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Welcome to the Council of Elrond!

“…You have come and are here met, in this very nick of time, by chance as it may seem. Yet it is not so. Believe rather that it is so ordered that we, who sit here, and none others, must now find counsel for the peril of the world.”

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New Section in Film, Fun & Facts: Books vs. Movies

The Council of Elrond is proud to present a brand new section: Books vs. Movies.

Here you can find extensive and detailed comparisons between the movies we all love so dearly, and the books that are their origin and their heart.

MTV Movie Awards – RotK is a winner!

At the 2004 MTV Movie Awards RotK won the awards for best movie and best action sequence. The award show is scheduled to air on 10th June. For further details go to

Elijah Wood and The Hobbit

Elijah Wood hopes that now the LotR movies are finished that the making of The Hobbit will go ahead. However he said that he would not want a role in the film. You can read the full article at

After The Third Age report that EA’s The Third Age will not be the final console game in the series. To date, there are no specific details of the next game, but it appears that for future games in the series EA are considering alternating genres from year to year.

Fëanor, Mightiest of the Noldor

“Beren now, he never thought he was going to get that Silmaril from the Iron Crown in Thangorodrim, and yet he did, and that was a worse place and a blacker danger than ours. But that’s a long tale, of course, and goes on past the happiness and into grief and beyond it – and the Silmaril went on and came to Eärendil. And shy, sir, I never thought of that before! We’ve got – you’ve got some of the light of it in that star-glass that the Lady gave you! Why, to think of it, we’re in the same tale still! It’s going on. Don’t the great tales never end?”

The great tales never end, and the history of the Silmarils goes back even farther than Beren’s cutting the Silmaril from the Iron Crown of the Dark Lord, from the forging of the Silmarilli by Fëanor.

Before the First Age of Middle-earth began, Curufinwë was born. He was the son of Míriel, who was called Serindë, the broideress, “because of her surpassing skill in needlework; for her ands were more skilled to fineness than any hands even among the Noldor”. Míriel called her son Fëanor, or “Spirit of Fire”, and he was always called this. Curufinwë’s father was Finwë, the High King of the Noldor. The Noldor were known for having great skill in carving jewels and forging metal.

“But in the bearing of her son Míriel was consumed in spirit and body; and after his birth she yearned for release from the labour of living. And when she had named him, she said to Finwë: ‘Never again shall I bear child; for strength that would have nourished the life of many has gone into Fëanor.”

When Fëanor was born, Míriel was “consumed in spirit and body”. At first, Finwë believed that Míriel could be healed in Aman, but she was not. Finwë asked Manwë for advice, and Manwë brought her to be cared for by the Vala Lórien. She “lay down to sleep” and appeared to be sleeping, but her spirit had gone to the Halls of Mandos. Finwë grieved, but gave all of his love to Fëanor.

“…Fëanor grew swiftly, as if a secret fire were kindled within him. He was tall, and fair of face, and masterful, his eyes piercingly bright and his hair raven-dark; in the pursuit of all his purposes eager and steadfast. Few ever changed his courses by counsel, none by force. He became of all the Noldor, then or after, the most subtle in mind and the most skilled in hand.”

Soon, at a young age for an Elf, Fëanor married Nerdanel, the daughter of the great smith Mahtan, from whom he learned much. Nerdanel “also was firm of will, but more patient than Fëanor, desiring to understand minds rather than master them”. She, at first, restrained and advised him, and was the only one whom Fëanor sought counsel from. Fëanor and Nerdanel had seven sons. After some of his later deeds, Fëanor and Nerdanel became separated.

Later, Finwë married a Vanya, or “fair Elf”, of the first host to come to Aman, Indis the Fair. She was “golden-haired and tall, and in all ways unlike Míriel”. Finwë and Indis’ sons were Fingolfin and Finarfin. Fëanor disliked Indis, Fingolfin, and Finarfin, and spent his time “exploring the land of Aman, or busying himself with the knowledge and the crafts in which he delighted”.

“For it came to pass that Melkor, as the Valar had decreed, completed the term of his bondage, dwelling for three ages in the duress of Mandos, alone…he looked upon the Children of Ilúvatar that sat at the feet of the Mighty, and hatred filled him; he looked upon the wealth of bright gems, and he lusted for them; but he hid his thoughts, and postponed his vengeance…Then Manwë granted him pardon; but the Valar would not yet suffer him to depart beyond their sight and vigilance…But fair-seeming were all the words and deeds of Melkor in that time, and both the Valar and the Eldar had profit from his aid and counsel, if they sought it; and therefore in a while he was given leave to go freely about the land.”

Melkor, being released from his imprisonment, began to travel among the Elves, especially the Noldor, and feign friendliness. However, he was spreading lies that “the Valar had brought the Eldar to Aman because of their jealousy, fearing that the beauty of the Quendi and the makers’ power that Ilúvatar had bequeathed to them would grow too great for the Valar to govern, as the Elves waxed and spread over the wide lands of the world.” The Valar had not told the Elves that Men would come, but Melkor told them, “seeing as how the silence of the Valar might be twisted to evil”. He told the Noldor that Men were held captive by the Valar, and many Noldor believed or half-believed this.

