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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: September 24, 2004 07:31
I just had the healthiest food shopping of my entire life. I only bought fruit, vegetables, and some low-fat ice cream, LOL
Good for you! Steamed broccoli is really really yummy--specially with rice and chicken

okay anyway, update on me--well this is the week before payday. And for those of you people who get paid once a month know what that means---that means no money to do anything or buy anything.

So, i'm afraid my diet has really gone downhill this week---Its consisted mostly of ramen (i got different flavors so it wouldn't seem so bad--plus I use chopsticks to eat--for fun, and it makes me forget i'm eating pretend food).

Pay day is soon though, so I'll be sure to get some veggies. Actually no, i just remembered, I can go to my friends house and get some stuff from their garden. fresh garden veggies...MMMM.

Oddly, I've never been much into fruit, i've always been more of a veggie fan. I like fruit, just prefer veggies.

I did let myself afford dr. pepper though. I wish walmart sold caffeine free--but they dont.
Melkor's Apprentice
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: March 27, 2005 05:26
Okay, this a shameless plug for a little something that some of us, basically starting from the realms, are trying to take into action....
The shameless plug is for the excersise quest, the Éowyn Challenge, which we are now taking up as a group here on CoE. For this occasion we have been allowed to open this thread in the Many Meetings forum, which will be the meeting point of all partaking in the challenge -here we can share our goals and celebrate how far we've come, encourage and so forth...

What we'll be doing is covering miles and miles of Middle Earth walking (or running or swimming or whatever else) the distances that the Fellowship etc covered.... Hopefully doing this as a community will make more of us actually stick to it -making us see many of the beautiful lands of ME...

As excersise is probably one of the basic things in healthy living, we were hoping some of you might be interested in joining us in the walking

Maybe we'll see each other somewhere on the road:love:
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: March 27, 2005 05:40
Replying to something WAY back in September. To minual_gil_estal: insulin resistance is most common in "older" folks like me. What happens is that while the body still produces insulin, the cells become resistant to it and can no longer accept the glucose the insulin carries. Thus, the glucose continues to circulate in the bloodstream rather than being utilized properly. This contributes to Type II diabetes, or non-insulin diabetes. For the most part, folks who have it take oral meds to decrease this resistance and are told to exercise and lose weight to help with it. Sheesh... I am SO behind on stuff. Many times one can get off the meds with weight loss and exercise. Best of luck to you.

And Eressëa, I replied to this in the other thread about dieters. I've been really trying to more healthy food as well as exercise. I don't like feeling like a an old woman, even chronology tells a different tale. LOL
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: March 27, 2005 08:57
As for adding vegetables in your diet, I find that broccoli is really good and has one of the highest potassium contents. If you have a colander that will fit in a pot, you can take some frozen broccoli florets (the florets are just the tops with some of the stem, i think they taste the best) and then boil water underneath where the colander would hang in the pot, put the broccoli in the colander over the boiling water. Steam it until soft and put some margarine (heathier than butter) over it. The steaming helps your body absorb the nutrients easier, the same with all raw food, cooking helps in digestion. You just have to watch what you cook them in. Steaming can help a lot of veggies taste better, not to mention easier to eat. Hope this helps some.
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: March 25, 2007 11:44
Shame this thread has dropped so far back. So how is everyone doing?

I am pretty fit but overweight. I'm 65 so it's harder to lose it, along with the fact that 20 years ago I was on steroids for sarcoidosis and the wight piled on then.

I am a great fan of soya milk. I use a variety slightly sweetened with an apple concentrate, so I can use it on cereal and not be tempted to use sugar. A bran cereal of course. I've no idea what my cholesterol levels are but I drink a cholesterol-lowering yogurt and take vitamins. I never fry anything.

For exercise I have a motorised treadmill which I use most days and a set of small weights. I have problems with things like sit-ups because they seem to strain my neck and that can stop me exercising for a week. I tried one of those ab-frames but it was no better and I don't really have room for it. I've done tai chi and yoga for years. Gentle and stretchy.

So all in all I manage to keep my weight stable and my joints in good trim. Just wish I could lose some.
Norn av Urd
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: March 29, 2007 05:43
Good thing to dig this thread out, cirdaneth. I want to join it.

I need to loose some weight, currently I'm overweighed only for 3 kg but my aim is to loose 8 kg to be comfortably in the middle of my BMI. I have lost 1,5 kg already, lol.

My problem isn't that I eat too much crap but that I don't eat enough. I have to watch my eating because of my medication (both two meds I have to take cause gainging weight because of too much eating) so it kind of caused a problem of not eating almost at all. I started to eat more I started to loose weight, yay!

I exercise 3 days in a week. In Mondays I have horse back riding but I'm going to have a break on that because my course ends next Monday and might switch a stable I'm riding in. In Wednesdays I have pilates and I tell you that's a good one and recommend it to anyone. Not only it helps you to get fit but it also prevents problems with your back. In Fridays I go to swim though I got bitten by a flea of deep water running! I'm terribly afraid of drowning when I'm swimming but because in running you wear a belt which keeps you on the surface the fear is gone. I also go to a group of aqua gym for half an hour.

So that's about me. Hopefully I will be in good enough fit in the summer, gee I have so little time left. Two months. :dizzy: But it's only three or four kg more.
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Post RE: Healthy Living
on: April 26, 2007 04:51
Living in Japan. It's actually hard to eat healthy here unless you cook yourself, then it's pretty easy. Your grams of fat can be pretty easily calculated by how much oil you stir fry with, and the amount of whatever meet you're protein is. Veggies, fruits, and grains and you're good.

I'm a little young, but I'm pre-hypertension sometimes with my blood pressure. I love salt, and I've had to cut it out of my diet in many respects. Potassium provides my electrolytes these days.

If any of you watch food network, check out Alton Brown and maybe his books. While a lot of them are simply focused on the chemistry (and it's a pretty basic focus) of food, it really helped me cook better once I knew the thermal mechanics behind my tools, and the behavior of whatever medium I worked with. I mean I actually pan seared a steak to perfection last week, and my mother (bless her soul) turned every steak to touch a skillet into a hockey puck with wischester sauce. I'm a carnivore at heart, but I barely eat more than a fist sized portion a day now, if that.

These are more guy concerns than girls I imagine, but cooking at home with canola oil, or butter (saturated fat isn't great, but it could be worse) can be pretty healthy if you just avoid the deep fat frying, measure it out, and use other flavor methods to pick up. I loves me my garlic and pepper.
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