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Illusionary Heart
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Post On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 04, 2004 02:01

Nayru's light violet eyes burrowed down into her paperwork. She saw her music notes, songs, lyrics, poems, but no tunes. Poetic words spilled through her mind, but somehow the tune just wouldn't come to her. She vented a frustrated sigh, which was very unfamiliar of her to do. Normally she never revealed her emotions so freely. She preferred to keep them concealed, bottle them up within her soul.

Nayru cast a gaze out the window. Night was falling and she could see the stars faintly arise with the moon. What a beautiful night, she thought. Unlike so many other nights. The darkness was upon them. She could feel the evil stir in the air - waiting until Sauron would regain much of his former power and eventually wage war with the creatures of Middle-Earth. How long would it be? The same thoughts became more frequent and what hope she had was beginning to fade very slowly. Nayru shook her head, trying to rid the thoughts in her brain. "No, I must remain optomistic, for the sake of those who dwell in Mithlond." She allowed her gaze to pull her back to her work.

Nayru ran a hand through her long, dark and thick hair to push it out of her golden face. She picked up her quill, dabbed it in her ink bottle and let the surplus ink tumble off. She thought carefully, and decided that since the words and not the tunes would come to her, she would continue with her work. Nayru hummed to herself, writing the lyrics in elegant strokes.

Frosted winters cover the land... was all Nayru could write down on a thick, beige piece of paper for there was a loud knock at the door. She looked up from her desk, which happened to be piled with articles of music and poems. "I really ought to clean this place up," she said to herself. She wondered who could possibly be wanting to see her at such an hour.

"Come in," Nayru said simply.

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[Edited on 6/11/2004 by Lady~Eowyn]

[Edited on 7/11/2004 by Lady~Eowyn]
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 05, 2004 11:06
Daefirith stared at the night time sky. It was clear an the stars shone brightly above. He stared down at what he held in his hand. It was a blue jewel, very dark in color almost like the night time sky. With in it was a star or you could call it that. It hung from a elegant silver chain.

Of course the jewel had no purpose, no one to receive it and it had no special meaning other than to reflect the night time sky. He nearly sighed. Daefirith placed it gently upon the table. The light reflected of off it , casting a small blue light around it.

He had nothing left now other than his mother and sister. He only had the gift to create things of beauty to show others. Even that was not enough. Now done observing his new piece he had nothing left to do. Perhaps he could work on another idea, but that was only getting harder and harder now a days.

He walked out of his room into the night time air. It was fresh and clean air blowing through not tainted with the evil at hand. Daefirith began to walk where his feet took him. He was at the door of Nayru before he realized it.

'Why am I here?'He thought to himself.

He knew her and had talked with her on an occasion. She liking to write poetry and songs and him liking to create jewels and other such think, they had a little in common. He hesitated but it was not long before he knocked. It was late but knowing one like her would be up late into the night.

"Come in,"Nayru called from the other side of the door.

He opened the door and stepped inside.

Daefirith bowed his head slightly,"Sorry to disturb you, Nayru. I found myself unable to go to sleep and for some reason my feet brought me here. You of course would be the only one up at this hour."

((hope it's ok that he's the one knocking on the door. If you want me to edit it I will))
Illusionary Heart
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 05, 2004 05:49
((I don't mind at all. ))

Nayru looked up and felt her heart skip a couple of beats. She was a little surprised that Daefirith was the one who knocked at her door. Of course, it was not as though she despised Daefirith or anything. Nayru simply wondered why he come to see her. She knew Daefirith fairly well. Being born with Noldorian blood, he loved crafts and the creation of jewels like many of his own kin. And she, being given to music and poetry, did not often meet with him.

"Sorry to disturb you, Nayru. I found myself unable to go to sleep and for some reason my feet brought me here. You of course would be the only one up at this hour."

"That is true enough," Nayru replied slowly. "I do tend to stay up quite late with my work." She realized that she was being a terrible hostess and quickly added, "Forgive me, I am being quite surly. Please make yourself comfortable." She gestured to the chair with an elegant wave of her hand and cast him an apologetic look, "Is there something you wish to speak about?"

Nayru regarded his intent, dark brown eyes while she organized some of her paper in order to make her desk look decently clean. But it was quite hopeless, Nayru often got too carried away in making music and that led up to the disastrous mess on her desk. "Before you answer, I am sorry about the appearance of my room. As you can see, it lacks proper organization." She smiled lightly and waited for Daefirith to respond.

[Edited on 6/11/2004 by Lady~Eowyn]
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 05, 2004 09:20
The sun sank ever further down the sky in the west where Maethoriel's sea blue eyes were transfixed. Soon it was gone and the stars appeared, but not the sails she had been hoping for.

The blonde haired elf-maid sat perched on the face of a flat rock. The stone, cold under her bare feet and the gauzy white fabric of her fitted gown's skirts fluttered in the sea breeze. The quiet waves lapped in a rhythm against the large rock that sloped into the dark water. Maethoriel stared down into it's depths and drew the woolen shawl closer to her, though not to ward of cold, but the unrest she felt. As the salty air blue a few golden tresses across her face, a tear slipped down her cheek and lingered on the corner of her lips. She quickly brushed away the damp trail it had left and shook her head against her thoughts.

Dordhaeron was fine, he was just delayed, she tried to convince herself. His last voyage had been due to return four days ago, and he had promised that if he was to be late that he would send Aehwesta, his hawk, ahead with word. Maethoriel had watched each day, and neither ship nor hawk were to appear on the horizon. Usually Maethoriel did not worry, knowing that Dordhaeron was a capable salior who had taken this passage countless times before, but now was different. Darkness rose in the east, and whispers of powerful evil growing had traveled to all corners of the lands. Maethoriel was not sure how powerful this force was, but she feared for the safety of those on the sea.

Now it was fully night and the hour late, Maethoriel had sat longer then intended without even knowing, and she knew she should head home though it was not far. But she could not yet bring herself to turn in. Rising from the rock, she climbed up onto the wooden dock and moved silently to the end. The city rose quiet all around her with its tall towers in the hidden cove, and she noted that there were few lights still flickering in the windows above, some close to her and others far so that they almost appeared as stars. With a sigh she closed her eyes and focused on the sound of the lapping water and the wind. A lone gull cried overhead, and she could fainly hear the flapping of wings over the sound of waves. She began to sway slowly to the melody that unfolded before her, and she hummed. Soon the humming turned to song that rose up in the night, sweet and clear;

Hodo nôl vell tharn lín.
Thinna. Telich na vethed e-lend.
Losto hi, ah oltho o gwaith i tellir io annan.
Cenir o falas chaeron.
Am man nallach?
Man i nîr hin bo thîr lín?
Ned lû then cennithach han:
Gwannathar echais bain lín.
Beriannen mi renc nín, lostach.

Man pulich cened na thrîw en-aear
Am man cenir i maew fain?
Or aear Ithil valu eria.
I chîr tellir; le tegithar na mar.
Naid bain sui heledh gelebren thiathar
Calad bo nen: Athradar faer bain.

Estel thinna na ardhon môr,
Dannol thrî dhúath, ed rin, ed lû.
Avo bedo telim si na vethed.
Cenir felais fain; aderthatham
A hodathach si mi renc nîn, lostol.

Man pulich cened na thrîw en-aear
Am man cenir i maew fain?
Or aear Ithil valu eria.
I chîr tellir; le tegithar na mar.
Naid bain sui heledh gelebren thiathar
Calad bo nen: Athradar cîr thind
Nan annûn.

Maethoriel swayed for the moonlight that bathed her it its pale glow, and the light on her white gown made her seem to glow, as above, the stars blinked to hear her. She kissed her fingertips and blew it to the sky for Dordhaeron to recieve while he was yet away from her.

(I found the song online, it is simply "Into the West" as translated into elvish.)

[Edited on 11/6/2004 by Ireth_elfmaiden]
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 05, 2004 09:54
OOC Thanks Lady~Eowyn I hope this fits in with your idea.

Erudú rode down into Mithlond along a well-worn roadway that had seen many of his kinsmen pass by and take the white swan ships to the West. Why he had been asked to come here though he did not know why but the place held nothing but some of his most painful memories. The air was cool and clean quite different from that of the Westfold of Rohan or the plains of Anórien. He rode through the quiet city seeing almost no one except for the odd patrol that walked the streets. The city had grown considerable since he had been here last some three hundred years prior but it's core and harbour still looked fairly much the same. His memories were mainly painful ones that he had tried to put behind him but the pain came back at times as it did now.

