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Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post Healthy Living
on: September 14, 2004 02:06
So I went to the doctor today, and found out I have high cholesterol -- 231. He gave me a list of things that are okay to eat, and stuff I should avoid. Unfortunately, nearly everything I eat is on the stuff to avoid list, LOL. This bit of news is going to require a major shift in attitude for myself, as far as diet and exercise.

I was thinking, there's probably a lot of us who are going through similar situations, either because their doctors are telling them they need to exercise more and eat better, or just because you know that you ought to. I figured I'd start this thread as a place for those of us struggling to improve our health to have a place to share their experiences, and get support and advice. Maybe I'll be the only one posting here But if you're at all interested, please join me!

Edit: This isn't a thread for people to give me advice, although I do appreciate it It's for everyone that is interested in improving their health to discuss what their goals are, and how they are meeting them. If that describes you, then please join us

[Edited on 15/9/2004 by Rivka]
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 14, 2004 02:11
And having started the thread, I'll start with the first post I've known for about a year or two that I wasn't really happy with my weight and general health -- I hit my mid-20's and suddenly started gaining weight, which was a bit of a downer, since I had been skinny as a rail up till then. But hey, womanhood hits everyone eventually (well, those with two X chromosomes, that is), so I can accept that my hips are getting wider, and my body is putting on fat because my metabolism is slowing. But I don't want to let myself get completely run down, and combined with the new knowledge of my high cholesterol, it's time for me to make a shift in my lifestyle.

My game plan at this point is this:

Exercise for 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a week. I'm likely going to stick to stationary bike riding, and simple aerobics. I may move up to jogging as time passes. My goal with this is to feel better, lose a few pounds, tone certain parts of my body, and hopefully lower my cholesterol.

I obviously need to completely re-assess my diet, and make it more low-cholesterol friendly. This will be my major job over the next week or two. As I said in my first post, almost everything I eat is high in cholesterol, so this is going to be a major shift for me. I'll report my status on that in the next week or two.

Who's next?
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 14, 2004 02:16
I don't have any problems with high colesterol or anything like that, but I do have to watch what I eat. I eat too much junk food, and the things that are good for me that I eat are very fatty. I hardly eat any vegetables. I just can't stand the taste of them. I have to try harder to eat better, and exercise more. I'm in marching band, but once marching season is over, I have nothing that requires much movement. I need to find something else to do.
Illusionary Heart
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 14, 2004 02:37
Usually, I'm quite health-conscious. I choose fruits and vegetables over candy. But I love junk food, my parents don't buy much, but meh? I love vegetables and fruits, which is odd I think, for most people at my age. My body is "evenly" proportioned, according to my friend.

I try to work out, but I just never seem to be able to get into the habit. Usually I stretch, do push-ups and sit-ups/crunches. I'm just plain bad at running, so I never do that. I plan to strengthen my muscles again, because they've lost their "fiber" over the summer, when I was being lazy.

Basically, I want to become more flexible, helping my body to jump higher.
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 14, 2004 02:57
my dad had a heart attack and was told some things similar to yours. there are a lot of foods out there that are low-cholesterol. such as Smart Balance. it's a margarine that doesn't taste too bad. there are some sites out there that have low-chol dishes. even if you can't work out as much as you want to, at least take a walk or something.
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 14, 2004 03:00
Recently I was diagnosed with what the docs called Glucose intolerance...i guess. its like pre-diabetes or something.

The good news is ihad already started on a good road of exercising and eating healthy. I have a fairly good exercise buddy (*winks*) so its fairly easy to keep a good plan knowing that I'm likely going to be asked about it.

What I do right now is try to exercise at least three times a week and eat multiple types courses. I've always had a problem with actually eating food. Its not really an eating disorder, but just--i get too busy and forget about eating. I noticed that when i did ensure that i ate every day that i started loosing weight...go figure.

So, that's my plan. oh and...hotdogs probably aren't healthy. VERY YUMMY but not healthy.
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 14, 2004 06:45
In my town, this time every year, we have what is called a Blood draw. I just picked up my report on Saturday. The lab does over 50 different test. I was told they use every single drop of blood. Anyway, I got a top bill of health. There is one thing, I am over weight. I do walk with my dog every day. I don't snack a lot. I do eat fruits and vegetables. There's one big problem, all the women in my family, on my mother's side, have a very hard time losing weight after we gain it. Was told it has something to do with our genes. Even my oldest sister, who always was skinny, is now heavy. So this is something I will have to put up with. My walking and good eating will help keep me healthy. I plan on doing all I can to stay that way .

