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Post A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 24, 2002 09:08
**this is a scripted role play, ran by happy hobbit and myself- if you wish to enter please PM either of us, with your character details. its based on the silmarillion so it helps alot if you have read the books. we are trying to keep it "realistic" so please stick to races that were about at the time.... namely elves, men and dwarves**

The evil in the North is growing stronger.
Beneath the mountains of Thangodrim, lies Angband, stronghold of Morgoth. And imprisoned within its walls are elves, taken from middle earth, unlucky wanders who had fallen foul of Orc attacks, presumed dead, they long ago lost all hope of being rescued.
Morgoth has not yet succeeded in twisting them all into evil beings, some remain strong and continue to fight and dream of escape. This is their story:

He looked around the cell, ten elves cramped together in this grey, damp cave.
Some were talking quietly, some were in that state of deep thought akin to sleep and others were sat in a wretched silence.
The prisoners were no longer in chains, Morgoth had destroyed their hope, their passion for life, most now thought that any attempt of escape was futile.
But there were some elves who’s passion and hope still burnt strong within them. of course they were careful to avoid showing this in the day, when they worked as Morgoth’s servants, but at night in the cells, whispers had begun. Talk of escape…

It had started as just an idea, a hopeless dream to take ones mind of the hell of Angband, and now, now it was almost a reality. The plan was a rough one, they feared to plan too much for anything could happen.
Artalion himself had been one of the ring leaders, along with his wife Lainauriel and his oldest friend Rudhore.
Suddenly a voice broke through his thoughts.

“your thinking about it again aren’t you?” That sound was still sweet and musical, despite the years of suffering at Morgoth’s hands.
She didn’t know it, but Lainauriel was the reason that he had begun to believe the plan could work. So pure and beautiful, Morgoth was unable to corrupt her, just looking at her and hearing her voice gave him the reasurrance he needed, that the power of goodness could overcome any evil.

“you know me too well my love” Artalion replied and looking upon the face of his wife he couldn’t resist a smile. “I hope we are doing the right thing, we are leading the others into what will almost certainly result in their death, and for what? A dream, do you think we will ever really escape these walls?” a note of desperation crept into his voice now. Lainauriel however looked calmly up at him and squeezed his hand.

“and what do you think life will be like here.. once we are used up, once our will is broken and our purpose served, what then? Do you believe Morgoth will spare us. We go with you of our own free will, we all know the dangers we face, but rather that than stay here and suffer and age of torment” Lainauriel’s passionate eyes blazed reminding Artalion why he fell in love with her in the first place.
He sunk back into thoughts of the up coming escape and almost didn’t notice the elf stood above him, waiting to talk.

[Edited on 22/9/2003 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 25, 2002 04:32
character profile of Artalion

name: artalion

gender: male

history: lived in the forests of Doriath, protected by the girdle of melian. he was an archer and a protector of the borders of the forest. his hunting party were tracking a band of orcs who were close to the borders when they stumbled into a trap. they faught with skill but several of the party were slain, Artalion was taken captive along with Rudhore, his oldest friend.
he had no idea where the orcs were taking him or why but soon found out that he was being taken to be a slave or morgoth- he endured this for many years his sprit slowley being crushed, but was then reunited with the wife he left behind. she was the inspiration he needed to begin planning escape. he originally intended for only himself and his wife Lainauriel to leave but she persuaded him to take as many others as he could.

character profile of Lainauriel

name: Lainauriel

gender: female

history: from the forest of Doriath, she was a skilled healer. she is married to Artalion. one day she was called to attend two members of Artalions company, they told of the orc attack and believed that all but they had been slain in the attack. Lainauriel tried to grieve but she didnt really believe her husband was dead.
not realising she was with child, she departs Doriath to search for Artalion, fearing him injured or taken.
she has little skill in fighting, though she can weild a blade she perfers to use her hands in healing. waylaid by orcs she too is taken to angband.
after birth her baby is taken from her, delivered to the hands of the severnts of morgoth she knows there is no hope for the child.
many long years passed and still she did not give up hope, she became reunited with her husband in the cells and together they planned the escape of the captives.

Huggable Hobbit
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 25, 2002 05:01
It was Lublolos turn to feed the prisoners. He hated having to bring them the food,
"Let em starve" he snarled.

A whip across his back changed his mind, curse him, ever since the orcs had arrived the wild north men had fallen out of favour. It was now they that got the good jobs whilst he was left with the meanial tasks.

Seething with anger he went to feed the slaves. He would not be the only one to feel the lash this day.

Lublolo stomped up to the bars, knowing Elven ears where sensitive he banged loudly along them with the bucket he was holding. His dark northern frame squat and broad blocked much of the meagre light.

"Well my pretties" he snarled


Food was flung though the bars landing on the filthy floor.

Lublolo laughed, his eyes cold and hard, and his hand ready with whip.

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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 25, 2002 06:37

Hair:Brown,including beard, of which she is proud, so no knocking it!
Backgroud:Served as a goldsmith for a while but while wandering was captured by a large band of orcs, and brought to a prison near bye. She listens to the elves...

Bror knelted wearily in her small prison, listening to the quiet murmering of the elves in the next prison, their soft voices reminding her of the days she worked in her smithy, heating the gold to flaming red...ah, gold and mithril she wrought, fair and lovely...only the memory of those could remind her that once there had not been this terrible darkness.

Murmurs of escape had been spread, the elves...not likely that they should take a dwarf, unless the quarrels of old should be remedied.

Ilúvatar's Designer & Haldir\'s Little Squirrel
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 27, 2002 12:58
Profile of Maethorwen

Race: Originally of the Nandor, but traveled to Beleriand and lived there amongst the Sindar and the Laiquendi
Appearance: Long, black hair and black eyes.
Background: Maethorwen ('warrior-maiden') had originally been of the Nandor, the elves in the host of Lenwe who forsook the March of the Eldar, and traveled south down the River Anduin. She lived in the Vale of Anduin for many years, until she decided to travel north again in the company of Denethor. The host traveled into Beleriand and into the realm of Melian and Thingol. There she lived for many years, spending her time amongst the Sindar, those elves under the rule of Thingol, and the Laiquendi, those elves formerly of the Nandor.
Skills:Though when she arrived in Beleriand, she had very few skills to boast of, she had become a skilled swordsman under the guidance of many elven warriors.
Her Capture:One day, she met a host of orcs and, severly outnumbered, she was taken captive. Amazed she hadn't been killed, she was taken to Angband in the North, to the realm of Morgoth.

