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Welcome to the Council of Elrond!

“…You have come and are here met, in this very nick of time, by chance as it may seem. Yet it is not so. Believe rather that it is so ordered that we, who sit here, and none others, must now find counsel for the peril of the world.”

Welcome to the Council of Elrond! You have stumbled upon one of the largest resource sites on the web offering a variety of unique features based on the creative works of J.R.R. Tolkien, including The Lord of the Rings. Come on in and register, then jump in and get involved. If you are looking for tons of quality images, feel free to visit our Gallery. We also have a forum if you’re interested in serious discussion, drooling over your favorite characters, or roleplaying with other site members. Other sections of the site, such as the Languages section, Elrond’s Library, and the Encyclopedia offer opportunities to learn more about the worlds and cultures that Tolkien created. Of course, there is more on this site than we can mention here, so feel free to jump right in, and experience one of the best Tolkien sites on the net.

RotK premiere pictures

Many pictures from the RotK premiere which took place earlier today are flooding in! View some of them at MSN and Getty Images.

Why Lord of the Rings fans will never die

NZ Herald has an interesting and amusing article about the nature of LotR fans, including suggestions about what to do after RotK has been released!

Life lessons from Middle Earth

Brio Magazine has an interesting article, including quotes from several cast members (including Elijah, Sean A, Dom, Billy and PJ), about some of the “life lessons” they learned while filming LotR. Go to Brio Magazine to read the full article.

Note: This is a Christian magazine and has some religious content

“Rings” Gets rousing premiere

Go to CNN for an article about the NZ premiere of Return of the King.

RotK premiere coverage at The New Zealand Herald

There are over 30 articles and pictures about the RotK premiere at The New Zealand Herald. It looks as if the site is being updated frequently so keep checking the site for new items!

Contains spoilers

Return of the King has been seen

There are two amazing reviews of RotK over at Ain’t It Cool News, here, and here
–many spoilers, so be careful. Also, this is AICN, so also be aware that there is PG-13 language over there…

Interview with Andy Serkis

Andy Serkis talks about playing the roles of Gollum and Smeagol in RotK, how his children reacted to the movies and much more at The New Zealand Herald.

Contains spoilers

PJ nervous about RotK premiere

Peter Jackson is suffering opening night nerves ahead of the world premiere of RotK tomorrow. Read more at NineMSN.

Wellington set for Rings premiere

CBBC Newsround has an article about Wellington preparing for the world premiere of RotK tomorrow, including an interview with Miett Fear, one of the premiere’s organisers.

Empire release LOTR Collector’s Edition!

UK magazine readers of Empire wil get the chance to read new and exclusive interviews of all the cast members this month.