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on: August 09, 2015 09:16
NEENIME: yes man can be a part of it(pollution and climate change)but don't forget where we live.we are part of a bigger picture,the universe where many things happen and can influence the way the planet works.Think of the sun for instance,sometimes it's quiet but sometimes it projects enormous flame and I think it could have something to do with the climate also.we are a planet suspended in the universe and I think that the mechanic of what is around us can have have something to do with it too.Mind you I know little about the mechanic of the universe but it seems to me that something else might be consider too along with the fact that humans are not always respectful of our planet and that on our level we can do something about it.I am not discouraged and I feel that science and technology will be our savior,we have to be patient,it takes time and we have to take this chance because this is the only one we have.We have to have a little faith in human nature because all we have is us.

Interesting reading about the Blue Wizards.Thanks
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on: August 09, 2015 10:29
I wish I shared your optimism, Dimple. While I agree that there are probably naturally-occurring patterns at work, the reality is that humans contribute a stunning amount of pollution and that changes our world. I think we are hoping that science and technology will come up with something miraculous, so that we don't have to inconvenience ourselves by driving less, recycling more, changing fuel types and adjusting our way of living. I would love to be proven wrong about that and in the meantime, I hope we all try to do more to live clean and respect the Earth.

It's a beautiful morning here as I write this. I can see by the angle of the sun that the season is moving along and Fall is not too far off. That's OK, each season has its own beauty. I am determined to live in this moment of beauty and peace and will be spending lots of time in the garden today, like a good little Hobbit.

How are your gardens this year ? We've had a lovely summer with more moderate temperatures but definitely more warmth than last year.

Don't forget to look into the sky for the next few nights. The Perseid Meteor Shower is at its height this week.

[Edited on 08/10/2015 by Neenime]
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: August 10, 2015 03:20
Image We're finally getting some much needed rain here on the West Coast which is supposed to last until Wednesday or Thursday.

IMHO, there has been a definite change in the world's climate but I'm not sure how much of it is part of a natural pattern and how much of it has to do with global warming. I suspect it's a combination of the two. Unfortunately, we are really the first generations to have the means to keep the kinds of statistics required to assess climate changes properly. Hopefully, the coming generations will use better common sense regarding the use of the planet's natural resources.

My garden hasn't been as good as I had hoped due to the dryness and I'm already starting to remove plants that have clearly run their course. The leaves on the trees have also started changing colour due to the lack of moisture. All in all, we seem to be about a month ahead of schedule. Makes me wonder what kind of winter we're going to have.

Anyway, have an awesome week, 40+'ers!

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on: August 10, 2015 05:09
If you mean degrees latitude, I'm actually at 49.5°+ north! Degrees Centigrade, we have stayed just below that (the official record temperature for Germany, 40.3°C, was set this year and recently equaled). We desparately need rain in our area, other parts of Germany have had excessive downpour, especially short and massive. Weather extremes, which have been predicted as increasing, even if averages change more slowly.
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on: August 11, 2015 06:20

But true to form, an extreme flip. From drought to deluge. I wouldn't have minded quite so much if I hadn't been driving around at the time. But at least it was a massive downpour without gale winds and lightning fireworks, so I see it as positive, all in all. Everything was parched her, so it WAS a relief.
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on: August 11, 2015 10:26
ES and Gandolorin - Glad that both of you areas finally received some rain. Water is so precious. We depend on it for life, yet a too much or too little and things really go out of balance. Yes, driving in downpours can be very tricky !

I have noticed a big improvement in some garden plots where I transplanted things last year because we have more regular rain and the root systems have had time to get established.

Hubby and I are enjoying coffee outdoors this morning breathing air that has been brushed clean by an early morning thunder shower. Not looking forward to the predicted 30*C later today ! Ugh !

Hoping to see the Perseids tonight, which should be at their peak.

Have a blessed day everyone.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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on: August 15, 2015 09:49
Prayers requested for Awelyn. Her newborn grandson is having difficulties getting enough oxygen and has been airlifted to Children's Hospital in St Louis, Missouri. His name is Ronin.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: August 16, 2015 04:39
I will be sure to keep awelyn and her new grandson in my thoughts. Thanks for letting us know what is happening, Neenime.
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: August 16, 2015 08:05
Seems the doctors thought he was doing better for a bit, but still having respiratory issues. Winging prayers, positive vibes, and good thoughts their way.

It's been over 100 F here the past 3 days. Hard to do much with anything. Plants are wilting no matter what. Have to put misters on the rabbits all day. By 8 a.m. it was already 86 F. With the weather like this it's drying out what little rain we had earlier. Parched is barely descriptive. I can't tolerate the heat like I used to. Started feeling poorly while out doing chores and the garage where we keep our washer and dryer... not making doing laundry pleasant at all.
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on: August 16, 2015 09:13
Good day. Awelyn posted in FB that Ronin is on his way home !

