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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 24, 2003 12:59
((ME! *waves hand around in the air* I want to see this thread moving. And thank you for the clear up, Siona. But, methinks that we're not seeing Beoron or whatever his name is, and lets go EAST! TO EAST! *coughs* Sorry, but Rhun means east.))
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 24, 2003 01:05
((Hm...since Siona's not here, and I'm sick of the story not moving....I'll make a semi-executive desicion that can be vetoed by Siona when she gets here.

Nimeneth, please continue. For the moment, at least, we're going EAST!)) :love:
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 25, 2003 12:33
((WHY AM i ALWAYS HERE WHEN YOU ARE NOT?!?! :angry: :angry: :angry: :cry:

Anyway, let's just go ahead. EAST IT IS! *turns to the east...and hits a tree* OW. :dizzy: ))
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 25, 2003 01:21
((EEGADS!!! I hate waiting for threads to get going... hope you don't mind, Nim.))

Erubadhor shook his head. "No... I don't think he would do much for us. I doubt he would come, and I don't see any other way he would be helpful. If we keep going east then we can get there faster and we don't have to go back through all of Mirkwood," he said through a bite of his food. Gaelborn sighed and nodded- the sooner they got there, the better, and the better chance they had of saving the girls.

Erubadhor finished eating and packed up his things, loading them onto his horse and mounting quickly. He waited for the others to do the same, and soon they were heading off east.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 26, 2003 04:48

Gaelborn, too, was ready and mounted his steed. "Everyone ready to ride? Good; let's go." And they were off.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 27, 2003 02:43
((May I ask why people ask me when this isn't my thread? Gods... *shrugs and turns east. trips over her own feet* Owwwie... I had too much stuff to do, so that's why I haven't posted. :cry: ))

Iavasril quickly swung his things up onto Nuar's back before vaulting onto the stallion himself. Finally. We're on our way.

Mirhith chuckled at his brother's thoughts, already mounted on Randir. Impatient, aren't we?
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 28, 2003 09:11
Erubadhor sighed as he rode. He felt as though they were being watched... even though the trees had thinned out, as they were now out of the forest, he knew there were still plenty of places someone could be hiding. Or maybe it was because htey were heading back in the direction of his home... going back the same way he and Enelya had come long ago, after Gaelborn.


He sighed. Things certainly were different without his sister around. He was getting used to it, but still... he moved his horse so he was closer to Ithil. She reminded him of Enelya- or rather, what Enelya wasn't. Optimistic, caring, nice... he enjoyed spending time with her. And she made him forget his sister, if it was only for a moment. It would be a long road to Rhun, or wherever they were going, and he was greatful she was with them.

"Gaelborn," he called, "how far are we going to go today?"
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 28, 2003 09:19
Gaelborn turned to Ebruhador, glad for the distraction from his thoughts, and said, "We should be travelling for about a day, a day and a half if the weather comes against us, and arrive in Beorn's lands."

"But what about the Wargs and Goblins?" Ebruhador asked.

"We pray that we do not meet them and ride swiftly."
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 28, 2003 09:55
((You're confusing me again... Beorn is west. They're going east. I thought that was what we're dong...? :dizzy: ))
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 12:35
((Ok, I ask the famous question: what are we doing? I'm confuzzled...))
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 11:34
((UUUUUGH!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Fine then! We're going east, east I say!...but what lies in the east, pray tell?))
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 12:23
((Ok, from what I get, east=Rhun=Enelya=save her. I think. Ok, and south=Rohan=Gaelborn's sister=rescue mission. Am i right there? So, first, because of what I think happened, Erubadhor and Gaelborn are connected to her. Right? *looks around at RPG mates*))
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 12:25
((Rhun. Rhun is in the east. Where my set of twins came from. Where the evil dude was with their dad. Where the evil dude probably has Gael's sister, unless we feel like we went all the way through Mirkwood just for the fun of it. And that would be where they are going. Unless Siona doesn't like me yelling at her like this, in which case I will shut up.))
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 12:53
((Yet again, the Pickle Queen is correct! And awaaaaay we go!