[Edited on 15/9/2004 by hobbitmom]
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 14, 2004 08:27
Argh... I used to be in great health, but I need to exercise and watch my food. Not so much how much, but what. I love all the bad stuff (ice cream, sweets, pastry). I have a great exercise program. What I need is the discipline to do it! I have three DVDs and all the equipment for a great workout called "The Firm" and it even recommends good eating habits, rest, etc. I am so bad. I know what I need to do, but I don't do it.

So, I am going to do my best to begin this week or next to exercise three times a week for about an hour (this is a mixed work out of aerobic, weights, and cardiovascular with plenty of warm up and cool down).

I stopped taking my blood pressure meds for awhile when I exercised regularly, but now I'm back on them. I'm doing my best to eat well (breakfast and at least a light dinner), cut back on my caffeine intake, and get more rest. That said, I'll try to keep you all posted on my success or failure to keep my resolve.
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 15, 2004 01:53
Urrg, my problem is that I eat all the wrong foods, and rarely ever do any "physical activity." Which is why I suddenly gained about 40 pounds...So right now, I'm trying to figure out where to start changing so that I can lose the weight. I'm working on cutting out the junk food, and supersized portions. I'm not really sure however, how to go about with an exercise program. On my part, I'm way to clueless to make up one for myself, since I know nothing about it, but convincing my parents to let me work out at an exersise club with a trainer hasn't worked out. (We live 30-45 minutes away from everything, so its the time issue.) So if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be most grateful!
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 15, 2004 02:59
Over the years I have had high-blood pressure, high potassium levels, pernicious aenemia, which I can keep at bay with Vitamin B12, and epistaxis (heavy nosebleeds)

Luckily, I never had any real problems with weight, and to be honest, never really thought about it. I am still about the same weight I was when I was in my 20's and 30's. Although as I am getting on in years, I do like to keep my weight steady. No point in putting any more strain on the old ticker than is necessary.

If I do begin to put weight on, I drink 8 glasses of water a day. That burns the fat off nicely thank you, as well as swilling out the kidneys. And I just eat sensibly. I can't follow diets, never have been able to and found that drinking water is the easiest. In the morning I add the juice of a fresh lemon and a small spoonful of honey to one glassful, the rest of the day I drink it plain.

On the whole I can say that my health is fairly ok. Just the usual twinges that you get in later years.

Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 15, 2004 08:10
Belle, great! I'll do the same as well I'm in the same boat as you...I know I ought to be exercising, but I can never seem to do it.

Nyereven - do you have a local public library? And a DVD or VHS player? Maybe see if your library has any exercise tapes, like aerobics or yoga. Either one of those would be a good start as far as doing some physical activity, and it probably wouldn't cost you any money (or very little, depending on your library system). If you find you really like a specific one or series, you can then purchase them for yourself off of Amazon, or Ebay, or half.com. That's what I've been doing, at any rate.

[Edited on 15/9/2004 by Rivka]
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 15, 2004 11:08
So far my blood-work has always come back pretty clean (though I'm 28, so it's only a matter of time with my family history...). I've been getting better with my eating habits, but I'm still not great with the exercise part. My main problem is this: I get these awful, nasty, vicious migraines once a month, every month. I can tell from the timing they must be estrogen-related. I used to be able to control them pretty well by diet (cutting out a bunch of food I really like, naturally), but that doesn't seem to help anymore. I've been told recently that jogging or running regularly might help, which may possibly be enough to actually get me moving. I know I could go to the doctor and get drugs that could help, but I'd rather that be a last resort. If anyone has any ideas or advice, I'd greatly appreciate it. Hey, at least it's making me a bit more health-conscious now while I'm still fairly young. (I'm trying really hard to be positive about it--I hate to hear myself whine! )
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 15, 2004 11:16
Helpful hint for those trying to increase their level of physical activity: get a step-counter (pedometer, stepmeter...different names). If you're in a sedentary job like me, it gives you quite an incentive to do simple things like take a walk in your breaks, take the stairs not the lift... You can set yourself targets. If you ever go to the gym and use a treadmill that calculates the calories you've burned going a certain distance, you can work out roughly how many extras you've used up with your little walks. Then the trick is to avoid rewarding yourself with a snack of course!

