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Post Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 22, 2004 11:44
Dear (Your Name),
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress

*No need to PM me, you can just join!*

[Edited on 27/2/2004 by aragornlvr912]

[Edited on 27/2/2004 by aragornlvr912]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 22, 2004 12:52
((( Hey, my char is a teacher is that cool? If you want me to change something or you want a character profile, just tell me.)))

Sabrine was once again in Diagon Alley, this time getting supplies for the new term. THis was her first term as a teacher at Hogwarts, but it was a return; she had been a student there many years before. Now she would be returning, to teach a class that Dumbledore had aproved only the year before.
SHe was only twenty seven years old, but her hair was completely silver, which brought her atention she did not want almost everywhere she went. TO aviod stares, she pulled her cloak hood up and got her things quickly. SHe passed many students gathering thier supplies for the coming year.
"Watch out Hogwarts, here I come," she whispered to herself, as she left Diagon Alley.


[Edited on 23/2/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 23, 2004 12:53
Elena placed the letter on her bed, "Wow!" she said, "I'm accepted!" She began pacing in her room. "This is the chance I've been waiting for... but will I be good enough?"

"Elena! I heard you were accepted at Hogwarts!!" Elena's older brother Harry walked in. They both had black hair and green eyes. They looked exactly the same except Harry had a lightging bolt-shaped scar on his forehead.

"Yeah... I got accepted Elena answered.

"You don't sound too enthusiastic about it. You want to talk?" Harry sat down on her bed next to her.

"What if I'm not good enough, Harry? What if on the first day there i get expelled? Elena said looking at Harry.

"Elena, my goodness. You're a first-year, you're not supposed to be the best witch now. Besides, you've probably read all of my spell books at least a dozen times now!" Harry replied.

"I guess your right." Elena said.

[Edited on 27/2/2004 by aragornlvr912]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 27, 2004 12:48
Lucia Malfoy smirked upon receiving her letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her family would be so proud to see her attend, following in the footsteps of all her family. Finishing her glass of pumpkin juice, she slowly got off her bed and proceeded down two flights of stairs to the Living Room.

“What do you want?” Draco Malfoy, Lucia’s older brother looked up from behind a desk. He glared at her, wishing she wasn’t in his presence right now. He covered up what he was doing and stood up and walked towards her.

“I got my letter,” Lucia replied lazily, running her fingers through her hair lightly. She flopped into a lounge seate and opened her letter again.

“Of course you did,” Draco replied, “It would be very surprising if you didn’t”.

Lucia nodded absent-mindedly. “Where’s Mother?”

“Out,” Draco replied quickly. “I don’t know where, and I don’t care where”. He went back to the desk and sat down. He began glaring at Lucia again, hoping she’d get the hint.

“Okey, okey! I’m going! I don’t care what you’re doing anyway!” Lucia said hotly, and got up out of her seat. She turned and sneered at him slightly, proceeding toward the kitchen.

She looked at her letter again and smiled. Yes, she thought, this year is going to be ve-ry interesting
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 27, 2004 01:17
"Mom!! Look!! I got accepted!!" Shouted Lana Woods rushing down the stairs, smiling. "Thats great, honey!! Has Aaron checked his mail yet?" ask her mother. " I dunno I'll go ask him." She walked up the stairs and knocked on the door of her brothers room.
The two were not twins, actually they weren't even related by blood. That didn't matter to them though. The day Lana was born, the family had decided to adopt Aaron. The two were the same age and looked alike. They actually told many people they were twins. They might has well have been, since they had been together from birth.
"Aaron! Did you get accepted?" she ask as the door opened. "Yeah", he said grinning. "What about you?" "Same!" she said hugging him. The two did everything together, you could hardley ever meet one without the other. "Let's go tell Mom!" said Lana. "Race you there!" answered Aaron.
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 27, 2004 03:12
Ravana fingered the letter in her hands, smiling a smile so radiant it could be seen a dozen miles away. She couldn't keep her excitement in any longer and shouted throughout the house, "I finally got it! I finally got it!" Her sister, Hermione Granger, came rushing down the hall and entered Ravana's room.