P.S., from now on, I'd say Fosh is our official navigator. ))
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 01:13
((I'm going to start the story up again. ))

Ithil rode, Erubadhor next to her. She felt his helplessness at what had happened. His sister was gone and he didn't know what to do. She felt like she should be able to say something, do something, that would comfort him. She sighed, feeling almost as helpless as her friend. There was nothing that she was doing to help him, and yet he stayed near her.

"Erubadhor?" she asked quietly. "Why do you stay near me? I cannot comfort you. I cannot reassure you. What good am I to you?"
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 01:18
((lol... I dunno if I can handle that big of a responsibility... but I'll try. *Accepts official navigator hat* lol... ))

Erubadhor smiled. "Well, that's a good question. I'm not exactly sure. But it could have something to do with the fact that you never seem to lose hope," he said, reaching over and putting his hand on hers. He gave her a kind smile before looking sharply to the left side of the path. Gaelborn was beside him in an instant.

"You heard it too?" Erubadhor nodded. They slowed their horses and watched the brush beside the road for any sign of the thing that had made the noise.

((I have no ideas. Make it be whatever suits you. ))
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 01:30
Ithil's heart pounded in her chest when Erubadhor put his hand over hers. She was so distracted that she didn't notice the sounds to the left until it was too late.

A pack of wolves, large and dangerous, leaped out at the travellers. One wolf leaped at Ithil, knocking her off her horse. She fought to keep the wolf's jaws away from her throat, and she couldn't reach her swords. The wolf lunged downward, his teeth digging deep into her shoulder. Ithil cried out in pain and shoved the wolf off of her just long enough to get her sword, and when he ran at her again, she swiftly separated his head from his shoulders.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 01:48
Erubadhor found himself fighting alone. Once again the fact that Enelya wasn't at his side crept up on him, and he cursed.

Damn you Enelya! Why did you leave like that? he thought as he fought. He found himself in front of Ithil, just as a wolf was about to take advantage of the fact that she was wounded and distracted. Soon there was a ring of headless wolves around them, and others of the pack fled when they saw his work. He knelt next to her, a concerned look on his face.

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking at her wounded shoulder.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 01:53
"Yeah," Ithil grimaced and wiped her sword on a patch of grass. "I've had worse, believe me." she resheathed her sword and put a hand to her shoulder, brining it away covered in blood. "Oh, by Varda, that's not good." Blood was dripping down her arm and leg, forming a pool on the ground. She was losing blood fast, she knew, and needed to get the wound cleaned and bound. But it was not to be.

"Oh, eggshells." she whispered. And blissful dark took her.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 02:14
((Eggshells? Now where did that come from. Fosh? If you ever need any help with the navigation, just ask me. Call me the ME freak.))

Iavasril slipped down off Nuar and approached Erubadhor and the unconsious Ithil. Glancing over her wounds, he chewed on his lower lip. He was no healer, but he could tell that the wounds were serious. "Is anyone a healer?" he asked softly.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 29, 2003 02:20
Erubadhor cursed again. "No... I don't know healing either." He ripped a strip of fabric off the bottom of his shirt and usued it as a tourniquet, then used some of the extra to wrap it up so she wasn't bleeding so badly. He sighed. "I don't think htere's much more we can do. And we have to keep going." He picke dher up and put her in front of him on his horse, and they were off again as quick as they could.

She needs better help, he thought, a strange fear creeping through him. Oh Ithil, please hang on... I don't want to lose you too.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 30, 2003 12:58
As Naralote rode, she suddenly became aware of the fact that Amire was no longer with the group. Odd, she thought, where could Amire have gone? I am sure that Ithil could use her help. Naralote was just about to mention this to the group when a light breeze blew back her hood. Naralote, I will be back. said Amire's voice in her head, I've urgent business in the West...Nimril is coming with me. For the cordial, check in your pack. I left you a bottle. Naralote glanced behind her to see the breeze ruffling several trees behind them. A pair of violet eyes appeared and winked at Naralote. Naralote winked back before facing forward again.