“…he pondered how the light of the Trees, the glory of the Blessed Realm, might be preserved imperishable. Then he began a long and secret labour, and he summoned all his lore, and his power, and his subtle skill; and at the end of all he made the Silmarils.
“As three great jewels they were in form. But not until the End…shall it be known of what substance they were made. Like the crystal of diamonds it appeared, and yet was more strong than adamant, so that no violence could mar it or break it within the Kingdom of Arda. Yet that crystal was to the Silmarils but as is the body to the Children of Ilúvatar: the house of its inner fire, that is within it and yet in all parts of it, and is its life. And the inner fire of the Silmarils Fëanor made of the blended light of the Trees of Valinor, which lives in them yet… Therefore even in the darkness of the deepest treasury the Silmarils of their own radiance shone like the stars of Varda; and yet, as were they indeed living things, they rejoiced in light and received it and gave it back in hues more marvelous than before.
“…and Varda hallowed the Silmarils, so that thereafter no mortal flesh, nor hands unclean, nor anything of evil will might touch them, but it was scorched and withered…The heart of Fëanor was bound fast to these things that he himself had made.”

Melkor desired the Silmarils and hated Fëanor more than all the Noldor, but did not show his malice. Fëanor would not anyone near the Silmarils. He kept them locked away at all times, except during feasts where he would “wear them, blazing on his brow.” He increasingly loved the Silmarils and would not let anyone see them but his father and sons, and usually did not remember that the light of the Silmarils was the light of the Two Trees, not his own. Melkor continued to lie to the Noldor, and told them that Fingolfin and his sons, Fingon and Turgon, wanted to usurp the leadership of Finwë and Fëanor by the leave of the Valar because the Valar were jealous that the Silmarils stayed in Tirion, instead of their keeping in Valimar. Fëanor heard and believed these rumors. It was told to Fingolfin and Finarfin, “Beware! Small love has the proud son of Míriel ever had for the children of Indis. Now he has become great, and he has his father in his hand. It will not be long before he drives you forth from Túna!”

“And when Melkor saw that these lies were smoldering, and that pride and anger were awake among the Noldor, he spoke to them concerning weapons; and in that time the Noldor began the smithying of swords and axes and spears. Shields also they made displaying the tokens of many houses and kindreds that vied one with another; and these only they wore abroad, and of other weapons they did not speak, for each believed that he alone had received the warning. And Fëanor made a secret forge, of which not even Melkor was aware; and there he tempered fell swords for himself and for his sons, and made tall helms with plumes of red.”

Fëanor began to “speak words of rebellion” against the Valar and said that he would return back to Middle-earth and free the Noldor if they would follow him. Finwë was troubled at the unrest and dissention of the Noldor and summoned all his lords to a council. Fingolfin came to his halls and asked Finwë to restrain Fëanor, saying that Fëanor spoke for all the Noldor as if he were king. As Fingolfin spoke, Fëanor entered, fully armed. He said that he had guessed this, and that “My half-brother would be before me with my father, in this as in all other matters.” He drew his sword and ordered Fingolfin to leave. Fingolfin bowed to Finwë and left without speaking or looking a Fëanor, but Fëanor followed him out.

“The point of his bright sword he set against Fingolfin’s breast. ‘See, half-brother!’ he said. ‘This is sharper than thy tongue. Try but once more to usurp my place and the love of my father, and maybe it will rid the Noldor of one who seeks to be the maser of thralls.’ ”

Many of the Noldor heard this, but Fingolfin did not reply and went to see Finarfin. The Valar had known of the unrest of the Noldor, but this was the first time that they had been spoken openly against, and they thought that Fëanor was behind the unrest. The Valar summoned him to the Ring of Doom where they judged him and discovered that Melkor was the root of the trouble, but they did not think Fëanor was completely innocent. Mandos said Fëanor must leave Tirion for twelve years. Fingolfin said “I will release my brother,” but Fëanor turned and left. He built “a strong place and treasury in the hills”, Formenos, in northern Valinor and went there with his sons and Finwë. Melkor was not heard of for a long time, but eventually came to Formenos and feigned friendship with Fëanor. He said that Fëanor had been banished unfairly and he could aid Fëanor in escaping Formenos. Fëanor pondered this. Melkor said, “Here is a strong place, and well guarded; but think not that the Silmarils will like safe in any treasury within the realm of the Valar!” Fëanor, seeing this was true, “looked upon Melkor…and pierced the cloaks of his mind” and had him leave, shutting his doors in Melkor’s face. Later, Melkor sought the aid of the giant spider like creature Ungoliant in destroying the Two Trees. They traveled to the Trees during a great feast, which the Vanyar, Noldor, and Maiar attended. Fëanor attended the feast, for he had been invited by Manwë. He did not wear “raiment of festival” and wore no jewelry and left the Silmarils in Formenos.

“Nevertheless he met Fingolfin before the throne of Manwë, and was reconciled, in word; and Fingolfin set at naught the unsheathing of the sword. For Fingolfin held forth his hand, saying: ‘As I promised, I do now. I release thee, and remember no grievance.’
“Then Fëanor took his hand in silence; but Fingolfin said: ‘Half-brother in blood, full brother in heart will I be. Thou shalt lead and I will follow. May no new grief divide us.’
” ‘I hear thee’, said Fëanor. ‘So be it’. But they did not know the meaning their words would bear.”

At this time, Melkor and Ungoliant came to Ezellohar, the mound of the Two Trees, and destroyed them. The Valar pursued Melkor, but did not find him.