Now, in the dark dungeons, she waits...unwilling to give into the despair that nearly suffocates her daily - waiting for a chance. The fire in her black eyes had not yet gone out....

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maethorwen is jolted out of her thoughts by the harsh sound of heavy footsteps and food being thrown into the cell she shared with several other elves. Mae saw some of the prisoners look to the food longingly, a deadened look in their eyes. But Mae turned away as the guard taunted them, his whip at the ready on his shoulder.

One of the elves, a weakened and glassy-eyed male, who may have once been a great elven warrior, reached forward for the food, not thinking. The evil guard let loose his whip faster than lightning, striking the elf's hand. The guard's evil laugh caused Mae stomach to turn, and she longed to back away. Yet she sat their, her black eyes staring into the other corner of the cell, watching two elves speak to each other...

[Edited on 30/12/2002 by Ringhilwen]
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 28, 2002 01:47
Profile of Eldaline

Race: Sindarian Elf
Height: over 6 ft
Hair: Long and blond
Eyes: Clear and ice blue in color
Skin: Pale
Age: 2,500 years
Dress: Green shirt, brown vest, black breeches, dark green cape, and boots.
Weapons : Gifted with the bow and arrow and also skilled with the sword.
Other Skills: Climbing, horseback riding, and has skills in "seeing" or sensing danger.
Breif background: Was captured by the army of orcs as she traveled to join the elves who were moving westward. Expecting to be slaughtered with the others she was surprised when she was spared and taken to the darkness of Angband.

Sitting alone in the darkness of the cell, Eldaline's thoughts traveled back to the day that seemed so far away it was but a faint memory, the day she had been taken captured. She remembered the ambush and could still hear the cries of the her fellow elves as they fell around her, at the merciless hands of the orcs. A tear rolled down her face as she remembered Valdaroth, her lifelong friend. She could still see, plain as day the face of her friend as the orcs attacked and one of their great back arrows found its mark in Valdaroth's back. She rememebrd plain as day, holding her friend in her arms and looking into her glassy, distant eyes. Anger rose in her and she looked around the cell at the other elves who had faced similar horrors.

Just then she was jolted back to the present with the sound of heavy footsteps. She looked at Lublolo as he tossed down the food and stood there snearing, daring them to try and take the food they so desperately desired. With his back to her, Eldaline leaned over and reached out her hand for some of the molded bread that lay just beyond the reach of her fingers. Suddenly she saw a pair of boot by her hand. Looking up she stared into Lublolo's dark face as he raised the whip ready to strike.

[Edited on 28/2/2003 by KeeperofVilya]
Huggable Hobbit
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 28, 2002 02:14
Lublolo laughed as the whips bite brought the familiar trace of red, leering down he spat at Eldaline as she cried out in pain, again he applied the cruel lash. As it fell Maethorwen caught the look of pain in Eldaline's face. Eladine scrambled to flee the next whip stroke but a boot upon her cape hem held her.

Desperately she tried to unfasten the clasp that held her cape, as she fumbled with it she felt Lublolo grope her, he wanted more than a she Elfs pain.

Eladine struggled to free herself from his grip but Lublolo held her firm forcing his lips against her fair cheek. She felt his breath upon her, the stench of his rotting teeth causing her so choke, her breathing now shallow and rapid. He reach to tear her vest from her.

The other Elves murmoured in despair, unable or unwilling to help.

Please Eldaline begged dont let him,

Suddenly she reacted, with out thought she caught his hand and bit deep. Lublolo roared in anger throwing Eldaline to the floor.

[Edited on 29/12/2002 by Happy_Hobbit]
Queen of the Dark Nine
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 28, 2002 07:52
Profile of Thíolin

Race: Sindarin
Age: Unknown
Apearnce: Long, jet black hair and dark blue eyes, tall, usualy wears an indigo colored shirt, black breeches, boots, vest and cape, all with golden details.
Weapons: Skilled and swift with the bow and arrow.
Other: Skilled rider, and very strong in mind, with good sight and sense of hearing.


** Artalion looked up, facing a fair Elf. "And who shall you be?" he asked with a questioned look on his face.
"I am Thíolin," she said as she sat down. "and I managed to hear words about some plan. Could it be about leaving this pittyfull place?" she continued, but shut herself up when Lublolo threw some food into their cell. She looked at it with disgust. If it was one thing she hated, it was the "food" they got, if one could go as far as calling it food.
Artalion grabed a litle pice of bread. "Will you not eat, Thíolin?" he asked her. She looked at a piece that had landed in front of her. The corner was actualy ok, with no mould or anything bad. She broke of that tiny corner and started to eat, slowly.
Artalion was busy eating, so she leaned backwars towards the stone wall and closed her eyes, trying to recall the world she had known before being brought into this living hell.
How long would they actually stay there? Suddenly, she thought of the inadvantage with immortality. Being here forever. She had already lost count of how many years she had been here.
She dropped the rest of the moulded piece of bread.
"Excuse me," a voice said, and she opened her eyes. "but if you'r not having that piece of bread, can I take it?" **
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 28, 2002 08:32
Artalion looks up at the elf, one he hasnt spoken with before, though he tries to force a smile he is saddened by the attire and appearence of the elf, the shirt looked like it was once a rich purple, but was now tattered and faded and the gold detail on her vest was now barely noticable.

