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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 10, 2004 12:58
By the by, what do you mean "the biggest draw back to this is that i don't know if I should sole any of it for you." I didn't get it.))

I think she meant 'solve'!

((Maybe we should write to the people who aren't replying, to see if they still want to continue, that or just have their characters leave, so we don't end up allways playing them...?))

I think that is a good idea. Any volunteers?
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 11, 2004 07:33
((I am a terrible speller and I'm also notorious for typos. I did mean solve, sorry about that. all of the Red Wall books are full of this kind of stuff))

Zita's eyebrows furrowed and she looked hard at the paper. Bandit succeeded in climbing up her back and onto her shoulder with out her paying much attention. There the kitten sat looking very concentrated.
"Turn 't see...." she muttered. "Look at where the coma is. Strange. Maybe it's a pun and it means the sea as in the ocean. Or maybe it means we are suppose to turn some where...." her eyes got big suddenly. "Turn t' see!" she cried triumphantly, "Not turn to see what you will find, turn 't' see.' What you will find..." she grabbed a stick and started writing in the dust. "We turn the words 't' see' we get.... 'eest' East?"

(( Karendil thinks she is clever. ))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 11, 2004 01:30
"Oh dear. I am afraid I am very confused," Will remarked.
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 11, 2004 02:27
"Its quite simple, really," said Jeremiah with a smile at Will. "We are going East! I think once we get to Gelnar, then maybe we should go over the lines again. That 'slave of the moon' one was particularly puzzling. Whoever it was that wrote those verses must have been quite imaginative...not to mention tricky ((excuse me while I flatter Karendil )). Now, shall we set off now, Zita, do you think?"
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 12, 2004 05:43
Zita finished packing her cooking gear away and stood. "I wonder how far it is to Gelnar?" she said more to herself than her companions. "Yes, we should get going. We can puzzle over the poem as we go along but somehow I think it will unravel itself some when we get there." She hefted her pack and the company started off up the road.
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 14, 2004 05:38
The party started on their way and traveled for the rest of the day. They passed out of the bare lands, through a village full of people working on their gardens and in the hills. As they were coming to tehe end of the village Bereden said, "Should we camp outside the village or should we find an inn here?"
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 15, 2004 07:39
Vanwa, tagging along, and glaring at anyone who refers to her as "M'lady" or "Lady" says, "Outside."
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 18, 2004 09:19
Bereden rode through the city, as they passed the gates they looked for a good place to set up a camp. They found a flat area and began setting up bedrolls and making a fire.

((How about bandits or something attack them?))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 20, 2004 03:32
((Sorry it's been so long. things have been nuts. Bandits of something more savage?:evil: ))