“Yavanna spoke before the Valar, saying: ‘The Light of the Trees has passed away, and lives now only in the Silmarils of Fëanor. Foresighted was he! …The Light of the Trees I brought into being, and within Eä I can do so never again. Yet had I but a little of that light I could recall life to the Trees, ere their roots decay; and then our hurt should be healed, and the malice of Melkor be confounded.’ “

Manwë asked Fëanor if he would surrender the Silmarils to restore the Trees. After a silence, Tulkas told Fëanor to speak, though Aulë said that they asked a greater thing than they knew.

“But Fëanor spoke then, and cried bitterly: ‘For the less even as for the greater there is some deed that he may accomplish but once only; and in that deed his heart shall rest. It may be that I can unlock my jewels, but never again shall I make their like; and if I must break them, I shall break my heart, and I shall be slain; first of all the Eldar in Aman’ “.

Nienna went to Ezellohar and wept, washing away the “defilements of Ungoliant” with her tears. Messengers came from Formenos, saying that Melkor had come to Formenos, Finwë had been slain and the Silmarils had been taken. Fëanor cursed Melkor, calling him Morgoth, the Black Foe of the World. Fëanor ran from the Ring of Doom. Morgoth escaped to Middle-earth. Fëanor returned to Tirion and called the Noldor to Túna and rebelled against the Valar. He spoke powerfully, giving his hate most to Morgoth, though most of what he said was the lies of Morgoth himself. As Finwë was dead, he claimed the kingship of the Noldor.

” ‘Why, O people of the Noldor,’ he cried, ‘why should we longer serve the jealous Valar, who cannot keep us nor even their own realm secure from their Enemy? And though he be now their foe, are not they and he of one kin? Vengeance calls me hence, but even were it otherwise I would not dwell longer in the same land with the kin of my father’s slayer and of the thief of my treasure. Yet I am not the only valiant in this valiant people. And have ye not all lost your King? And what else have ye not lost, cooped here in a narrow land between the mountains and the sea?
” ‘Here once was light, that the Valar begrudged to Middle-earth, but now dark levels all. Shall we mourn here deedless for ever, a shadow-folk, mist-hunting, dropping vain tears in the thankless sea? Or shall we return to our home? In Cuiviénen sweet ran the waters under unclouded stars, and wide lands lay about, where a free people might walk. There they lie still and await us who in our folly forsook them. Come away! Let the cowards keep this city!
” ‘…Fair shall the end be,’ he cried, ‘though long and hard shall be the road! Say farewell to bondage! But say farewell also to ease! Say farewell to the weak! Say farewell to your treasures! More still shall we make. Journey light: but bring with you your swords! For we will go further than Oromë, endure longer than Tulkas: we will never turn back from pursuit. After Morgoth to the ends of the Earth! War shall he have and hatred undying. But when we have conquered and have regained the Silmarils, then we and we alone shall be lords of the unsullied Light, and masters of the bliss and beauty of Arda. No other race shall oust us!’ ”

After this Fëanor swore “a terrible oath”, and his sons sprang to his sided and took the oath with him. He called the Everlasting Dark upon them if they did not keep it, and named Manwë, Varda, and Taniquetil in witness. They vowed to pursue anyone who would hold, take, or keep a Silmaril. The oath would not and could not be broken. As a trumpet sang and Fëanor left Tirion, a messenger came from Manwë, saying that the Valar thought the Noldor should not leave, but would not aid nor hinder them. The Noldor could not overthrow Morgoth. Fëanor spoke to the Noldor, saying that though he could not overthrow Morgoth, he did not, at least, sit idly and would attempt to assail him. He said he would do great hurt to Morgoth. His voice grew “so great and so potent” that even the herald of the Valar, Eönwë, bowed and departed as if he had been fully answered.

Deciding that it would be easier to reach Middle-earth by sailing, they went to Alqualondë, the haven of the Teleri, or sea Elves, hoping to receive boats. The Teleri would not give their boats to the Noldor, saying that they would rather dissuade than aid the Noldor. They did not want to leave Eldamar and did not want any other lord than Olwë. Fëanor, angry, said that the Teleri renounced their friendship as they spoke. Olwë calmly answered that they did not renounce their friendship, but “it may be the part of a friend to rebuke a friend’s folly.” Fëanor gathered his host and tried to take the ships by force, but the Teleri resisted. Many of the Teleri and Noldor were killed, but the Teleri were eventually overcome by the Noldor. The Noldor sailed north in the Telerin boats. Though the Maiar were not permitted to interfere with the Noldor’s travel, Uinen, a servant of Ulmo, grieved for the Teleri and sunk many of the Noldorin boats. The Noldor then proceeded north on foot. In the far north they came upon a dark figure, which may have been a lesser herald of Manwë, but was probably Mandos himself. He delivered the Prophecy of the North:

” ‘Tears unnumbered ye shall shed; and the Valar will fence Valinor against you, and shut you out, so that not even the echo of your lamentation shall pass over the mountains. On the House of Fëanor the wrath of the Valar lieth from the West unto the uttermost East, and upon all that will follow them it shall be laid also. Their Oath shall drive them, and yet betray them, and ever snatch away the very treasures that they have sworn to pursue. To evil end shall all things turn that they begin well; and by treason of kin unto kin, and the fear of treason, shall this come to pass. The Dispossessed shall they be for ever.’ “

Mandos continued with his prophecy, saying that the House of Fëanor and the Noldor would suffer greatly in Middle-earth, though Fëanor hardened his heart and responded that they had not sworn lightly. Finarfin forsook the march and led some of the Noldor back to Tirion, but most of the Noldor decided to continue north through the dangerous ice straight of Helcaraxë. Fëanor, thinking that to cross the Helcaraxë was impossible, seized the ships and sailed to Middle-earth with his sons. He entered the Firth of Drengist and into Dor-lómin.

