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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 22, 2002 05:35
Sorry, the Nazgul are being security guys on my UN thread.
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 22, 2002 05:40
*Earhiril blushes furiously at the note, and writes one back, explaining that...she's impatient to go and fetch her ring from the PME*
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 22, 2002 05:47
Carancoe does one of his tradmark, patented, dignified 'ah's and sat back, wondering where this thread was going.

"I'm going in the hot tub.. the one.. over there.. hidden in the bushes... away from all eyes.. that no one is supposed to know about... and there's about one person... who is invited... yeah."
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 22, 2002 05:52
*Earhiril tingles as Carancoe walks past her on the way to the hot tubs, brushing his finger on her shoulder. After a few moments, she yawns and decides to close the pool for a while*
I'm going to hit the showers, I think....

*but Elerrina notices that Earhiril moves toward the jacuzzi*
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 22, 2002 05:54

*that's all Carancoe thinks of before they are no longer heard or seen of for the next... say, pick a convenient time. yes, thursday IS ok*
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 22, 2002 05:55
((Is today payday? You may have to dig back a ways to find the PME... it's there tho... I saw Thundin the other day... ))
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: October 02, 2004 03:10
(( can I join you guys. My character is an elfmaiden named Lilona with long black hair and blue-green eys. Her hair is always in a french braid.I would love to join this umm topic.))
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: October 24, 2004 09:29
((Wayhay its back!))

**Elruwen gingerly headed up to the door...Celebros had told her that it was about time she treated herself to a well earned break from work and he wasn't going to let her back in the armoury until she had spent a good few hours there.**

~~Elerrina??~~ she called out mentally
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: October 27, 2004 12:35
(( Yaaaahoo!! The Spa is OPEN again!! ))

Elerrina heard Elruwen speak in her mind and looked up from her tasks in the House of Healing located in the building next door.

~~ Hmmm? ~~ She said, somewhat distractedly, in mind-talk back. ~~Is it time for lunch already?~~

Elerrina looked at the ticking clock, and indeed her empty stomach agreed with the time she saw there. She'd had 2 patients to do healings on... using both her Ioun stones and her own system of Elven healing, but then she'd started on doing her accounting. Now she put her papers and pens aside and stretched, then ran a comb through her somewhat unruly curls of coppery red hair. ~~ Are you there yet? I'll be right down...~~

She looked down from her window, she could see the main pool and the hot pools, but the tables were hidden beneath the broad shade umbrellas, and 'Ruwen could be there already. Quickly, she closed and locked the door and went out into the beautiful day.

"Elruwen?" Elerrina said aloud, as she looked around the pool area, but all she saw for the moment was a youthful looking she-Elf with black hair. She smiled at her as she went by, and took a table somewhat close to the 'bar' part of the 'bar & grill'.

Tavek, the young bartender, called out to her, "What'll you have, El?"

With a smile, Elerrina called back, "Just a plain juice, Tav... I'm working today. Have you seen Elruwen?"

((OOC note to others- Tavek is a 'write-in' character, and can be written in by others... but keep it simple, please ))

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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: October 27, 2004 01:02
~~I'm in the entrance looking like a lost soul.~~ she said in a joking tone ~~Celebros won't let me back in the armoury until I've spent a day here. I'm absolutely cluless when it comes to thinks like this.~~

((OOC: fair enough ))
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: October 28, 2004 05:29
The tone of Elruwen's thoughts made Elerrina smile; Elruwen was a very focused person and almost always working on something-- either physically or mentally. Elerrina sent a mental smile and laughed aloud. ~~ 'Ruwen! If you don't even remember how to relax, you really do need a break from work!!~~

She got up from her chair as Tavek brought her a glass of juice, saying "I'll be right back... thanks... put it on my account, please. I'll go collect my friend from the front gate..."

Tavek gave her an inquiring look, wondering how she knew her friend was at the front gate. Perhaps she was just expecting her friend at this time...