He stopped for a moment and tried to drive the memories out of his mind but they were never buried deep and would surface in times of quiet or reflection. He knew the home he was to go to quite well for he had a deep respect for the ellon who lived there but he had no idea why he was told to come here and to stay a while and aid this ellon in anyway he could. This was the first time in eighty-two years that he did not command his battalion though they would be waiting for his return, and with Lord Celeborn now commanding them he had no concerns for his men. The sound of the hooves on the marble pathway to the harbour was a familiar sound and he knew that he was close to his destination.

He dismounted and walked the remainder of the way now seeing the odd kinsman about which meant he had now passed into the elvish quarter of the city. He did not need to go to much further before he came to the home he sought along the harbour. A young man came out of a smaller door and bowed.

"My Lord if you will permit me I shall see to your horse?" Erudú smiled at the young ellon. "Yes thank you." Erudú replied. "You be nice to this young ellon Morsúl and none of your tricks." He says as he rubs the neck of horse. The young ellon takes his horse for him and disappears around the side of the building. Erudú goes to the door and did not have to wait for it to be opened, he was expected and the ellon inside knew well before his arrival that he was there. The door opened and before him stood Lord Cirdan. "My Lord" Erudú said and bowed deeply in the formal manner. I have come to you as requested and I will serve you in what ever manner I can."

Cirdan returns the bow. "Commander Erudú I thank you for coming and please enter and feel welcome in my home, I am honoured you came." Erudú enters the home which is wonderfully decorated in the manner of Valinor. "Please let us dispense with the formalities within my home, you are a guest so please make yourself comfortable." Erudú sits across from wall painted with a pass flanked by two high mountains with golden rays of light streaming through the pass. "This is the Pass of Calacirya in the days of Telperion and Laurelin, the days of bliss in the blessed realm." He hands Erudú a goblet of wine from which he sips a nectar so divine that all else would taste as water in comparison. "I think you have an understanding why you have been called here Erudú?" Erudú looks at him slightly puzzled at his comment. "Your last visit was one of pain and grief was it not?" Erudú nods. "Your Lord and Lady think highly of you and they would see you healed of that pain and move on. The hour is late my friend enjoy your wine and we shall speak more of this once we are refreshed. The ellon two sit there speaking from one mind to the next of the high days in Valinor and of the bliss that still is the same for those that live with the Valar.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 06, 2004 06:28
"That is true enough," Nayru replied slowly. "I do tend to stay up quite late with my work." She realized that she was being a terrible hostess and quickly added, "Forgive me, I am being quite surly. Please make yourself comfortable." She gestured to the chair with an elegant wave of her hand and cast him an apologetic look, "Is there something you wish to speak about?"

He sat down and was about to speak when she apologized for the state of her desk. She had been trying to organize her papers but to no avail.

"I encounter the same problem at times,"Daefirith said, an almost warm laugh tinting his words, a rare thing to hear from the he-elf.

He remembered why he had come here. There was something he wanted to speak of.

"A feeling as if my all my worth has been served has come over me,it's a troubling feeling for one who creates,"he said,"The times are becoming darker and yet the our race simply voyages into the West."

He paused and said after a moment,"I apologize, I do not want trouble your mind with dark thoughts."

[Edited on 6/11/2004 by Sillende]
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 06, 2004 11:15
((hope its ok to start my post here with our travel from Mirkwood))

Elebridith and her brother Thiliachîn were standing in the stable strapping their packages and necessities to their soft light saddles. They were about to leave their home in Mirkwood. Many times now the message had come from Lord Elrond of Imladris as well as from Lorien, that Sauron was getting back to power. King Thranduil, who was the uncle to Elebridith and Thiliachîn (through his wifes' side) had held several councils in his halls. The years of leisure and grand celebrations with lots of wine were getting fewer. Times were changing, and all the elves felt that their path on middle earth was coming to an end. Mirkwood had heard of many other wood elves leaving for Mithlond to take a grey ship to Valar. The end of the elven power on middle earth. It was sad and yet it was fate and there was never any sorrow for fate. Orcs were becoming more and more bothersome up there in the north of Mirkwood and King Thranduil's guards were busy fighting off their mad attacks. Elebridith was a keen archer and had done her bit to defend their home against these agressive intruders. So was Thiliachîn, though much more silent inside and intellectuell than Elebridith who had the heart of an adventurer.

After they finished packing they led their horses out of the stable. Elebridith patted Ithilhên's neck. "we are about to leave on a very long journey." she looked Thiliachîn who's eyes were full of sadness. "you will miss Mirkwood, won't you Muindoren , do not worry, you will be back to Mirkwood before our people will leave for Valar." He sighed and nodded while he strapped his bow to his back and sheathed an elven sword. "Then we better go, Muinthelen " Both mounted their horses in silence. They had already said their goodbyes to their parents and their kin. Slowly they started off riding into the depth and darkness of Mirkwood. The journey to Mithlond would be a long one, and they would have to cross over Hithaeglir, the misty mountains. Mirkwood for being so far north as an elven nation was the last one to leave for Valar. They were far away from the worst of the troubles, except for those bothersome Orcs. Elebridith's cousin Legolas would have to go and see Lord Elrond about it soon, to find out what could be done about it and what the states of affairs were in the south about Sauron's rise.

Elebridith and Thiliachîn had decided to go to Mithlond, to try and find out about things there. They wanted to see with their own eyes, that elves were indeed leaving for Valar. Elebridith was set on being the last elf on Middle Earth to leave for the west, a fact which made her brother roll his blue eyes over her often. "You are too keen on all the creatures living here. Hobbits, like the one that came passing through our forest with a heap of Nogothrim, men you favour too, and even these wild humans...who scare me, to be honest, I truely hope you never develope a liking for Orcs." he said with a teasing voice and a soft smirk on his lips. "Oh, stop teasing me Thiliachîn and make your stallion move, we have yet a long way to go to Mithlond." Thus they were riding on in silence, till they reached the forest road that led to the pass across the misty mountains. It took them two days before they left the east-west road just before entering the shire. In fact they crossed the southern edge of the shire passing through the old forest where they met a group of elven ready to depart for Mithlond as well. It was with this group that they finally arrived in the Grey havens. While most of the group of elven were ready to leave with a ship, Elebridith and Thiliachîn say good bye to their fellow elves and rode through the town in order to find someone to talk to of importance or in charge of the going ons.

Some elven maiden pointed them to a house belonging to an elf called Nayru. Bowing their heads they thanked the elf and slid off their horses once they reached the house. "I wonder if we're at the right place here. Please know on the door Thiliachîn, will you?" He was standing in front of her and obliged. Knocking on the door they stood quietly waiting for it to open and glanced down into the busy streets. They had not come here to leave for the west, they had come to inquire news and maybe offer help.

[Edited on 7/11/2004 by Elebridith]
Illusionary Heart
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 06, 2004 02:34
Nayru laughed as well, but when Daefirith spoke of his problems and concerns she listened very attentively, never shifting her eyes from Daefirith.

“Those dark thoughts, even if you hadn’t mentioned them, would still find a way to trouble me – one way or another,” Nayru said softly. “But I can feel it as well. There is a desolate and bleak stench in the air and wind around us. One may not be able to smell it, but it is there somehow, to those who realize the evils that now grow.” She paused for a while and fumbled her quill in between her long fingers. The few lone candles in her room continued to shine lumninously, adding to the tone of Nayru's golden skined face. She brushed her dark hair out of her face and gave Daefirith a "give me a moment" look. She was feeling slightly nervous, as she did not easily speak to others about her feelings or problems to many except Círdan. Nayru allowed herself to take a few long breaths to calm her heart down before continuing. “It is like your feelings of worth and work. You say you feel as though it has come to end for you? I do believe you will be needed here. You will find new ways to create even greater gifts than those in existence already.” She offered him an encouraging smile. “But as for me, my songs and poems grow darker and gloomier. They do not carry the same light, hearty tunes and words as they did before. And I do not think they will be that way for a time to come. But for the sake of our people…”

“I understand.” Daefirith offered. “We’ve no news yet of the Dark Lord and the ring of power, officially. But there are some of us who feel the darkness stir –“ He was cut off by a knock at the door. Daefirith arched an eyebrow and shot her a questioning look, “you were expecting someone?”

“No. I so rarely get visitors this late. It must be Círdan with important news.” Nayru slid out of her chair and sauntered over to the door. She opened the door rapidly to find herself staring at two Elves. One female and a male, both of them had long white hair. Clad in travel and war-like garments. She assumed they were related somehow, perhaps brother and sister. “Can I help you two? I've not seen you two here in Mithlond before...” She asked politely but not without a hint of confusion.