“But when they were landed, Maedhros the eldest of his sons… spoke to Fëanor, saying: ‘Now what ships and rowers will you spare to return, and whom shall they bear hither first? Fingon the valiant?’
“Then Fëanor laughed as one fey, and he cried: ‘None and none! What I have left behind I count now no loss; needless baggage on the road it has proved. Let those that cursed my name, curse me still, and whine their way back to the cages of the Valar! Let the ships burn!’ Then Maedhros alone stood aside, but Fëanor caused fire to be lit to the white ships of the Teleri…and Fingolfin and his people saw the light afar off, red beneath the clouds; and they knew that they were betrayed. This was the firstfruits of the Kinslaying and the Doom of the Noldor.”

The flames from the burning of the ships were seen by Orcs and other creatures of Morgoth. The Noldor created an encampment on the lake Mithrim. Soon many Orcs attacked the encampment in the Dagaor-nuin-Giliath, or the Battle-under-Stars. The Noldor, though outnumbered and caught off guard, swiftly drove off the Orcs. The surviving Orcs fled south to attack Círdan the Shipwright at the Havens of the Falas. However, Fëanor saw this and sent a party of Elves to destroy the Orcs. The killed all the Orcs but for a handful.

“Yet cause he had for great joy, though it was hidden from him for a while. For Fëanor, in his wrath against the Enemy, would not halt, but pressed on behind the remnant o f the Orcs, thinking so to come at Morgoth himself; and he laughed aloud has he wielded his sword, rejoicing that he had dared the wrath of the Valar and the evils of the road, that he might see the hour of his vengeance. Nothing did he know of Angband or the great strength of defense that Morgoth had so swiftly prepared; but even had he known it would not have deterred him, for he was fey, consumed by the flame of his own wrath. Thus it was that he drew far ahead of the van of his host; and seeing this the servants of Morgoth turned to bay, and there issued from Angband Balrogs to aid them. There upon the confines of Dor Daedeloth, the land of Morgoth, Fëanor was surrounded, with few friends about him. Long he fought on, and undismayed, though he was wrapped in fire and wounded with many wounds; but at the last he was smitten to the ground by Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs… There he would have perished, had not his sons in that moment come up with force to his aid; and the Balrogs left him, and departed to Angband.”

Fëanor, rashly acting in the rage of battle, had rushed ahead of his own host and fought against the creatures of Morgoth, similarly to the way Fingolfin would die later, though in completely different circumstances. Fëanor had simply rashly acted, not knowing the danger of Angband; and Fingolfin had, in an act of desperation in the Battle of Tears Unnumbered, came to Morgoth himself and valiantly died.

“Then his sons raised up their father and bore him back towards Mithrim. But as they drew near to Eithel Sirion and were upon the upward path to the pass over the mountains, Fëanor bade them halt; for his wounds were mortal, and he knew that his hour was come. And looking out from the slopes of Ered Wethrin with his last sight he beheld far off the peaks of Thangorodrim, mightiest of the towers of Middle-earth, and knew with the foreknowledge of death that no power of the Noldor would ever overthrow them; but he cursed the name of Morgoth thrice, and laid it upon his sons to hold to their oath, and to avenge their father. Then he died; but he had neither burial nor tomb, for so fiery was his spirit that as it sped his body fell to ash, and was borne away like smoke; and his likeness has never again appeared in Arda, neither has his spirit left the halls of Mandos. Thus ended the mightiest of the Noldor.”

As Fëanor died, he truly fulfilled the name given to him by his mother, “Spirit of Fire”. His last words were for his sons to hold to their oath and revenge him. The Oath of Fëanor and his creation of the Silmarils influenced Arda forever. As Sam Gamgee said thousands of years later, “Don’t the great tales never end?”

All references are from The Silmarillion and The Two Towers.

by LadyEowyn_Of_Rohan

An Interview with Goldsand

Aiya Goldsand! It is an honor to interview you for the Council Courier, since I (NenyaGold) have had the pleasure of knowing you from nearly your day one at CoE! And now, you are the Last Homely House Admin! Congratulations!

First, I would like others to get to know you and I have some questions that I hope will do just that. Please add anything you think of that we didn’t. Oh, and by the way, these questions aren’t all from me. I had a lot of help from my wonderful Yavanna Family.

-I know that you live on the Valley Island of Maui, Hawaii, (way out west) and that you are owned by several cats.
Yes…I’m fortunate that they are kind enough to let me live in their house, provided that I prepare their meals and clean their litter box, and worship them of course. Sometimes they let me have a break though, even letting me out of the house occasionally. (Well they do know I have to go out and buy their food after all.)

-How many cats do you have and what are their names?
4 cats (2 sets of sisters). The older sisters are Jade and Amber (named after the coloring of their eyes), and they are 8 years old. They are of the Maine Coon breed, larger than the average cat, with fluffy raccoon-like tails. The younger sisters are Luna and Pumpkin, 3 years old. Luna is white with rusty-orange patches, and Pumpkin has a solid colored coat in the same rusty-orange with white socks. She is the overly curious one of the family, always into mischief, and given her personality along with her coloring and green eyes, I’ve taken to calling her Pippin lately.