Belle - that sounds miserable. I know how you feel. The heat and humidity just suck all the energy out of me. We've had a few days like that this week, but yesterday we were blessed with some lovely cooling breezes and a little rain overnight. My poor tomato plants are wilting, even though I water them morning and evening. Obviously I need to monitor them during the day as well. Wishing you rain and cooler temps.

Had a delightful day yesterday - lots of reading, relaxing, wandering in the yard, playing with the dog and watched the Canadian women's basketball team win gold. We made cassoulade for supper. It turned out very yummy, even though we only had red wine in the house, while the recipe called for white. Ah well, just means we need to make it again. It brought back fond memories of our visit to Carcassonne in 2011.

How are all of you doing ?
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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on: August 17, 2015 09:14
Extremely hot in here more than 30C we're not used to this heat especially on the mountain.Even when cloudy the air is barely breathable because of so much humidity.It's hard to work outside.My little bulldog had a light heatstroke,he was vomitting and acted funny I put wet towels around him and gave him a bath with cool water but not cold,he felt much better after a couple of hours and the next day he was himself.Bulldogs are very sensitive to heat they can't support it. We had a funny summer when it was raining it was pouring(one or two r?)and when it was sunny it was too hot to work outside.I didn't have the chance to transplant some of my hostas maybe I will have to wait in fall to do it.I saw some maples becoming red this morning,autumn is on his way.It is the season I like the most.

AWELYN; I'm glad Ronin is on his way home and the best recovery to him for a brand new life.My thoughts are with you and your family.

I'm going to cool myself in the basement now and have a good coffee.

have a good evening all
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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on: August 17, 2015 02:58
My grandson is home and healthy. I held him when it was just me and him and I talked to him and sang to him. He just gave me what I call a fresh from the hand of God stare. I gave him a snuggle and a kiss. I am thankful for your prayers and good thoughts for him. Thank you Neenime for sharing for me. I am glad that some of you got your needed rain and sorry about the heat Dimple and glad your bull dog is ok. Have a great night.
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on: August 19, 2015 11:41
Awelyn - so glad and relieved for you that ROnin is better. I hope you can all relax a bit and enjoy this little bundle of miracles.

Dimple - yes, it's important to take care of little furry friends in this heat. Trooper seems OK but we left some fans on when we went out for a while. We also take him for walks at the marina, where the lake breeze cools his off a bit. Damp towels ? Great idea. Will have remember that if we ever need it.

Inkheart - has anyone else read this series? I can't find the first book, but saw the film. Absolutely love the book. What delightful word imagery. It reminds me of Tolkien's poetic - like prose.

“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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on: August 20, 2015 04:45
To repeat what I posted in the Realm I belong to:

We finally got some decent rain starting last Saturday!!! Image Image Image

Never thought I'd be happy about a rainy weekend, but the heat had become insufferable. And since then, even when it has not rained, we have had cloud cover, so that the temperatures have remained in the sixties, maximum low seventies °F.
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: August 20, 2015 07:36
Lucky you! I just read an article in the Vancouver Province that says the El Nino effect is more pronounced that it has ever recorded, which means another dry, warm winter. Apparently, there's a "blob" of warm water just off the BC coast this isn't helping matters. They're also warning that next year's fire season will be worse than this one.

In one interview a fellow who rents out bicycles said he's only seen 5 days over the past 6 years where the snow has been bad enough to curb rentals. That's actually scary!

I just hope that the weather patten on the west coast won't have the adverse weather effects that it had last winter on the east coast.

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on: August 24, 2015 08:26
AWELYN: I'm so glad for your grandson and that the worries are behind.You're a great grandmother my dear

NEENIME: The title tells me something but I can't say that I know the series.What is it all about?

GANDOLORIN: I'm glad you're happy with the weather.Did you dance in the rain?

ES: About the El Nino effect I heard it too on the news,the effect will be more pronunced in some parts of Canada than others,I just hope it won't be too pronounced!

It was so warm and humid this morning I had to dress in front of the fan,I just hate it when it's like that.Makes me wish for winter...just kidding!

Have a good evening all
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
Posts: 3151
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on: August 24, 2015 11:43
Muggy all day here. Sunny, but lots of humidity until this evening. Now clouds are coming over. Slightly cooler, but still very humid.
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on: August 25, 2015 05:05
Dimple_Bumbleroot said:... GANDOLORIN: I'm glad you're happy with the weather.Did you dance in the rain?...-

Don't confuse me with the avi! Though, leaving my glasses in our apartment (I ABSOLUTELY HATE RAINDROPS ON MY GLASSES!!!), not so far from reality ... whatever ...
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on: August 27, 2015 04:38
Just a side note:
the recent rain was better than continuing drought without it. But it still has not really put a serious dent in our precipitation deficit. River levels rose for a short time due to runoff from parched ground that needed time to be able to suck in the moisture. But by now, you would hardly know the difference to pre-rain levels. And rain has been missing for several days again, and temperatures passed the mid-80s F again today.