Frodo's_cat - taking supplements of evening primrose or starflower oil can help with a lot of monthly problems...
Gallery Shirriff
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 15, 2004 12:48
For me, it's not my weight that I need to worry about (if anything, I need to gain more), but my mom is always nagging me about not getting enough protein. Bah! I've tried protein enriched stuff, peanuts.... And I just love salty stuff, but all those special bars are too sweet for me. I can never finish them either. With about half left, I start feeling woozy. Though, there is this Slim Fast snack bar that's really good. I think it's called peanut butter crunch.... But anyways, it tastes just like a Butterfinger! Only much better for you.

So, in conclusion, I'm still not getting enough protein. Any non-sweet type suggestions? Cheap too is always nice beacause this stuff can be expensive.
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 15, 2004 01:46
I'm guessing you're vegetarian? The things that come immediately to mind are:


Here, I found a few pages that list sources of protein, with how much you normally get:

http://new-fitness.com/nutrition/protein.html (this one is good because it shows how much you get in comparison between red meat and other sources)
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 15, 2004 03:17
For me, it's not my weight that I need to worry about (if anything, I need to gain more), but my mom is always nagging me about not getting enough protein. Bah! I've tried protein enriched stuff, peanuts.... And I just love salty stuff, but all those special bars are too sweet for me. I can never finish them either. With about half left, I start feeling woozy.
Wow, same here! :twitch: My mom is a registered nurse and a personal trainer and has some education in nutrition, so I eat pretty healthily, but she's always nagging me about not getting enough protein. Today I had about 112% of what I need; she doesn't realize that I do get more then enough. Thanks for the hint on the Slimfast peanut butter bars, I'll have to try those.

Some recommendations for high-protein meatless products:
-Dannon Fruit Fusion smoothies - and most smoothies are okay
-Fake meat... some tastes like plastic, some is pretty good. I like Trader Joe's meatless meatballs and most fake hot dogs.
-High-protein cereal, like Back to Nature's High-Protein Crunch. (Which is good, but not great, and a little bland... put some fruit or something in it.)
-Put peanut butter on bread or whatever you eat that you put peanut butter on... (Personally, I hate the stuff)
-If you cook, see if you can cook in anything with protein to whatevery you're cooking, like nuts
Take a look around the supermarket or a Trader Joe's if there's one near you; there might be more high-protein foods then you think.

And I don't really get enough exercise, other than walking or running half a mile to school every day. Everything I try seems to not work out: I dropped out of gymnastics because I hurt my wrist, which never completely healed, I dropped out of yoga because I just can't balance without two feet constantly on the ground, and I tried two dance programs before deciding that I didn't really like dance. I swim in the summer and snowboard in the winter, but that leaves half the year in which I don't do too much. I'll probably join my school's track and cross-country teams.
Gallery Admin & Realm Head of Estë
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 16, 2004 12:10
If you need motivation for exercise, take this challenge; after all, walking is the most natural way to move.
Gallery Shirriff
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 16, 2004 05:14
I'm guessing you're vegetarian?

Yes, I am. Stupid biology... Part of my problem too is that I'm very picky. I don't like milk, yogurt, peanut butter (though I like peanut butter flavored things), and after a while I get sick of eggs.

Thank you muchly for the info Riv and LE_O_R! Those links were very helpful.
Palantir Mod, Guardian of Ulmo's Realm & Resident Eomer Fancier
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 16, 2004 12:46
Fortunately I have never had a problem with high cholesterol but I do have high blood pressure. Doctor's advice is to lose a few pounds and exercise more. For the last year I have been on a modified carb diet. It was hard at first but I did give up bread and potatoes...and chocolate. I eat a lot of banana's (because they are good for hbp), lots of fruits and veggies. And plenty of chicken. I don't eat a lot of red meat which I don't miss anyway. But what I have done so far has helped and I've lost 3 dress sizes.

The exercise thing is what has been the hardest for me but I've forced myself to walk more. I park further away from the door at work or when I go shopping so that I have to walk a little farther. I didn't like aerobics but found that water aerobics are easier and more fun so I do that several times a week.

