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Isildur, a novel (in Fanfiction)

…comes it here?” “The work was done long ago by Fornen, our city’s greatest artisan. Linhir was founded by Númenórean mariners, as were Pelargir and Anglond, and even Umbar far…

The Hobbit to travel to San Diego Comic-Con (in Posts)

Rate this post As can be seen here, on The Hobbit Movie Facebook page, The Hobbit movies will be represented at Comic-Con, by the Director, Producer, a number of the…

Quen ya macë Rámalóci (in Fanfiction)

…i alda i anda tienna ya lelyenë coaryanna. Sé i coarya Menel carnë i alda turu helda maryanen. San manteryë míruvórerya ar massarya, san fumneryë* caimanna poreo.* Ai Menel, an…

Nov. 7th update; Meet the Dwarves, and a Problem with Opening Night Tickets (in Posts)

…stood in line for hours to buy tickets for the Movie’s New Zealand Premiere, only to find out that all of the tickets had been secretly sold weeks ago? To…

Dagmar (in RPG Characters)

–Dagmar is the son of a prostitute named Mirette. After becoming pregnant, Mirette ceased being a street whore and made money by working with a regional merchant in South San

2.05.*b The Bridge of Khazad-dûm (in Movies vs. Books)

How did it happen in the movie? After Frodo has survived the stab of the Orc-spear in the Chamber of Mazarbul, the company runs back into the great hall, in…

2.05.*a The Chamber Of Mazarbul / Balin’s Tomb (in Movies vs. Books)

How did it happen in the movie? When Gimli spots the Chamber from where he’s standing in the Great Hall, he immediately runs toward it. There he finds the tomb…

Diego Orolandes (in RPG Characters)

In retrieving a family heirloom from a demon (which he slayed) found a sword which he called Glirendee. Because of this he became a demon slayer.

San Francisco Trilogy for Cure Autism Now (in Posts)

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Howard Shore’s LotR Symphony in San Francisco (in Posts)

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