[Edited on 08/27/2015 by Gandolorin]
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: August 27, 2015 10:26
Yes, not good. When you go extended times without, what you get tends to run off rather than absorbing. We are dry again - what little we had evaporated, raising the humidity, but not really helping the parched ground. Wishing you lighter rains more frequently, Gandolorin.
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on: August 29, 2015 08:50
Light rain will be better than one time of heavy rain and nothing again the followng days.The soil is so dry that it is almost like water on a feather duck,it doesn't penetrate enough to get moisture,it just run on the surface.

Hot and humid here too and rain during the night something like 25ml.I wish I could send you some,Gandolorin and Belle.

I'm reading right now the'' Satanic verses''.I read about 175 pages and frankly I don't know what to think about this book.I find the flow of wrtiting confusing like I don't know what it's going on or did I miss something that was there and didn't realize it and I have to return a few pages back.The sentences are long and sometimes I don't know what he is talking about.A lot of people really like the book,maybe it's just me and I don't get it!Has anyone read it?

Have a good evening
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: August 29, 2015 01:03
Image We've finally had a meaningful quantity of rain and it's supposed to continue until mid-week which is wonderful.

Have a wonderful Sunday!
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: August 30, 2015 01:03
Hot and dry... Have had to have the misters on the bunnies, who are under our tree in the backyard. No one has much energy in the heat. What little rain we got earlier has evaporated away... Most folks have no lawns because of the drought and those who can afford it have gone to native and desert plants to conserve water. The heat is not helping my migraines either. Ugh... Glad some of you are getting rain. I'll be so glad when the temps start to cool down.
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on: September 01, 2015 05:37
Rain again today - and thankfully no thunderstorm (lightning) stuff - I was walking home at approximately 6:45 PM. The deficit on cumulative precipitation, however, is still very far from being caught up on ...
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on: September 06, 2015 12:19
Inkheart, Inkspell and Inkdeath - the trilogy is about a man who is a bookbinder who has the marvelous ability to read the characters and worlds in a book into reality. He and his family get drawn into a particular world. The writing is great and the author's love of words and imagery are evident.

Rain sounds like a welcome relief. Wishing you more of it, though in moderation.

Satanic Verses - sounds confusing, Dimple. No,I haven't read it, so I can't be of any help to you there.

Terribly humid here today - somewhere near 99%. I had no energy whatsoever and kept falling asleep when I tried to read. Oh well, a quiet day is fine. We've been repainting the living room, so it's been busy. The paint is so good that it covered in one coat and I had a whole gallon left over. So, the hallway got done yesterday and an ensuite washroom is next.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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on: September 07, 2015 10:39
Dimple_Bumbleroot said:... I'm reading right now the'' Satanic verses''.I read about 175 pages and frankly I don't know what to think about this book.I find the flow of wrtiting confusing like I don't know what it's going on or did I miss something that was there and didn't realize it and I have to return a few pages back.The sentences are long and sometimes I don't know what he is talking about.A lot of people really like the book,maybe it's just me and I don't get it!Has anyone read it?

Yes, I have read it (in a hardcover giving the copyright 1988, but no indication of when it was actually printed); I also have (and have read) "Midnight's Children" (paperback published 1995, originally from 1981) and "Haroun and the Sea of Stories" (1990, a "children's book" comparable in its non-limitation to an audience of children to The Hobbit, IMO).
I lived in Bombay / Mumbai from very late 1959 to Spring 1966. So there may be some deeply buried influences on my opinions of a fellow citizen of that city. Who knows.
I will re-read the book soon, as it has been a while. I believe I remember that there is a swinging back and forth between a realistic style and a supernatural style of what happens. Also a jumping back and forth between our times and earlier times - all the way back to Mohammed's time, when he had his visions. Not your run-of-the mill novel, certainly.
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on: September 09, 2015 08:37
NEENIME: The trilogy souds very good and I really like books that talk about books.It will be on my reading list for sure.Thanks

GANDOLORIN:Yes exactly and also a back and forth from dreams to reality.I'm not very familiar with India and their traditions there are some in the book,so you lived there and probably can understand better than me the meaning of it.Anyway I still have about 90 pages to read and I will try to finish it by tonight or tomorrow.Next one ''The great Gatsby''