"Congratulations Rav!" she said as she embraced her. "I always knew you would follow in my footsteps. You are going to have so much fun!"

"Yeah, I can't wait!" Ravana said in reply. "I am going to smart just like you."

"Oh, I'm not all that wise." Hermione managed to get out while blushing a bright shade of red. Their parents came in and rejoiced over the great news that was holding tightly in the palm of Ravana's hand.


[Edited on 28/2/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 27, 2004 05:51
((Hello ))

Rhayne sat nervously and alone in the compartment at the very end of the Hogwarts Express. She had gotten there earlier than almost everyone else besides the engineers and the lady that pushed the snack cart.

She sighed and played with the handle on her suitcase. 'I hope someone will get here soon...' she thought, 'it is really getting lonely here!" She had hoped to buy a pet in Diagon Alley, because her parents wouldn't let her get one at home. Sighing, she rested back in her chair and closed her eyes.
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 27, 2004 06:16
Sabrine, pressed herself against the door of one of the many train compartments as the lady with the snack cart made her way throught the narrow walk-way.
Sabrine was trying to locate the conducter of the train, to ask where she was supposed to be, when the train hit an unexpected bump, and lurched to the side, slamming Sabrine's head into a compartment door, it swung open with the impact and Sabrine fell into the compartment flat on her face.
"I hate trains," she mumbled to the carpet.
(((I'm not sure whose compartment she just fell into,:blush: but whoever wants to pick it up is fine with me!)))


[Edited on 28/2/2004 by eldir]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 28, 2004 08:41
"Are you alright?" ask Aaron jumping to his feet. Lana also got up and offered her hand. The withch on the floor took it. "Thank you." she said smiling. "Are you a teacher?" ask Aaron, noticing that she wasn't wearing the same robes as they were. " Yes I am, I'm teaching the new subject." she said. "What is it?" ask Lana, looking interested. "You will have to wait, until the banquet, dears." the proffesor said smiling. "By the way, are you two twins?" "No, I'm actually adopted. " said Aaron. "But we are just as close, or maybe closer. added Lana. "I see, well what house do you want to be in?" ask their teacher. "Ravenclaw." answered both twins at once. "Well, good luck to you then." said the teacher. She turned to go and the train went over another bump. She started to fall but was steadied by Aaron. "Thank you." she said blushing. As she turned to leave she said under her breath, "I hate trains."
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 28, 2004 09:17
((OOC: Are Harry, Malfoy, and Hermione out of school?))

"All right! I think we have everything!" Elena said checking of the supplies on her list.

"Except you still need an owl!" Harry replied trying not to drop any of Elena's supplies.

"All right!" Elena and Harry set off towards Eeylops Owl Emporium. As they walked inside all of the owls started hooting.

"What kind do you want?" Harry asked looking at a nice Barn Owl.

"I want a Snowy Owl... like Hedwig!" Elena said pointing to a glistening Snowy in the corner.

"That exact one?" Harry asked.

"Yes!" Elena bought the owl and carried it in it's cage outside.

"We best get going!" Harry said, "The Hogwarts Express will be leaving any minute now!"
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 28, 2004 10:05
They got to the station but could not get to the platform.
"NOOOOOOO!!!"Harry cried, under the stare of many muggles.
"Umm, Harry. It's over here."said Elana.
"Yes I knew that ehehe."said Harry.
When they got on to the platform Mothers and fathers were saying goodbye to the kids. One young first year was trying to say a long goodbye but his Dad kept trying to shove him on.
Harry and Elana sat next to Rhayne and a kid who had turned an emerald green.
"This is Matt Fister." said Rhayne.
The owl, named Piliter, started hooting uncontrolably.


[Edited on 28/2/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 28, 2004 11:38
Platform 9 and ¾ was very busy when Lucia, and her older brother Draco, arrived. It was Malfoy family custom to arrive just before the train was due to leave – in some way making an entrance. Their luggage was loaded on and Lucia held on to her black cat, Alrin.

“Now kiddies, I don’t want to hear any trouble about you this year,” Lucious Malfoy told his children in a ponsy voice. “At least until you get home,” he smiled slyly. Then in a whisper, “Stir up trouble as much as you can for Dumbledore”.