-Are there any parts of Hawaii that remind you of Middle Earth?
Oh most definitely yes…I live in a very Shire-like country town called Makawao, with rolling green pastures and lots of horses, cows, and goats roaming around. Makawao is located on the slopes of a dormant volcano, Haleakala (Mount Doom), of which I can see the summit from my kitchen window. The summit is 10,000 ft or so above sea level, and one can drive up there (about a 2-hour drive from the base) and hike in the crater – which looks like Mount Doom with its barren, rocky landscape reminiscent of the moon’s topography.

Some areas on the slopes of this volcano mountain are like Rohan, grassy hilly plains with boulders strewn about, and plenty of horses about. Rivendell and Lothlórien can be found in Hana, a vast tropical rainforest with an abundance of waterfalls, pools, ancient trees, and botanical delights. The perfumed air laden with the fragrances of tropical flowers is enough to make one giddy. Also there are some interesting birds found nowhere else on Maui, and they have the most incredible bird songs. Most truly a magical place, Hana is, and when I’m there I somewhat expect to see a Hawaiian elf or faerie to pop up somewhere. Well we do have menehunes … little mischief-makers – our own leprechauns, Hawaiian style. And no, I haven’t actually seen one but maybe from the corner of my eye once.

-Do you have a room in your house decorated in Middle Earth style?
I’m working on re-doing my living room in Rivendell colors, in hues of green with sage green being the predominant color with touches of forest green and brilliant golds. (Actually sounds like the book version of Lothlórien come to think of it.) I have two small water fountains on marbled stands and a framed print of a waterfall, though I’m searching for a couple of similar, smaller prints to add to it. Also I have my own little Elrond’s library with my treasured Tolkien books. I like crystals too, and I have a few strewn about among the bookcase and water fountains, and hanging in the windows. These catch the afternoon sunlight directly, creating rainbow prisms dancing on the walls and ceiling. My favorite ones are the dragonflies, made from Austrian crystal beads. So yes, I suppose my living room does have an Elvish feel to it.

-Are there any other ideas from LHH that you have incorporated into your own living?
There are a few I want to try, such as Middle-earth cushions as explained in Simbelmyne’s article.

-Is there any LHH article that you wish you could try out, but don’t have the space or climate?
I would love to build my own waterfall pond, such as in the Healing Garden of Estë’s Guide to Building a Waterfall Pond by Arathorn2112, but since I’m renting I cannot do this type of project. I don’t have the time right now for proper maintenance anyway. Someday though…

-If you had an unlimited budget, what would your dream living room look like?
Probably most like Rivendell deluxe, with even more water fountains, perhaps an indoor waterfall and pond, and a few statues and prints from Design Toscano. Ah yes … some LOTR statues and swords from the Noble Collection would add to the ambience nicely. For furniture I would like to have a similar style such as in Elrond’s House in the movie … simple elegance with comfort. Oh, and my own Hall of Fire – a fireplace, (it does get chilly in Hawaii believe it or not!). Overall I would try to keep it simple, to avoid clutter and blockage of chi (energy).

-Do you have a favorite decorating style from Middle Earth?
I love the fluid lines and natural themes of Elvish styles, even though character-wise I’m more drawn to the race of men.

-Do you try any of the recipes in Pippin’s Recipe Box?
I’ve only had a chance to try out a couple so far, but rest assured I’m working my way to the rest!

-Is there a recipe that is your favorite?
I like Peregrin’s Toasty Apple Crisp. I’m sure I’ll have more favorites to add as I sample more!

-What is your favorite food?
All types of seafood except things with tentacles. My favorite seafood? Lobster or Sashimi with Wasabi! (Well I couldn’t choose just one.)

-What do you think is the best: dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Milk chocolate

-Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
Well let’s see…I love nature and wildlife, I’m a history and mythology buff (especially of Celtic legends). I enjoy reading mostly fantasy genre books, writing, a variety of handcrafts such as sewing and making beaded/feathered masks (which I sell around Halloween time), and drawing (which I’ve recently taken up again so I’m not that talented yet), to name a few things.

What else…ah yes…I’m a dreamer, a sentimental sap, and hopeless romantic.

-And lastly, from someone who is experiencing not so nice weather, can you send some Hawaii weather my way?
Well if you like lots of rain…sure, we’d be happy to share some! We’ve had the rainiest winter on record, after a few years of a mild drought. The rain has been a blessing, though we’re developing webbed-feet over here!

Now, regarding the Council of Elrond and the Last Homely House, we have quite a few questions for you.

-What drew you to CoE, how did you find it, and how long have you been a member?
A little over a year ago I was perusing the internet one day for LotR sites when I happened upon CoE (can’t remember how I found it though). I ended up spending the rest of the day here because there were so many fun things to check out – the Forums, Elrond’s Library, Games, and of course the LHH, to name but a few. The other LotR sites that I had seen just didn’t compare to the content at CoE, so I ended up visiting CoE on a daily basis, and here I still am. It’s been good fun so far!

-What was it about the LHH that made you want to become the Admin?
The LHH has always been one of my favorite sections, being that I love handcrafts and sewing, as well as playing what I like to call “Domestic Goddess”, keeping my cottage sanctuary clean and organized, and coming up with new ideas to achieve harmony through my surroundings. When I saw that the LHH position was available, I thought why not give it a go? It would be a great opportunity to combine my love for LotR with creative interests, and exchange ideas with other like-minded people, should I be accepted for the position. I was surprised when I was actually chosen, a bit nervous too. Now that I have a bit more experience and confidence I’m enjoying the LHH Admin position even more.