Have a good evening all
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
Posts: 3749
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on: September 09, 2015 01:27
Hello everyone I have been sick. I had an upper respiratory infection and still have a sinus infection. I coughed so hard I sprained the muscles around my ribs and it was very painful. I am slowly mending and had of my grandchildren for 4 days so I have been very busy or very sick. I have been reading all of your posts and I am so glad that those that are needing rain are finally getting it. We have had a cool front move through and they say we may not have temperatures that are summer like again but we will see. My little shih-tzu Su-Lin was so sick . She is sixteen years old and I was so worried she has a upper GI infection but it is being treated with medicines and she is doing so much better thank goodness. So hello to you all and have a great week.
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: September 09, 2015 10:14
Hope you are feeling better, awelyn. It seems to be going around as both my husband and I got it a couple of weeks ago. We're better, but have residual cough and sinus congestion. Wishing you well.
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on: September 10, 2015 02:33
I hope all of you are feeling better by now!
Movies Moderator and General Dogsbody
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on: September 15, 2015 04:39
Am reading 'Salt and Saffron' by Kamila Shamsie at the moment. So far it's quite engaging. I'm also working my way through the Jared Diamond book, 'Germs, Guns and Steel', a short history of everybody.

Scratch ear for Su-Lin and I hope you all get better soon.

I've done my back in digging out mud from a pond in the local woods, so I'm taking it easy for a while. Another mediocre summer, not very warm, so there isn't a lot of hedgerow fruit around. We shouldn't complain though, this really is a green and pleasant land. I'm glad I picked loads of bilberries (small blueberries) so the freezer is full and I made jam. Yum! It could even knock elderberry jelly off the top spot. Has anyone made fruit leather? I might try it if there are any blackberries.

How's Colorado Belle? How's your log cabin coming along?

Keep well and happy all. Keep on truckin'

Addendum: jam is made with whole fruit and jelly with strained fruit juice.
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on: September 16, 2015 02:55
Just ordered the "The Story of Kullervo" at my favorite bookstore today. They said it has been available sine 01 September 2015. Delivery is expected around the beginning of October 2015. It will be interesting to see how much of Turin derives from "Kullervo". From what I've read, Kullervo is a much less sympathetic character than Turin ...

[Edited on 09/19/2015 by Gandolorin]
Games Moderator, and Chief Corrupted Weaver of Vairë
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on: September 17, 2015 07:15
I hope you're feeling better, awelyn. I've been down with a bad flu virus that has taken over a week to get better and am finally feeling more like myself again. I hope Su-Lin is better too.

Colorado must be beautiful in the fall. I hope the weather is good and you get to spend tons of time with the family.

Fall has definitely arrived here. The days have been cool, with some showers, which has done wonders for the garden. I've pulled out some plants and am slowly putting in some fall plants.

Have a great Thursday.

Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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on: September 21, 2015 01:35
The trees are just beginning to turn (the aspens mostly). It was cool and crisp and so peaceful. Got to see a bull moose along the stream's banks as I was taking the rented truck back. Quite impressive. Daughter couldn't get the time off, but got to spend plenty of time with son-in-law and grand-daughter after she got home from school. Drove from 8 p.m. last night until we arrived back in San Diego around 6 p.m. today. Feeling a bit... strange right now and plan on crashing soon.
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on: September 21, 2015 09:06
Mae govannen ! Greetings to all on this celebration of the Baggins' birthdays. Are any of you doing anything special ? I will have tea with a couple of rends, but the larger part of our NERDS group will celebrate this coming Friday with a pint,

Awelyn - Sorry to see that you and your Su-Lin were feeling ill. I hope that by now you are both much better !

tarcolan - I've never tasted bilberries nor elderberries. My grandmother used to make the most wonderful jam of "kalyna" (Ukrainian word). Apparently those are berries of the guelder rose. The wonderful smell that permeated the house remains in my memory. My husband, however, recalls his mother making the same jam but says the smell resembled old socks ! To each his own. I am going to make crab apple jelly today.

Fall has come very gently this year. We continue to have summer-like conditions, though the evenings are certainly cooler. I am grateful, as Fall is my favourite time of year and I look forward to savouring it slowly.

I haven't yet read Kullervo. Might start at the library before risking a purchase. Please let us know what you think, Gandolorin. I just picked up a copy of The Satanic Verses at a book sale, so I look forward to reading it.

Has anyone been to see Ian McKellen in Mr Holmes? One of my sisters saw it and liked it. I didn't realize that it had been released already. I'm eager to see it.

Well, I'm off to start the day. Blessings to you all. Have a wonderful day. Raise a pint or a cuppa to our Baggins friends some time today and think fondly of how much delight they have brought us over the years.

“I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”

Bilbo Baggins, The Fellowship of the Ring, A Long-expected Party

[Edited on 09/22/2015 by Neenime]
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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