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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 14, 2004 09:09
Giritheldaiel smiled and alowed Legolas to lead her out of the room. "Tired? Definitely not. I'd love to talk with you considering that there are many things to talk about. What council is it, can you tell me?"
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 14, 2004 10:15
Anie opened her eyes, the hint of silver catching the light coming in from the windows and making them seem grey instead of their usual green. Sitting up, she leaned her back against the decorative metal piece at the head of her bed. Running her fingers through her hair, she yawned slightly.
She glanced around the room and spotted Inwe reading a book. Smiling Slightly, she looked at Amras sleeping in the cot beside her. Humming softly to herself, she looked down at her hands and started playing with her blanket.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 14, 2004 10:29
(ooc: this is for Girithedaiel the nightbefore)
"Unfortunatly I don't even know what this council is about, but it will decide the future of middle earth i heard. But enough of that I want to hear what you have been up to all of this time." Legolas said, smiling.

(ooc: onto morning )

Inwe awoke early and seeing that Anie and Amras were both asleep still, she smiled. Then a small, elderly hobbit entered the room and said, "Hello I was looking for someone that was awake this early. I was wanting someone to read my book, I just finished it. You look like an elf who likes to read so would you mind?" The hobbit, going by the name of Bilbo asked.
"I would be delighted to read your book, as I cannot get out of bed for I would be put right back." Inwe said smiling. Bilbo gave her the book and left the room so she could have peace to read, and besides it was breakfast time. Inwe looked at the cover, it was called 'A Hobbit's Tale by: Bilbo Baggins'. She opened the book and began to read, for she loved nothing more than a good story.
After a while she noticed that Anie was awake, and said, "Good Morning, little one".
Legolas entered the room an hour later, just as Inwe finished the book. "Breakfast time." Legolas said cheerfully as her brought a tray in for her. "Thank you, Legolas." Inwe said as he set the tray down in front of her and went to wake Amras who was still asleep in the cot. Inwe smiled painfully, her face paler than usual in the sunlight. Her eyes also didn't have the shine they usually did, for she was still to weak to get out of bed.


[Edited on 15/1/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 15, 2004 02:39
Radagst was already at breakfast and eating , his olate piled high, despite the fact that he had eatien very large ammounts of food ladst night.
"Hello my friend Hobbit!" he sadi a Bingo walked into the hall.


[Edited on 15/1/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 15, 2004 07:43
"Owffch.....Hello," Bingo mumbled, rubbing his very sore head.

"I see that you've had quite the exciting night," Radagast said, eyes twinkling.

"You could say that." Bingo clambered up onto a chair beside the Wizard and let his head drop to the table with a "thunk". "I think I've had quite enough adventures for one Hobbit's lifetime by now."

"Now, now, friend Hobbit," the Wizard replied merrily. "Don't fret. Here, would you have some breakfast?"

The Hobbit bolted upright. "Breakfast?!"
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 15, 2004 10:56
"Might I join you?" Kaidah entered the dining room, looking more relaxed and serene than she had before. It was amazing what a good night's rest in a comfortable bed could do for an old lady!

Without waiting for an answer, she sat down next to Bingo. She reached for some food, eyeing the plates of the hobbit and wizard. "I see you both have hearty appetites this morning."


Amras stirred and sat up, rubbing his blue eyes. Looking up, he saw Anie playing with the edges of her blanket.

"Anie!" he cried softly, standing and sitting on the edges of her bed. "Are you feeling better this morning?"
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 15, 2004 02:43
(ooc: W have over 100 posts YAY!!! )

Inwe finished reading and looked up to see Amras talking to Anie and said, "I'm sorry to interupt but when you get a moment, Amras I would like to speak to you alone." Then she turned to Legolas and said, "Brother, I wish to go outside to the garden would you help me?"
Legolas helped Inwe get out of bed and supporting her helped her out of the room and into the garden. There he helped her sit down on a bench. "Legolas would you make sure that Bilbo gets his book back, and tell him that I enjoyed it very much." Inwe said with a smile.
"Alright, I will return it to him. Inwe will you be all right alone?" Legolas asked with concern for his baby sister.
"I will be fine, Legolas. I enjoy the fresh air and it is already helping me recover my strength." Inwe assured her brother.
Legolas then excused himself and Inwe was left alone among the flowers. Her thoughts drifted back to her home in Mirkwood and back to her childhood.

