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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 07, 2007 06:27
Hooray! 11.7k and I'm finally caught up for the first time since Day 1!

I've been wading through a whole lot of dialogue lately... methinks it's time for an action sequence. *draws swords* (except that my characters don't have swords. hmm. I'll just have to remind them that the swords are for decorative use only.) *draws swords anyway*

But let's see... what can I give them? Guns are much too violent, fists are not violent enough. Maybe I will opt for a big, scary, dangerous game of hide-and-seek instead.
Lady of Ithilien
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 08, 2007 01:15
Congrats, Fealome! :disco: That's great!

I'm going away for ten days from tomorrow so I've been writing every moment I've had spare; I've managed to get up to 21500. My aim is to hit 25K before I leave, then to write a little bit each day by hand to make sure that a) I don't fall too far behind and b) I don't completely lose my train of thought. Problem is, it's a business trip, and we're going to be working pretty much all hours... *sigh* Ah well. I guess it all adds to the challenge.... :s
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 08, 2007 10:25
Ten days, Elioclya? Ouch. That does take a chunk out of your writing time. Great job with getting ahead though!

Good job, Fealome! lol! Hide and seek can be a very dangerous game You could always throw in some strange monster too

I went to a flea market this weekend and bought a lovely old key. It just looks so cool I have to use it in my story.
I wasn't sure how to use it though so I asked one of my characters. He gave a look and said "It's probably used to open something that's locked. (duh)" He didn’t say “duh” but that was the look he gave me
So now I just have to figure out what's locked...
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 08, 2007 10:51
I've a feeling your characters don't tend to think highly of you, Griffin... Now that I think about it, I've never really interacted with them like that... Hm...

With my 13 451 words, I'm not behind, at least. We'll see if I can get a bit more ahead in the weekend, when I can devote more time to my writing while feeling that I'm allowed to... The story itself seems to be continuing at a steady pace, though I don't know how long it will be when finished. One main thing they were meant to be doing was to recover seven objects, one in each chapter. So far, I've two chapters, and they have yet to recover a single one. :rolleyes: I suppose it'll all work out in the end.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and go well with ketchup.
Stargazer of Ithilien
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 08, 2007 10:54
I still have to write a three year long campaign against some tribe in Wales before my MC starts plotting against Rome. And then there'll be more battles, insane druids, another battle, some chaotic chaos, and the final big battle where he has to decide which side he's on

And I have 18.300 words
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 08, 2007 11:05
22100. And I have to write a death scene tonight. I'm not looking forward to it. He's a really nice guy, he just knows how to act like a jerk around my MC.
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 08, 2007 11:16
Lol! No this character doesn't think too highly of me, he knows I can't kill him (yet). He's like that with everyone though and that might be his undoing if he gets snippy with the wrong bad guy

Gah, I'm so far behind. Must stop goofing off in here and get back to typing!
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 08, 2007 08:38
Well it's the beginning of week two! Most of you are well above the word count goals for this week. Great job!

I also tracked everyone down and counted up our total word count so far. All together we have written 158,129 words!

Congratulation everyone and keep up the good work! :cheers:
Stargazer of Ithilien
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 09, 2007 05:04
20 100 words! *dances* :disco:
I sat up half the night writing to get it, with the result that I could barely keep my eyes open at school today, lol
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 09, 2007 08:08
Well, these last five days sure were strange

Monday: LOST night, so I only could type about a 1000 words (and that when I already had written 500 words in school)
Tuesday: sick, spend the whole day in my couch doing nothing, but thanks to my good start, I was one day ahead.
Wednesday: still sick, but forced myself to type, after 6 hours I had 2800 words (not a lot for that time, but did obviously achieve my word count)
Thursday: now I was really, really sick (probably from not resting the day before) and spend the whole day again in my couch (although I did watch FOTR again )
Friday: I'm feeling better again, but now I can't afford to spend a day without writing anymore. I don't have enough time this weekend to build up a reserve again (thanks to my Latin exam )

And I still don't have a clue where I'm going

P.S.: Why do I only seem to nag in all the posts I make here?
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 09, 2007 01:34
Hmmm, well my friend, Silmarwen, has had the same problem with her novel, Scaedura. She doesn't know where she's going with her novel, but she just keeps writing and it slowly forms. Just keep at it! And I'm glad you're feeling better.
'Not even the gods above can separate the two of us, no nothing can come between you and I.'
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 09, 2007 04:53
Ah yes, Scaedura, Latin Exams. Those nasty little buggers that will come up and bite you when you least expect it, and it will hurt if you're not watching.
This past week I didn't write as much as I could have written, production significantly decreased, but on the plus side, I whipped some serious Latin exam butt. I spent thursday celebrating. The grammar section still came around and nipped me in my cockiness, although I'm pretty sure that I threw out the answer for one of the questions that my Latin teacher had actually given us when we were discussion that particular translation(If I ask why this is imperfect subjunctive, all you have to say is it follows the sequence of tenses rule. Where would we be without the sequence of tenses rule?). I still won all around.. Muah ha ha!
This week is a catch up on what I missed this week. I had told myself I wanted to be at the halfway mark by Wednesday, but no dice.