I still have to take the HBP meds but I'm hoping if I keep going as I am that eventually I can stop taking them as well.

Resident Shieldmaiden
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 18, 2004 02:19
Great topic, Rivka!

Heart problems may run in my family (my dad had a number of heart attacks starting in his early thirties and passed away relatively young at 57) and I am also struggliing with the shift in metabolism that hits many of us. Last year at school I started to really control my diet (oatmeal in the morning, because of all those commercials saying it lowers your cholesterol), a microwave meal for lunch (it's usually one of those Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choices. You have to read those microwave meal labels carefully--some of them are horrible!). I also keep cereal/yogurt bars at work to munch on. We rarely have any junk food in our house because I've discovered if it's there, I can't leave it alone until it's gone .....when summer ended last year I took a big step and joined an all-women's gym in town that caters more to those wanting to get fit than being a meat market. I don't feel self-concious there at all. I try to go at least three times a week, maybe four. I do weight lifting sometimes followed by cardio. Those of you who are trying to get into better shape, try incorporating weight training into your routine. I promise you won't end up looking like The Terminator. It will, however, help you fight osteoporosis....which is becoming a big problem with older men too, I read! Other days I just try to do cardio/walking on the machines for forty-five minutes to an hour. I have not lost any pounds (my doc thinks it might be the Depo-Provera I'm on--that's a b.c. shot)--but we both think I'm converting fat to muscle because my clothes are not as tight (thank God...I couldn't afford a whole new set of work clothes).
Then, there's always yardwork. Plus, I've stopped using elevators whenever possible and I park back in the parking lot too instead of wasting ten minutes looking for a close space

Question I was talking to someone recently and she suggested I start drinking hormone-free milk from the health food section...said it might help me drop a few pounds and help keep my skin clearer....any of you have an opinion on this? I've heard several doctors express the opinion that all the hormones in meat and milk these days may contribute to earlier puberty in young girls and increased acne in adult women. It sounds reasonable.

Oh and Nyérëven....look into getting yourself a resistance band. It's a heavy duty rubber band of sorts with a couple of handles and you use it in a door hinge (it won't hurt the door). Mine came with instructions on how do about 15 exercises with mimic simple weight lifting.....it's a great thing to have when the weather's too bad to go to the gym, or if you don't live very close to one. Somedays I just do my resistance band routine and go for a lengthy walk.

[Edited on 9/18/2004 by Aowyn]
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 18, 2004 05:08
I have 8 dance classes a week, so that kinda helps keeps the body fat index/ weight from going up, but doesn't seem to get it down much. I guess I just need to be more sensible about what I eat and exersize outside of class with walks, weights and such.

I took Pilates and Body Conditioning at my dance studio last year and loved it! But... Body Conditioning isn't offered this year, and the only Pilates that fits in my schedule is 9:00-10:00 saturday morning! (I am not a morning person )
So, the plan is to buy a Pilates mat and keep doing the excersizes and maybe buy a video. But hey, I could do it to the LotR soundtrack! lol

~ swg ~
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 19, 2004 08:42
Gam-gam, could you explain what the deal is with pilates? I keep hearing them mentioned as the big new exercise thing, but not about what it actually entails. Is it like yoga, or what?
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 19, 2004 10:03
Swimming is possibly the best all round exercise. I lost over a stone just swimming every weekend. If you suffer from any kind of body strain, swimming supports you, but you still use all the muscles.

I think Pilates is a similar concept but on dry land. You use your body's resistance. I suppose it is a bit like Yoga.
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 19, 2004 01:15
This is from my mom, who works in exercise:

"An exercise system based on the teachings of Joseph Pilates, that emphasizes lengthening the muscles that support the core (back and abdominals)."

And two entries from dictionary.com:

Function: trademark
—used for an exercise regimen typically performed with the use of specialized apparatus and designed to improve the overall condition of the body

Function: noun
Definition: a method of physical and mental exercise involving stretches and breathing that focus on strengthening the abdominal core
Etymology: Joseph Pilates, designer of the system
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 19, 2004 04:41
Just wanted to give an update on myself -- I haven't been able to exercise much, since my work/school schedule is so busy right now. My current job finishes in a few weeks, though, so I won't have an excuse after that. I'll report on my attempts in that regard when the time comes...