The fire was a bed of red, warm embers. The travelers had rolled themselves in their beds with out much conversation. The town they had passed through had seemed a bit ominis from looking back. The gate had shut them out once they had left, it seemed odd that the city would shut the gates so early. The people watched them leave from the gate with dark expressions. But the night was pleasant and peaceful, the stars were bright and the moon waxing to full. Zita was on watch though she did not really think they needed one, some of the others had insisted. She was practicing her juggling, and absently pocking the fire with a stick. Bandit was asleep against her foot, purring softly. Slowly drowsiness crept over her, her eyes began to droop, the rocks she had been using lay scattered where they had fallen the stick lay in her limp hand and then slipped onto the dyeing embers.
Suddenly Zita felt something sharp digging into her back. At first, in her sleepy state, she thought it was Bandit, but as the sharp pain brought her fully awake she remembered that the kitten was still at her feet and it's little claws could never cause her such rending pain. Then she heard a long, loud howl.
She sprang to her feet snatching her stick as she did. She swung the little branch as she spun around. The stick broke on the flank of a great wolf. The creature looked up at Zita with a maddened snarl, his eyes were shot with red and he snapped his long sharp teeth inches from Zitas hand causing her to step back into the dying embers of the fire. She glanced behind her and found that there was another creature at her back. A pack of them seemed to have attacked them, one or two were closing in on each of the sleeping figures of her friends. Zita had spent some time in the wild and something about these animals seemed wrong. Normal wolves did not attack sleeping humans with out logical cause; invaded territory or when they were attacked first. This did not fit into anything Zita could think of, and the creatures did not look right either. they looked crazed with hunger and she could see marks from fighting or something else. There was no time for an analysis now. MOVE She told herself. She back kicked some of the embers she was standing in with her boot and managed to get them into the eyes of the wolf in behind her, momentarily distracting him. The wolf in front of her was standing on her weapon. She looked desparetly around Was that a man standing there? No, must have been a shadow. Concentrate! She yelled and took a wild leap over the wolfs head. He snapped at her and caught her boot. She went sprawling on her face and he was on top of her. She cried out in pain as his claws sank into her back where he had already swiped at her while she slept.
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 22, 2004 04:08
Loud cries and snarls cut into Jeremiah's dreams. The sounds went so well with the sort of dreams he was having, that at first he paid them no heed. But then he felt something like hot ash fly onto his hand as he slept, and he rolled over, blinking. Barely taking in the scene, Jeremiah snatched up a few of the stones Zita had been juggling with and threw them with deadly force at the wolf that pinned Zita. Growling, the wolf stumbled back and Jeremiah ran over to Zita. He helped her to her feet, careful of the wounds on her back and then turned to face the beasts that were preparing for another attack. Jeremiah swallowed hard, as if that would make him braver, and gently pushed Zita behind him. He knew she would not stay there, but it was worth a try.
For the first time he regretted not bringing some kind of weapon with him on his travels. And the only fighting he knew was stage combat.
Both the wolves leaped at Jeremiah at the same time. He rolled under one and kicked it into a tree, but the other was on him fast, and began tearing at the shoulder of his cloak with its teeth. Jeremiah twisted out of the animal's grip, but it only jumped on him again, this time trying to sink its sharp teeth into something more than cloth. Jeremiah struggled underneath the wolf, when suddenly Bandit scampered out of the darkness and pounced on the wolf. The kitten opened its jaws and bit into the wolf's leg. With a howl of pain the wolf threw it off and turned back to the boy.
Jeremiah knew he could not keep this up forever. As he launched more rocks at the beast, he cried out, "Mister Will! Bereden! M'lady! Help us!"

((I hope you don't mind me using your cat, Karen? Dreadfully sorry if I messed up some complicated plot line that I don't know about ))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 23, 2004 06:45
((are they going to capture us?))

The sound of yells and a howl woke Bereden. He jumped to his feet Grabbing his sword which he had kept right next to him. He quickly took in the scene. He looked at the wolfs, something looked wrong about them, but since he was no expert on wolfs he stopped thinking about what was wrong with them and decided to try killing them. He took up his sword and charged at them. He fought off one, then one pounced on him. He fought as much as he could to push him off and to make sure that the wolfs teeth didn't sink in to him. BUt he was bitten again and again...
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 23, 2004 09:33
[Excellent ]

Vanwa was wide awake in an instant. She barely had time to spy a large clawed paw rip towards her before she flipped around in her hammock and landed on her Blade. She always kept her Blade below her hammock when she slept. Rolling away from her mistery attacker, she took in the situation. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. Every single one of her 'companions' were in a fix. She couldn't spend anytime contemlating the situation, thought, for at that moment a gigantic wolf lept at her.
Sidestepping it to the left, she clefted it it cleanly from the shoulder- killiing it instantly. Another wolf (or were they wargs, perhaps) was in mid-flight before Vanwa saw him, leaping in front of her. Swing her Blade up, she caught him in the underside, right in the lungs, shatering its ribs. She ducked under it as it sailed over her. Scaning around for more, she thought she saw someone (a man, maybe) standing outside their small camp.
She had no time to think about that because she heard another one of these creatures behind her, ducking and rolling, she narowly avoided it. Facing it off, Vanwa finally had a decent chance to look at one of these creatures: they were huge! Their eyes were blood shot, contrasting imensly with the cool blue of her eyes. Lunging forwar, Vanwa cleaved off the beast's jaw, and left him for dead. Spining around, Vanwa heard "M'lady!"
Spining towards the sound, she let loose her axe, burying it deep in the wolf's shoulder.
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 24, 2004 06:16
((ooh, getting captured would be fun ))