[Edited on 7/11/2004 by Lady~Eowyn]
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 06, 2004 05:09
Erudú had sat and spoken with Cirdan for some time though the full explanation of why he was here Cirdan did not reveal to him. They both became weary and Cirdan excused himself and went up a set of stairs to a room on the second level of his home. Erudú remained where he was and drifted off to memories of happier times to restore his strength. He rose a short time and went to the door and opened it. He stood with his back to the frame taking in the air and from somewhere not to far off there was someone singing a beautiful melody the like he had not heard before. He stepped out and quietly closed the door behind and walked down the street listening to the song as he walked. It was filled with sadness but also a hope.

The singing came from the direction of the harbour and felt compelled to follow the voice. He walked only a minute or two and reached the shoreline as the maiden was finishing her lament. She was quite beautiful and he wondered why she would be here at this time of night watching ever to the west. He turned and followed her gaze west wondering if she awaited for one of the white ships to carry her away from the darkness they all felt growing. The darkness that he had seen growing in Mordor and now it could be felt in the wind.

As he gazed west he could not help but to think of Ariel. She was now so close only a few steps away. All he had to do was board one of the ships and his grief would be healed, or so he first thought. What of her, she released him from all promises made and begged him to find happiness. That was now long ago and he wondered if she had found happiness there. His thoughts were interrupted by the gasp of the maiden who now realised he was there. He turns to face her. "I am sorry,… forgive me for I was drawn here by your song, you sung it so beautifully and it carried my thoughts away. Again I'm sorry to have startled you, namárië." He bows slightly and turns away walking up the street glancing over his shoulder to the sea.

[Edited on 7/11/2004 by Barahir1]
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 07, 2004 07:32
A knock on the door interrupted Daefirith from finishing. Nayru seemed confused, she was not accustomed to getting visitors this late. She answered the door and even he had expected Cirdan and not two travelers.

Daefirith stood to get a better view of the two who stood at the door. Clearly they were brother and sister and by their garments and gear, had just ended their journey. Their attire told him that they were from Mirkwood at least. Usually visitors to the havens went to Cirdan upon arriving if they brought good or even evil tidings from their realm.

In most situations he would leave but it made him curious to find out what their business was. Daefirith actually did not want to take leave from Nayru's presence just yet.

((I won't be able to post for two of three days, I'll try my best to though but just in case I thought I'd let everyone know.))
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 07, 2004 10:48
Both Elebridith and Thiliachîn heard footsteps approach even before the door was opened. Their faces were turned back to the door in expectation of who would answer it. Taken aback by the appearing elf carrying an expression on her face that didn't really show signs of welcoming, Thiliachîn was lost for words. It was rather obvious to Elebridith as well, that the elf in question was somewhat dissappointed to see them there, her words of adress had been short and sharp. Elebridith bowed her head with her right hand resting above her heart. "Suilaid, hiril nín, Im Elebridith, Lanthironnen Sílaidawariell a Meliridhren o Eryn LasGalen, a muindor nín Thilianchîn, Lanthironnenion" she introduced herself in the usual way. "Naethen, to disturb your evening of peace by appearing at your door. We have arrived a little later than expected. We have received the messages of Lord Elrond in the north of Mirkwood, of the appearance of ...the one ring, and the consequence of Sauron trying to gain power again. Lord Elrond saw into the future. We have heard of some elves travelling to Mithlond to prepare to leave Middle Earth. You were pointed out to us as being helpful in this matter. We would like to talk to you some more, but I see, that we have arrived at an awkward time. If you would help us by pointing out a tavern to rest for the night, and allow us to return in the morning to talk to you of this a little more, we would be very grateful to you." Elebridith bowed her head again and Thiliachîn now followed suit.

Many messages had arrived in Mirkwood at the court of King Thranduil in the last months. Nothing was clear, but they spoke of the appearance of the one ring that had dissappearef from sight for over 500 years. The meaning of its appearance were clear to all, because the ring was closely connected to Sauron himself. When Lord Elrond sent his messages in that respect, the Mirkwood elves knew that there was truth in the rumours. All the talks of the end of Middle Earth. The end of elven kind. Things that had been known about even when Elebridith and Thiliachîn were still small, but then nobody had known exactly when this time would come. The two Mirkwood elves had come to find out, if ships were build indeed for passages into the west, which would carry the elves. The group of elves they have met in the Old Forest seemed to support more rumours. Now they were here in Mithlond, and soon, they would know the impact and extend of truth that came with the sighting of the ring.
Illusionary Heart
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 08, 2004 01:57
Nayru regarded Elebridith and Thiliachîn carefully. She noticed the shock in their eyes, and Nayru realized the harshness of her tone and reaction. But Nayru didn’t see how she could help to two as they probably would have preferred. She felt the presence of evil beginning to develop but she could not confirm this. Someone else would have been better suited to do so. She bit her lip slightly, not exactly knowing what to say to these new arrivals. Elebridith’s aquamarine eyes searched Nayru’s light violet eyes, obviously waiting for an answer. Both she and her brother looked incredibly weary.

“First of all, I would like to welcome you to Mithlond. Your journey must have been exceptionally tiring seeing as how you come from King Thranduil’s realm. And I apologize for the disgracefulness of my overall reaction to you and your brother, Elebridith. But, I regret to inform you that I would not be the person you wish to seek out about such matters.” Nayru smiled meekly. “Lord Círdan would be the appropriate person to look for answers." She pointed down the path. "There is a small tavern down the path, not far from my place.”

“Thank you. We shall see him out in the morning.” Replied Elebridith. Nayru waited until she could see them vaguely and closed the door shut inaudibly. Outside seemed chillier than it usually was, for this time of year. She turned around and sighed, not before realizing Daefirith was still here.

“Nayru, I think I will excuse myself now. It was nice speaking to you. Na-den pedim ad.” Nayru merely nodded and watched him as he let himself out. She remained almost motionless as she thought deeply. After a few minutes had passed, Nayru decided that she needed to speak with Círdan. She found herself reaching for a silk, amethyst scarf and wrapped it around her neck. A sudden flare of cold, salty wind was upon her face and streaming through her hair as the door opened. She pulled her scarf closer to her neck. It was dark out, and Nayru looked up as she strolled along the deck, slowly making her way to Círdan’s home. The stars were dimly glittering above and there appeared to be no clouds tarrying in the sky.

A few minutes later Nayru was knocking loudly on Círdan’s door. She knew he was home and he was taking his dear old time coming to greet her. When the door finally opened Nayru spoke, “I need to speak to you about something. I know it is late into the night, but it is of utmost importance.”

“Of course. You know that you can talk to me any time you need to, Nayru. Now tell me what troubles you.” He let her inside, and gestured her to take a seat at the table. Nayru loosened her scarf a little. She stared into his starlit eyes, trying to find the words. He waited patiently for her to speak.

“Can you feel it, Círdan? I can sense it in the air; it is not the same as it once was. I fear him and his growing power…”

“I should have known you would sense it too. But I have not heard anything, to confirm this. But it is rumoured that the One Ring has been found, and in the hands of a hobbit!” Círdan laughed softly, “It is quite odd, if you think about it. But it may prove to the only way we can rid of it. Sauron has awoken, he is looking for it, and will never stop calling for it.”

“What do you think will happen after the One Ring is found, in the possession of a hobbit?” Nayru asked.

“Hmm, I cannot say for sure.” Círdan sat back, thinking for a long moment. “But I trust that Gandalf will give his wise counsel. He knows what to do. Nayru, I don’t want to see you fret about something like this. As soon as I hear anything about this subject, I will look for you immediately.”

“Yes, thank you. That would be nice.” Nayru smiled. “I will do my best to keep my mind elsewhere. Thank you Círdan.” She sighed, talking with Círdan always helped to soothe her soul. He smiled knowing she was about to depart. Nayru walked to the door but took a step back and shifted her head slightly, suddenly remembering something. “Before I leave, there were two Elves, a female named Elebridith and her brother Thiliachîn came to me, seeking news about Sauron, the One Ring and Elves sailing for Valinor. They will likely seek you out tomorrow morning.” He nodded and Nayru closed the door behind her.


Na-den pedim ad – Until we speak again.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 08, 2004 08:01
Maethoriel turned at the sound behind her and blushed furiously as the elf lord she saw spoke his apologies; though she did not know why she should blush, it was not as if this was the first time she had sang for an audience, but just the same she felt her cheeks grow warm and her eyes shifted from him. When she looked back, she was shocked to find the elf was gone, and it had happened so fast that she almost doubted that he had even been there in the first place.

Another new face in the Havens, just like the countless others she had seen in her life. This time, however, she felt compelled to follow the he-elf, perhaps for lack of anything else to do and having no desire to yet return home for bed. She padded along the wooden dock and back to the stone street.