"and who might you be?" he asks the elf, trying to get a friendly tone in his voice.
just at this point he hears the food being thrown intot he cell, a peice of bread rolls his way and without thinking, he picks it up and breaks it in half. one bit he gives to Lainauriel and the other he begins to eat himself. he had long since stopped worrying about the food, it was still edible and he needed his strength for the days ahead.
this other elf seemed reluctant to eat the food though, he wondered how long she had been here, not long enough to get used to it he supposed.
he heard the sounds of a scuffle, not unusual especially around meal time, tempers were high in the cells, this one was unusual though. Lainauriel put a hand on his arm and looked at him, the worried expression more than anything, prompted him to action.
an elf was being assulted by one of morgoths orcs, his face twisted with rage and he jumped to his feet, Artalions hand automatically went to his hip, where a sword had hung in the old days. he mentally scolded himself, no weapon had hung about his person in more years that he cared to remember.

he started forward anyway, he had come to think of the prisoners as his charges, and he meant to protect this elf. a couple of the others were stirring, but before anyone even got close enough to help, the woman bit through the orcs hand and scrambled back into the cell.

Lainauriel was there already, comforting the elf and feeding her with the remains of the bread. he watched his wife as she put her arms around the elf, and turned to resume his conversation with Thiolin.

"so you heard about the plan then, we are yet to make it public, but have been planning for some time. i believe tonight we shall begin to tell people, for it must happen soon if it is to happen at all. are you with us then Thiolin, are you willing to risk death to escape from here and help others do the same...?"
Queen of the Dark Nine
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 28, 2002 09:03
** "Risk death?" Thíolin looked at Artalion. "I will rather die in the atempt for freedom then to die here doing nothing else than suffering." she said. "Even if it awaits me around the next corner, I do not fear death."
She looked around at the others she shared cell with.
Some had frightened looks on their faces.
Some just stared in front of themselves, with no life in their eyes.
A few had even gotten to the point of insanity and sat muttering to themselves in the corners. So much evil.
What did the free race of Elves do behind bars in caves beneath the mountains of stone? It was the *one* surrounding they did not apreciate.
"I will join you on whatever journey you may take, as long as it leads away from this horrid place." **
Huggable Hobbit
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 29, 2002 04:28
Lublolo cursed as Eldaline scrambled free. He had not done, the slave would pay dearly. He charged at her taking her form Lainauriel side he brouht the whip to bear again this time he started to count each lash fall

"One . . . Two . . .Thr . . . " He didnt finish the third count an elder elf named Malathar stepped up grabbing the raised arm of the Wild North Man

"Stop!" His rich Elven voice echoing through the darkness. The Elves fell silent, for to hear such a sound in Angband was rare.they gazed in fear for this lone elf knowing he risked his life.

"Let her be" He could not watch as the fair elf maiden was beaten though he knew his intervention would be severely punished.

Lublolo, halted in mid strike, wheeled around to face the Elf, His face blackened by the filth of Angband was contorted with rage, the air around him steeped in his malice.

Sneering up at the Elf that stood some 10 iches taller he grabbed the nearby bucket shoving it viciously against Malathar's knees.

With a gasp of pain Malathar fell. As he did the bucket swung again, it contacted Malathar face and the stricken elf lay stunned upon the floor.

Lublolo continued to assault the fallen Elf beating and Kicking until he was tired. Finally he grabbed the Elf and frogmarched his unconscious body from the cell. He moved to the cell door.his bulk shutting out the light. As he left, he turned back, his eyes falling once more on the cowering form of Eldaline,

"Say goodbye to your pretty boyfriend" He sneered then the door slammed and the darkness returned.

[Edited on 29/12/2002 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 29, 2002 05:02
Eldaline lay huddled on the floor near where the strange elf had fallen. As the pain washed over her and took hold of her body her mind ran with questions. Who was that elf ? Why had he tried to save her ? What was Lublolo going to do to him ?

Raising up slowly to her knees she looked around at the elves, some had looks of sorrow and pity on their faces, others held no expression at all, just the blank stares of surrender. Struggling to stand, she walked wordlessly to the darkest corner of the cell and sat down. With her back to the cold hard wall and her face turned away from the others, she cried. She cried for the pain the anger and hurt and for reasons she did not even know.

Fear griped her heart and she felt the last shred of hope she held on to, begin to fade away... There was no hope left in her heart. She knew now they were doomed forever to be captives in this cold, dark, sunless world she had known now for what seemed like ages. As she closed her eyes and the tears ran down her face, she felt a hand come to rest gently on hers. Looking up she saw a kind yet sad face.
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 29, 2002 07:00
Lainauriel sat with Eldaline, holding her hand and using what healing power she had left to sooth the elves wounds.
some hours later Eldaline was calmer, Lainauriel left her in the company of some of the other female elves and went to speak to her husband, now was the time to reveal the plan, to tell the other elves of their planned escape. For she knew that they could not continue in this way much longer.


he hated this stone corridor, everyday he and the rest of the prisoners had be forced to walk down it, shuffleing in lines of three, watched over by orcs with mean faces and quick whips.
they were on their way to the forges, to make weaponary for the orcs.
this morning was different though, there was a smell of hope in the air, a whisper was passing throught the prisoners, like a spring breeze through trees.
last night he had told the elves in thier cell about the plan, about his wish for them to escape. after the orc attack on Eldaline, Lainauriel urged him to talk to the other elves- for they were rapidly loosing hope. the beatings from orcs had become more frequent and they were being made to work harder and longer than ever.
but now, a new hope had been born, elves who Artalion had thought lost were beginning to come out of thier own world.

a whip cracked behind him and an elf cried out in pain, Artalion went to turn. a hand fell on his arm
"leave it, we will have our time, soon the tables will turn" Lainauriel was barely speaking and continued to look straight ahead, and yet he knew she was as angry as him, he envied her control.
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 29, 2002 07:46
*Bror looked out of her prison...the orcs were giving the elves trouble again.She muttered darkly, pulling at her gnarled beard...rumors, rumors of escape travelled around the prisoners, un heard by the orcs...elves where going to escape.

Bror sighed and bowed her head...unless she could talk to a elf, and bargain...it was not likely she could escape.*

Someone just get me out of here...*she murmered hoarsly.*Too long has the daughter of Nali lain here...in darkness.Give me my axe in my hands and I shall remedy that.

*She muttered in dwarf tongue to herself, reciting broken poetry, not noticeing the face looking at her.*
Huggable Hobbit
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 29, 2002 09:11
A mumour rose through the bedraggled line of elves, something evil, something comming, the smell of burning flesh and a roar that tore at the very soul. The Elves, fettered in chains, began to shuffle forwrds pushed by those frantic at the back. Cries of horror, of fear travelled in a wave of hurried voices, A balrog. A balrog was in the tunnel.

