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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 26, 2003 11:35
Nuav raises eye brow again, then snarls at Sam Puppy. "Let go of Fosh or I'll sick my cat 'Fangs' on you!!!" she snapped, throwing her voice so it sounded like a growl coming from behind a bush. Apperently SP didn't believe her, so she snatched a arrow form Haldir and thwacked SP over the nose. Which made it back off for a moment. Of which then she found something being stuck against her back, she looked over her shoulder to see Several guard elves pointing at her. "You have harmed Lord Sam Puppy." one of them said. She frowned, watchign helplessly as Frodo fought with Fosh. "Jeanne! Threaten to Drown the bunny if they don't stop!!" she said.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 26, 2003 06:53
"I didn't get it out... it just showed up...", Jeanne hollared back at the others as she grabbed the bunny and headed over to the basin taking Nuav's advice. "LET HER GO!! OR I'LL KILL THE BUNNY!!!", she hollared loud enough for it to echo in all of Lothlorien causing everyone in the clearing to stop and face Jeanne....
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 27, 2003 01:44
((I know I'm thinking waaaaaay to far ahead, but are we going through Rohan? Because if we are... I have an idea for Grima.... Instead of Wormtongue, I'm thinking GummiWormtongue. What do you think?))

"Oh." Nimeneth glanced at the guards suddenly surrounding them. She turned as much as she could without getting an arrow stuck up her butt to Nuav. "That worked well." Then Nimeneth looked around once more at the guards, noticed quite a number of them, and began to pout. "We're doomed."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 27, 2003 07:26
Ooc- Rohan! Rohan! But.....who's the one that takes off so the others have to head to Rohan? It sounds like a good idea though, Nimeneth.

Nuav frowns, "Look at it this way: If we die, we die surrounded by elves....but then again, I'd like to die happily without a arrow up my butt elsewhere." she paused, deciding to take adventage of the situation. "Remove the arrows or the bunny dies and you'll be stuck in pink and lime green forever with a hobbit ruling over you!" she threatened, half-heartedly, biting down on her bottom lip.


[Edited on 28/10/2003 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 28, 2003 09:20
Rosie grimaced, this was definately an interesting situation. She slowly reached down and picked Puppy-Sam up, keeping an eye on Jeanne and the Bunny.

"Alrightly, Sam," she whispered, "You need to loosen up. No more biting my friends." Puppy-Sam wiggled a little and wagged his tail. "Why me?" she asked Haldir. He shook his head in resignation.

"I know not, Fealissi."

"Stop making me blush, Haldir."

"Forgive me, dearest."


Rosie had, of course, turned a laughably bright shade of red, and Haldir smiled at her.

I ask again, why me? she thought.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 28, 2003 02:07
Jeanne sweat dropped a bit at the whole lot of people. She began to take the bunny away from the basin when suddenly Jeanne and the bunny disappeared...

(Bunny's up to his tricks again...)


[Edited on 29/10/2003 by Gilraen]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 29, 2003 01:33
Nimeneth watched in shock as Jeanne and the Bunny disappeared. "We're doomed to a fate worse than death... having the whole Lord of the Rings plot stuck like this forever." she said, and promptly fainted. Orophin caught her.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 29, 2003 08:34
Nuav watched Jeanne dissappear with the bunny. A small, but high-pitched "urk..." escaped from her, her eyes wide as barbie-doll saucers. "NY! That's deafenly not good, not only is LotR stuck--.....Heeeey! This is something like Frodo---er---Lord Frodo did, but a bit early.." she said, noticing the few glares from the elves around her. "I think, we're going to be heading for Rohan...." she said, frowning deeply. "M'dear Tarquendi, mmë mína mi velicë ormë." Nuav said, wincing with each word, hoping that she had said it right, they really needed some brownie-points with the elves after this.

Ps: *sweatdrops* Can anyone tell me if I said it right? It's *suppose* to be Quenya, but I'm not sure with my typing.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 29, 2003 10:46
Jeanne looked around as she wondered where she was. Suddenly she looked ahead seeing a massive river of greenish-blue jelly rushing towards a drop off not far from her. In the middle of the river at the drop off stood a building towering ever so high... made of what looked liked peanut butter and graham crackers (sorry getting hungry). She turned and looked behind her to see nothing but a forest. She sat down and pulled off her cloak. She placed the bunny inside it and then bundled up the ends to make a sack with the bunny inside. She began to head through the forest and up a massive hill. When she reached the top she leaned over slightly trying to catch her breath and then suddenly looked up and realized where she was... just leaving the beaches of Parth Galen and on the opposite side of the river from where she was was Amon Hen. She looked out and saw Emyn Muil, as well as the Dead Marshes and Mordor in the distance.... "Oh crap..."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 29, 2003 01:36
Nimeneth came around to find that she was still being held by Orophin. She squeaked in surprise and quickly jumped out of his arms. Brushing herself off furiously and blushing all the while. She perked up once she heard the word 'Rohan'.