She decided to take the nearest street to where she had seen the elf, figuring that such a rapid dissappearance would mean that he would most likely have gone in that direction. She jogged up the street, her bare feet quietly slapping the stones underfoot, and the white skirts of her gown, her shawl, and blonde hair streaming behind her. After some time she thought she had truly lost him, but then she saw light from an open door in the distance, and he was there cast in the light from inside the home. It was a few more steps before she realized that he had entered the home of Lord Círdan.

She stopped and turned to go back, but again paused, rethinking. Perhaps she could briefly speak with the Lord about the long overdue ship. It was a well known fact that he hardly ever slept, and it was only that knowledge that compelled her to the front door.

She took a moment to run her fingers through her hair and smooth out her gown. She cursed to herself that she had no footwear, and hoped he would not mind overmuch. She didn't believe he would seeing as he never seemed to on other occasions when she saw him in the streets, at the docks, or even when he paid her father visits to talk about busisness. With a sigh, she resigned herself to her current appearance and gave a solid rap at the door. A moment later, the warm glow from inside spilled out and washed over her, and a servant peered out with a question in his face as to why she might be making such late calls.

Maethoriel gave a nod and spoke, "Forgive my calling at such a late hour, but I would very much like a moment with Lord Círdan, if he is available. It will not take long." The servant almost unwillingly opened the door and allowed her entrance to the main foyer of the grand house and shut the door behind.

"And who might I tell him is requesting an audience at such an odd hour?" he inquired with a slightly annoyed tone.

Maethoriel overlooked it and raised her chin, "Maethoriel, daugher of Hiraear." her name didn't have any effect on the servant and he took leave into the house to find Círdan as she stood waiting.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 08, 2004 09:23
Erudú had returned and was again examining the painting which showed the light streaming from Valinor. The detailing and colours drew him in and he found himself thinking how wonderful it would be to see it from the deck of a ship and then to finally walk on the glittering sands and enter that peace, that feeling of bliss one can only have there. He sits himself down and the servant again offers him a glass of refreshment. "Thank you." He says. Erudú strikes up a conversation with the servant but they are interrupted by a soft knock at the door. Voices can be heard at the door and Erudú recognises the other voice as the singer who so enchanted him just a few moments ago. The servant walks through the room to his master's study and announces the visitor who Cirdan seems to know.

"I will be there in a moment." He tells the servant. Erudú stood to take a glance at the door and sure enough it was the maiden that had sung so beautifully by the water.

"Mae Govannen my lady" He said as he bowed. "I am Erudú Lómion of Lorien a guest of Lord Cirdan." He approaches the door. "Your song was so beautifully sung and it drew me to the harbour. A lament to the sea or someone that has passed over to the Blessed Isle perhaps?" He asks her.

[Edited on 9/11/2004 by Barahir1]
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 09, 2004 07:41
After the elf had spoken to them, not being able to help them but directing them to a tavern, Elebridth and Thiliachîn bowed and said their good byes. Slowly the two of them mounted their horses and road into the direction, the elven maiden had pointed them until they reached the tavern. Neither Elebridith nor Thiliachîn had expected any special messages, they had simply come to Mithlond to see what was going on there, since several elves had sensed the increasing of a shadow, that at this very moment still was invisible to the naked eye. It was a known tale, that the day would come when the elves would leave again for the west, when their presence on Middle earth was no more required, nor needed, or possibly not having much of an effect anymore. One day, so the tales said, the time of going home would come, for all elvenkind.

As Elebridith and Thiliachîn found room in the tavern and its stables for themselves and their horses, they sensed that it had already started. Slowly the went up to their rooms to rest for the night.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 10, 2004 01:29
She didn’t feel just like returning home yet. Instead, Nayru lingered on the deck, letting her feet taking her around the harbour as they desired. Her sandals skimmed against the wood, producing a barely audible and slow rhythm. Nayru looked to the edge of the street to let her eyes view the sea. It was calm tonight. The careless splashing of the waves against several of the rocks made her feel at ease. She walked over to a grey staircase that descended onto the shores of the sea and sat down several steps from the bottom. Nayru scanned the water that reflected the jeweled light of the stars and the silver glow of the moon. She suddenly wished that she had her harp in her hands right now, because she now felt a song arising in her throat. But, Nayru did not have the will to walk back to her house and retrieve it. So she let the song pour out of her lungs in a mystifying and alluring tune, almost enchanting as her voice lifted up and was carried away in the faint breeze.

A Bereth thar Ennui Aeair!
Calad ammen i reniar
Mi 'aladhremmin ennorath.
A Elbereth Gilthoniel
i chin a thûl lín míriel...

Her song to Elbereth was done. She had heard and sung that song several time before. She wondered when the next ship would return from Valinor. The last ship from the Blessed Realm was due days ago. Normally she wouldn’t have thought to worry about a tardy ship, but with the growing darkness it was inevitable not to wonder what might be holding the sailors back.

Song translation (It is the one in Fotr EE. Commonly known as the Wood Elves song):

'O Queen beyond the Western Seas!
O light to us that wander
Amid the tree-woven middle-lands.
O Elbereth Star-kindler
the eyes and breath your [are] shining-like-jewels...
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 10, 2004 09:58
"Mae Govannen my lady" He said as he bowed. "I am Erudú Lómion of Lorien a guest of Lord Cirdan." He approaches the door. "Your song was so beautifully sung and it drew me to the harbour. A lament to the sea or someone that has passed over to the Blessed Isle perhaps?" He asks her.

Maethoriel turned as he addressed her and bit her lip, afraid that he would say something about her following him to this place. But when he didn't, she felt not as worried. She smiled at his compliment and his guess at the meaning behind her song.

"Most pleased to meet you Erudú of Lorien. I am Maethoriel of the sea, singer and storyteller to all who wait for passage to the lands evergreen. I am glad that you enjoyed my song, but it was not a lament for the reasons you suspect. I have no desire to yet travel the waters, and have not lost one I love to the passage. In fact, the reason for my looking out into the sea was because I am waiting for one to return to me who is overdue." She clarified.

Erudú nodded slowly in understanding "I see now."

"Yes," she continued, "My betrothed, Dordhaeron, is one who pilots the ships on their journey to and from the Undying Lands. His last voyage was expected to return days ago, and he told me that any cause for delay would be sent here by his hawk. So far, neither ship nor bird have appeared from the west, and I have been watching everyday."

It was just then that Lord Círdan appeared from a nearby room and came toward her, arms extended in greeting, "Maethoriel, my dear, how wonderful to see you. I see you have already met my current guest, Erudú. My lord Erudú, this is Lady Maethoriel, daughter of Hiraear, my right hand at the harbors. She is one of the most enchanting songstresses in the city." he declared, causing a pink color to rise on her cheeks at his flattery. Círdan turned to her, "Come, let us go to the parlor." he gestured to another room and the three entered into it. A wide room with fine couches and chairs situated around the glowing fireplace that was the room's centerpiece. The host made sure his guests were seated before he took a chair for himself, sitting forward with intrest.

"I am sorry to call so late my Lord," Maethoriel started, "but I am having a hard time finding sleep these nights, and knowing you would be up as well, I could not remain in the house. I needed to speak with you."

He shook his head knowingly, "Pay it no mind, you are always welcome here at any time. And I know why you have come, I had been expecting you to show up sometime and was quite surprised that it took this long for you to come see me."

Maethoriel should have known he would have expected her, and so she now felt no reason to dance about the issue, "Do you know anything? Why the ship is late on its return? Dordhaeron promised to send me word should they encounter any delay, but nothing has arrived yet; and with the rumors the come from the east about the rise of darkness, I fear in the unknown and what part the dark hand might play in this. Do you know something I do not that might bring me comfort?" her eyes begged for some words of wisdom that she hoped he would have as usual.

"I'm afraid I know very little now that might help you. I do not believe that the troubles in the east are responsible for this, it is not yet stong enough to reach so far. I know not where the ship could be at this time either. However, I know that your Dordhaeron is perhaps one of the finest saliors I have ever had, and his crew are loyal and steadfast. Whatever the cause for this delay, I do know for sure that have not parished on their crossing. I would have felt if that were so, and I believe, so would have you. No, I think they are just having problems common to the sea. They should appear in no more then another few days, of that I have no doubt."

Maethoriel nodded, though not at all content with his words as she had hoped to be. She did not doubt him, for he had yet to be wrong in his wisdom, yet she was still little comforted. She gave a heavy sigh and looked at both elf-men who were looking at her. "Well, thank you kindly my Lord, I do hope you are correct, for I cannot wait much longer for their return." She rose from her place, and others quickly followed her rise as was custom, "I believe I shall be off then, I have disturbed you long enough this night, and I fear that my family might think me run off if I do not soon return." she made toward the large door of the room, and both made to follow. She paused and held up both hands, "No, no, thank you, but I can see myself out. Círdan, you have another guest to entertain. Thank you for your time, and I hope to see both of you again very soon." With that she gave a bobbing curtsey and a nod of her head and turned again for the door, moving quickly and pulling it open as to allow herself exit.