They tried to hurry forward, to flee the searing heat, some felt their skin blister. The beast did not attack it merely continued to plod wearily along seemingly oblivious to its effect on the fine skinned Elves.

Ocassionally it would roar and its hot breath would flood the tunnel and stifle the air. Lungs ached in the heat and breathing became laboured.

When it seemed as if all would be consumed in its fire it turned aside. Now those at the back could see it too was being driven not by its own will but by the cruel rminions of Morgoth.

Lublolos cruel whip soon had them on their way.

Into Brors cell the battered body fell. It lay unmoving and would seem at first glance to be dead, but it was not so. A closer look revealed it to be an Elf. Malathar had been returned to the cells.

Whether on purpose or not they had thrown him into Bror's cell. He lay and as the weak light filtered down through a high vent Bror witness the cruelty of Morgoth for there across the Elfs fine features ran a ragged line of staples.

In time Bror would learn they held the fractured skull of the Elf together, they had been driven in. Each one bringing an agony which had almost driven Malathar to madness.

For the moment he lay unable to feel the pain of the previous three hours.
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 29, 2002 06:11
Eldaline marched down the stone corridor with the rest of the elves under the stern eye and quick whip of Lublolo. After the encounter with the Balrog on the way to the forges, her strength was drained and she barely had the strength or will to continue on. She had been through so much, and it seemed that with every step the pain grew greater. On they marched till they neared the foreges. A few of the elves around her began murmering something... Straining to hear she made out that they were coming up on the cells where Morgorth kept his dwarven prisoners. As they approched, many of the evles, she noticed, turned their head and averted their gaze. Eldaline however looked into one of the cells as they passed by.

Sitting on the floor was a dwarf, her back turned towards the elves. As they passed, something caight Eldaline's eye. Something lay on the filth covered floor of the cell near the dwarf. Suddenly Eldaline's breath caught in her throat and she stopped.

"Malathar..." she said faintly. Then without thinking she broke from the line and ran over to the cell, droping to her knees. Reaching through the bars she took his hand in hers. It felt cold and lifeless. Then the body began to stir and Malathar lifted his head and looked at her. Eldaline's face turned ghostly white as she saw what Lublolo had done to him. His face, once fair and beautiful was now marred by the jagged line of staples, now a permanent reminder of the cruelty of Morgorth. Eldaline looked at Malathar as a tear formed in his eye and sliently rolled down his face, washing away some of the filth and grime. Anger raged in her heart at the mercilesness of the orcs and she felt the very last bit of her hope fade. If this was what they had to look for - starvation, torture, and pain, then what was there to live for... why should they struggle on.... Malathar gently squezed her hand.
"Malathar..." she said softly.

"How.... do you know... my name.." he asked in a hoarse whisper, his voice etched with pain. He looked at her a deep sadness in his eyes and she could see the pain and fear in them.
"Lainauriel told me...." Eldaline said softly. "Why ? Why did you do it ?"

Malathar was about to speak when the elves behind her, having been held up, began urging her to keep moving before Lublolo saw. Being chained together there was no way for them to continue on around her. The elf behind her tried to pull her away. Just then Eldaline heard a shout and saw Lublolo pushing his way through the elves. She saw him standing beside her, heard the sound of the whip slding off his shoulder then felt the sharp and all too familure sting across her back. Lublolo raised the whip and let it fall again and again and again as it cut deep into Eldaline's back, tearing the flesh. Each strike filled her body with pain and it shot through her like a flame of fire.

"Get up you worthless piece of filth!" he yelled as he let the whip fall again.
Eldaline did not move. She just remained there, bent, holding Malathar's hand. She did not care anymore. Her life was ruined, there was no hope left. Her imoratality was a curse to her now, something she would galdy be rid of. Better to die and be done than to linger on and suffer. As the strokes continued she sank to the ground as Lublolo stood over her, a look of sheer evil and hate burning in his eyes. The last thing Eldaline remembered was someone grabbing her by her hair and being pulled away as her hand sliped from Malathar's.

[Edited on 30/12/2002 by KeeperofVilya]
Ilúvatar's Designer & Haldir\'s Little Squirrel
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 29, 2002 06:54
Maethorwen moves along with the rest of the elves. She is lost in her own thoughts, thinking about the dream that had come to her last night when she managed to get an hour or so of sleep. She dreamt of the land of Ossiriand, where she had dwelt before her capture. She could feel the wind in her hair, and taste the fresh waters of the seven rivers that flowed through Ossiriand, giving it it's name. She wondered now if she would ever taste those waters again, and her mouth was dry from the longing....

Mae is jolted from her thoughts as she stumbles into the elf in front of her, only this elf has stopped walking. Her thin body lies against the bars of a cell, and her thin hands are clutching the body of something inside the cell - another elf. Mae recognizes them as the elf who had been assaulted by Lubolo, the twisted guard, and the elf Malathar, whose name she had heard whispered by other elves she shared her cell with.

Maethorwen felt the elves behind her pushing her foward, eager to move onward in the tunnel. She kneels down to the elf and tries to pull her up, but she will not let go of Malathar's hand. At that moment, the elves behind her give her a shove forward, and she trips over the other elf. Lubolo comes up behind them, whip in hand. Obviously only interested in the elf who cowers against the bars, Lubolo shoves Maethorwen away, slamming her head against the wall. A thin trickle of blood began to run down her face, as she looked up and saw Lubolo mercilessly beating the elf. Mae tries to get up, but is shoved back against the wall by another guard. She falls again, and the pain in her head becomes sharper, as blood now runs into her eyes.

The elves chained around her, began to try to move forward again, wanting to move as far away from Lubolo's anger as possible. Not noticing that Maethorwen on the ground, they push forward, dragging her from against the wall and into the middle of the corridor. She tries to get up, but keeps falling as they drag her forward, too eager to move away to notice.