"I seriously hope that Rohan is not as messed up as my mind is making it seem..." Nimeneth shuddered at the picture of purple grass and feminine Riders of Rohan on pretty white horses... with Eowyn instead of Eomer leading them. "Oh Lordy lordy lordy." ((Sorry, we're reading Tom Sawyer in English class and that's a line from the book.))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 30, 2003 07:47
"Well, it can't be much worse than this," Rosie gestured at the ridiculously coloured trees. "I mean, what more could the bunny actually DO?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 30, 2003 01:41
"Ah ah ah!" Siona said, waving a knowing finger in Rosie's face. "Don't ever question the evil villain; tell them to do their worse, and they WILL.

"So, does this mean we're leaving...without Jeanne?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 30, 2003 02:34
"Methinks that Jeanne is temporarily beyond our reach." Nimeneth crossed one arm over her chest and placed the other elbow in her hand, tapping her temple, putting what little knowledge that she still retained from school, which seemed like ages ago. "So I think that we head on, hoping to meet up with her somehow, someime, or one of us gets transported to go with her and then the rest of us follow along... eep!" There was an earsplitting crack and Nimeneth disappeared.

Reappearing next to Jeanne, she stared in shock at the other for a moment. "Hello, seems like the bunny6 is screwing up the plot again... yike!" Nimeneth disappeared from that place again with a blinding flash.

Reappearing back in Lorien, she noticed that the others were staring at her in shock. "Don't look at me, the bunny messed me up! I think it reacts on thoughts and images of places... hmmmm...." She pictured an image of Rivendell and disappeared again. Reappearing in Rivendell, she nodded to herself. "Yup. Back to Lorien!" Nimeneth reappeared in Lorien. "I was right!" She said cheerfully."Your theory is correct. I may be of some more use after today!" she grinned at her companions and at Orophin.

((Came to me on a whim. So there you have it... another seriously messed up character!))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 30, 2003 06:46
Ooc- Watch what your thinking girls!

Nuav raised a eye brow, grinning widely at the thought of it, but quickly dismissed her thoughts. "Everyone!...er...Fellowship girls! Think Rohan, and please keep your thoughts maintained OFF the topic of any 'I'm a Elf Lover'. and anything related to it..." she said, shivering at the thought of what harm thought could do to some poor elf...

"Your Pinkness...sorry, I mean your highness, Lord Frodo, it was a pleasure meeting you and all the lovely elves you rule over, may your taste in colours change soon..." she commented "for the sake of them poor, suffering elves.." she added to herself, hating pink and lime green more by the minute. She closed her eyes and tried picturing Rohan, the hallway. She hoped it would work.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: October 31, 2003 01:18
((Ummm.... I was thinking that only I could do it, but that's alright... if you want that the whole way around the 'fellowship girls', as Nuav came up. Clever!))


[Edited on 1/11/2003 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 02, 2003 07:49
Ooc- *Doctor Nuav's pager goes off and she rushes into the thread, set's up equipment and get's ready* 1 2 3...*BEEP* One pulse! 1...2...3 *BEEP* **Idea borrowed form Curse of the White Elves**

Nuav opened her eyes to find that she was now in Rohan, jsut outside the halls. "Darn! I missed!" she said angrily, but it died down as she spotted the guard. She looked around at the other girls. "Evy bod' okay?" she asked, knowing that some would have wanted to stay in Lorien. "Galadria? Fosh? Rosie? Siona? Eneth?" she called out, slightly scared if she was alone..

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 03, 2003 06:09
((Doctor Nuav.. need assistance?? *gathers energy for an energy blast*))

Jeanne began to head down into Emyn Muil. She shrugged the bundle on her back for it to be better to carry. She sighed as she headed down into the valleys a bit when suddenly she looked up into the mist and saw a figure beginning to approach her... with a yelping puppy...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 03, 2003 03:00
((Aw poo. Darn grounding/homework. Can you guys give me a day or two to catch up? And if I haven't posted by then someone PM me to remind me to get off my lazy butt and read this, lol...))
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 04, 2003 01:35
Nimeneth glanced around once and noticed that they weren't in Lorien again. "Toto, I don't think we're in Lorien anymore. Aww poo." she sat down in the middle of the road and pouted. "I want my Oroph... AH!" she sprang back to her feet when she realized that Orophin was standing directly behind her, wondering where he was. She looked at Nuav. "He has got to... never mind, more importand matters at hand." she pointed to a few guards coming towards them, swords drawn. "We're in trouble. Bad idea, Nuav."
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 04, 2003 06:21
Nuav smirked at Orophin being there, "Don't worry Eneth, if I had the chance, I'd probley have taken all of them along."