Crossing the main foyer, she reached the front door where the servant stood waitng. He opened the door for her and she bid him a good evening though he was most unpleasant and stepped out of the house and onto the dark, empty street alone.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 11, 2004 09:54
After the door is closed by the gentleman servant Cirdan turns and lets out a heavy sigh and looks at Erudú. "I know you can also sense it Erudú, she is concerned for her love but she and the others that come also feel the darkness that grows. You know of this darkness and have seen it for yourself have you not? I know of your work for Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel, some of us know what you saw but do you know the ring of doom, the one ring is found."

Erudú looks up at Cirdan in amazement. "It has not come to him has it?" He asks.

"No it is still safe and Mithrandiir is involved in keeping it so." Cirdan replies. "I know you were there Erudú,…what did you see?"

Erudú sits and a far away look comes to his face. I feel the fear of my kinsmen and I have difficulty shutting it out, their fear is justified. Our friend Saruman has turned against us though I'm sure you know that." The servant comes in and brings them a glass of wine and stays in the room. Erudú looks at Cirdan who nods his approval.

"Gondor will fall in its present state. The walls of the Pelennor crumble and some repairs have begun but it is to little to late. Rohan is under a dark cloud and Saruman…..Saruman raises the Dunland against them. I lost the man who gave me that information, he called to me and said he had no regrets and wished me well,…his last words were I'll see you in Valinor my friend and then I could no longer sense him. I got that information as I entered Mordor near to the Morannon. I could not go in more than a league or two and most of the time I had to bury myself to be hidden and only my face could anyone see if they looked hard. I saw a vast land of black waste piled high and an army of many, many thousands. There were orcs, easterlings, haradrim and their mûmak. The armies were being strengthened almost daily by columns of new arrivals. As I pulled out I could move about three furlongs at a time and I only just made it out. Unless the Valar aid them men will not be able to thwart the attack against Gondor, and when Gondor falls there will be no stopping him, Sauron will over run all the lands of the north. But knowing Mithrandir is involved with the ring gives me some hope. But tell me my Lord why have you brought me here? With the times being what they are would I not better serve our people by being in the field?

"It was not I alone that asked for you but for now you serve our kinsmen here. You are here to learn of something, but it is you alone who will know when and what it is you are here for. Maethoriel in her music and songs brings peace to our kinsmen as they await the ships. Many are not sure what they should do when they arrive and she comforts them and they find peace in their decision. You will find your place in the way we work and Maethoriel may be helpful should you have question, for she does much more than she realises. There are others who have dedicated their lives to this and you will know them all in short order. I thank you for telling us what you saw and know to be true, but I have things I must do Erudú.

With that Cirdan stands and returns to his study. Erudú decides to see the city though it is still dark and heads again to the harbour area and to the sea, which fills him with a longing, but he knows his time here is not yet done.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 12, 2004 08:14
The night sky seemed to get darker and the breeze was picking up speed. It soon evolved into a more violent wind. Nayru stood up with caution, wondering what was causing the change from a serene mood to a ferocious environment. The wind blazed through her dark hair, scattering it all over her body. She looked up; the sky was clear, as it was before, unchanged. Nayru drew her gaze gingerly to the edge of the horizon. The clouds began to gather like a blizzard of snow in a winter’s storm at the peak where sea met sky. Dark and sullen clouds began to storm at the border of the horizon. The drastic change of mood sent chills through Nayru’s body, which was now beginning to feel cold in the rapid winds. The clouds appeared to be still at the moment yet there was some form of movement between them. It was flying towards Mithlond through the clouds and against the winds. Nayru fixed her eyes upon the creature and realized that it appeared to be a bird, one that was struggling against the winds. She narrowed her eyes slightly.

“Aehwesta.” Nayru whispered to herself. She recognized that it was Dordhaeron’s hawk. Countless possibilities of what was happening or could have happened coursed through Nayru’s mind. She shook the thoughts; she had to find Maethoriel and inform her. They were after all betrothed and Nayru had no doubt in her heart that Maethoriel had been worried over Dordhaeron’s safety and well-being, especially with the rumours of a rising evil.

Nayru began to climb the steps carelessly. She stumbled a couple of times but regained her composure with as much grace as she could muster even though she was aware that no one was watching her. She ran through the streets searching for Maethoriel as fast as her feet would carry her. Which was not an easy task, seeing as how she was in sandals and her dress limited the size of the gap of her feet between steps.

Nayru stopped at a fairly large intersection. She scanned the streets and looked down the longest street lit by tall and elegant lamps. She decided to venture down that path hoping that she would encounter Maethoriel. Not aware of where she was walking, Nayru bumped into Maethoriel who seemed quite discontent and frustrated. Nayru staggered back and gasped unexpectedly.

“Ai! Nayru what is the meaning of this?”

“I’m sorry Maethoriel.” Nayru panted heavily. She was bent over, her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. “Give me a moment to get some air…” After a few seconds Nayru continued. “I was out by the harbour, and I saw… in the distance… Aehwesta…I saw Dordhaeron’s hawk…”
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 15, 2004 05:07
(I'm back, have to do this quick though, hoping to get this going again)

Maethoriel wandered slowly about the streets, making for the direction of her home. Only because there was little more to do until morning. She was lost in a humming melody and a little skipping down the street with closed eyes when suddenly, her body clashed with another object and was thrown back almost to the ground.

She managed to regain her balance and realized that she had run into Nayru, a fellow songstress.

“I was out by the harbour, and I saw… in the distance… Aehwesta…I saw Dordhaeron’s hawk…”

Maethoriel's blood froze, and her heart pounded in her ears. With no words, she took off as fast as she could toward the coast. The cobblestones began to hurt her bare feet, but she paid them no mind as she raced through the streets, skirts and hair streaming behind, as well as the shawl that now was only held at one end by her right hand.

As she burst from the streets and onto the docks, she stopped dead and scanned quickly the horizon for the hawk Nayru claimed she had seen. And then soon she saw as well the the brown-red form of the sleek hawk in the distance, growing ever nearer.

Her feet took her to the end of the wooden dock, her sea colored eyes fixed unfaltering on the bird. As he drew near, she gave a whistle. He changed course slightly and came straight for her. Maethoriel wrapped her shawl around her arm and held it out for Aehwesta to land. In a flutter of feathers, he perched, and Maethoriel drew him close in a caring hug, "Blessed be Manwë, for by his grace, the winds have brought you to me." She looked at the hawk in the eye, "But where is your master now might I inquire? What can you tell me my little friend?"

Aehwesta ruffled his feathers and gave a chirp. Maethoriel smiled, and moved her free hand to his taloned claws, finding the small metal scroll container that was chained to his ankle. She removed the roll inside and set Aehwesta on a wooden post that supported the dock. She opened the paper to find Dordhaeron's find but rushed penmanship across the parchment.

Darling Maethoriel,
I know you must be worried as to the cause for delay in my return. Know first that all is well, myself, the crew, and the ship. The reason for our late return is as follows.

After arriving with the group we traveled with, we set sail again for home. We were less then two days on the return when a strong storm came up from no where and hit us hard. We all made it through, but not without great damage to our ship. Before we had even cleared the storm, we knew we needed to turn back to repair else our chances of reaching home would be a risk. It took two days to reach land and another three to mend the damage to the ship. When all was fixed, and we were very confident that the worst of the storm would be past we set out again.

The weather has been chancy these past days, some with warm sun, some with light rain and wind. I did not feel it was safe to send Aehwesta until we were closer and I need have no fear of his safely reaching you. We are two days out if the weather stays with us, which I think it shall. We will be home soon.

My love,

Maethoriel clutched the note to her chest and sighed as a single tear slipped down her cheek, he was safe. She then became aware of Nayru behind her, and she turned. "It is good news Nayru, they are all fine and should be home soon, within two days time." Her smile was wide, "Thank you for letting me know of Aehwesta. I should be getting home now, as should you. I will rest easy now knowing that he is well and is on his way home." She looked gratefully at her friend and bid her a peaceful night. Taking up Aehwesta, she walked home. Slipping quietly inside, she went to her room, closed the door behind her, set Aehwesta on the perch in her room, and lay down on the bed. By the moonlight that came in through her window, she again read the note and placed it on the table next to her bed. She doubted she would find rest, being to excited at the news, but somehow sleep found her, and her dreams were of Dordhaeron's awaited return.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 18, 2004 01:37
Nayru smiled pleasantly at Maethoriel and waited for the news Aehwesta had brought. She hoped they were faring well and out of harm’s way. “It is good news Nayru, they are all fine and should be home soon, within two days time. Thank you for letting me know of Aehwesta. I should be getting home now, as should you. I will rest easy now knowing that he is well and is on his way home.” Nayru felt a small rush of relief knowing that Dordhaeron and his men were safe beyond the skyline. She silently thanked the Valar that everyone was well.

