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Never Judging Books By Their Covers (in Fanfiction)

…out a thin book and handed it to her. “I am sure you will enjoy this book much more than the other book you are holding.” She scrunched up her…

Meriadoc Brandybuck (in Movies vs. Books)

…is quite the same as in the book, only his part in the story is smaller. In the book the pretty long descriptions of Merry’s journeys give a better view…

The Super Duper LOTR Story (in Fanfiction)

Book One: The Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 1 The Journey Begins Frodo was a hobbit. He was a girly hobbit, but a hobbit. He lived in Bag End, Bagshot…

The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition (in Subject Articles)

…zooms out to reveal that it is inside Bag End. The room is cluttered with books and papers strewn everywhere. Quill scratching can be heard in the distancs and turning…

Who runs this site? (in FAQs)

…Rings and writing. cirdaneth — Books Admin/Books Forum Moderator Hello! I’m cirdaneth. I am Books Forum Moderator with PotbellyHairyfoot. I own so many books I should probably get the floors…

The Lady of Bree (in Fanfiction)

…language.” Lily replied as she sat up in the bed. “I can say that it is.” Frodo smiled. He then grew silent as he closed the book looking into LilyÂ’s…

Something Scary (in Fanfiction)

…tobacco. MERRY: “I think I liked the real Gandalf better. You know, the one in the books.” GANDALF: “I heard that! Just for that, Pippin gets to take the first…

The Fellowship of the Ring’s Destruction (in Subject Articles)

…submit material rated NC-17”? Those stupid Dwarves read the book, and were doomed. Gandalf glanced at the hybrid with concern. Gimli stood and processed the information. GIMLI: And you were…

I Eglan Gobennas (in Fanfiction)

…is.” He pulled out a homely, abused book. Bound in dark red leather, it was by no means a small book, in width, length, or height. The gold lettering on…

I would like to join the Book Club, but they are already reading a book. Where do I start? (in FAQs)

You start at the beginning, of course. There are active discussion threads for each chapter of the book, and these aren’t closed when the main club has moved on to…