Draco nodded, smiling. Lucia nodded slightly, but wasn’t really sure what her father was implying. She hugged her mother and blew a kiss to her father and boarded the train. She started following Draco as she didn’t know where to go.

“You, brat,” he said to her. “You can follow me around for a little bit, but before we reach Hogsmeade you have to have found some friends of your own”.

“Erm, okey then,” Lucia said, having no intention of following her brother. Malfoy met up with Crabbe and Goyle, and when they weren’t looking, Lucia headed off in a different direction.

She headed down to the very end of the train, hoping to find an empty compartment. Nearly every one was full.

“Darn you father, for insisting we come later!” she growled to herself. Looking though a window, she could see a compartment with four other people in it. In a small voice she asked, “Excuse me, but can I sit in here?”

Rhayne Hawkins looked up and smiled

[Edited on 28/2/2004 by Cate]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 28, 2004 11:53
((I'd prefer it if **I** wrote what my character was saying and doing, not you or anone else. Thank you.

EDIT: Cate has my permission to add me to her post. She is a friend of mine.))

Rhayne gasped as the door to her compartment swung open and a girl fell flat on her face on the floor. "I hate trains," a muffled voice said from somewhere near her feet. Jumping out her chair, Rhayne helped the girl to her feet. "Why, hello there! Are you okay?..."

Before the girl could answer, another girl stood in the doorway. “Excuse me, but can I sit in here?” The blonde girl said to Rhayne. Rhayne smiled at her and said, "Hello to you too. I'm Rhayne Hawkins. This girl here," she motioned towards Sabrine, "just...fell...in my compartment." She smiled and looked at them both. "What are your names?"
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 28, 2004 01:13
((Yes PLEASE don't act as MY character's! THEY'RE MY PRECIOUSES!!!! LOL))

"Hey Harry!" Harry turned around and saw his good friend Ron Weasly.

"Hey Ron! How are you?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine thanks!" Ron replied, "Who's that?"

"I'm Elena! Harry's sister!" Elena said holding out her hand, "Pleasure to meet you!" Ron and Elena shook hands.

"I never knew you had a sis Harry!" Ron said.

"For some reason Dumbledore wanted to keep it secret until she went to Hogwarts." Harry said looking at Elena.

"You guys can come sit with us!" Ron said. Harry and Elena followed Ron.

"Hey Harry!" Fred said... or was it George?

"Hello George!" Harry said. "This is Elena, my little sister!"

"Pleasure!" Fred said standing up to shake hands.

"No the pleasures MINE!" George said also standing up.

"You two ALWAYS argue!" said a little girl who was also in the compartment.

"Oh yes, Elena that's Ginny!" Ron said pointing to his little sister.

"Nice meeting you Ginny!" Elena said. She walked over to Ginny and sat down next to her. "This is going to be an EXCELLENT first year!"
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 28, 2004 01:37
"My name's Sabrine Darkmooore, sorry about that, this train andI don't get along," Sabrine explained to the girl as she helped her stand, she was only about three inches taller than Rhanye, and was pretty sure Rhanye had mistaken her for a student. Being short is a curse She thought to herself.

"I'm a new teacher at Hogwarts," she added, and held out a hand to shake Rhanye's, they shook, and when she turned to the other girl for introductions, her hood snagged on a coat hook and came down from around her face, letting loose her hair, which she usually kept hidden,due to the unusual color.

"Blast it," she muttered as a silver lock fell into her face, she blew it back but it refused to go.
"Sorry about that," she said to the girls, who were looking at her long silver hair. To change the subject she qucikly took the other girl's hand and shook it.
"I didn't catch your name," she said.


[Edited on 28/2/2004 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 28, 2004 03:07
"Anything off the trolly dears?" asked the old woman who pushed the snack cart. The Weasly's had purchased their sweets, but Elena was still deciding.

"What would you recomend Harry?" Elena asked looking at the cart.