Nuav frowned, this was always happening to her ideas. She glanced back forth for escape, but nothing. Then her eyes landed Orophin, and she glanced back at the guards before running towards him and snatching Nimeneth's daggar and holding to Orophin's neck, though she had to peek from one side to see her idea worked. "Don't hurt me after this, It's only a plan, I swear not to hurt you..." she said quickly to him, "Stay back! Or I hurt the elf!" she said, in a shrill voice, slightly scared if they didn't believe her, plus she was wimping out on holding a knife to a elf. "Don't worry, I would never hurt a elf, Eneth..." she said, so Nimeneth wouldn't be angry with her so much...

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 04, 2003 09:39
"Back away from Orophin. I have labled him MY elf. You hurt him..." Nimeneth glared at Nuav for a second and drew her hand across her neck. Turning, she sighed and then grinned as the people stopped. "Hey, I think I may owe you for this, Nuav." she grinned and backed towards where Nuav and Orophin stood.
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 04, 2003 10:38
Nuav gave a short 'heheh' nervousely as Eneth threatened her. "He's yours, But I get......get....nevermind," she said sadly, since all the elves had most likely been claimed. She turned her attention back to the guards who had stopped. She skimmed through the crowd, and spotted what looked remotely like Grima...

"Er, I thought they said he was gruesome looking..." she said to the rest of the girls who had by now grouped behind Nuav, Eneth, and Orophin. But then a sudden surprised shriek was heard and the daggar dropped, Nuav had disappeared.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 04, 2003 10:59
Rosie thought Rohan very hard. Unfortunately, her intense powers of ADD ment that she never thought Rohan long enough to get there. Frodo and the elves looked at her strangely.

"Why does everyone always look at me like that?" she muttered. Haldir smiled a little and whipered to her. Rosie's eyes went wide and she turned bright red, and suddenly appeared in Rohan, right on top of someone who could have been Grima, except....

"Whoa. What happened to you?" Rosie frowned at him.Image

[Edited on 5/11/2003 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 07, 2003 01:05
"I'll just disappear over here and bite down on my hand...." Nimeneth bit down on her hand to keep herself from laughing. Grima looked, well... a bit like a... hippie. Finally gaining control of her emotions, she turned to Grima.

"Dude, tye-dye is totally not you. Try bright green or something." she said, turning to see if Nuav would agree with her. Seeing no Nuav and a dagger lying on the ground.

"Nuav? Nuaaaav? Oh where are you, Nuav?" she glanced around again. "I'll be riiight back. I'm going to see if Nuav is with Jeanne." with a small *poof* and a burst of sky blue smoke, she disappeared.

"Jeanne? Are you alright?" she asked on appearing. She glanced around for Nuav. "Have you seen Nuav?"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 07, 2003 08:28
Ooc- Must...resist...attempt....to go to....certain...place! Er, see my sig..:dizzy: *feels stupid*

Nuav found herself in a rather...un-wanted place. Apperently she could not keep control of her thoughts for that moment, either that or the bunny was up to something again, she kept switching back between a forest, a river valley, and somewhere in mordor. "Ergh!" she muttered, placing her mind on Rohan, "Come on you idiot bunny! Leave me alooooone!!!" she cried aloud suddenly as her bottom hit cold ground and she tumbled head over heels down a mountain side. "Yaahhhnnnaaaa!" she echoed as Nuav came to a un-pleasent 'thump'. "Oh great! Where'd that bunny stick me now anywayz?" she stood up and started to brush herself off. Of which she saw Jeanne and Nimeneth.

"Er...hello??? I think we should be heading back to Rohan, heheheh..." she said nervousely and set her mind back on Rohan, but sadly enough, it seemed that Nimeneth still had her powers and Nuav didn't.

Ooc- I wanna be the sam-one! Since Jeanne got to be the frodo-one, she *needs* a sam-one...pwease? :heart:
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 08, 2003 04:43
Before Jeanne could tell who the two figures in the mist were Nim and Nuav showed up. "Oh.. hey guys! What's up?", she asked when suddenly Nim disappeared only leaving Nuav and Jeanne. A bark rang through the air as Jeanne and Nauv turned back to look at the mist and there before them stood Frodo and Sam puppy... "What is going on now?"...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 08, 2003 07:55
Nuav quirked a eye brow at the two, "Let me guess, the elves didn't exactly like the idea of Lord Frodo and Sam Puppy?" she asked politely, and stuck her tongue out at Sam Puppy when he growled at her.

