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Adventures of Three Hobbits: Part Three (in Fanfiction)

…brother yelling angrily and to his surprise he heard Sam yelling back. The high piping voice of the young hobbit carried more clearly across the field. Frodo saw him climbing…

Costumes: Kaylin’s LARP Dress–LotR Rivendell Elf Style (in Crafts)

…once my mock-up was as finished as I could get with only the body pieces done anyway, I found the only mistakes I had made on it was I had…

Lord of the Ruffles: The Fellowship of the Chips (in Subject Articles)

…little hobbit! Here little hobbit, hobbit, hobbit! I’m not going to hurt you, I just want some food! PIPPIN: (whispers) Oh, see, he just wants some food! Frodo, as if…

The Lord of the Teeth – The Frenetic of the Teeth (in Subject Articles)

…of a darkly lit street in the east, whispers of a nameless beer…and Teeth perceived (via a radio.) After years of lying in the same position, the Teeth finally got…

Trust To Hope, Book Two, Chapter One (in Fanfiction)

…him. “Horses all right?” she asked sleepily. “Yes,” he answered softly. “Only one was slightly injured, but she will be fine.” He nuzzled her neck. “I am sorry, Ani.” She…

2. Just In Time For Supper (in Fanfiction)

…no matter how many times you’ve been in the Smials. As there are always plenty of hobbits about, if you walk around for a bit, you usually can find something…

Edraith’s Heart (in Fanfiction)

…would make her angry to have to wait for him, but wait for him she would. Laughing softly as he finally decided to get up; he quickly dressed and went…

Home at Last (in Fanfiction)

…which had taken some getting used to, but the family eventually learned to manage. She truly did more for them than he’d ever dreamed, and for the first time he…

I Will Always Return (in Fanfiction)

…obviously,” Aragorn muttered dryly. This wasn’t abnormal since they had left Minas Tirith and he wasn’t surprised when the Elf stretched and stood up a bit wearily, stating a walk…

Chapter 14 Alcarinque (in Fanfiction)

…and meekly accepted the good offices of her future family. She had only been a little bit surprised… no, rather worried, when a visiting Galadriel had looked at her with…