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Isildur, a novel (in Fanfiction)

…the almost carefree joy of many of the young Men and Women there, who only hours before had been prepared to die and leave the world forever. For his part,…

Set Me Free: Part 1 (in Fanfiction)

…leap I cleared the fallen wood, I was free! Out into the rain I charged, through the burning fields, under the boughs of flaming trees, and over the fence that…

Guardian of the Golden Wood (in Fanfiction)

…dearly and he had regretted her leaving of the Undying Lands in such a brawl with his mighty masters. But she had been and still was the most independent-minded free-bird…

Finally Free (in Fanfiction)

…swept by, tugging at the man’s dark hair. “Navaer, mellon nin. You are finally free, free of this world with its bitterness and sorrow. You are free of all its…

Shadow and Thought (in Fanfiction)

…you, I miss my old life sometimes and yearn for the freedom of the woods and fields, to eat and dress simply and pass by unrecognised as a ranger rather…

What is my confirmation code, and how do I use it? (in FAQs)

…will contain your confirmation code. Once you receive this code go back to the “retrieve password” page. Now fill in both the user name and confirmation code box, you should…

When I am Free (in Karaoke Songs)

…When I am free. Somehow I know, I’ll fight when I am free. We cut to after Theodred’s Funeral. Eowyn starts singing again. This time with more feeling: In this…

Finally Free (in Fanfiction)

…of rejoicing filled the air for the spirit that was finally free. The spirit of Legolas Geenleaf, Son of Thranduil, Prince of Northern Mirkwood was free. Finally free. THE END…

Set Me Free: Part 2 (in Fanfiction)

…my head jerked up, my eyes showing white in the darkness. I whinnied, propping my other leg up, pushing against the rock it had found, pulling my other leg free….

Set Me Free Part 3 (in Fanfiction)

…I’m not free, but this is great as well, I snorted. He bobbed his head, But you want to go free again? Well, I hate to say this, but one…