"Try Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans!" Harry said, "And the Pumpkin Pasties!" Elena bought a box of the beans and two pasties. "Be careful when you have a bean." Harry warned, "They MEAN every flavor!" Elena took a bite out of a white one.

"Paper? That's odd!" She took out a few more, they were marshmallow, dirt, plastic, broccoli, and orange.

"Hey Harry!" Ron was trying to talk through a full mouth. "Why do you think Dumbledore wanted to keep Elena a secret?"

"Elena, would you mind leaving for a few minutes?" Harry asked.

"Sure.... I guess." Elena left the compartment and walked a little ways down the hall. She closed her eyes. Why would they have me leave for that? She was still walking when she ran into a fifth year with greasy blond hair.


[Edited on 29/2/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 29, 2004 04:39
Buffy raced after the hogwarts express with her acceptance letter clutched in her hand. the train had just left at 11and it was 11:01. The train was near vanishing in the distance in front of buffy. "Oh great" she thought. "This is just fantastic, im one minute late and the train leaves without me." Buffy searched through her mind with other possibilities of getting to hogwarts. "magic." suddenly popped into her head. Buffy pulled out her wand and muttered a few words under her breath. Suddenly the train was back where she was standing. It was 12:59. Buffy had performed a spell that reversed time, it was very complicated and you would've only learned it in your 7th year. Buffy ran with her trunk and her letter and jumped on the train. She walked up and down the corriders looking for a place to sit.......

[Edited on 29/2/2004 by lothriel20311]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 29, 2004 12:52
((Oops!! Sorry for not posting. I totally forgot about this RPG. Won't happen again! *slaps forehead*))

"Hurry Rav!" said Hermione as they boarded the train. "We need to find seats!"

Ravana followed her sister onto the steps of the train. It was amazing! Kids just like her were piled in compartments discussing what they were going to do this year. Hermione looked into the rooms trying to find a seat until she came acrossed Harry and Ron's compartment.

"Well hello there! Nice to see you two again!" she said with a smile on her face. They smiled back and offered her a seat.

"Who is that?" Ron asked her. "Oh I'm sorry, how rude of me. This is my sister Ravana. You can come in you know."

Ravana stepped into the compartment and saw everyone looking at her with complete curiosity. This made her very uncomfortable so she said hurriedly, "Nice to meet you all. I go by Rav (pronounced Rave) if that helps you out any." She smiled shyly as Hermione introduced her friends.
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: February 29, 2004 01:46
"Lets go meet some other students before the train arrives!" said Aaron to his sister. " I dunno I will probably fall." answered Lana. But she got up and followed her brother anyway. They had been walking for about 5 minutes when Lana's predicton came true. The trolly rolled by and Lana fell into a compartment. She stood up mumbling sorry, but gasp when she saw who was in the compartment. "Are you..... are you Harry Potter????" she ask


[Edited on 1/3/2004 by ithillinde]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 01, 2004 11:25
"Yes I am Harry!" Harry replied. "I thought everyone was over that by now." Harry whispered to Ron.
"I guess not EVERYone!" Ron replied.
"I'm REALLY sorry!" the girl replied.
"So what were you saying about Elena?" Ron asked.
"Shouldn't we wait untill it's just US?" Harry asked looking at the girl as she got up.
"I guess you're right!" Ron said. "By the way... where do you think she went?"
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 01, 2004 12:04
Buffy saw a crowd of people hording by a compartment, "Surely one of them will tel me where i should sit." she thought.
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 01, 2004 04:23
OOC: May I join?
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 02, 2004 11:21
((OOC:Yes according to what it says at the top, and anyone can be my character if they want.Just do what ya want with him"
By now Piliter had stopped hooting and Matt was now feeling better.
"Well this is a nice little party isn't it?"said Matt.
"All we need is the balloons"said George...or Fred.:dizzy:
"DUCK!!!"yelled Ron."THEIR FILLED WITH BUBOTUBA (that is right isn't it?)PUSS!!!"
"What Fred and George?"asked Elana.


[Edited on 3/3/2004 by Gilraen]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 02, 2004 03:15
Buffy pushed her way through a crowd of people and saw a familiar boy, harry potter. "excuse me." she said to him. "i'm buffy summers, can i sit in this compartment. im new."
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 02, 2004 04:08
OOC: Sorry. Ok, I am going to bring in three original characters if that is alright.