A short, stalky figure stood just out side the light of the dying fire. He was a dwarvish outcast, a criminal and a perhaps a bit insane. He stroked his dark beard and smiled, his wolves were creating havoc in the little camp and this pleased him very much. Some of them were dying very quickly, this did not please him. A piercing whistle was the signal for reinforcements, his wolves were have crazed and mutilated but they were also well trained. An extra dozen leaped from behind him and charged into the fray. The dwarf caught a large wolf with many scars as it passed, the beast struggled and snarled, anxious to kill. Its master held its head firmly and pointed it towards Vanwe. "That one, my dear. You must bring me back that sword. Do not fail me, sweet heart."

Zita grinned a thanks to Vanwe and Jeremiah. Quickly she grabbed her pack from where it lay and swung it at the next wolf to come at her. A loud bong resounded as the pack came in contact with the creatures head, the pack was full of cooking pots. Suddenly the wolves seemed to have multiplied! Some were on top of Bereden and he looked like he was having hard time dealing with them, more only made maters worse. Zita scrambled across the camp to him swinging her pack as she went. before she could get to her companion a wolf stood directly in her way and did not look like being intimidated by cooking gear. He ducked under the first swing and then snapped at her hand catching the handle of the pack and starting a tug of war. Zita realized that the creature was bigger than her and if she did not let go he would drag her off her feet where she would be easy pray for others to attack. She let go of the pack and watched in horror as the animal swung it aside as if it weighed nothing. Then she smiled a bit to herself because the pack went sailing right into the head of the wolf attacking Bereden and knocked it senseless. Now the wolf in front of Zita was the only thing she could worry about. He was advancing slowly and snarling, saliva dripping from sharp teeth. An other came from her left and the two of them slowly backed her up against a tree. As her heel hit the roots of the tree, she felt small claws dig into her leg. Glancing down behind her for a instant, she saw that Bandit was climbing her leg in terror. She reached down slowly and lifted the kitten into the low branches of the tree, hoping that wolves were not good climbers. To her surprise, when she looked back at her attackers they showed no sign of advancing any further. For a moment she just stared, bewildered as they stood a few paces off and growled. Then she felt rough hands grab her wrists and pull them behind the tree. in a flash her hands were bond, thick cords swung around her body and tightened and a strip of cloth gagged her before she could cry out. She struggled to turn and see who her captor was and caught a glimpse of a dark bearded dwarf as he darted back into the trees. The wolves in front of her turned their backs on her to defend their prize.
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 25, 2004 03:55
Jeremiah turned quickly to look behind him, and saw Zita being bound and gagged by a rather insane looking dwarf. Jeremiah rushed at her captor, ignoring the fact that the dwarf had nearly two times the build of Jeremiah. In a rage Jeremiah pounded and kicked and twisted, but with the help of his wolves, the dwarf soon had the struggling and flailing young man tied to the tree with Zita.

((Not a great literary masterpiece, I know. It was typed fast too, so please excuse mistakes ))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 25, 2004 04:27
The situation didn't look very bright but Bereden rushed at the dwarf anyways. He fought with him, sword to axe, then he heard something behind him. He turned and saw four big wolves, encirceling him.

"Surrender now human, and your life may be spared," the dwarf growled behind him.

"No!"Bereden said loudly and lunged at one of the wolves, he stabbed it in its heart and it dropped down, the other wolves lunged on him, he tried to fight them, but it wasn't working.

The dwarf laughed cruely. "Now, join your friends," he tied him up, quickly to the tree then he said, turning to the wolves, "get the lady and the man."

((that's you Will and Vanwa.))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 30, 2004 08:08
((come on people!! We are tied to trees at the moment so we can't really do any thing here, join us or rescue us or something!))

