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Of the Aberration of a Hobbit (in Fanfiction)

air. “I’ve failed.” The words shot icily into the morning air, handing suspended over the forgotten meal as Frodo slowly rose from where he had been sitting cross-legged on the…

Chapter 2 (in Fanfiction)

…run through the room naked with several maids running behind. Aragorn ran out the door and right into… Legolas. Clumsy human. Knocked him down three flights of stairs. Heard the…

Fays for Tea (in Fanfiction)

…Lights marking the swift fays’ flights! Their lights! Their flights! The delicious smell had reached this place Lights marking pixie paths. The dell awoke; clustered like a smoke Fairies chittered…

Chapter 31 (in Fanfiction)

…council was held. Aragorn, Legolas, Kenshin, Éomer, Sanosuke, Saito, Gimli, Gandalf, and Aoshi were present, gathered around the throne. Gimli sat in Denethor’s chair, sprawling irreverently, smoking his pipe, while…

How can I contact the actors? (in FAQs)

…860-8000 Orlando Bloom C/O Chris Andrews ICM 8942 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90211, USA Orlando Bloom Duncan Heath ICM 76 Oxford Street London UK Orlando Bloom c/o ICM Oxford…

The Equilibrium of Earth and Space (in Fanfiction)

…on his bow. Yes, a storm was coming… ~*~*~*~*~*~ New York City, New York, USA~ March 3rd, Year 3019. 3:26 p.m. “Come on, Alex! We’ll be late for the movie!”…

Chapter Eight (in Fanfiction)

…I am sorry, Miss,” he apologized. “I do not mean to say things that are none of my affair, butÂ…wellÂ…you understand what I mean.” “Thank you for your honesty, Éothain.”…

12 – Pronouns (in Language Readings)

Although there were many pronoun charts left behind by JRR Tolkien, no Sindarin pronoun chart has been published to give us any idea of a complete pronominal system as he…

Murphy’s Law for Elves (in Fanfiction)

…friend’s arm will be directly proportional to whatever is standing directly behind him. The size of your friend’s eyes will be directly proportional to whatever is standing directly behind you….

A New Beginning (in Fanfiction)

…acquainted herself with the research collected by her staff and with the aide of the expert she was entirely prepared to negotiate fair prices with each manufacturer with the objective…