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Welcome to the Council of Elrond!

“…You have come and are here met, in this very nick of time, by chance as it may seem. Yet it is not so. Believe rather that it is so ordered that we, who sit here, and none others, must now find counsel for the peril of the world.”

Welcome to the Council of Elrond! You have stumbled upon one of the largest resource sites on the web offering a variety of unique features based on the creative works of J.R.R. Tolkien, including The Lord of the Rings. Come on in and register, then jump in and get involved. If you are looking for tons of quality images, feel free to visit our Gallery. We also have a forum if you’re interested in serious discussion, drooling over your favorite characters, or roleplaying with other site members. Other sections of the site, such as the Languages section, Elrond’s Library, and the Encyclopedia offer opportunities to learn more about the worlds and cultures that Tolkien created. Of course, there is more on this site than we can mention here, so feel free to jump right in, and experience one of the best Tolkien sites on the net.

Book vs movie Frodo

How is “book” Frodo different to “movie” Frodo?. A thoughtful article at National Review discusses the changes made by Peter Jackson to the character of Frodo.

Return of the King sets a new box office record!

Return of the King made an estimated $246.1 million in 5 days. This is a new record for a five-day worldwide opening. Read more at Boxofficemojo.

Interview with Viggo Mortensen

An interview with Viggo at MSN talks about his recent increase in popularity as a result of his role in the LotR films.

Where is Bag End now?

An article at the Wairarapa News reveals that PJ has installed part of the Hobbiton film set, including Bag End, in the grounds of his house near Masterton, NZ where it will be used as a guest house!. For the full story go to the times-age website.

The many faces of Viggo Mortensen

The Daily Sentinel is running an interview with Viggo Mortenson in which he discusses LotR and other aspects of his life. You can read the complete artlicle here.

Announcing the new Rivendell theme!

Our site now has another new theme, made to look like Rivendell. Members can now browse the Council of Elrond, Rivendell style!

Interview with Billy Boyd

In an interview at WPXI Billy Boyd (Pippin) talks about how he came to write the music for “The Steward of Gondor” the song that he sings in RotK.

Tolkien’s sources of inspiration for LotR

An article at the Cincinatti Post discusses some of Tolkien’s sources of inspiration for LotR.

Morning Call discusses Tolkien’s key themes

The Morning Call discusses some of the key themes in Tolkien’s work. To read the full story go to mcall.

There and Back Again: An Actors Tale

Sean Astin talks to the Guardian Unlimited about how making the films changed his life, and his post-LotR plans, including writing a book about his experiences tentatively called “There and Back Again: An Actor’s Tale”.