[Edited on 16/1/2004 by InweSilimaure]


[Edited on 16/1/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 16, 2004 12:43
Giritheldaiel was walking in the garden, not paying attention to anything. She took in every bit of fresh air and listened only to the voices of the trees around her. She was so deep in thoughts that she didn't even pay attention to Inwe sitting on a bench and passed right by her, singing an elvish song.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 16, 2004 02:20
"So, Kaidah, what has happened?" Radagast asked, meaning the evets last night. "I heard a lot of commotion. I was too...busy, to come and check."


[Edited on 16/1/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 16, 2004 05:10
Smiling softly, she looked over at Amras. "Yes, I'm fine, but...I can't for the life of me remember what happened." Sighing, she looked down at the blanket. "The last thing I remembered was the night we stayed near Weathertop..." Looking back down at her blanket, her long hair fell over her shoulder.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 16, 2004 05:10
Inwe watched as Girithedaiel walked and heard her begin to sing an elvish song. "That is a beautiful song you are singing, Girithedaiel. Are you happier now that you are in Rivendell?" Inwe asked as Girithedaiel passed by not noticing her.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 16, 2004 06:35
Amras nodded to Inwe as she left the room, then turned to Anie. "We were attacked." he reached out and smoothed some of her long hair. "You were rather badly hurt but fortuanately I ran into some friendly people. They brought us here to Rivendell. We will stay here until you are better, all right?"


"I have no idea." Kaidah answered him as she served herself some eggs. "I slept rather soundly all last night."

The old woman looked over at Bingo. "You don't look like you had such a good night, little one." she said kindly. "Were you aware of the disturbance that Radagast mentioned?"
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 16, 2004 06:37
Hearing Inwe's voice made Giritheldaiel wake up and she turned around.
"Hey, I didn't see you there Inwe... it's good to see you out of bed. Rivendell is beautifull isn't it? I think... well, maybe meeting Legolas made me remember somethings I forgot..." she said happily.


[Edited on 16/1/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 16, 2004 07:17
"I am glad to hear that." Inwe said, her face still pale with pain. She looked out over rivendell and said, "Yes Rivendell is very beautiful. It has been awhile since I was here last." She smiled painfully at Girithedaiel. Inwe's green eyes no longer had the sparkle that they usually did and her eyes were nearly grey. She winced as she adjusted herself on the bench, wanting to get up and walk the gardens, but not daring to. "The sunshine and fresh air is already helping me recover. We should be able to leave in a few days." Inwe said as she played with the bandage around her leg.


[Edited on 16/1/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 17, 2004 02:31
After putting away unimaginable amounts of food, Radagst took his leave of the dining hall and walked slowly about the courtyards and gardens.
It was a very nice day. He was walking when a thought came to him. Where would he go after this?


[Edited on 17/1/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 17, 2004 06:39
Inwe saw Radagast enter the garden and called him over. "Sorry to bother you, Radagast, but I was wondering if you would like to travel with me after I leave. At least for a little while." She smiled at him, knowing that he had been trying to decide what to do next.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 17, 2004 08:48
"Hey, don't want to interrupt, but... may I ask where are you going? I mean, I think I have to go back to Mirkwood and find my mother and my other memories, and if you're going there, I'd love to have some company." said Giritheldaiel. A new and mysterious fire appeared in her heart. Something she asumed had connection to thinking about the past.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 17, 2004 08:56
Inwe turned to Girithedaiel and said, "Well I didn't have any plans of where to go next, so Mirkwood sounds great." She smiled. The her gaze got cloudy and she added," My thoughts have drifted back there often as of late. I feel something in my heart that keeps pulling my thoughts back there."
She faked a smile and said, "Very well then we will leave in a few days and head for Mirkwood." Inwe then tried to get up, but her legs were still too weak to stand.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 17, 2004 10:34
"Good!" said Giritheldaiel happily. "I'll help you, come on." she added and helped Inwe get up and they walked back inside together.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 17, 2004 10:53
"I am glad that you are happy." Inwe smiled as she leaned on Grithedaiel. "I wish to leave Amras and Aniealone for a while. They need to talk." Inwe told Girithedaiel as they entered the room where the shards of Narsil were kept. Girithedaiel lowered her down on a bench in that room. "This is a good place to think. Would you mind leaving me here alone for awhile?" Inwe asked Girithedaiel. She needed to think about what to do next.