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 08, 2003 12:35
Reappearing, Nimeneth staggered back and fell into Orophin. She blinked once and frowned. Turning to who was left, she sighed.

"Houston, we have a problem." she crossed her arms across her chest. "Jeanne and Nuav are going to pull a 'Frodo and Sam save the world' on us." she heaved another sigh. "Oh well. At least WE get to see Helm's Deep."


[Edited on 9/11/2003 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 09, 2003 07:00
"Frodo? What are you doing here?", Jeanne asked as she held the bunny's sack tightly. "We have come to assist you in your destruction of the bunny.", he said bowing lowly to the ground. Jeanne smiled slightly as Sam puppy did somewhat of a bow and then turned back to growl at Nuav...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 09, 2003 07:35
((Oh my oh my oh my.... so confuzzuled... :cry: Um, someone mind telling em where everyone is? :blush: ))

Fosh, not knowing what else to do... thought the first place she wanted to be as soon as she found out the powers the bunny had given them. Or was using on them. Whatever. Of course, that place happened to be... *cough*...

*10 minutes later...*

Fosh arrived in Rohan, and happened to land next to Eomer, who looked as wonderfully hot as ever. She shuddered, remembering the horrid accident that was the last ten minutes of her life... that bunny must be stopped at all costs.

But where were the others? She was alone... and lost... again.

She looked over at Eomer. She seemed to be riding a horse next to him... dressed up as one of the Rohirrim...

What in that name of all that is good and chocolately was going on now?

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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 10, 2003 01:34
Nimeneth glanced around the courtyard. "Um... is anyone else here? Besides Rosie... and Orophin... has anyone seen Fosh?" she asked in a meek voice. Take it easy, girl. You know where you are, who's here, and where some of the other people are... but you don't know where Fosh or Siona are. This is bad. Nimeneth sighed and pouted. "I wish I could fly." she muttered, and sat down in the middle of the courtyard at Orophin's feet. She then brightened up. "I know!" she glanced up at Orophin. "We get you a high place, and since you have better eyesight than we do, you see if you can find Fosh or Siona!" she grinned and then took on her puppy dog look when Orophin shook his head. He resisted. Nimeneth eyed in in shock. "You... you resisted the puppy dog look!"

((Ok. Rosie and Nimeneth(me) are in the middle of the courtyard in Rohan with Orophin. Nuav and Jeanne are in the mountains somewhere beyond Emyn Muil with the bunny, Lord Frodo, and Sam Puppy. I have no idea where Siona ended up. Got it?))


[Edited on 10/11/2003 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 10, 2003 07:52
Ooc- Let me help, *takes out voice thing and stands up on a chair* FFFFFFOOOOOSSSSSHHHH SSSSSIIIIIOOONNNNA!!! *listens and get's knocked out by echo* I guess I'll have to Pm 'em.

Nuav gave a nervouse grin, at least they'd have Frodo and...Sam Puppy to help. "Soooo, I don't know about the rest of ya, but I haven't read this part in a few months, so where do we go?" she looked between them, "....I suggest we follow that bright pinkness in the distance." she squints, triyng to see it better.

Ps: Are we following the book or the movie?
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 13, 2003 08:09
Rosie sat down after getting off of Hippie-Grima, and started to cry. "I don't want to be here anymore! WAAHH! I WANNA GO HOME!!!!!" she sniffled a little and stopped bawling. "I...I want Jeanne, and Nuav, and--and HOME! Where there are NO stupid plot bunnies!"
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 13, 2003 07:47
((I guess the movie...))

Jeanne nodded as she heaved the bundle a bit more on her back to head on. Nuav followed her as Frodo and Sam puppy followed them heading into the distance. They had just started when a thick foggyness set in blurring their direction. Finally Nuav and Sam Puppy stopped resting against a boulder cueing Jeanne and Frodo to do the same. They could tell that it was close to night now but it felt like... almost as if they had been going in circles...
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Post RE: The One Bunny
on: November 21, 2003 05:04
Nuav did her famous quirked-a-eyebrow, "Wait. This is familier, I think we're going in ovals! 'Cause no mountain is TRUELY round...." she said, saying her favourite quote. "Now...which way do we go?" she turned around, the fog was quite thick. "Errr, This terribley reminds me of the Barrowdowns. Quick, tie this around your waist and to Sampup's collar." she said, passing out a short rope.


[Edited on 23/11/2003 by Abraon]
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