Klythe sat in a booth alone, contemplating what Hogwarts was going to be like this year. He heard noises outside his compartment and, with a sigh, he stuck his head out the door to see what was going on.
"Hey, what is going on?" he asked, annoyed, to the crowd.


Alora was trying to make her way through the crowd when she got caught behind someone.
"Excuse me!"
She pushed her way through just to end up tripping and falling onto the floor on the other side of the crowd.
"WAH!" She fell onto her back and stared up at the trains ceiling.


Sean was getting a tad worried about Alora. She was supposed to be back by now. He exited the compartment and walked down the aisle trying to find her. Soon he came upon a small crowd and saw a figure on the ground. He sighed, knowing that was most likely her.
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 02, 2004 04:42
Everyone was starting to gather around their compartment and it made Ravana real uneasy. Introducing herself to people was hard enough and she didn't know how Hermione did it her first year to Hogwarts.

"I guess them seeing Harry for the first time really surprised them all," she thought to herself.

A young girl came round near them, trying to push her way through the crowd until she tripped and fell on the floor.

"Are you alright?" she asked, offering a hand.


[Edited on 3/3/2004 by ithillinde]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 03, 2004 06:55
"Yeah. Just peachy."
Alora took the hand offered to her and got up. She dusted herself off then looked at the girl.
"Thanks for the help up. I should have expected something like this with the Potter kid on board."


Sean walked quickly to Alora when he saw her getting help up.
"Nice fall," he said to his friend.
He grinned when she glared at him. Sean then looked to the girl who had helped Alora up.
"Thank you for helping out my friend. She is a bit clumsy." He ignored another glare from Alora. "This is Alora and I am Sean. Who are you?"
He held out his hand to shake hers.
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 03, 2004 05:40
"Oy, watch it!" Malfoy snarled as someone walked into him. "Don't you know how to walk properly? Well boys, it looks like we might have to teach this gal a lesson or two about how wizards, or witches in this case, walk in the presence of someone such as myself".

Crabbe and Goyle laughed.

“Sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”

“Erm,” Lucia attempted, “I’m Lucia. This’ll be my first year at Hogwarts this year,” she said, making her reply, deliberately leaving out her last name. If others knew she was a Malfoy, she might find it more difficult making friends aside from her house - extremely likely to be Slytherin. Not that she was ashamed of being a Malfoy or anything…

In an attempt to avoid giving out the rest of her name, she excused herself for a moment and went into the hallway. It was in this moment that she saw her brother eyeing another girl like a hunter to his prey.

“Draco!” Lucia hissed. “What are you doing?”

“Bug off twirp,” came his quick reply.

“Leave her alone!” she hissed at him again, coming closer.

There came a murmur of gasps – no one ever challenged Malfoy.

“What are you going to do about it then?” Draco challenged her.

Lucia gave no reply, and went towards Elena, the girl that Draco was having a go at.

“Are you alright?”


[Edited on 4/3/2004 by ithillinde]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 04, 2004 11:13
"Yeah, I'm fine!" Elena replied to Lucia. She turned to Malfoy, "What's your problem? All I did was accidently RUN into you and now you think the worlds coming to an end!!"

Even more murmurs. Those girls are crazy!! Man! MAlfoys gonna KILL them!!

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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 04, 2004 12:45
Malfoy pulled out his wand. His lip curled as he heard this girl speak to him the way he did. Crabbe and Goyle advanced on Lucia and Elena, in a gorilla-like stance. Draco held his arms up to them, motioning to stop.

“I’ll handle this…” Draco hissed.

“Draco, don’t even think about it!” Lucia warned.

“Hush up brat,” he snapped, raising his wand. “You, motor-mouth, you don’t speak to someone such as myself like that. I don’t care if it was just an “accident”, but you’re in trouble now…”

“Oh, go suck on a lemon!!!” Lucia growled, reaching for her wand.

“Ha, make me, brat,” Draco laughed.

