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Council of Elrond - Your Fanfiction

Frodo's Wound by theringbearer (G) [Add Chapter]
Summary: A short poem about Frodo in Rivendell.
Characters: Frodo, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Movie Fanfiction
Date Added: 2004-05-08 13:13:39 | Date Updated: 2004-05-08 13:13:39
The Breeching of the Wall by Nifnilien (G) [Add Chapter]
Summary: A sonnet about Helm's Deep.
Characters: Théoden, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2004-05-08 11:05:08 | Date Updated: 2004-05-08 11:05:08
Friends to the End by EruveElen (PG) [Add Chapter]
Summary: Legolas and Aragorn are going to Mirkwood when something awful happens. Please r&r.
Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, | Genre: Drama | Chapters: 1
Category: Non-canon/AU/Crossover
Date Added: 2004-05-08 10:34:13 | Date Updated: 2004-05-08 10:34:13
Who Wants to Live Forever by Sheen_bean (G) [Add Chapter]
Summary: Its a songfic, my very first one. Its about Arwen and what she feels the day Aragorn leaves Rivendell on the quest to destroy the ring
Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, | Genre: Drama | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Movie Fanfiction
Date Added: 2004-05-06 11:40:28 | Date Updated: 2004-05-06 11:40:28
No Bath by AerinThalion (G) [Add Chapter]
Summary: What happens when Elrond tries to get a muddy four year old Aragorn to take a bath.
Characters: Aragorn, Elrond, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Movie Fanfiction
Date Added: 2004-05-05 18:51:05 | Date Updated: 2004-05-05 18:51:05