I made a recent vow to try to eat better beyond just cutting high-cholesterol stuff out of my diet, so I bought a week's worth of fruit today, with the goal of eating one piece a day. If that works well, and I can stick with it, I'm then going to start trying to implement more vegetables as well. Rather than doing this all at once, which I know from past attempts is likely to fail, I'm doing it one bit at a time, so that my body and tastebuds don't completely revolt.

Also, I was very pleased to find some Centrum in liquid form at the drugstore recently -- I can't take vitamins in pill form, because they're so darn big, and even chopping them up doesn't help much. But yeah, vitamins in liquid form...tastes awful, but easily swallowed, and I brush my teeth right after, and all is good.

What is everyone else doing? Got any exercise or food resolutions to share?
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Resident Shieldmaiden
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 20, 2004 08:59
Well, I did make a resolution to stop drinking Coca-Cola at the beginning of summer....actually I don't really even miss it anymore. I get it at a restaurant occasionally as a treat, but I am no longer craving it, so I guess I can call that a success

I went and tried indoor rock climbing yesterday--only really easy climbs of course--but I was pleased because I wasn't really tired from doing it afterwards and my friends were (pleased for myself I mean lol). Guess the strength training is paying off!
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 20, 2004 09:17
I recently decided to cut caffeine out of my diet...I only drink caffeine-free diet Dr. Pepper now. I actually like the taste, LOL.

Good job on the rock climbing! That's not something I can see myself doing, but I'm always impressed at others that do
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Gallery Shirriff
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 20, 2004 10:05
But yeah, vitamins in liquid form...tastes awful, but easily swallowed, and I brush my teeth right after, and all is good.

Everyone always laughs at me when I say this, but it helps to sprinkle a teeny tiny bit of salt on your tongue. Or pop a pretzel in your mouth. That's what I always do whenever I have to take nasty cough medicine. Bleh!
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 20, 2004 11:55
As to the hormone free milk: The other thing you can do is refuse to buy yourself more than one or two cartons of milk a month, and use soymilk instead. They have flavored varieties that are actually quite good, and if you mix about 1/3 parts milk/soymilk it tastes almost exactly the same, and has a better texture. Take out condensed milk, instead use the lighter varieties of skim and part-skim.

I, myself, am a bit overweight (at least by the standards of where I live, I'm probably pretty close to average or less than avg. for people in the US in general; I haven't weighed myself in a while, but I'm around 140 -- and around 5'6" tall)-- but it usually doesn't bug me. I'm young, and if anything, I tend to have blood pressure on the low end (I'm talking dizzy when I stand up kind of low-- and yes, I know I'm not dehydrated cuz I drink about two gallons of water a day. No lies)

One thing I can suggest to people who live in cities where it's safe enough and close enough, is to bike to school or work. In some circumstances, it can be faster than driving (I can do the two miles to school in fifteen or twenty minutes-- and I can't sprint (that's standing up to pedal harder, if you didn't know) because my chain skips and it throws me way off balance if I try). Tune up your bike, fix those brakes and chain, get a good helmet, and try. If you wear skirts that are longer than mid-calf, tuck the hem into the waist band so they won't catch on the chain or chainwheels (and trust me, don't wear minis). Your body will naturally hold in any belly you might have if you're going uphill, and that strengthens the abs, and there're obvious benefits to your quads, and calves. a lot better for you than just pressing the gas. I'd probably be in better shape if I bothered to do basic weight lifting other than what we do in school, or run with my father (I tried once and was way tired by the third mile... and we were off on walk/jog-running....)

For those who don't like veggies overly much: See if your city/town has a Farmer's Market. It's usually organic, and often tastes far better than supermarket junk-- I'm a bit of a veggie brat by now, working there; the grocery store stuff just tastes so... icky and bitter and dry and gross.... It also supports local farmers... and if enough people go, it usually grows and grows! (ours is about two blocks long by now). They often arrange schedules when most people are free; Saturdays are pretty usual, and sometimes they arrange ones in the evenings in the week. Depending on where you live you can get everything from coffee to wine, or lettuce to tomatoes to onions to beef and mutton.