“Good night Maethoriel.” She nodded her departure and watched Maethoriel fade into the street. Nayru cast a quick glance over her shoulders towards the sea. The wind was still blowing strong and the waves crashed violently against the shore, unrelenting. As the night began to wane like the winter moon on a cold night her body grew weak with fatigue and she realized how much she desired to lie down her feathery bed. Nayru finally headed for her home after shifting her gaze back in front on her.

Trudging along the narrow street Nayru came to a halt at her door and with a small click it creaked open. She let her eyes observe her shady house. The candles had burned out but its rosy scent still lingered in the warm air. Pale light shimmered through her window and the white translucent curtains, which dimly illuminated her house and lay scattered across the bed that was calling to her. Pulling her long hair back, she fastened it with a lavender ribbon and slipped into her bed after shaking off her sandals. Closing her eyes, rest found her and Nayru fell instantly into a dreamless slumber.

++ Next Day ++

Nayru awoke with a blurry smile on her face. The intense sunlight spilled all over the room and immediately put Nayru in a cheerful mood; despite the undeniable that fact evil was arising. She felt well rested and up to the events that this new day would bring. Her feet swept across the wooden floor leading her to the bathroom. She examined herself in the mirror carefully and began to carelessly splash water over her face. Nayru tugged at the ribbon that held her hair together and let if tumble down her back. Picking up a near brush, Nayru ran it through her hair to smooth the tangles to her satisfaction. Casting a final glance into the mirror left the bathroom and took a seat on one of the chairs by her desk. Nayru grabbed her harp; her slender fingers traced the intricate patterns running along her instrument. It was shining like gold in the morning sun. Nayru’s fingers plucked at the strings and she began to play a song that was light and carried a lilting tune.

“I wake up to see you standing in the morning light.
I reach out to touch you,
But all that I get is a memory, and yet, I feel you are near
But my vision's not clear.

Yet I have your image always in view,
I'm forever thinking of you.
I feel you watching me quietly in the morning light.
I try to find some peace of mind
In knowing you're where you don't have a care.
I take comfort that you no longer have

To keep living in a world full of pain,
But I ache to see you again.
On rainy days I sit and think of our lost years,
The times we spent apart just fill my eyes with tears,
But fields of wild flowers and yellow butterflies
Remind me of you and make me smile.”

((The song is by Yanni, called "In the Morning Light." It's a very pleasant song. But I only used about 2/3rds of the song; I didn't think the other 1/3rd fit into M-E.))
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 22, 2004 04:35
The morning sun cast across Maethoriel's face, and the breeze brought the salty sea smell in through the open window. Maethoriel rose from bed, a smile on her lips instantly. She crossed the room to the mirror hanging on the wall and pulled a brush through her hair, humming absently to herself.

Serching her closet for a new gown, she settled on a dress of satiny, light blue fabric. The dress had a wide neck and a fitted bodice where the skirts swept down from the hips to the floor. There were really no sleeves to speak of, simply a drape of sheer fabric from the shoulder that hung off the arm in all but two places, at the elbow and the wrist. The only adornment on the gown was at the neck where swirls of gold embroidery were accented by a few small white pearls. She also put on the silver chain with the the sea colored stone of her mother's, and a pair of slippers that matched the color of her gown.

Her first stop today was to Lord Círdan, to inform him of Aehwesta's arrival and the note he had carried. She still felt bad for her disheveled appearance at his door at the late hour, and hoped to make up for her rudness to him and his guest, Erudú, by wearing one of her finer gowns. She headed into the kitchen, where her father sat, munching on breakfast and looking over papers. She kissed him on his head, took up a bit of fruit from a plate on the table and headed toward the door.

"And where are you off to so quickly?" her father inquired.

Maethoriel smiled, paused and looked to him, "I have to go see Lord Círdan, papa. I visited him last night to see if he had any word on Dordhaeron's ship, and on my way home from him, Nayru found me and told me that Aehwesta had arrived. I must share the news with him. I won't be gone long." She then blew him a kiss and left the house. Setting her feet on the warm cobblestone streets, she looked about at the fine morning and could not help but smile. Taking a deep breath, she sighed and headed off in the direction of the house.

(If anyone wants to meet up with her on the way, feel free)

[Edited on 12/3/2004 by Ireth_elfmaiden]
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 22, 2004 05:38
Erudú was about early and watched as the city woke from its slumber. As the sun rose it warmed the air and those that greeted Erudú as he walked about were quite cheery. He had again been to the harbour and surveyed its lay out and then chose to explore the city somewhat. It had been a long time since his last visit and at that time he had no interest in the city at all and hurried to leave it, but today was different and so were the circumstances. At a bit of a loss for what to do he thought it would be best for today to stay out of Cirdan's way for the morning as there were preparations underway for the ships soon arrival.

Erudú had climbed one of the hills outside of the city and looked down upon it, it had grown a lot from since his last visit that much he knew. It was now mid morning so he began to make his way back to Cirdan's home and hopefully there would be something that he might be able to assist with. He strolled leisurely along the city street trying to understand what Cirdan had told him about his being here and how it was not Cirdan alone that wanted him here. Time and distance passed unnoticed by Erudú as he tried to understand the meaning of what he had been told and he was surprised to now find himself only a block or so from his new lodgings. He happened to come across a tavern and was intrigued by the elvish design and wording on the sign which hung over the walkway. It had been some time since he was last in a tavern of men, usually he would pass by but the sign coaxed him to enter.

Inside it was not as dark as he had expected it to be nor did it smell of spilt stale beer. He wandered in surprised with the surroundings, it was nothing like a pub he had seen in the past. "Your new in the city" The gentleman behind the bar said.

Erudú looked over at him. "Yes I arrived last evening" He replied.

"Will you be needing a place to stay" The barman asked.

"No thank you I stay at the home of Cirdan" Erudú replies.

"Well then you'll be leaving soon I take it, the boat is over due as far as I know but it should arrive soon. I don't think anything could stop one of your boats from sailing, it is said that powerful magic protects them as they glide over the sea."

"It would not be unheard of for one of the ships of Valinor to be watched over, but I won't be boarding one just yet, I'm hear to help that's all. I have never seen a tavern run by men that looks quite like this in all my days, I must complement you on it." Erudú says as he looks around.

The barman places a glass of something on the bar. "Here you are, fruit juice I press it myself, your kinsmen are more partial to it than ale, don't worry it's on the house." Erudú thanks the barman and bows. "I cater mostly to your kinsmen who arrive here waiting for the ship, most men are leery of them and stay away which suits me just fine. I never have any problems with your folk and they always pay their bills, so I just as soon cater to them alone. Where would you be from?" The barman asks as he works about the bar.

"I am from Lorien or you might know it as Lothlorien." Erudú tells him. The barman stops what he is doing and stares at Erudú.

"Oh I know of Lorien but few from there have come this way. I heard of the Golden Wood and the Lord and Lady of Lorien and the power she has." Erudú smiles and chuckles to himself at the mans facial expression. "Have you seen her up close, they say no man can stand when she looks in their eyes and she knows all about them?"

"I have seen her many times and speak to her frequently, as to her power over men I cannot attest to that for very few men have seen her and anyone not a friend of Lorien will not live to see the day should they try to enter our woods. Do you have any of my kinsmen staying with you now?" Erudú asks wanting to change the subject.

"Why yes I do sir, there are four here now and two of them arrived quite late last night. They said they came from the Mirkwood and they spoke of great evil coming again, though I didn't really understand what they meant by it. The barman comments.

"Darker days are coming for us all and there is talk of war on the wind, it is Gondor that will feel the sting of war first but I'm sure things will be fine." Erudu is cautous in what he says. "I’m sorry but I must leave you and thank you for the juice it was quite good, I will have to come again as a paying customer." The two men exchange their pleasantries and Erudú leaves the tavern heading back to Cirdan's. When he arrives he finds Cirdan working at his desk in a large book where he enters all the names and homelands of those who come to him seeking passage west. Erudú looks at the book and all the name there in. "This book holds many names, you must have had it for many years?" Erudú comments.