[Edited on 10/11/2007 by longbe4thesun]
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 10, 2007 12:04
ElfmaidenofLorien: Thanks for the advise. I know that my post after the first day, may have sounded very negative, but if something doesn't work out great from the start, I have the habit of giving up immediately. This is the first time I actually started something that lasts so long and haven't given up yet. Quite proud of myself already

longbe4thesun: Good to hear your Latin went well! I mostly don't have a problem with it, but I do study long and hard to make sure that problems can't and will not arise Thankfully it's on Tuesday, so learning hard this weekend and revise on Monday, should do the trick although I do have 2 major projects that also need to be finished this weekend.

With all this, I also try to not think about my Old Greek exam, the week afterwards :dizzy:

Oh well, it'll be an interesting week again, methinks
Stargazer of Ithilien
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 10, 2007 12:42
I have 26 k!!! *dances* :disco::disco::disco:

Not much has happened during those 26 k, but it's 26 k so I'm happy! I want to reach 30 k this weekend though (not sure if that's doable or not, but I'll try).

The trick is not to give up no matter what, Scaedura! And congrats on the exam, lb4ts! I have no Latin exams (I don't even have Latin at school) but I have a lovely 5-hour physics test coming up soon :twitch:
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 10, 2007 10:42
Good luck to any one with exams to fit in.

Luckily, I don't have any 'real' exams to worry about this November (although there is that home exam/text analysis thing I've got to finish by Friday...). I've had a bit of a lack of inspiration to keep me typing, with the result of being a bit behind now. But as of now, I'm only one day behind, which is not an impossible mountain to climb.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and go well with ketchup.
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 11, 2007 09:23
30K, and someone's dead.I got to work on writing an obit for Trevor now... and the title has changed. Nice.
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 12, 2007 09:15

20,043 finally I'm caught up! (until tomorrow that is)

I had the day off from work so I sat down and banged out 8,000 words or so (I started the day with 12,479)

*collapses into a slimy blob of protoplasm*

I'm done for the day I think

*said blob of protoplasm squishes her way to bed*
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 13, 2007 11:28
I'm at 40K now, and I should probably write Trevor's Memorial Service... at least. This story is going to end on a sucky note.
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 14, 2007 11:14
Wow, 8k in a day, already 40k, you guys are amazing
and I thought I had a good day last saturday when I wrote 4k

Anyway, after 3 days almost writing nothing, I'm back on schedule, although I won't have any time (again) to write tomorow and my weekend will be busy, busy, busy with stupid projects that need to be finished and an exam Old Greek! Yikes :dizzy:

Honestly, I signed up for nano and suddenly I get more work than I ever had and I have already been sick once and on top of that I think I'm developing a cold too It's like signing up attracts problems to you

And I've got a dilemma. I wrote 850 words in a beautiful rhyme (I dont know how you call it in English, but every sentence has exactly 8 syllables) which I spend 6 hours on as a creative writing assignment, which could actually be used in my story as a little tale. Still, I feel like I would be cheating, because I'm quite sure I'll cut it entirely when/if I go back to edit my story. But I spend a lot of time writing it when I could have just continued with my story. What should I do?
Stargazer of Ithilien
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 14, 2007 11:27
Stick it in. One of your characters could spend six hours trying to write it

I have written many scenes which I know will never make it into the final story (it's the dares, lol). Yesterday I had this really cool battle and then a character turned the enemy troops into pink fluffy bunnies. It was rather funny actually. The bunnies had war chariots and spears and were painted with blue war paint. But I put it between [ ] and then wrote the battle without bunnies afterwards.

It stays in the story though. I wrote it during November, it has my characters in it, so it counts!
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 14, 2007 11:37
I think at some point today I might write a dare that might go in earlier. I just figured out a way for it to work out. Writer's Block sucks. On the plus side, I have a clean half of room!