-Please describe a typical day for you on CoE.
First I check and respond to PM’s, then emails. Then I check to see if there are any new submissions. If so, I go through and read them and then validate them if they are acceptable and relatively easy to format. If there are images with the articles, I download them into the gallery, going back to format the article after checking the forums first – just in case my attention is needed there for something.

When there are no submissions to validate, I peruse the forums and journals, as well as all of the other sections because I’m still trying to familiarize myself with all the content on this site!

-What are your duties as LHH Admin?
The main thing is validating submissions (sometimes editing them if there are only minor changes or grammar corrections needed). Then other things would include writing some articles to add to it (which I’m working on), as well as inspiring others to submit their own creative ideas. I also help to moderate the new Creations Forum.

-How long does it take to have submissions validated, such as recipes or any other items?
I try to validate submissions as soon as they are submitted. Sometimes though depending on what else I have going on, it may take a couple of days, especially if there are images to download and format into the article.

-Do you need help with the job, considering from the outside it seems to be a very involved position?
Well that’s a very good question. It’s something I had been thinking about in fact. I’m sort of waiting to see what the site traffic will do. Submissions have slowed down a bit, but it could always change. So it’s quite possible.

-Do you have any enhancements planned? If so, will you share a few with us?
I’m looking at streamlining the section to make articles on a particular topic easier to find, perhaps putting similar articles in sub-categories.

Also I’ll be putting up a thread shortly in the Creations Forum for members’ suggestions on what we can do to enhance the LHH.

-Have you thought about putting the recipes from Pippin’s Recipe Box into a book to be sold as a fundraiser for the site?
Why no, I haven’t, but that is a very good idea for consideration.

-Is there anything else you want us to know about the LHH?
Yes, I would love to see some articles on different Middle-Earth decorating styles such as of Rohan and Gondor, to balance out the Elvish and Hobbit decorating articles we already have, if anyone is inclined.

-If there was no LHH to look after, what other part of the site would you like to oversee?
Probably the Gallery or eCards Gallery, or maybe a part of Elrond’s Library, or the Fan Creations…I think I would enjoy most any of them (though I’m not talented in some aspects of the sites, such as in Languages).

-And here is quite a loaded question but one I think most of us would like to consider: If you had the opportunity to spend a day in Elrond’s Last Homely House, what would you do?
I could probably spend hours in the library alone, sitting in a big comfy chair by the fireplace pouring over books and maps, sipping some mint tea. Then I would enjoy the waterfalls as I walk the grounds, perhaps in the company of a handsome elf to show me around – Haldir would be fine. I know he’s not from Rivendell but he could be visiting. While I’m dreaming I might as well dream well. And I like Haldir. Later in the evening after a fine dinner, a perfect ending to the day would be to relax in the Hall of Fire – listening to the stories and songs of the elves.

-Thank you very much, Goldsand, for your time answering our questions and for all you do for CoE! It is Admins like you that make this community one that we all love to come to and thoroughly enjoy.
Thanks very much for your interest in the LHH and kind compliments! It’s been my pleasure!

-I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the prior Last Homely House Admin, Elder Sister Scothia, for all of her hard work in making the LHH what it is today. You have done a wonderful job, Scothia!!!
Thanks Scothia! I hope I can do as fine of a job as you have!

Compiled by the Realm of Yavanna

A Bus Tour through the Realm of Yavanna Kementári

Take your seats, take your seats, the bus tour is about to begin. There’s still some room in the back, if you don’t mind standing… Okay, everyone have a place? Nobody still thinks this is the bus to Chicago? Good. Let’s get rolling.

My name is Nauma, and I’ll be your tour guide today. …Yes, I know you all wanted to meet Abraon, the Realm Head, but she’s been unavoidably detained. Something about a Josh Groban concert. Anyway, I’m Nauma, one of Yavanna’s two Realm Leaders. You’ll see lots of other Yavannildi on our trip through the Realm. Don’t worry, they’re friendly, gentle creatures and not likely to attempt to eat the bus, I hope.

While we’re still on our way to the Realm, we’ll start with some information about Yavanna herself. The Realm is named after Yavanna Kementári, one of the Valar. Yavanna was very close to the earth and loved all things green and growing. Some of her more famous creations include the Two Trees of Valinor, which she sang into existence, and the race of Ents. She was also the wife of Aulë; in fact, Yavanna created the Ents to protect her trees from Aulë’s Dwarves (typical man- create the one thing that’s absolutely certain to ruin his wife’s garden… oh, sorry, is the mike still on?). If you want to know more about Yavanna, consult your copy of The Silmarillion, or ask me after the tour.

Well, we’ve arrived at the outer borders of the Realm, and if you’ll look out your windows you’ll see the Virtual Garden. This is where the Yavannildi share their gardening efforts with the world. Several members have their own sections of garden here, with flowers, herbs, vegetables, and even some poems, I believe. On your right, you’ll see a large patch of purple flowers; those are my African violets, of which I am particularly proud. (Yes, they’re the only thing I’ve managed to keep alive. I’m just an amateur gardener, okay?)

Okay, moving on.

We’re about to enter the inner circles of the Realm. We’ll just have to make a quick stop at customs. Nobody’s importing anything illegal, right? …And just so you know, any chocolate in plain sight will be confiscated. Why? Um… as part of our official investigations. Top secret. Certainly not for personal consumption. …Why do I have chocolate on my lips? Please hold your questions until the end of the tour. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, customs has cleared us and we’re ready to go through.

