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The Fellowship of the Ring’s Destruction (in Subject Articles)

green spot on Boromir’s forehead. He smacked his lips happily. ARAGORN: The last of the green ketchup. Wonder where I can find more…And I still feel a sorta fairytale with…


…location that Denethor chose to make his stand against the enemy. A great number of the green elves were already assembled there. It was already night when the armies of…

Return of the King, Extended Edition (in Subject Articles)

…It’s good. Definitely from the Shire. Longbottom Leaf. (Merry and Pippin both agree.) Pippin: I feel like I’m back at the Green Dragon. Merry: Green Dragon. Pippin: A mug of…

A Phone Call With Elrond: PART ONE (in Fanfiction)

…um, I guess it’s probably about three hours behind us. VOICES: Thank you! Line goes dead. Elrond stares at phone. Phone stares at Elrond. Elrond drops phone down onto his…

LotR4: Attack of the Spammers (in Fanfiction)

…fire-walls on our computers to stop the Viral Spam from being accepted by our inboxes?” “That’s a good idea!” says Gandalf, “Does anyone have an e-mail address or phone number

Chapter VI: Dรดr Vedui (in Fanfiction)

…dim, grey-green light shimmered through the leaves above GimliÂ’s head as he swung his stout legs over the edge of the moss-covered bedstead with some difficulty. It was the second…

Epilogue (in Fanfiction)

…forests of Ithilien, and they happily accepted. And it was the greatest time that they ever had together as well, racing with their horses through the lush green trees that…

Mirkwood City (in Karaoke Songs)

green and the elves are pretty Oh, won’t you please take me home Take me down to the Mirkwood city Where the grass is green and the elves are pretty…

Tea, seed cakes and the Green Dragon (in Fanfiction)

…seed cakes and the Green Dragon Tansy Puddifoot sat on the edge of her bed. She vigorously rubbed her hands together while staring at the door, as if she was…

First Greens (in Fanfiction)

…Gondor at this time. In fact, it was quite disappointing if there wasn’t any grass. What was The First Greens without green? “A Hopeful First Greens, Captain.” “Hopeful day,” Aragorn…