[Edited on 15/11/2007 by longbe4thesun]
Collector of all that is Shiny
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 14, 2007 07:36
I agree with Celede, Scaedura. Keep it in even if you know you aren't going to use it. Just a minute ago I decided half way through a scene that I wanted to write said scene from another characters point of view. I marked it to be taken out later, but I still left it in. (who knows! maybe you'll decide to use it )

4k is a very respectable days worth! I just like killing myself with all day writing sprees My record is 10k in a day. That was a really, really, really, really long day :twitch:

Writers Block stinks, longbe4thesun et: Hope it blows over soon!
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 15, 2007 10:14
I've fallen behind a bit, with about four thousand left to the 25K mark on this the fifteenth of November. I've got almost three hours left of today, though, but I really ought to get some proper sleep, too... Still, I'll be catching up at least a bit more before going to bed, and it's not as if I can't catch up eventually.

On another note, I've managed to slow myself down a bit by tweaking some old and developing some new alien grammar, and inventing a few new words... Which is also fun, of course, but won't get me very many words given the amount of time I spend on it. But it's fun, so I'll keep taking those breaks when I feel I need more of that alien language.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and go well with ketchup.
Stargazer of Ithilien
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 15, 2007 10:35
Does your language have a word for 'moose', Tec?

My MC suddenly decided to have a dark and mysterious past (you could've told me you killed your brother!!) and another character has decided to become sneaky instead of arrogant.

Ehm... right. Never mind. As long as they keep giving me words.

I have some 35 k now. I want to write a bit more today.

Congrats on the 50 k ++, lb4ts! :cheers:
Collector of all that is Shiny
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 15, 2007 11:17
Great job, longbe4thesun! I think you're the first of us to make it over the 50k mark :disco: :cheers: :disco:

Ooo, languages are very spiffy (though they do slow things down)

Just a reminder to everyone:

November 15th is Staff Appreciation Day! :heart:


Head on over there if you feel like thanking them for keeping things running

Keep up the good work everyone!
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 15, 2007 11:54
It was a mad six hour sprint. I beat midnight by 12 minutes. Now for my spin off fic!
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 16, 2007 02:43
Well done, longbe4thesun!

I got my student union's magazine/newspaper today, and NaNoWriMo is mentioned.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and go well with ketchup.
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 16, 2007 06:26
I know this may seem weird and I am a bit off, but I was browsing this thread and the NaNoWriMo site and it seemed interesting. Will it be going on next November? Just wondering because I have had an idea for a novel for the past few months and I would like to pursue it more, preferably next year when I am going off to school. If anyone can give me more info, that would be great.



[Edited on 11/16/2007 by Dinenlasse]
"There is no such thing as a geek, just those who love things the rest of humanity finds weird."
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 16, 2007 09:01
Oh, yes. So don't worry about it.
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 16, 2007 03:04
Yes, Dinenlasse, NaNo is done every year in November. They are always at the same link and many people continue chatting on the web site all year.

They do have a “Southern Cross Novel Challenge” (exact same idea as NaNoWriMo except in June). That one isn't part of the "official" NaNoWriMo group, but most of the people there are NaNoWriMo participants too.
Here's the link if you're interested: http://www.kiwiwriters.org/
I normally do that one too (hopefully I'll be a little more prepared this year )

I had a really late night at work yesterday (ugh) so I'm behind again
Stargazer of Ithilien
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 16, 2007 03:34
I'm a bit behind too (well, I'll make 50 k before 30. Nov easily, but I want 50 k before 21. Nov!). I had to work and didn't get home until 22 PM or so. And then there was a David Gilmour concert on tv which was slightly distracting...

I almost have 38 k
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 17, 2007 07:22
Compete against yourself. That's how I got the job done so early. Towards the end I really tried to make it at or above my average of approximately 3K (give or take a few hundred words).
on an up note, my muses seem to have decided to return to me.

[Edited on 17/11/2007 by longbe4thesun]
Stargazer of Ithilien
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 18, 2007 07:47
Almost 43 K And I have a snippet up on my blog.
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 18, 2007 01:46
Man, I feel like a total loser looking at this thread. Last week swept me up in a tornado- and I was already behind on my word count!

Yeah... so things are not going so well over here, but I'm not moping yet. Thanksgiving break is coming up! whewph... time to sleep and write my novel. And if I finish the month with 30k I'll still be happy. Not ecstatic, but happy. Congrats to everyone who's so far ahead! I'm trying to imagine where you get the energy...
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Post RE: NaNoWriMo: Another year here and gone...
on: November 19, 2007 09:03
word count in! 64,564 words. How far are the rest of you to reaching that pearly 50,000 word count?
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