With a flick of her wand, and a whispered incantation, a lemon appeared in Draco’s mouth. Those gathered around laughed, as did the witch who made it appear. “That right?” she commented, more than asked.

Draco’s face went a slight red colour, in both embarrassment and in anger. He pulled the lemon out of his mouth and threw it to the ground. He walked towards his younger sister with murderous eyes.

“How dare you,” he hissed. He raised his wand as he came closer. Lucia folded her arms and glared at her older brother. She felt a tinge of fright, but tried not to let this show. Those laughing and muttering stopped, to see what would happen next.

“That…” Draco began, “… just earned you expulsion from Hogwarts, you do realise? No magic outside school grounds, and especially not on me!!”

“Make what threats you may…”

“Oh, that what no threat. I hope you are very pleased with yourself…your family will be very, ashamed, of you”. And with that he left the carriage and onto the one in front.

Lucia took a deep breath and focussed her eyes at the floor, glaring. Oh gawd, she thought, he might be right about that…

((Sorry it's so long))


[Edited on 5/3/2004 by ithillinde]
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 04, 2004 05:51
"What was all the commotion about?" Sabrine asked, as she and her new found friend stepped out of the compartment. "Someone used a spell," all the eyes went down and no one would look at her. "All right, someone fess up, I don't want to have to yank the answer out of you," Sabrine said.
Lucia sighed and silently raised her hand, from the look on her face, she expected the worst.
"Now that was a rash thing to do young lady," Sabrine scolded, but couldn't help letting a smile creep onto her lips. "THe next time I catch wind of this, I might have report you to Professor Dumbledore. But for now, since I didn't see it, and since I remember Lucius Malfoy's own lovely attitude, it never happened. That is, unless you'd like me to tell on you?"
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 05, 2004 06:00
"Hey thanks for sticking up for me!" Elena told Lucia as Proffesor Sabrine walked away.

"Hey it's nothing!" Lucia replied.

"That guy's a REAL jerk!" Elena said as she glared after Malfoy. "Hey I hope we can somehow be in the same house!" Lucia smiled at her.

"That would be cool!" But you're probably going to be in Gryffindor, and me in Slytherin.

"My name's Elena!" Elena held out her hand to shake, "What's your name?"
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 05, 2004 06:33
"My name is Ravana, but you can call me Rav," she said as she helped Alora to her feet. "It's nice to meet you both," she implied to Sean and Alora.

Suddenly, a spell was fired in the hallway and they all turned around to see where the source of it came from. A 1st year girl was standing with a wand tight in her hands, facing who looked to Rav as Malfoy. "Wow, I didn't think anyone would be brave enough to challenge Draco. I've heard about him. My sister, Hermione, says he's a real jerk and likes to get people in trouble. Better watch out for him!"

She saw a professor step out of a compartment and talked to the young girl. She wasn't in trouble by the looks of it so Rav turned back around, smiled at Alora and Sean, and asked them, "Would you like to come and sit with me and my sis? I don't know anyone here but Harry and Ron and am looking for some new friends? Care to join me?"
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 05, 2004 07:08
Sean and Alora both watched the encounter. Sean's eyes were slightly wide as he watched. Alora crossed her arms over her chest.
"He doesn't look that tough," she muttered.
After the commotion died down, Sean and Alora accepted the invitation to sit with Rav and her sister.
"Sure," replied Sean. "It will be fun, I bet. Lead the way."


Klythe was now leaning against the wall in the hallway outside his compartment. He raised an eyebrow at the events and smirked slightly. This year should be interesting with people like Malfoy and the girls that had stood up to him.
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Post RE: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
on: March 05, 2004 05:22
Lucia breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness a teacher was on the train – one that would defend her actions.

“My name’s Elena,” the thankful girl stated, holding her hand out to Lucia. “What’s your name?”

“Erm,” Lucia began, “The name’s Lucia, first year at Hogwarts. My family have been coming here for centuries – so I’m keeping with tradition,” Lucia laughed; trying to hide the awkwardness (and the obvious fact) that she had neglected to mention her last name.

“So…” Lucia added, “Have you got any family at Hogwarts this year?”
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