[Edited on 18/1/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 17, 2004 04:34
(ooc My computer's got a virus [sob]. This remote-playing is getting to me. Trying to snatch a spare terminal like a hyena stealing a festering bit of zebra-carcass from the lions of the Serengetti....


"Do I KNOW about last night?!" Bingo exclaimed through huge bites of food. "Do I KNOW about it?! Miz Kaidah, I was nearly KILLED last night! I was just on my way for a little midnight-snack when I was ATTACKED by a VICIOUS...BLOOD-THIRSTY...PILLOW-WEILDING MANIAC!!!"
Bingo choked a bit.
"Oh, I thought I was gonna die. I thought I was gonna DIE!"

Bingo took a sip of juice and looked back over at his companion.

"Miz Kaidah, why are there tears in your eyes?"

[Edited on 18/1/2004 by BingoTook]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 17, 2004 08:01
Kaidah smiled at the hobbit and looked down a little. "I..." she laughed in a low tone. "You reminded me of someone I knew, that is all. It was a long time ago." She picked up a utensil. "So, you were attacked by a blood-thirsty, pillow wielding maniac! Did you bravely fight it off?"

(OOC: Bingo; saw your comics. Luved the shampoo and the orkis coffee ones!! rofl!!!!)


[Edited on 18/1/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 18, 2004 07:43
(ooc: WOW talk about comic relief! roflol!!)

Girithedaiel left the room, leaving Inwe alone to think. Her thoughts again drifted back to her home in Mirkwood. She longed to see her home again but also dreaded going back. She didn't quite understand it but part of her didn't want to go back.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 18, 2004 07:59
Giritheldaiel wandered alone in the halls of Rivendell, thinking about Mirkwood, wondering how it was like, if it was like she imagined it to be. She thought about her mother. Is she still alive? And what about Inwe's family, who became her own many times? Will they remember her?


[Edited on 19/1/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 19, 2004 02:23
Radagast thought about Mirkwood. Yes, he would go. He liked forests, and birds and animals.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 19, 2004 02:00
Inwe had lost herself in thought, staring at the painting of Isildur cutting off Sauron's fingers that was on the wall in the room. Suddenly a voice boomed in her head, speaking the black language of Mordor. She didn't understand what it said, but it gave her a horrible headache. She clutched her forehead wincing when the voice spoke. The pain in her leg was renewed and she fell off the bench and hit her head on the floor. Everything went black.


[Edited on 20/1/2004 by CarolP]
Radical Humor Mathom & CoE Volunteer
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 19, 2004 04:12
"Did I fight it off? Well, no, I...I mean YES! Yes, I did, Miz Kaidah! Oh, you should'a SEEN it! It-it had, uh, GIANT, big, scary yellow fangs! And-and-and, uh...WILD HAIR shooting out EVERYWHERE! And it jumped at me! But I was too fast, you see? I DODGED out of the way, just in the VERY nick of time! Then it came after me again! With its BIG, HORRIBLE PILLOW in its claws! But I --"

"But *you*, Master Hobbit," interrupted an Elf, entering the room, "Were repeatedly bludgeoned by pillows, and every other object in the room, not having the sense to move out of the way. You then cried like a rabbit kitten until you were rescued with no great difficulty by our honored guest Lord Legolas."

The Elf helped himself to a peice of bread and stared straight at Bingo. "*Furthermore*, as I am to understand it from all witnesses, you were probably the cause of all the trouble in the *first* place."