[Edited on 10/25/2003 by Adueldaiel]
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 30, 2003 08:20
((heehee. Eggshells. Ithil picked it up from a hobbit aquaintence of hers, who picked it up from a friend. But enough about my silly swearing!))

Ithil drifted into conciousness slowly, not completely waking up. She felt as if she were in a dream. She could feel a horse underneath her, and a strong arm around her waist. She suddenly felt the pain in her shoulder again and groaned quietly. It was going to take a LONG time to heal completely.

"Ithil? Stay still, we're going to stop soon." she heard Erubadhor's voice in her ear. She knew she was safe, and settled back against his cheast, slipping into a dream of her home at the Havens.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 30, 2003 11:54
Gaelborn rode out ahead of them quickly, searching for a good haven to rest, a clear stream, and some fresh firewood.

What he found instead was a band of...gypsies?

It was!

They didn't travel as much as they used to, but it was; a group of Hobbits, Elves, a few Dwarves, and one Man. "Excuse me! Excuse me!" Gaelborn called to them. "I need your help; I'm in a group, and one of ours is wounded!"

The Man, who seemed to be the leader of the troop, nodded and signaled for the group to stop and wait. "Go and get your companions; we can wait for an injured."

Giving his thanks, Gaelborn turned and rode back.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: September 30, 2003 12:59
((lol, Siona... only you. I'm going to use the gypsies, hope you don't mind. ))

"Gypsies?" Erubadhor asked, raising an eyebrow as Gaelborn told him. "You trust them?" He looked down at Ithil, still unconcious.

"Well what else are we supposed to do?" he asked. "Unless you can heal her."

Erubadhor sighed. "Fine, let's go." They started off, back to where the gypsies were.


Enelya pulled that hood up as far as it would go, to be sure that her face would remain unseen. The gypsy guise did little too keep out the chill wind, and she shivered. It was quite a plan, disguising themselves as gypsies. She listened with growing excitement as the leader- a man she didn't even know, like all the rest- talked to Gaelborn. She smiled darkly as he went back to get the rest of the group. :evil:
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: October 01, 2003 12:28

A pair of Elf-maidens and a young Hobbit took Ithil into a temporary tent, forbading anyone but their own kind inside. Instead, Gaelborn's group sat outside and waited for the news.

That was when he saw her. Could it be...?!

"Excuse me, I must go."

"Go?" asked Naralote. "Where?"

"Nature," he said simply, and followed the figure behind the wagon.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: October 01, 2003 12:34
Ithil woke to muttering voices in a musty tent. The hands that tended her shoulder were rough, but competent.

"Ow..." she moaned.

"You're alright. Hold still." a large man finished tying a bandage that covered the wound. "There. You'll be fine. Just don't try to fight with that arm." He left, a couple others following him. Ithil took a few deep breaths before sitting up. She grimiced, but the pain was not as bad as it had been. Only then did she notice the figure that remained in the tent.

"Who are you?" Ithil asked in her straightforward manner.

"A gypsie." the form replied with a husky, feminine voice. "You may leave if you like." Ithil stood slowly and made her way unsteadily to the tent opening. She turned slightly.

"Thank you." the figure only shrugged, and Ithil stepped outside. The light, after the dimness of the tent, disoriented her, and she stumbled, falling forward. But just before she hit the ground, a pair of strong arms caught her.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: October 01, 2003 04:41
Enelya stepped out of the tent just in time to see Ithil stumble. She took her shoulder from behind, but Erubadhor had also gotten up and caught her before se fell. They looked up into each other's faces, though Erubadhor was only able to see her dark eyes shining beneath the hood. There was a moment of silence. Erubadhor couls have sworn for a moment he saw something there that reminded him of his sister, and Enelya saw Erubadhor form a different time, when he was younger and she seemed to know him well...

It was over in an instant. Enelya let go of the girl's shoulder and walked away as Erubadhor helped her to her feet.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yes, I'll be fine, I..." he barely heard her respone. He was still thinking of the gypsy.

"Erubadhor?" Ithil asked softly. He blinked, coming out of his thoughts, and looked around.

"Where is Gaelborn?" he wondered out loud.


