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Gríma Wormtongue (in Movies vs. Books)

…on his account. (Aragorn offers a hand to Gríma to help him up. Gríma spits into Aragorn’s palm and gets up and runs through the crowd.) Gríma: Get out of…

3.02. The Riders of Rohan (in Movies vs. Books)

…about Théoden and the bad times in the Riddermark, saying also that the white wizard walks abroad as an old man, hooded and cloaked. In the book, everyone is more…

Something Scary (in Fanfiction)

…(In a think Austrian accent) Aragorn my love! The two EMBRACE. The CRACKING OF BONES can be heard. ARAGORN squeals, and Arwen drops him. ARWEN Sorry about dat. ARWEN turns…

The Fellowship of the Ring, Condensed. (in Subject Articles)

…myself… ARWEN: Nonsense. You’re totally helpless; didn’t you get the memo? ARWEN picks him up and whisks him away. RIVENDELL FRODO awakens and looks around. FRODO: Where am I? A…

Frodo (in Movies vs. Books)

…doesn’t seem to care at all about the town folk gossiping about him. Frodo is also a bit of an intellectual: he has learned a lot from his uncle Bilbo,…

1. FOTR: Bookie Details (in Movies vs. Books)

…is replaced by ‘Ando Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa!’. – Sam is the first one to cut off a tentacle. In the books, he’s also the only one. –…

4.10. The Choices of Master Samwise (in Movies vs. Books)

…through a huge open gate and Shagrat and Gorbag are about to. Sam hears a horrendous commotion of voices, horns, and gongs. He readies Sting for attack; he yells but…

2.05.*a The Chamber Of Mazarbul / Balin’s Tomb (in Movies vs. Books)

…is barricaded, but as the Fellowship assumes a position to fight a horde of Orcs with a Cave-Troll in their wake enter the room. Followed by a fun-packed action sequence…

Chapter 4 (in Fanfiction)

…you do not recognise it, though. Now give it back.” “A joke? I am surprised,” he raised an eyebrow in response. “I do not jest, it is a book. The…

5.06. The Battle of the Pelennor Fields (in Movies vs. Books)

…in his element and is promptly dispatched by the Witch King and his fell beast. Just as all seems lost, Éowyn approaches him and challenges him. However book and movie…