Bingo's pointed ears drooped and he turned crimson as he lowered himself back off the table and into his chair. The Elf smiled.

"I am Lindir. My Lord Master Elrond has requested that I...*look after* you during your stay here."

Kaidahcould control herself no longer, and burst laughing.

[ooc] Lindir is another one o' those cool characters who have about two lines in the book. I'm havin' SO much fun with this!
Jaid, I'm so glad you liked the comics! I've got a whole buch of 'em drawn, but the difficulty is waiting for them to be posted. Ah, well. C'est la vie.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 20, 2004 02:20
Radagst also heard the black speach, but faintly. It drifted on the wind like a foul smell.
Though the voice was harsh and distorted, Radagast knew who it was. "So Gandalf is hear, and causing an uproar as usual." Radagst smiled at the thought of his superior wizard.

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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 20, 2004 10:16
Kaidah finally ceased her laughing and wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh my..." she sighed. "You are very good for me, Master hobbit." she stated, then looked at the elf. "Good day to you, Master Lindir. I hope you do not mind if I also stay in Bingo's company today as well."


Amras had walked into the library after Anie had fallen back to sleep. An elvin maid had come in and assured him that she would make sure that Anie was fed if she woke again. Meanwhile, Amras could relax and allow his nerves, stretched so tight during the past few weeks, to rest.

He came across a statue that held the broken pieces of a sword on it. His blue eyes stuided if for a moment, then he gasped and ran forward.

Amras gently lifted Inwe's torso up, supporting it with one arm while his hand brushed her hair away from her face. A slight bump was on her temple.

"She must have fallen somehow..." Amras said to himself, then picked the elf up and started back towards the part of the house that had healers.


[Edited on 21/1/2004 by Gilraen]
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 21, 2004 02:27
After his walk in the gardes, Radagast was hungry.
He made his way towards the kitchens. On the way he passed Amras carrying Inwe. It took him a moment to process what he'd just seen.
"What happened?" he called, following Amras.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 21, 2004 07:04
Giritheldaiel ran through the halls in a complete panic. When she finally saw Inwe carried by Amras she let out a loud scream of terror.
"This is really bad!" she said. The voice that spoke Mordor's language and Inwe's situation reminded her a time she feared. It was as if she was looking at the past.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 21, 2004 07:13
(ooc: just to let everyone know the council that Elrond will be holding with frodo and the others, is not for two weeks still. the hobbits are not in rivendell and won't be before we leave.)

Inwe had fell into unconciousness and was taken over by a flood of horrible nighmares. She saw middle earth going into complete darkness and Rivendell and Lorien burning. She saw armys of orcs, hundreds of thousands of them, destroying the world of men. She saw the Shire destroyed by wargs and orcs and the inhabitants either killed or tortured. Then the voice speaking in the dark tongue again enterd her mind and tortured her further by telling her the future of her friends, if she did not give him what he wanted. She wanted to scream out, but was unable to for she felt arms about her neck as if they were trying to strangle her.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 21, 2004 11:21
Anie rolled over on her side, and a sharp pain ran through her side. Her yes opened, the silver almost gone from them. As she sat up, she held her side. The elven maid saw her and walked over to the side of the bed. The maid called for food, and was about to call for some healing herbs, but Anie convinced her that she would be okay. After her meal, Anie changed and wandered around Rivendell.
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 22, 2004 02:26
Radagst suddenly felt somw of Inwe's torment. A faint whisper grew in his head. Raising his staff, he called in his clearest and loudest voice "I command you to come back! Inwe! Come back!"
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Post RE: Aelin-uial (please join) it will be fun :)
on: January 22, 2004 06:25
Inwe heard Radagast calling for her and she opened her eyes, which were now almost black with pain. She was shaking all over and sweating. She saw Radagast, Girithedaiel, and Amras standing over her and in a shakey voice said, "What happened?" She could still see the awful images that had been shown to her in her mind and she was very afraid. Her leg hurt again and began to throb and she cried out in pain.

[Edited on 22/1/2004 by maeghin]
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