That delicious smell you’ve noticed is coming from the Recipe exchange thread. That’s where you’ll learn how to make all kinds of wonderful food for every palate, including vegetarians, chocoholics, and those who just want something yummy. There’s even a recipe for Oliphant stew floating around. Some of these recipes have made it into Pippin’s Cupboard; others may be shared in a recipe swap with another Realm. There’s always a new dish in this part of the Realm that I’m just aching to try, even with my rather meager cooking abilities. And please ignore the large stockpile of confiscated chocolate bars. They’re not eating the chocolate; they’re examining its health benefits in an ongoing clinical trial. It’s got antioxidants, you know.

Coming up on the left, you’ll see the Virtual Orchestra practicing in the park. Many of the Yavannildi are also gifted musicians, and all kinds of music are welcome here. Classical music is very popular, as is honorary Realm member Josh Groban, but everything from Celtic music to heavy metal finds a place in the Realm. The instruments in the orchestra include recorder, piano, hand bells, saxophone, electric guitar, and some computer-synthesized instruments, just as a sample, but somehow we make them go well together. The fact that they mostly don’t all play at the same time seems to help.

Straight ahead you’ll see the playground, where Yavannildi from very young to… slightly less young all play together. There are lots of fun and silly games going on, including a Stupid Question, Stupid Answer game and a role-playing game. You can also see art by various Realm members hanging on the garden walls. Yavannildi also meet here to chat and set up games of online Pictionary, among other things.

We’re heading out of the Realm now, and I must ask you to give up any chocolate you may have left on your persons. Thank you. Ahem. The tour is pretty much over, unless you have any questions for me. Also, please be sure to stop by the gift shop and pick up your souvenirs. I hope you enjoyed your tour of the Realm. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Realm of Yavanna, check out our Realm page, which has lots of information and a coupon for free admission! (Yeah, okay, so admission’s always free. But doesn’t it sound good?)

LHH Recipes

Pippin’s Recipe Box

One of the favourite sections of the LHH for many of us is the recipes section. It is easy to find, just go to the left side main menu, hold your cursor over the LHH, and then click on recipes when it pops up. The page that opens is the main recipe page from which you can access all submitted recipes. There are currently over 220 recipes across 7 categories, including one dedicated to vegetarian and vegan recipes. This makes for a very comprehensive cookbook, with recipes for all occasions, whether hosting a Middle-earth dinner party, impressing a potential love interest, or just keeping family meals interesting. There is something for everyone. There is even a range of cakes, biscuits, and some drinks with a difference.

Submitting a recipe is an easy affair, and is also done from the recipe main page. Click on submit a recipe, located in the top middle section of the page, and the submission page comes up. This is formatted in the “Fill in the box” type, starting with your CoE name, followed by the category you wish to submit the recipe in. It has a scroll arrow listing the different categories. The next box is the recipe title, for example, “Harradrim Spicy Potatoes”, followed by a box to describe what the recipe is, such as, “A spicy vegetarian wet dish, filling suppertime fare for on the road.” The following two are the ‘Ingredients’ and ‘Instructions’ boxes. For these boxes, I will often type out the recipe in its entirety in a word document, then copy and paste the appropriate parts to there respective boxes. I do this as I often submit recipes that have evolved over time and I as yet have no written record of them. The final three boxes are, the amount of people the recipe as written serves, how long it takes to prepare, and the degree of difficulty in the preparation and cooking of the dish; that is, easy, intermediate, and difficult. When you have done all that, don’t forget to click on the submit button, or all your hard work will be for naught.

Once you have submitted your recipe, it can take from a few days to a few weeks before it is accepted and posted in Pippin’s recipe box, so please be patient, and please don’t get pushy for points. Goldsand is a busy Admin, so it may take her a while to get around to reviewing the recipe.

As mentioned earlier, there are seven different categories that you can submit a recipe in. These are:

“Dwarvish Delights”, ‘Roaring fires, full tankards, meat on the bone . . . a feast fit for the lords of Moria!’

“Elven Delicacies”, ‘You might find these tasty morsels served at Imladris or Caras Galadhon. Revised for the modern world.’

“Kitchens of Gondor and Bree”, ‘The race of men add there own flair to the meals of Middle-earth.’

“Middle-earth Miscellany”, ‘From lore and legends come these memorable offerings.’

“The Bubbling Hobbit Hearthpot”, ‘Whether for Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevenses or any other meal, these hearty dishes will satisfy!’

“There and Back Again”, ‘Recipes from all over the world, in their original languages.’

“Veggies of the Valar”, ‘The best vegetarian and vegan treats in all Arda!’

So choose your preferred category and submit a recipe today.

Earlier in the article I have provided an example of a recipe from “Veggies of the Valar”, one that I myself submitted. Harradrim Spicy Potatoes is an example of a simple, but tasty wet dish that can be served as a vegetarian main dish accompanied with rice, raita (a yoghurt based sauce/dressing), and naan (a flat Indian bread). It can also be served as an interesting side dish to accompany an Indian or Bangladeshi style meaty main course.

We Yavannildi, tend to have a bit of a sweet tooth though, when it comes to recipe preferences. This is definitely doubly true if chocolate is involved, so I decided to feature a recipe to reflect this, shall we say, obsession. Once again, it’s a simple, straightforward, and delicious recipe that showcases how easy cooking can be.