As she falls again, she feels 2 strong and filthy hands grab her and pull her up. She opens her eyes and is face to face with another guard, who is smiling at her maliciously. His stench is almost too much for Maethorwen to bear, and she turns her face from him. He grunts, and throws her into the line of elves, knocking three to the ground, along with Maethorwen. Two stand back up, but Mae is lying across the third, a male, whom she did not recognize. His eyes, which must have once been a stunning silver, bore into hers, and she sees that there is strength left in them. He gets to his feet and helps Mae up, though she is too weak to stand steadily. As the group is pulled tll forward, he rips a piece of his tattered tunic off, and uses it to wipe the blood from her face....
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 29, 2002 07:10
*Bror watched,a little in awe...the elves payed no attention to her but what she saw enraged her...these were once fair creatures, lovely elves, singing in the woods or sitting by flowing waters, and she could still sense in their eyes a bit of the old days...the grey depths still held some magic of the nature, and though she did not fully know what it was, she could feel it...and the orcs, fouler than dirt, evil....utter evil...their darkness was hurting the elve's light...there was a battle here higher than the one apparent, between wills.Bror growled and gripped where her axe had lain...she longed for the knobby feel of the wood again, and to cleave and cleanse some filth.

She edged her way over to the elves at the bars, and muttered hoarsly*I'm with you...Bror the dwarf, at your service, and your families...
Huggable Hobbit
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 29, 2002 07:39
Lublolo was about to bring the whip down once more when it was knocked from his grasp,

"Stop" snarled an orc

"Butt out" sneered Lublolo as he reached to grab Eldaline but his hand never reached her

He turn to face the Orc, his black eyes blazing with rage.

"Shes mine" he slavered cruel thoughts delighting his senses.

"I will have her" he sneered pulling her face close and licking her cheek.

Gnashrak snarled again

"I think not wild one for the Master wants her"

Gnashrak laughed at the disappointment on Lublolo's face.

Lublolo thrust his hand to where the ache lay and grunted in dispair. Turning he kicked the nearest elf before leaving to take his rage out on another of his own kind.

Graskrak took the key and freed Eldaline, then as she could not stand he lifted her by her hair and threw her across his shoulder. With a snarl to the others to move along he turned and was gone.

In the Dwarf cell Malathar tried to stand

"Nnoooo" he cried

"No not that, not her" but his strength had not retuned and he sank to the floor.

With the last of his strength he grasped Brors hand

"Help me!" he pleaded

"Help me for I must help her."

When Eldaline woke she found herself in a room it was lighter here and there was food on the table and water, was she dreaming? No!
Danger to Mankind
Posts: 342
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 29, 2002 08:20
Name Thalin
Race Dwarf
Appearance Long ragged clothes, underneath is a valued Mithril plate. Long Bearded, and average Dwarf size.
History Son of a poor weaponsmith, but held many valued items, such as a strong mithril coat, and Large, proud-looking axes. Many of these items were passed down to Thalin.
He, like many Dwarfs, had developed a great hatred for Elves. His was much worse although. Years ago, when Thalin was a child, his father was attacked by an enraged elf, disliking the weopon he had been sold, Thalin too was injured in this, after that he had developed his hatred, and at times fear of elves . But at a dark time like this, any help would be necissary.

Thalin sat in his dark, cold cell. It had been months since he had arrived at the deathcamp, and it was a wonder he was still alive. But probaly not for long. Not long ago, he killed an orc with his fist, angering many of the foul creatures. He was beaten extra for this. He sat and watched in horror, his allies were being beaten and killed in front of his eyes. He could not help them though, for he was next.

[Edited on 30/12/2002 by SadisticYoda]
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 30, 2002 05:25
Eldaline awoke, her head spinning and her body racked with pain. Slowling sitting up she looked around the room she was in. It was a good deal lighter and arier than the old cell, and the light hurt her eys, so long had she been acustomed to the darkness. As her eyes slowly adjusted, she could see a table nerby and upon it was a spread of food, more food than she had seen a very long time... Slowly she stood, and staggered over. The smell of the food reached right down to the pit of her empty stomach, and called to her. She took up the flask of water and drank deeply from it, the freash coolness of the clear pure liquid bringing a spark of life back to her battered body. Her hand reached out twords the food then she pulled it back, a battle was raging on inside her. One side told her to eat, the food was there, and she needed to eat. The other side told her how could she eat when her freinds were there starving to death. As she continued to battle with herself she herd noises. Turning she saw a window, walking to it she looked out.

The site that met her eyes made her catch her breath. She looked out over the forges, down upon her fellow elves. She saw them driven by Lublolo and the others, being forced to make the weapons for the orcs. She watched as one of her fellow elves fell and was helped up witht he aid of Lublolo's whip. Anger grew in her heart and she looked at the food on the table, turned from it and stared out the window. She thought of Malathar, and fear griped her heart.

A tear rolled silently down her cheek... Just then the door opened.

[Edited on 30/12/2002 by KeeperofVilya]
Huggable Hobbit
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 30, 2002 06:13
The door to Eldalines room swung open, she noticed at once the lack of smell, normally the reek of the Orcs or Northmen would assault her nose before her eyes were even aware of them.

She turned fearing what new menace awaited her. When she saw him her mouth fell open in surprise. No Orc stood before her, nor the cruel man of the North, but a tall dark well built man.

Eldaline shut her mouth with a snap. She did not trust this dark stranger for although he bore no weapon she could see, still he held a menace about him.

He stepped forward bowing low, again Eldaline was stunned , what was going on?

He walked over to the table then turning he said,

"You have not eaten my dear, does the food displease you?"

He shifted a little closer to Eldaline she retreating stepped back till she felt the cold wall against her back.

"Why should i eat when my kin suffer from starvation every day ?"

A dark shadow passed over his face, but was quickly replaced by a shallow smile

"Would you have them know you left good food to spoil?"

His dark eyes turned upon her looking her over as he waited for her answer. She hated the way his eyes seemed to be undressing her. She turned from him to look out of the window.

Eldaline felt anger rise in her heart. "If I let it spoil, then maybe they will be lucky enough to get some... since that is all they are ever fed !"

She knew at once she had done the wrong thing, by turning her back she had allowed him the advantage of closing the distance between them. Without her being able to slip away he pressed himself against her, for a moment she thought he would assault her. She felt his hot breath upon the back of her neck, he gripped a shoulder and spun her round.