If you have time, get a pair of free weights, or a 5-10-15 pound kit and a dumbbar and collar. Or a membership at the local pool. Set a reasonable goal (when my dad started running in November about four years ago he planned to attend the half marathon in Moab on St. Patrick's Day with a time under two hours, he finished in 1:50...). Don't plan to work out in the mornings unless you fancy getting up at five or four AM, but instead work out right before dinner, and eat light there.

Now I'm starting to sound like one of those exercise vids or something, so I'll be quiet now.
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 20, 2004 06:06
Hey Rivka, great thread!

I was told in May that I have this thing called Insulin Resistance, something to do with my body not registering that it has produced the insulin. So it stores it and then makes more, or doesn't have enough, or something messed up like that! :dizzy: (maybe i should lok more into that)

So because of it I am suposed to eat healty. Also, I have been trying to loose weight for a while now. My problem is I'll do something for a while but never stick to it long enough. Well this summer I actually stuck to it for a fair amount of time. Was walking about an hour or 2 every other day, and the days I wasn't walking I was doing tae-bo (great fun!) I also started to eat healthier. I lost about 30 pounds in about 4 months.

Unfortunately I haven't been very good with it in the past month or two and I'm finding it hard to get back on track. I have gained back almost 10 pounds. I just need to get myself in gear and get going again cause I know now I can do it.
Resident Feline of Bag End
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 21, 2004 11:32
Thanks, Rivka, for starting this thread, and everyone else, for posting. Hearing everyone else's stories is actually helping me to get motivated!

My main goal has been to get myself exercising. And I'm happy to say I've actually, finally begun! (I know, keeping up with it is the key.) I went for something fairly simple; a walk/jog around the neighborhood. I started with a brisk walk, then jogged for a few minutes, then walked again, etc. I did this for about 30 minutes. I'd like to get myself to a point where I can just jog for a while, but I'm really out-of-shape, so it's going to take a little time. It's odd; I'm a bit tired, but I actually feel energized at the same time. I know I'll have a better chance of keeping up with it if I vary the routine or the route I take each day. If I have a set route that I follow every time, I know I'll get bored and stop going. I've done that several times already. And I really, really want to stick with it this time. Right now, I'm happy that I've got myself started.
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 23, 2004 09:53
I just had the healthiest food shopping of my entire life. I only bought fruit, vegetables, and some low-fat ice cream, LOL

I'm currently trying to introduce more vegetables into my life; I've always really, really hated veggies, so this is hard for me. It's also difficult in that my husband and I are rarely able to share meals due to our schedules, so buying veggies in a can just doesn't work for a single person (since invariably, at least half will end up being thrown away). But today, I found these nifty things in the freezer aisle -- Green Giant has these yummy frozen vegetables in resealable bags; I got some corn in butter sauce, and carrots/broccoli in cheese sauce. I also bought some baby carrots, and some bagged salad to munch on rather than most of the very unhealthy snacks that I'm used to. Now, if only vegetable producers would do something nifty like put vegetables in a single serving microwaveable container -- I'd buy those in a heartbeat. I can't imagine why they haven't done it yet.
"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Resident Shieldmaiden
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 24, 2004 12:58
Have you tried any microwave meals? I know, they have a terrible reputation .Some of those Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice are actually kinda good, and they work the vegetables in--the only thing I've learned I have to watch out for is the salt
Frodo Fanatic and Head Oligarch
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 24, 2004 07:21
I do eat a lot of microwave dinners -- but most of the ones I can stand are the ones with some sort of cream sauce, and that's a no-no for me now. I took a look at what I had in the freezer a few days ago, and some of my microwave dinners had like 28% of the cholesterol allowed a day. Now I try to stick to 10% less on meals, and 5% on snacks (and get as close to 0% as possible on the latter).
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 24, 2004 05:26
It's nice to know I've got company in my goal to live healthier. I try to walk an hour a day in a local cemetary. It's very large, beautiful, and full of hills. I really don't like exercising and with my work schedule, walking is about all I can manage. Just for variety, or when the weather is inclement, I'll use an exercise video. I have a set of 5 lb. weights that I use while I watch t.v. I'm trying to get more vegetables in my diet, too. I'm lazy when it comes to cooking, so I'm always on the lookout for easy, healthful meals to throw together.
"To the Hobbits. May they outlast the Sarumans and see spring again in the trees." J.R.R. Tolkien
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