father, and friend.
So maybe pointing a bow at Thranduil's head wasn't the best approach, but I can sympathize. Maybe it is because I am young as well (600 is young for an elf!), but I really understand wanting to do the right thing, wanting to make the world a better place, but making mistakes because you can't always know how things will turn out or what the exact right thing to do is. Tauriel is a very inspirational character for me.

You said it better than I could. Pointing a weapon at someone is not a good way to change their mind. She had reached that point where no options are good.

I realize this is getting a bit fanfic-y, but I find it easier to describe my interpretation this way:

“There is no love in your heart.” Tauriel was wrong. She did not understand. Only ice could keep the flames at bay. If he had no love, he would not feel this way, this fury. For an instant he wanted nothing more than to strike out, force her to take back what she said, obliterate her words. Then the point of his sword was resting at her throat, her chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. If he had no love, he would not still feel this longing to protect her. If he had no love, he would not feel the danger of her words as a shock in the heart.
“What do you know of love? Nothing!” He had to make her understand, she knew nothing of how much pain the heart was capable of, nor of how hard he had tried to protect her from it. Shocked, she was silent. “What you feel for the dwarf is not real. Are you ready to die for it?”
Tauriel has chosen her path. She knows this day could be her last. Death has never felt so close. Legolas has chosen Tauriel. He will follow this path, and if tomorrow comes, he will bear the consequences what ever they may be. Thranduil does not know if he has any choices left. They all feel it; their bonds breaking, their world changing around them. Some things can never be undone, so much is ending, but new things could also begin. Perhaps only one of them can make this new beginning, if he can find the courage and the wisdom.
Thranduil is alone, snowflakes falling at his feet, cold and uncountable as the years of his life.

I think he saw how close he was to becoming the person Tauriel said he was, and recognized that he didn't want to be that person. Then, at the end, she understands why he became that way and realizes that she could turn out the same unless she chooses another way.

[Edited on 03/25/2015 by Elfeawen Lomiondil]
"There shall be war between the Children of Iluvatar and the Ainu Melko. What if we perish in our quest? The dark halls of Vê be little worse than this bright prison" ~ Fëanor
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