Enelya watched with a smile as Gaelborn appeared around the side of the wagon. He looked around for a moment before he noticed her, but she had headed deeper into the trees of the small forest.

"Enelya?" she heard him call in an uncertain voice. She stopped and let him catch up, then ran further on. Finally she hid behind a tree.

"Stop playing games with me!" he said loudly. She had lead him far away from the group, to where her master had told her to. He stopped in the small clearing and looked around. She stepped out from behind the tree.

"Is it you Enelya? Or who are you?"

"I am a gypsy... I wander, with no place. I have no name that is of any importance to you."

"Stop this, woman. Tell me who you are." She took a few steps forward, taking a dagger out of her cloak as she did.

"Why do you want to know?" Silence. She put her arm around him, putting the blade to his throat with the other hnad, turning it this way and that, smiling as it glinted in the dim light. She tipped her head back and threw off the hood.

"Enelya...." he breathed. She blew a stray strand of black hair out of her face.

"Yes, I am Enelya," she said, laughing coldly. "And you are Gaelborn. I know this because he told me... and you know what else he told me?" She waited a moment, and when he did not answer she smiled. "That you must die... every last one of you," she whispered.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: October 02, 2003 08:10
"Where is Gaelborn?"

Ithil looked around, unable to see him anywhere. An image flashed in her head, of Gaelborn in a clearing far from the camp, and Enelya grinning wickedly holding a knife to his throat. The image was blurry, and there was no sound, save for Enelya's voice. "You must die...every last one of you."

Then the image was gone. As with every time it had happened before in her life, Ithil was frightened. She only had these visions before something terrible happened.

"Gaelborn's in trouble." Ithil whispered as Erubadhor helped her to sit near a fire. "She's going to kill him." Erubadhor looked at her, confused.

"Who? Who's going to kill him?" Ithil took a deep breath and looked into the dancing flames.



[Edited on 2/10/2003 by Beleg_Strongbow]
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: October 02, 2003 02:58
Gaelborn stepped back, hand instinctively on his sword hilt. "I can't let you do that, Enelya...no matter how much I love you."

His last comment seemed to startle her.

Enough time for him to attack...but he didn't.
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: October 02, 2003 03:05
"Enelya?" Erubadhor said, looking at Ithil sharply. "Don't toy with me. Enelya is gone," he said, frowning and taking a step back.


Enelya blinked in surprise. A memory flashed through her mind... but she dissmissed it quickly.

"So you say you love me. And that is why you do not kill me now... but your feelings are not returned. I know my orders. I do my job. I feel nothing," she said, taking out her sword out. Without a moment's hesitation she ran at him...

((Let's have a big swordfight... they're so much fun. :evil: ))
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: October 02, 2003 03:29
((Yes, lets!! :evil: ))

She lunged at him, faster than before, and he barely had time to dodge and draw his own sword. The blades clashed with a "SHHING!" sound, the blades creating their own sparks.

"I do not know what possesses you know, Enelya," he told her through a grimace. "But I will free you!"
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: October 02, 2003 03:55
((Ack... will post when I have more time... :S))
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: October 03, 2003 09:20
((Grrr... sorry I havn't posted. School and an internet failure kept me. Stupid computer. Ahhh... Rosie, your character and one of mine are similar... they both have visions.))

Iavasril stiffened slightly. There was something going on and he didn't like it. Suddenly, a vision came to him. It flashed through his head quickly, but he caught the meaning of it instantly. He had seen Gaelborn on the ground, dead, and Enelya above him, no emotion in her eyes. He let out a shaky breath.

"We have to help him." Mirhith said, joining the other's at the fire, already knowing what might happen, Iavasril already had conveyed the thoughts to his brother. "Before one of them dies."
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Post RE: Elvish hearts *free to anyone!!!*
on: October 03, 2003 10:32
((No big, Nim! But if you're ever going to be grounded, go on vacation, etcetera, and have the time to tell us, please do. We love ye, and can't help but worry. :heart:

As for the visions...come ON, how many Elves out there can see the future?! :dizzy ))
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