"Elruwen!" Elerrina said with a smile, as she saw her friend and mentor. "Come in... I'll show you around the place." She took Elruwen past the front desk and showed her the changing rooms, massage and workout rooms, then led her back outside to show her the large warm-water swimming pool and the half-dozen hottubs scattered around in nicely private landscaped settings. As they walked back to the table where Elerrina's juice was waiting, she asked, "Did you bring a swimsuit? If not, perhaps the desk has one that would fit you; they keep a supply on hand... something to drink first, though? Or eat?"
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: October 29, 2004 12:18
Lilona happened upon a aperant hot-springs spa and pool. Lilona laughed and headed inside."Hello?" She called out
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: October 31, 2004 04:14
"Its good to see you as well Elerrina. I did bring my own swimsuit have no fear there and a drink would be most welcome." she grinned "You will have to show me around otherwise I am going to get lost and I would also like to hear what you recomend here.....and I think I heard another newcomer."
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 02, 2004 07:29
Also hearing the other voice call out, Elerrina answered. "Hello... do come in. There's always room for another person to come relax here!" She gestured toward the Bar & Grill part of the patio. "I'm sure Tavek would be happy to get you whatever you'd like to eat or drink... and the pool is always open for a swim. Or you can just bask in the sun... whatever you'd like. I am Elerrina Alatariel, this is Elruwen Greenleaf... and you are?"

Elerrina and Elruwen headed back towards the pool and tables, letting the new she-Elf follow if she wished to. Elerrina sat back down by her glass of juice. "Would you like a bite to eat first, 'Ruwen, or a swim first? It's kind of quiet around here these days, but perhaps more old friends will show up; you never know..."
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 03, 2004 05:05
"Indeed, you never know." she smiled "I think I'll drink first and swim after, food can wait."

**she ordered and paid for a glass of juice and sat down with Elerrina.**

"So is this one of your little well hidden secrets?"
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 04, 2004 05:17
Smiling a bit sheepishly, Elerrina took a sip of her own drink and then answered. "Well, it was back some years ago... I had opened an office next door to do some healing in, so people wouldn't have to go all the way out to the horse farm, and this place came up for sale. Way back then, after a big flurry of early business, the hot springs spa had run into some hard times. No one seemed to come here any more, but the pools were still wonderful for my patients to soak in... so I bought the whole place. It's not exactly a secret, though, and it occasionally does still get a little business besides my patients, so I keep it open. Tavek does double duty as chef, bartender and maintenance man... he's a real gem," she smiled again here, "and he doesn't call me 'Boss'..."

She looked around the area: the main pool was sparkling clean; the water warm enough at the fill pipe to give off an occasional wisp of steam. The hot tubs were mostly secluded, but she knew they were luxuriously warm, bubbly and healing from the mineral waters of the hot springs. The walled grounds were planted with rich, green trees and shrubs, and bright flowers, except the pool apron, which was 'planted' with benches and chairs, and tables with bright colored shade umbrellas. Looking around further, she noticed the visitor must have left... oh, well.

Elerrina looked back at 'Ruwen and smiled. "I still kind of like having the place open, as long as Tavek will run it... it's a nice place to come relax away from the horse farm... or the Armoury, for that matter." She leaned back in her chair and stretched, "Are you ready for that swim?"
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 04, 2004 01:54
"I can't put that swim off much longer." she giggled "The pool looks far too inviting and I think I finally understand why Celebros won't let me back in the armoury until I've spent a day here. Something has been bugging me, where you part of his little plan did he mastermind it all by himself?"
Lady of the Golden Wood
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 06, 2004 04:19
Elerrina tried to look innocent, and succeeded... mostly. "Well... I didn't know exactly what he had in mind, but he did say he thought you'd been working much too hard at the Armoury lately and needed a day off. I guess he just matched up a day I was planning to come into the village anyway with sending you off to relax here." She smiled at her friend, "That is, unless he was being more scheming than we think he was. I wonder if that was his only scheme, or if he's planning on doing something else, himself, while we're away." Elerrina waved a relaxed hand toward the gardens and pools, still smiling. "Either way... I'm glad I came. And I'm glad you came, too."

She got up and stretched again. "Well, I think I'll join you in that swim; I'll go change, too... are you ready?"
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 07, 2004 06:18
"Give me a few moment to finish this glass off and then yes I'll be ready." she smiled

**She downed the rest of her drink, stood up and picked up her bag.**

"I'm ready now, which way to the changing rooms?"

((OOC: Write Elruwen in where necessary Elerrina, by the time you read this I'll be onboard ship chugging towards Charlston, USA))

[Edited on 8/11/2004 by Elruwen]
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Post RE: "Grand Re-Opening! The Hot Springs Pool & Spa - is Now Open !"(keep)
on: November 07, 2004 09:26
Lilona decided to go for a swim. She never could resist a good swim. She headed out, quiet as usual and found the pool. She already had swam once today. She took to swimming again.
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