The dwarf deemed it time to finish this. He gave a harsh cry to his wolves and three of the biggest charged Vanwe. The dwarf himself drew a throwing axe from his belt and hurled it at Will.
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: August 30, 2004 04:54
[Oh no!!! I had the best post, but I guess It died en ruit. *sigh* :cry: okay: i'm too lazy to rewrite it in it's masterpiece, so pretend it's got more description and whatnot. Okay, here goes nothing.]

Vanwa looks at Will. Will looks at Vanwa. Lots of description. It's touching, really.

Vanwa has retrieved her Blade and Will is looking cool with his staff twirling around (he already used up all his arrows, ouch). He and Vanwa stand back to back-ish, and the wolves slowly aproach with the sadistic dwarf doing whatever he's doing back there.

Eventually the dwarf dude does some whistle thingy and the Wolves attack, in a long, descriptive (and gory), and moving (very touching, etc) Vanwa runs away (with Will) with most of the Wolves dead. This crazy dwarf then takes the (poor) captives to wherever a crazy dwarf would in this situation.


Live long and prosper (and multiply).

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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: September 02, 2004 06:52
(( no I have not died of forgotten you. The dwarf is growing on me. I was going to have him killed off but now I think I would like to keep him. So I am forbidding you to kill him but I encourage you to knock his senseless, tie him up and leave him, or other wise put him out of comission so we can move on.))

Glim the dwarf hated people. Especially people who were arrogant enough to sleep outside in his territory. His territory was where ever he was a the moment but people should learn to read the signs. People in the near by town knew he was about, they shut their gate and dared not go out at night. They had heard the howls and the stories had preceded him as usual. This odd band of people had been either very cocky or very ignorant and no one would ever find out which was true. Glim liked to capture and kill slowly, his wolves liked it better that way also. Glims wolves were not just wolves but half warng. Glim breeded them and trained them to kill. They were bigger and more bloodthirsty than regular wolves but nimbler and more trainable than warngs. He was not worried about the losses he had suffered today, he had more than half the pack at his camp in a cave near by. Now he took his prisoners their. One man, one girl and a boy, the dwarf mused, who would he kill first? The other two warriors may be back to track him and rescue their companions so he may have to kill quicker than he would like. These things ran through his mind as he ran along behind what was left of his hunting party. The prisoners were still gaged and their wrists were tied. Glim had harnessed each of the three travelers to two or three wolves by a rope around their waists. They stumbled along finding it hard to breathe through the gags.
Zitas head was bowed and her eyes closed, she wondered how long she would last until she simply collapsed and let the wolves drag her. She did not look up to see how her companions had faired, she was in a singularly selfish state and could not bring herself to thing of any one else, she concentrated on making her feet move and drawing enough breath to survive. At last the breakneck pace slackened. As soon as they came to full stop, Zitas knees gave way and she crumbled on the ground. he lay in sweet stillness for a moment and then felt a solid dwarvish boot ram hard into her ribs. She was roughly hauled to her feet again. "Stand, dear one," the dwarf said softly, "you must walk a little further, then you will lie down, long and peacefully." he chuckled to himself and shoved her forward with great force. She slammed into a rough stone wall, partly covered with moss. She sank down against it. From here she viewed her surroundings; it was a deep cave she was in. Just outside she could see many wolves tied to the surrounding trees snarling and fighting among themselves. Her companions were nearby also resting from the run. The dwarf was whistling to himself as he tied Jeremiah and Bereden back to back. He turned to her and looked thoughtful. She glared back at him. "We may find a use for you, my sweet." he said. He was nearly the same hight as her but he hauled her to her feet again just the same and turned her to face the wolves outside. "You see, pretty one, those dogs are tied up but their leashes are just long enough to guard the entrance to this cave quite well. If you come with in their reach a word from me is the only thing that will save you from being torn apart and eaten." With this he pulled the gag from her mouth and cut her wrists free. He left her standing there a moment. There was a wolf laying in the corner of the cave, it was wounded and whimpered softly. As Glim approached it the animal growled weakly and shrank back. Glim spoke soothingly in a strange tongue and the poor animal calmed a bit. Glim gently stroked it's head with his left hand. With his right he drew a knife and a moment later the wolf felt no more pain. Zita stared in horror as Glim lifted the body and heaved it towards her "I will need dinner, darling, and you will need to cook it for me if you want your friends to die as peacefully."