The Easterling shone with perspiration, for he much desired to have this maiden but he feared the wrath of Morgoth, He dared not try his luck, not yet at least, but he might if he could do what his master had ordered.

His wicked eyes stared down into her terrified ones, his hand gripped her pretty face as he turned it to look to the dwarven cells,

She could not see him but knew it was where Malathar lay.

"If you do not eat" He hissed "He'd look neat with broken feet dont you think my dear"

Eldaline knew at once, so she thought I must eat or he will be punnished for me. Tears ran down her face as she made her way slowly to the table,

The Easterling, called Grimbald by those he bothered to name him stood watching , a smirk upon his face showing the pleasure that he had accomplished the first of the orders from Morgoth.


Meanwhile Lublolo still angered by the loss his chance to abuse Eldaline set about looking for another victim. His eyes fell on Thalin, he swung open and reached inside hauling the Dwarf out by the throat.

Shaking him he took him to a set of chains and there cast him in irons. He pulled out a cruel knife and then humming to himself began to divest the Dwarf of both his hair and his beard.

Though he struggled fighting, cursing and kicking the Dwarf only managed to enrage Lublolo further finally he brought the butt of the knife down on the bridge of Thalin's nose.
Danger to Mankind
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 30, 2002 08:22
The strike by Lublolo seemed to have broken Thalin's nose, as least that was what it sounded like due to his bloodcurling cries. He again tried to shake loose, but could not get out. He looked into Lublolo's eyes, and spat at him. He then quickly flinched away, not knowing of what horrors to expect next.
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 30, 2002 02:55

Name: Errandirien (lone wandering maiden
Race: Elf
Apperance: Wavy, long, golden brown hair with deep silvery grey eyes. Wears clothes in the style of Legolas's. Skin is fair with a tinge of tan.
Weapon: Bow and arrows, knives, and sword.
Skills: Keen eyesight even in the dark, super stength and super fast reflexes and senses. And of course very good hearing.


The air was thick with fumes, black and smokey. She found it hard to breath, it pained her. She still remembered the clean air of her homeland...she drifted into thought of the clean wind blowing on her face, the birds singing in the trees, the light of the sun and moon, and the running streams. A whip cracked over her head pulling her out of thought. She hated this place. She would find away to get out and when she did she would get revenge.

[Edited on 31/12/2002 by Sillende]

[Edited on 31/12/2002 by k]
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 30, 2002 03:54
suddenly panic filled the corridor, all Lainauriel could feel was a searing heat and the josteling of her fellow elves. she could feel the heat, almost unbearable pickling her skin and searing her lungs- she had no idea what was happening.
she felt a hand groping for hers, and clutched it tightly, it was her husband Artalion. she tried to look over at him to communicate to him that she was ok. but the heat was too much for her, she coudlnt bear to open her eyes.

then suddenly it was gone, relative coolness washed over her, and she stood upright, still holding Artalions hand she quickened her pace to catch up with the elves in front of her.

they reached the forges, ready for another days work.

it was more a cave than a room, it was deep underground, always warm and sooty with little proper ventilation. loud as well, Lainauriels ears had gotten used to the sound, but some of the newer prisoners still had great trouble adjusting, you could see them wincing in pain everytime a hammer hit metal or a furnace roared.

she released her husbands hand, he was going elsewhere to work, for he was stronger than she was. Lainauriel and some of the other women were herded by orcs to a large stone table, they were to be making leather vests for the men and trousers of some strange fabric for the orcs. she hated this job, the people who prepared the material werent to careful about how they removed it. they often needed to scrape the leather free of dried fat and blood before they could work on making garments of it.

her face screwed up in discust, she picks up the first sheet of material, her and a fellow elf begin the task of scraping it down, while two of the other female elves hold the material in place.

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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 30, 2002 05:12
Eldaline sat down at the table, her heart sinking to a new depth of sorrow. So, she must eat and do as they said or Malathar would suffer the consequences. They knew how she felt towards him and they were using that against her. She looked at the tall dark man standing before her and she felt her hope fade away. She saw the look in his eyes and she knew what it was he really wanted – he wanted her, to himself, she was the prize he was striving for and she saw determination in his eyes. He looked her over as she sat there and she felt naked and helpless under his gaze. With tears in her eyes she sat and stared at the food. A shiver went down her spine as the Easterling stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

“Eat” Grimbald said as he pushed one of the plates towards her.
Eldaline knew now why he carried no weapon – none was needed – he had the most evil of all weapons – a forked tongue and the cunning of a serpent. Eldaline stared at the food for a moment, thought of Malathar, then picked up one of the pieces of meat that lay on the plate. As she brought it to her mouth, her stomach rumbled with a hunger she had long ago learned to ignore, but now it was painfully obvious to her and ate at her. Biting into the meat the taste and savory smell flooded her senses yet it tasted dry and hard in her mouth for she found no pleasure in it. Swallowing hard she fought to keep it down. Empty was her stomach and now to have so much before her was too much to handle. It felt dry in her mouth and it gagged her.

After forcing down a few more bites she stopped. Grimbald, hands still on her shoulders, ran them down her back as he leaned close to her.
“Tiss good is it not dearest ?” he said, his voice dripping with malice. He was so close Eldaline could feel his lips touching her cheek as he spoke. She closed her eyes in disgust and her stomach churned. He moved to the side and put his hands on her face, forcing her to look at him. He stared at her, his eyes full of lust and longing. He ran a hand through her long blond hair and fingered the tear that ran down across the front of her shirt.
“You are a lucky one you are... the Master has great plans for you. Tiss an honor to be chosen for his work” he said as his hands moved down her face and neck to her chest.
Eldaline looked at him. “Tiss no honor to work for a monster, the incarnate of evil itself. Tiss a disgrace – the minions of Morgoth are no more than a pack of wolves, feeding upon the weak and defenseless. “

The Easterling looked at her as anger flashed in his eyes. Raising his hand to strike Eldaline braced herself, but it never came. He dropped his hand and held her face firmly in his hands.
“You will soon think otherwise” he said with a sneer. He looked at her face, streaked with the dirt and filth. Leaning over he pulled her close to him and pressed his lips against her soft skin. Eldaline fought and struggled to free herself but to no avail, he held her tight. For a moment he held her, then with a sneer and a look of evil determination he let her go. He looked at her, sitting there across form him, her eyes wide with terror, her breath coming in short gasps. Rising he headed for the door, turned around and looked her over once more with his eyes. “Pleasant dreams” he said with an evil laugh. “See you in the morning...”