"Everyone that has ever left Middle Earth is in this book and it is said that when it is full that no longer shall any seek passage through me." Cirdan looks Erudú in the eye. "There are not many pages left Erudú not many at all, the day is not far off when I shall sail on that last ship. Do not tarry to long Erudú or wander to far away. There is another who waits for that day but they have no need of a ship, yet they wait."

Erudú is puzzled with Cirdan's comments but knows better than to ask him what he meant. "I was in at the tavern up the street and the barman told me of four kinsmen that have taken rooms there, the two you were told of last evening are there."

"I thought as much, Nayru usually sends any new arrival there. I would like to send a note to them would you mind taking it for me?" Cirdan asks.

"Not at all, I was hoping for something to do. Would you like me to wait for a reply?" Erudu asks.
"No, no reply is necessary. I have set a time for them to see me and where they might find me." Cirdan replies.

Erudú leaves the home and begins to retrace his steps to the tavern. The streets have become much more busy and the calls of the produce sellers fill the streets. Watching for a moment Erudú thinks how things might change should Sauron have the power he needs to over run them, but no one seems to sense the growing darkness other than the elven peoples. He continues on his way taking in the sights and smells of market day. He looks ahead and sees a familiar face amongst the crowd coming toward him. As she draws near he waits for her. "Mae govannen Maethoriel, it is a pleasure to see you again." Erudú says as bows his head in the elvish manner.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 23, 2004 10:24
Daefirith woke as the sun rose though his window not facing the sun it was out of pure instinct. He had not gotten much sleep after his visit with Nayru. He stood and stretched.

His eyes looked around his room everything was where he had left it, he had not even bothered to put anything away. He got ready for the day but instead of sitting down to work as he usually did he walked outside.

It was unusual for him not to be able to focus. Daefirith sighed and stood outside, leaning against his door he watched the sun rise. It spilled across the city and with it the people came to life.

He re-entered his home to try and concentrate but it wasn't long, late morning at least before he realized there just wasn't any point. Daifirth again went outside and instead of staying near his door he decided perhaps to go to the sea, or at least a place he could think.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 24, 2004 02:08
She set aside her harp after unleashing her song and looked around her room. She bent down and picked up a stray necklace. It gleamed of a sapphire jewel strung upon a golden chain. Nayru examined the fine piece of jewelery as it reflected the sunlight it cast a long beam of blue light across her face. She remembered this necklace it once belonged to her mother who was now deceased. The Heart of the Sea was what she secretly liked to think of it. Because it was as brilliant and enchanting as the sea upon a starry, moon-filled night, softly reflecting the light of Elbereth's stars.

Nayru set the necklace down on her desk and left it there still capturing the light of Arien's glowing fires. She exited her house washing all thoughts of her perished mother because it hurt too much to think about her. How the necklace came into her possession she didn't know. Her mother must have known that her time had ended and left the necklace to her. No one ever did find the cause of her mother's death, though many suspect it was of grief. Pacing the streets Nayru walked leisurely through the crowds. From time to time stopped for a moment to chat with some of passing Elves that she knew fairly well.

[Edited on 25/11/2004 by Lady~Eowyn]
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 28, 2004 06:52
Daefirith had reached the sea, those in the who had just awoken were to busy getting on with daily life to notice him passing by in the streets. He stood on the dock gazing into the clear water. His sister as well as his mother would be coming here, to the havens. To leave or to simply visit him, he knew not.

The he-elf sighed inaudibly though there was none to hear him. The sun glinted off the water and Daefirith's eyes were caught by the dancing light and for a moment he just stood there, it seemed like an enternity before he could tear his eyes away. It was rare for his attention to remain on such a little thing for a long time, not since his youth had he stopped to just admire the beauty of something.

Daefirith turned from the ocean and began to head up into the city. Now it was brought to life companions greeting one another as they passed by or even stoppign for a few moments to talk to one another. He simply nodded to those who greeted him and continued on.

He was wrapped up in his thoughts(which is not to good of a thing when walkin through crowds) when he nearly ran into another elf on the street.

"Sor-"he began to mutter a quick apology when he actually looked at the elf he had ran into.

"Nayru...I did not realize it was you, forgive me,"he said ina more polite way than a muttered apology.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 29, 2004 01:50
Nayru felt the small impact of two bodies running into another and she stepped back a couple of steps to prevent herself from tumbling over. A familiar voice caused her to shoot her eyes upward. She smiled with relief. Daefirith, but he looked quite distressed.

"Oh Daefirith it's you." Nayru started, then she remembered his apology, "It's quite alright and I suppose I'm to blame as well, my attention was directed elsewhere." She didn't look into his eyes, but behind him. Something drew her gaze past him, a small glint of fractured light, perhaps a reflection, but it vanished quickly and Nayru soon brought her gaze back to Daefirith.

"How did you rest last night?" She asked, thinking that could possibly be the reason why Daefirith looked particularly frustrated.

((Sorry it's short, I will try to come up with something better next time. ))
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 30, 2004 08:33
"How did you rest last night?" Nayru asked.

She must have noticed his distress. Though of course anyone would be able to tell.

"I rested quite well,"he said though in truth that was a lie and he knew it and he guessed Nayru knew it as well.

"And what of you? You do not seem to be the one to run into others unless something is on your mind"he said.

He of course did not blame her for their little collision. It seemed both of their thoughts were distracted from what was going on around them.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: November 30, 2004 08:36
As she draws near he waits for her. "Mae govannen Maethoriel, it is a pleasure to see you again." Erudú says as bows his head in the elvish manner.

Maethoriel grinned as she spied Erudú in the crowd and heard his greeting, "Most gracious morning Erudú. How good to see you today." She returned with a small bobbing curtsy of her own. "How are you liking our city this day? I hope you have found all to be well." He nodded in response, and she saw laughter in his eyes. She knew she was glowing, but nothing could turn the mood she was in from the information she had recieved last night.

"You seem well this morning." he commented.

Maethoriel grinned wider, "After I left last night, I ran into a friend of mine while on my way home. She told me that Dordhaeron's hawk was on its way here. There was a message from him. All is well and the ship he pilots will be here by tomorrow. I was on my way to let my Lord know of this news. Are you headed back that way?"

(Kind of short, sorry)
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: December 02, 2004 01:54
Nayru did not hold any suspicion or doubt as to why Daefirith told her that he had slept well, for they both knew it was a lie. Clearly there had been a lack of rest for him, but Nayru did not inquire further because the reason was evident enough.

“And what of you? You do not seem to be the one to run into others unless something is on your mind.” He said.

Nayru didn’t answer immediately. She began walking slowly and Daefirith ambled beside her. The crowds of people had dispersed, but only very little, there was still an average size crowd lingering. A few of the Elves who passed them greeted them with a nod of their heads and Nayru acknowledged them with a small wave. She raised a hand to shield her eyes from the blaring rays of the light as they turned down one of the streets that was less dense with the people of Mithlond, humming like birds as they carried on with their chores and leisurely strolls.

“Under certain circumstances I slept well enough. I am sure you are informed about the delayed ship of Dordhaeron and he crew that was due to return a few days ago. They will be returning soon and all the men are safe.” She finally said, her tone apologetic for causing Daefirith to wait for her reply. Nayru turned her head to look at him solemnly, wondering about his comment that came after his question and looking for a reaction to the good news. Deciding that he did not blame her for their collision she continued, “I think you know what bothers me, Daefirith.”

[Edited on 2/12/2004 by Lady~Eowyn]
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: December 02, 2004 07:10
"Yes I can go back with you, I have delivered a note for Cirdan and there is nothing else for me to do right now." Erudú is pleased for the company for he has not yet found out or realised why he is here and he feels very out of place in this city of mostly men. "Maethoriel was radiant and filled with joy at the news of her beloved's return. "Your news of the ships return will please our master, he was working on the log of the departed this morning so we should still find him at home. I am looking forward to meeting captain Dordhaeron and I promise not to keep him from you." Erudú says as they begin their walk to Cirdan's home.

Once the news had been delivered to Cirdan and a brief discussion taken place Erudú was asked to go to the dock and let the dock man know the ship was heard from and should arrive anytime with in the next full day. Maethoriel joined him and they kept a leisurely pace during the walk to the dock, Erudu advised the head dock man of the news who had the berth of the ship readied for its arrival. Erudú and Maethoriel talked for sometime and Maethoriel explained several things to him on the way things worked. They sat on a small hillside that over looked the docks and where the white ship was to berth within the next day.