((:evil: ))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: September 10, 2004 05:14
"Hey! Leave her alone, dwarf!" Jeremiah shouted, and began to struggle violently with his bonds. Glim glared and struck the lad a sharp blow across the face with his thick hand. Jeremiah stumbled backward and might have collapsed had it not been for the strong frame of Bereden which he was tied to that held him up.
Jeremiah watched helplessly as the dwarf threw Zita more cruel threats. He could tell that the helplessness was getting to Bereden as well, by the way in which his arms tensed against his.
"Where is m'lady and her huge sword when you need her," thought Jeremiah bitterly. He then realized the bitterness of his thoughts, and he hoped that their two other companion we safe, wherever they were.
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: September 11, 2004 05:40
Bereden struggled with the bonds, his head hurt and he was mad. At first he felt like blaming the others for getting him into this, 'If Zita had only minded her own business,' but then he knew he wanted to solve the mystery so he thought, 'Why was Vanwa stupid enought to want to sleep outside the village,' but he then stoppped cause he knew it was as much his fault as theirs.

He heard Jeremiah and was drawn back to the world. His back was to the cave and therefore couldn't really see what was happening, just hear. "Are Vanwa and Will with us? Where is Zita? Wait, I hear her, why isn't she bound like us? What's going on Jeremiah?" His head throbed, he felt helpless. He struggled to reach for a hidden knife in his shirt (it was put here for this exact purpose). After a few seconds he got it.

He whispered to Jeremiah, "I'm going to cut the rope, hold them up as though they are still on tight until we decide what to do. Or get any hidden weapons out while the dwarf is looking the other way."

"Ok," Jeremiah whispered back...and Bereden cut the bonds.
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: September 11, 2004 06:19
Zita deftly skinned and cooked the wolf under Glims half crazed glare. Having a knife to cook with, at first she considered attacking him but judged that he would not be so easily taken off guard and she was not skilled enough to hold her own against him if it came to a struggle. When the meal was cooked Glim tied Zita up with her friends and fell to eating noisily, aware, seemingly, of nothing else.
Zita twisted her hands around as much as she could to see if she could loosen the knots that held them. She could feel the ropes around Jeremiah's writs but could not reach her own. She was quickly loosing all feeling in her fingers because of the tightness of the cord.

((pointless I know, but if no one has any escape ideas I will post something useful tomorrow))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: September 12, 2004 01:38
A great deep horn sounded a far off. Despite the vast distance, it caused everything (and everyone) to shake. Flocks of birds and other flying animals took off, fleeing in their direction.

(( Does this take place in Middle-Earth? And if so, when abouts? ))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: September 12, 2004 08:38
[Howdy Micaldor! Who, or what are you?
Oh, also: I'm going to play Will exclusevely because he hasn't been here for a long, long time... and we may have to loose him soon. If whoever was playing him doesn't show up I'll make sure he dies all dramatic-like, okay?]

Vanwa paused momentarily, and listened. She looked and Will and he looked at her. Neither of them knew what it was, and they both knew it, so they continued on. Shortly, she were behind (or above, rather) the cave where their friends were being held (which was their intent, of course...). They murmured the plan again, quickly to each other, and ran off towards the entrance..
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: September 13, 2004 05:46
((I already PM'd TripleCrownChamp, and they said that they couldn't keep up with our RPG, so to go ahead and give Will some kind of exit scene! Have fun, Skunk! ))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: September 13, 2004 07:08
((Hey, I did not see Frodogals post before I put mine up so sorry it dose not make sense anymore let see if I can fix it. Oh, and welcome Micaldor! I don't think this takes place in ME but I guess it could except that i made up an island that is not on the ME map. I guess it is place that is similar to ME with the same races and stuff like that.))

