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What’s New Saruman (in Karaoke Songs)

…it’s in this lake, You and your palantir. What’s new Saruman, whoa whoa whooooa? What’s new Saruman, whoa whoa whoooooooa? Saruman, Saruman, I broke your staff, What a laugh, look…

Bedtime Story (in Fanfiction)

…walked to a nearby study and started to give some thought to the new designs. Making the platform safe and getting new stairs was their main goal, but once that…

The Super Duper LOTR Story (in Fanfiction)

…are no cell phones in this movie. Only horses, you muttonhead,” he grinned evilly at his remark. “Pinhead!” “Knucklehead! “Ninny” “Dunderhead” “Dingbat!” “Oh would you two just shut up!” howled…

The Fellowship of the Ring’s Destruction (in Subject Articles)

…know. BOROMIR: I knew I should have paid more attention at school. Then at least I would know what that riddle meant. For instance, what’s ‘friend’ in Elvish? GLARWENOLAS: Sindarin…

Chapter 13 (in Fanfiction)

…Pope John Paul II had. But anyway, I’ve come to post two new chapters, for in a few days, I shall start my new job. I might have some difficulties…

Not through lack of watchfulness (in Fanfiction)

Author’s note: No, I don’t own any of this in terms of intellectual property, save perhaps the new characters (and frankly, who cares). I apologize for the liberties I took…

Lire O Lorien (Song of Lorien) (in Fanfiction)

…difficult, Haldir sat in silent meditation, as he knew with an eclipse came new beginnings. The trees swayed in the cool breeze. Haldir breathed in silence as the serene wind…

Feelin’ Good by Éomer (in Karaoke Songs)

…It’s a new dawn It’s a new day It’s a new war For me And I’m feeling good High up on my horse You know how I feel Hewing down…

A Whole New Way (in Karaoke Songs)

…I lead the way I can catch you a fish Eat it real raw and wriggling Slippery, with no potatoes and those smelly nasty chips A whole new way A…

#1 A New Home For Frodo (in Fanfiction)

…He knew his life in Buckland was over. That decision had brought him here to Hobbiton, to Bag End and his new life. Only, now as he stood with it…