Easy_Peazy_Pippin_Fudge is a very simple recipe to tempt any sweet tooth. It only takes about 10 minutes to make, and a further 1 to 2 hours to set, and has the added bonus of several utensils to lick clean as you make it. Also, being chocolate based, it appeals to chocoholics (and I have it on good advice that the Celebrity Guest Chef, NenyaGold, whose recipe it is, is a total chocoholic), and can be modified to suit tastes, simply by substituting one type of chocolate for another. So whether you are a fan of dark chocolate or milk chocolate or even white chocolate, then this recipe can easily be modified to suit you.

There really is something to please everyone in the LHH recipe section, so if you haven’t already been there to check it out, then why not take a look today. As a trade qualified chef with over 15 year’s experience, I should know!

by Wulf_Sternhammer

Aragorn Film Profile

Who is Aragorn in the films? To put it in Viggo Mortensen’s own words: “Aragorn is maybe the most physical character in the story, and that’s part of who he is; his physical courage or recklessness, depending on how you look at it, is part of what gets him through.”

Viggo Mortensen as Strider matches rather well the book’s description of the Ranger. He has dark, shaggy hair, grey-ish eyes, smokes a pipe a lot, and has lots of dirty clothes. But he doesn’t have the “aesthete”-type appearance of Aragorn in the books, and he doesn’t really look old enough for an 86 year old, even an 86 year old Dúnadan.

Aragorn in the films does pretty much the same things as Aragorn in the books, but he doesn’t receive Andúril until RotK, and he has a rather spectacular fall off a cliff in The Two Towers, ending up half-drowned in a river and being revived only by a vision of Arwen and a lot of nuzzling and slobbering from Brego.

The other big difference from the books is Arwen. Through the films, she is a constant presence, appearing to her love in a number of flash-backs and dream sequences. Some of these, rather disturbingly, have Aragorn walking away from Arwen, saying that their love was impossible. But luckily, to make up for that, there are also a good number of scenes where they declare their love for each other, and when she appears from behind the standard at the end of RotK, Aragorn pulls her to him and kisses her enthusiastically, to an accompanying grin from Elrond.

by atalante_star

Aragorn Book Profile

Aragorn was the son of Arathorn II and Gilraen. From an early age he lived in Rivendell where he was named Estel, meaning Hope. He was only told of his true heritage and lineage when he was twenty, when Elrond also gave him the heirlooms of his house – the Ring of Barahir and the Shards of Narsil. After that, he met Arwen, and immediately fell in love with her. When Elrond discovered Aragorn’s love for his daughter, he told the Dúnadan that she would not be his until he had proved himself worthy of her, becoming the King of Arnor and Gondor.

For the next thirty years, he wandered through Middle-earth under many names and guises, the most well-known of which was Thorongil. When he was 49, he stopped in Lothlórien and came across Arwen again. While there, Galadriel clothed him in silver and white, with a cloak of elven-grey and a bright gem on his brow, making him appear more as an Elf-lord than any kind of Man. Thus did Arwen see him after their long years apart, and she made her choice there under the trees of Caras Galadhon. Aragorn gave her the Ring of Barahir, and for a season they wandered through Lothlórien together, but on Midsummer’s Eve, they went to Cerin Amroth and there plighted their troth.

By the time of the War of the Ring, Aragorn’s main alias was Strider, and he was described as having a shaggy head of dark hair flecked with grey, a pale stern face and a pair of keen grey eyes. At the Council of Elrond, Aragorn renounced his beloved way of life as a Dúnedain Ranger, and took up the public role of the Heir of Isildur and the Bearer of the Sword that was Broken. He was then chosen as one of the members of the Fellowship, and traveled with Frodo until Amon Hen, when he set off to Rohan with Gimli and Legolas. When in Edoras, he met Éowyn, and quickly rose high in her estimation.

Aragorn fought in the Battle of the Hornburg, then went to Isengard with Gandalf and met up with the Grey Company on the way back to Edoras. After looking into the palantír, he set off with Legolas, Gimli and the Grey Company into the Paths of the Dead, rousing the Dead Men to aid their forthcoming battle at Pelargir.

After routing the Corsairs at Pelargir, Aragorn soon arrived with his army at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Initially the defenders of Minas Tirith thought that the ships were carrying more enemies, but they then saw the standard of the White Tree with seven stars and a crown – the signs of Elendil – flying from Aragorn’s ship. As soon as the ships docked, the men aboard sprang out to battle.

“before all went Aragorn with the Flame of the West, Andúril like a new fire kindled, Narsil re-forged as deadly as of old; and upon his brow was the Star of Elendil.” (RotK, The Battle of the Pelennor Fields)

After the victory, Aragorn was taken to the Houses of Healing, where he healed Éowyn, Faramir and Merry. He was later crowned as King of Gondor, then discovered a new sapling of the White Tree, and on midsummer’s day, married Arwen. They later had one son – Eldarion – and a number of daughters. Aragorn died many years later, of his own free-will, in FA 120.

“Estel, Estel!” she cried, and with that even as he took her hand and kissed it, he fell into sleep. Then a great beauty was revealed in him, so that all who after came there looked on him in wonder; for they saw that the grace of his youth, and the valour of his manhood, and the wisdom and majesty of his age were blended together. And long there he lay, an image of the splendour of the Kings of Men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world.” (“The Lord of the Rings”, Appendix A)

by atalante_star