Small open craft propelled with oars or paddles feature several times in Middle Earth.

In The Hobbit, Thorin and Company found a boat where the Elf Path crossed the Enchanted River. Later boats were used by the men of Esgaroth to ferry the company and their provisions up the Long Lake and part way up the River Running.

In The Lord of the Rings it is said that hobbits distrust boats. The parents of Frodo Baggins were said to have drowned in a boating accident. The only floating craft of note in the Shire was the Bucklebury Ferry.

In Lothlorien, the Fellowship were loaned elven boats to continue their journey down the River Anduin. One of these later served as a funeral boat for Boromir.

Larger craft also feature in Tolkien’s writing and will be found under Ships.

Editor’s Note: If you know of other instances of small craft in Tolkien’s writing, please use the “Report an error” feature to notify us. Contributions will be acknowledged.
Encyclopedia entry originally written by cirdaneth