As the door closed behind him Eldaline broke down. Tears fell and her mind raced with fear and questions. Did the cruelty of Morgoth have no end ?
Queen of the Dark Nine
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 30, 2002 05:44
**Looking around at the others, Thíolin knew that she had one of the easiest jobs; sharpening swords, daggers and axes that other, stronger Elves made. But her workspot was in the very end of the cave, a little higher than the rest, One of the warmest places to be, with all the fumes and hot air drifiting to the top.
Though the job was not the hardest, it sure had it's disadvantages.

She sat down and looked on the pile of unfinished blades beside her.
With a sigh, she grabbed a little one that would soon turn into a dagger, and maybe one day kill someone.

The wheel of stone used for sharpening, rolled and rolled.
She got dizzy and tired watching it for hours, over and over.
After a little while, she looked closely at the dagger.
Her hands burnt when touching it, the blade turning hotter and hotter for every round the stone-wheel scraped against it.
Yes, is looked finished.

She threw it on the other side of the sharpener, then reaching for another unfinished one.
Suddenly, she felt the touch of hot steel against the skin on her arm. She managed to keep silent, not crying out her pain. She knew it would only amuse them even more. This was not the first time. Turning her head, she looked into the foul face of one of the guards.
He chuckled. "You must understand that we must do a control of final approval." She gasped for breath as he put a little weight on the dagger, making it cut it into her forarm. Then he turned around, laughing as he walked away.
She stared down on her arm. The cut was bleeding, and she could almost hear the pulse beating.
She ripped of a pice of her robe, tying it around her arm. It stung insanly, since the robes were not of the cleanest, but she knew it was the only way to stop it.
She had many scars after such torment, and now she would get another.

Using just her right arm, she grabbed another blade and continued the work. She knew that the whip would be here before she could count to three, if they saw her not working. **
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 31, 2002 04:05
She looked around at the hated forge, her task was to put edges on the knives, swords, and any other weapon that had to be sharp. She looked around at the other elves, many of them looked lifeless, like they had given up hope along time ago. She sighed and began to work.
She began to sharpen a sword and soon became transfixed by the spinning stone. She did not notice that one of the gaurds had come up behind her. All of a sudden there was a slap across her face, it stung pretty bad but she did not cry for that would give them to much pleasure.
The gaurd laughing said," Stupid elf you made the blade to thin." Errandirien said nothing but just smiled, she did not care that she ruined there blade. It was one blade that she sharpened that would not kill. Te gaurd slapped her again and walked away.
Huggable Hobbit
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 31, 2002 06:39
Lublolo snarled at the Dwarf

"You'll pay for that earthworm . . ."

To Thalin's surprise he moved away, he hung there trying to discern whether in fact his nose was broken, undecided he looked aroud him, there was no means of escape that he could see.

Lublolo returned, with him two wild men carrying carrying a lage table with straps on it. With grunts and foul words it was set down before the Dwarf.

Lublolo began to lay items upon the table. Thalins eyes widened as he saw the things lying there, knives, gouges, hammer and saw, this was not good. He was to be tortured.

As Lublolo reached for him, Thalin became aware of another approaching, It was Grimbald. He surveyed the scene and came over.

Lublolo snarled, he had not forgotten it was Grimbald as had deprived him of his pleasure earlier.

"This ones mine" he growled eyeing Thalin's defiant face, "Time to teach him some manners."

To Thalin's surprise Grimbald hauled Lublolo to one side. He spoke in a corse whisper that Thalin could not discern. Dammit if only he had the Elves sharp ears.

Suddenly they were laughing the hissing snigger of the Wild man and the deep roar of the Easterling. The table and the torture instruments were removed. They would leave him, in his hairless state for all the Elves to see.


A new set of hides were thrown onto the pile, a snarl escaping the lips of the Wildman who carried them, Lainauriel sighed in sadness, the thought of the poor beasts that had lost their lives to the slaughter pained her.

"Keep Busy" the Wildman growled "Or yours may be added to them."

She knew by the cruel glint in his eyes that he was not lying.

Now she felt even more loathing, could it possibly be these were the skins of Men and Elves? She tried to shut the thought from her mind and worked on.


The Night was coming although in the forges no one could tell as night mingled with day in a never ending stream of pain and despair. A high horn sounded. It was time to return to the cells. They were shacked once more and driven forward back along the path to the cells.

Thalin could here their approach.

[Edited on 31/12/2002 by Happy_Hobbit]
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 31, 2002 08:52
Artalion was hammering the blades into shape, then cooling them in water. endless hours went by, the hammering and the hissing was so rhytmic it almost became like an extra heartbeat, the life of the forge. he shuddered at the thought.

it felt late, perhaps it was night, he never knew any more. he hadnt thought of moonlight in so long, a small smile crept onto his face. realising that smiling was probably dangerous, he stopped, but the thought of moonlight had lead to other memories, and as he lost himself in them, his smile crept back unnoticed...

~ a soft breeze blew through the leaves. as they moved above them it made the moonlight on their skin shimmer, it was like being underwater. he turned onto his side and gazed at his love, she was beautiful, perfect... he knew he was in love with her, he had been since he first saw her. he was sure she felt the same about him too.
they were still in the delightful beginnings of romance, where true feelings bubbled under the surface, yet to be revealed. it will be soon though, he though- he could feel it, the link growing between them.
he rubbed his hand gently down her bare arm, and she turned smiling to face him raising her hand and running it down his face. to Artalion her touch was electic, he tingled.
"Lainauriel.." he started, suddenly nervous now it came to revealing his true feelings.
"shhh" she whispered back, placing a finger gently on his lips.
he smiled, and removed the finger, clasping her hand in his again. he leaned in to kiss her...~

a sharp horn interupted his thoughts. he realised with a start that he had almost been dreaming. he threw down the sword he was working on and went to line up with his fellow elves, back to the cells for another night on those stone cold floors. he shuddered at the thought.