Suddenly Zita felt steal against her wrist and then felt the ropes fall away. Bereden had a blade! Zita had to bight her lip to keep from yelling for joy. her companions had been free all the time and were just waiting for the right moment. It would be difficult not to laugh at the dwarf for not noticing that his prisoners ropes were cut. She wiggled her fingers gratefully getting the blood moving in them again. Then came to horn blast.
Glim lifted his head from his meal. The wolves were alert in an instant all looking towards the sound and making all sorts of excited noise. Glim walked to the entrance of the cave to calm them. He could not have them drawing enemies to him with their racket.
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: September 18, 2004 09:07
((((i found you!! dont kill me!! and im a she, not a they. but Will is a guy. skunk, if you wish, you may play my character because i dont know how often i can post now that school has started. thankx!!))))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: September 25, 2004 05:00
((((I to have been as busy as a bee, but once you guy's get through this rescue part, I think I can introduce my charactor.))))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: October 03, 2004 10:45
Vanwa smiled almost evily and looked over at Will who did not seem as excited by all this. She then jumped off (very dramaticaly, of course) and began killing all in her path...
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: October 04, 2004 06:43
((I had kind of given up on this one. thanks for posting Skunk. ok let's move along now.))

With wolves falling dead at the hands of the two warriors that had just dropped from above his cave, Glim knew that it would be a loosing battle. He dodged about cutting the ropes that held his dogs to their trees so as to give the a better chance of survival. At first he managed to avoid Vanwe and Will but he had not counted on his prisoners to join in the fray.
Zita leaped to her feet with a cry of joy when she saw her friends come. She ran to where the dwarf had stashed their weapons and grabbed her knife. She tossed some other blades to Jeremiah and Bereden. Glim had finished with the wolves and was about to make a hasty retreat into the surrounding woods.
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: October 05, 2004 04:46
((cool, its going again))

Bereden ran at the dwarf. Although he wasn't as skilled with a weapon as with a dagger he knew well enough how to kill with it, and any other weapon.

((sorry, its really bad and short, I just went brain dead. Hey Vanwa maybe you could hand out weapons since you have such a big suply.))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: October 06, 2004 11:01
Suddenly, Glim's path was blocked by another figure. A man in a light brown cloak, sitting atop a small, slender (yet strong looking) red & white horse."Where are you heading off to in such a hurry?" he said Looking down at Glim ( who had fallen on his Posterior trying to stop himself ).

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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: October 07, 2004 05:47
[What? And loose all my precious weapons?? No, Vanwa wouldn't be that .. intelligent ]

Vanwa .. still killing wolves .. going crazy .. blood shot eyes ..
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: October 08, 2004 04:56
Jeremiah...trying to kill wolves...going crazy...getting creeped out by Vanwa's bloodshot eyes...

(( I know I'm annoying, but I didn't have time to post. ))
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: October 08, 2004 02:28
*Waiting for Karendil and Frodogal to come back and play*
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Post RE: Love life! But try to stay out of trouble. (please come join)
on: October 09, 2004 05:27
((sorry guys, lots of stuff going on.))

Glim scowled up as his adversary. He dove under the proud horse's legs, using his dwarven size to his advantage. He dodged fierce stamping on the part of the horse for a few moments. Then he was out and running as fast as his short legs would carry him. To the cover of the thicker underbrush of the forest he drove, cursing under his breath and vowing to have his vengeance. He fell over something as he won the bushes, he felt his ankle twist badly.
Then he heard a low growl.
Turning Glim came face to face with a wolf of his pack, its eyes filled with hatred and frenzy. It was free and it had its former master and tormenter at its mercy.
But mercy is not a concept that commonly occurs to wolves.

When the fighting began in ernest between the former prisoners and the wolves, Zita let the ones who enjoy it do most of the killing. She backed into the cave and looked for any thing useful.

((okay, sorry, my mind just went totally blank. let's get going.))
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