Erudú was deeply touched by the sight and sound of the sea and the call of the gulls stirred something deep within him, which did not happen on his last visit. He wondered how it was that the captain of the white ship was able to return and sail away, again and again with out the strongest desire to remain there, how he was able to return, this fascinated him. Maethoriel spoke at length about Dordhaeron and it was clear to see that she was very much in love with him and very happy. Erudú enjoyed sharing her joy and the laughter for it had been a long time since he had known such joy himself. His joy turned to sorrow the last time he visited this city.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: December 02, 2004 08:22
Maethoriel greatly enjoyed Erudú's company as the two wandered about the city, making sure all was prepared for the ship's anticipated arrival.

Maethoriel explained to him her job at the havens, how she greeted the groups that came in search of passage. She sang songs and told them stories of the lands they were headed for, stories brought from Dordhaeron.

Erudú asked breifly of Dordhaeron, and Maethoriel explained how they had met when he was part of her father's crew. Her father, Hiraear, had once been a salior as well and a young aspiring Dordhaeron had followed eagerly his teachings to become a ship captain himself. They had loved each other from the start.

Looking out on the calm, glassy waters, she heard Erudú sigh and smiled to herself. The sea always seemed to have such an effect on those who arrived here, and at times some did not wish to leave. Maethoriel had to assure them that their destination far surpassed any beauty they would see here and only then would they board the ship.

Struck by an idea, she turned to the elf at her side, "Would you like to see a most wonderful place? My favorite place in all the surrounding land?" She smiled and rose, taking Erudú by the hand and pulling him up as well. She raced off laughing down the hill. They walked south following the shore until a cliff of rocks rose from the shore back, making a rocky wall in front of them. As they neared it, Maethoriel slipped between a nearly hidden passage in the rock. It was narrow and curving, but short. Erudú followed behind, and when Maethoriel emerged on the other side of the wall, her smile grew.

They were in a small cove that opened out on the sea. The high rock wall rose all about except for the sea opening. The water was calm, with only small waves lapping at the sandy shore, and the most beautiful color of clear blue. It was possible to see all the way to the bottom of the cove's pool and a colorful reef thrived below the surface. On the far wall, near the opening, a small waterfall fell from above down over the rocks and into the pool. The high sun cast it's rays reflecting off the surface of the water in shimmering gold.

Maethoriel held out her arms and spun around facing Erudú, "This is my secret place. The only other one I have shared this with was Dordhaeron. What do you think?" The amazed look on his face made her giggle. She turned to the waters and removed the slippers from her feet and gathered up the skirts of her satin gown. Stepping ankle deep in the flat water, she unclasped the chain of her necklace and held the blue-green stone in her hand, "Watch this" she said, letting it dangle by the chain. She lowered it into the water and whispered, "Come my friends, it is time to play on this wonderful day." Moments later, two otters appeared and swam toward them. "Come, meet Erudú." she said, leaving the water and sitting on the sand. The creatures came right out of the water and to her, and she reached out and petted them lovingly.

Suddenly aware of her satin gown, she rose to her feet. She knew that sea water would ruin it and she excused herself from Erudú for a moment and went to the wall at the back of the beach and removed a large stone from the wall where she had hidden a gown in the small cave for emergencies. Taking up the the gauzy white, sleevless gown, she went back to the rock passage and far enough where she couldn't be seen and changed into a dress that could get wet. She carefully folded the blue gown and returned to her friends, setting the dress down far from the water on her way.

The otters were looking curiously at Erudú, and moving ever closer. Maethoriel giggled as she approached, "Are you three getting along?" he joked, stooping down to pet them herself, "It's ok little ones, he is a friend." she cooed, "What do you think?" she asked Erudú now that he wasn't so dumbstruck as when they had first arrived.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: December 03, 2004 11:08
“Under certain circumstances I slept well enough. I am sure you are informed about the delayed ship of Dordhaeron and he crew that was due to return a few days ago. They will be returning soon and all the men are safe.” She finally said.

Nayru's turned her head towards him loking for a reaction to the news. He nodded, he had not personally been informed but of course he had heard others speaking of it in the streets. It was good to know that all on the ship were safe.

“I think you know what bothers me, Daefirith.”

Daefirith looked at Nayru, searching her face to understand fully what she meant before answering.

"Yes,"he admitted,"I believe I do."

They walked on in a comfortable silence along the street, Nayru usually the one to greet those who passed them on the streets.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: December 03, 2004 09:34
This was something new for Erudú, he was completely at ease and he had not felt this way for a very long time, he enjoyed the laughter and the freedom from duty.

" "Would you like to see a most wonderful place? My favourite place in all the surrounding land?" She smiled and rose, taking Erudú by the hand and pulling him up as well. She raced off laughing down the hill. "

He was surprised when Maethoriel grabbed his hand and pulled him along but it felt good to let go and drop the formal manners and to hear her laughter. They walked along the seashore and Maethoriel told him of the city and tales Dordhaeron had told her. They approached a shear rock wall of great height, which jutted out into the sea. The cry of the many gulls again stir something deep within Erudú but to his wonder Maethoriel walked up to the wall and disappeared behind a rock face into a passage way that was hidden from sight.

He followed behind her and the passageway was narrow and not to long. As he walked out into the light he was in awe of what he saw. Maethoriel filled with joy danced in circles around him. It was as though he had passed through a hidden door and found Gondolin for Tuor could not have been more amazed at what he found. Erudú was lost for words and took in the shear beauty of the cove and the heights around them. On his face a smile grew as he took it all in. "In all the days I have travelled I have never seen such a wonder, such beauty in one place. Lorien my homeland is filled with wonder and beauty but it does not have the call of the sea and it's creatures of many colours and shapes.

If this was not enough for him Maethoriel went into the water and by placing her necklace in the water called some two otters to her. Erudú had seen river otters and watched them play but these to were different than those he had seen. They came without fear to Maethoriel and looked Erudú over, to see if he was to be trusted no doubt. He laughed as they watched him while Maethoriel was away, they slowly approached Erudú, he slowly crouched down waiting for them to slowly approach him.

"Are you three getting along?" Maethoriel asked as she returned changed into a different gown.

"They are wonderful creatures, and they know your heart pure." Erudú tells her. Slowly the two otters with Maethoriel's urging came within reach of Erudú and he was able to touch them and stroke their smooth oily fur. The otters played on the sand and in the shallow waters. Maethoriel splashed with the otters and Erudú took off his boots and joined them. It had been a wonderful day and just how long they had been in Maethoriel's secret place he didn't know but by the position of the sun it was nearing late afternoon.

Erudú was sitting on a rock looking out along the waves of the ocean. Mithlond could not be seen from where they were for the cove opened out facing a more south westerly direction than west. He had seen from time to time a sailing ship pass by and wondered what life was like sailing the seas. But he was an ellon use to sailing across the plains on his mount Palermo with the wind blowing in his face and the grasses swaying in the wind as though they were waves on the great seas of Arda.

The voice of Cirdan came to him and as he sat there and listened and then replied, a broad smile came to his face. Maethoriel returned again dress in her satin gown and stood by him for a moment. "The sea is a truly wondrous and so very beautiful, I see why you could never tire of it for it is always changing. The sea also brings us many beautiful things. I want to thank you for this day for I have not had one like it for far too many years. You have opened my eyes and made my heart sing and for that you have my deepest graduated and this day I will forever remember with great fondness. But now I must give you something in kind as the dwarves would have me do, and I think what I give you now is very much in kind for what you gave me. Erudú smiles at her "Dordhaeron's ship will be here in one hour, Cirdan called me and asked if I might tell you.
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Post RE: On the Shores of Mithlond (See OOC)
on: December 04, 2004 05:33
There was a long silence between them as they walked along the streets. It wasn't awkward at first, but the minutes were slowly ticking away and Nayru could swear she heard them pass loudly in her ears. She shot a quick glance at Daefirith who appeared to be consumed in his own thoughts and then cast her eyes upward to the sun. It was already past mid-day and slowly approaching late afternoon. And as she walked Nayru lowered her eyes back to the ground, feeling a bit overwhelmed with a faint weariness.

"Late afternoon is coming upon us." Nayru said to break the unbearable silence and Daefirith looked at her. It was a blatant statement but it was something to shatter the silence between them. Perhaps Daefirith had been too busy with his thoughts to notice how fast the day was passing. The days pass swiftly...and it seems like just yesterday that our kin hadn't a care, Nayru thought silently.

"I have heard that in an hour's time Dordhaeron's ship will be back at Mithlond, thank the Valar. Will you come with me to the harbour to meet him and the crew?" She asked him, hoping that he would agree as she was coming to enjoy his company. "They will no doubt be weary and glad to be back home after their setbacks." Nayru smiled lazily as the sun cast a shadow upon her face. It would be welcoming to sing and entertain the tired sailors because it would keep her busy.

[Edited on 5/12/2004 by Lady~Eowyn]
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