[Edited on 31/12/2002 by k]
Ilúvatar's Designer & Haldir\'s Little Squirrel
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 31, 2002 09:06
"Keep Busy" the Wildman growled "Or yours may be added to them."

Maethorwen winced as the pile of hides was thrown upon the table. She didn't look at the guard as he laughed, knowing eye-contact may prvoke him. She looked over at the other side of the table and saw Lainauriel shut her eyes tightly, not looking at the new pile of hides. Maethorwen knew what must be running through her mind, and tried not to look at the hide she was cleaning, for the sight might cause her to lose what little food was in her stomach.

Her mind drifted as she worked, thinking back to that morning. She had walked with the silver-eyed elf, not speaking, to the door of the workroom, but he and the other men were taken to another room. She wondered to what torturous task he and the other male-elves had been assigned.

She looked over at Lainauriel again, and their eyes met for a brief moment, and Mae could see that light still shone in her eyes as well. Mae's heart gave a small leap, as she know knew that she was not alone. Not all of the elves had succumbed to the dungeons and their dreary existence.

Mae moved closer to Lainauriel, hoping to speak to her when the guards weren't watching, but she stopped as she heard the loud noise of the work horn, signalling the end of that day's work. Mae knew it would not be safe to speak to Lainauriel until they were back at their cell, so she remained quiet as the elves were re-shackled back in a line and marched out of the workroom.

As their cell door closed behind them, Mae watched the others in the room. Some went immediately back to their corners, avoiding looking at the others. These elves are lost, Mae thought to herself. They do not think of escape. Then Mae looked to Lainauriel and the male elf who was always with her, as they sat down on the other side of the cell. Mae waited until the footsteps of the guards had moved away before crossing the cell to speak to the two elves...
Danger to Mankind
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 31, 2002 09:19
Thalin was chained to the wall in the open. The other dwarfs did not even speak to him about his missing beard. While the elves would laugh quietly, or stare at him in pity. He simply lied on the wall, minus a beard, and newly dryed blood down his face. But then Thalin heard the horn, and the loud footsteps following. He spoke outloud in a horrific and repetative tone.

"There coming!.... There going to kill us!.... There going to kill us all!

The camp had finnaly gotten to Thalin's mind. He was now driven partly insane by his recent beatings, a new state of mind theat he probaly could not excape from.

The sounds were getting louder, and louder, and Thalin begun to shake wilder, and wilder. They approached the door..

[Edited on 31/12/2002 by SadisticYoda]
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 31, 2002 11:15
She looked around the dismal cell. She did not like being trapped, she always said she would never get held captive by anything but here she was in one of the most ugliest places she had ever seen. None of the elves spoke at all, and a lt of them looked like they went crazy and started talking to themselves. It was so silent she couln't bare it. She began to sing, gently and quietly and she didn't care who heard it.
Renaissance Elf
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 31, 2002 11:31
Name: Eäniel ("sweet song of the Sea")
Race: Elven
Appearance: Grey-eyed, auburn haired.
History: One of the Elves of Gondolin, Eäniel ran away from the city long ago, apalled at the arrogance of some of the other Elves there and desiring freedom from the city of stone. She was captured by a marauding band of orcs some years ago and was set to work here in this place, a prison of iron for the body and the mind. Her hands being nimble and skilled she has been set to the task of piecing together orc-mail. Her hands, skilled for the harp or the bowstring are now calloused and scarred from the hot metal.

Eäniel bends over her work, lost in her own thoughts. "Once I dreaded walls of stone, until I led myself to this iron hell. But can it work? Is it possible? All the years I have been here, noone has dared attempt to escape. But I have watched these Elves through the long days and terrible nights. They will try, or die in the attempt. Looking around her at the other workers, she sees in their faces many things: fear, desperation, horror, despair. Some of their eyes see nothing- they have lost the battle with the darkness. But in others a new light shines- the glimmerings of hope. Her heart strengthening to resolve and courage, and hpoing to lighten the hearts of theose around her Eäniel begins to hum, and then sing, an ancient song of Gondolin, her voice rising above the clang of the forges. The orcs will not understand its fair message of hope, she knows:

Star by star the night is brightened
Hope by hope the dreams will rise
Night will always follow morning
But stars will always light the skies
Huggable Hobbit
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Post RE: A Way to Freedom (scripted) Keep
on: December 31, 2002 04:40
Eldaline has not been cooperating and so Malathar has been taken to be tortured for the last three days. He is brought back to the cell in agony but refuses to speak of the evil that has befallen him.

Lublolo has had him chained in the cell; no one is to touch him. His face is swollen and bruised. In the dark he would moan softly and they heard his feeble attempts to eat and drink.

His weakened form hangs on the chains that hold him to the wall. He keeps his face pressed against the wall; he will allow no one to see his face such is his shame at the torture he endured.

*Eldaline stands in her room shortly after Grimbald has told her that she will either go and do what it is Morgoth wants her to do, or Malathar will die.*


Thalin in his tormented state hears an army approach, in truth it is only two Orcs. Taking him from his chains they laugh as they drag the confused dwarf to the cells. Opening the door they throw him in with Bror and Malathar. The cells depressive state deepens. later the sound of Elves singing comes to Malathar

*Star by star the night is brightened
Hope by hope the dreams will rise
Night will always follow morning
But stars will always light the skies*

He stirs a little and hope burns anew for if Elves can sing then they can dream and in dreams hope lies. He wonders about the others Thíolin, Maethorwen, Artalion and Eldaline . . .Eldaline where was she? He had heard nothing of her, he must find a way to her . . . he must. He groaned slightly his arms aching as his weight pulled against his bonds.


It was Sillende's singing that brought the Orc Gnashrak too the Elf cells, he was in his usual filthy mood. Slinging the food onto the floor outside the door he waited to see who among them would reach for it. This was his favourite game often taking bets on who would try first.

Sillende's thin arm reached out to grab a crust. He leaped forward biting her hand. relishing her scream, of pain and despair. She dropped the crust and sat nursing her bleeding arm.

The Elves soon realised they could not reach the food without getting hurt. It was a battle of wills, could they find a way to win it?

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