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Council of Elrond - Your Fanfiction

The Dumb Mariner by Megilwen (G) [Add Chapter]
Summary: This is a play-type thing that is about...well...a really dumb mariner and his reaction to the Lay of Earendil. **WARNING** Leggy-bashing of the most severe kind occurs.
Characters: Legolas, Other, | Genre: Parody | Chapters: 6
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2004-03-07 19:04:36 | Date Updated: 2004-03-07 19:04:36
Samwise's Lament by Altáriël_Ciryatan (G) [Add Chapter]
Summary: This is to the tune of the probably very familiar song (Key of C: C-D-E-G-E-D-C--C-D-E-A-F-E-D) played in very hobbit-like moments in the film and it is supposed to be sung by Sam when he gets very sad and lonely. Very cute, but I don't know if it's all that good...please review!
Characters: Rosie Cotton, Sam, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2004-03-07 17:44:40 | Date Updated: 2004-03-07 17:44:40
Legolas of Mirkwood by legolasfanlotr (G) [Add Chapter]
Summary: This is a poem about Legolas and his part in the Fellowship.
Characters: Legolas, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2004-03-07 13:53:57 | Date Updated: 2004-03-07 13:53:57
The Dancer in the Sunrise, Part 1 by drogos_daughterinlaw (G) [Add Chapter]
Summary: Frodo and his companions reach Valinor at sunrise. Frodo becomes enchanted by one of the dancers who greet the dawn every morning. (Continued in Part 2)
Characters: Frodo, Other, | Genre: Romance | Chapters: 10
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2004-03-06 14:43:05 | Date Updated: 2004-03-06 14:43:05
To Overcome the Shadow - Of Eggs, Elves, and Overgrown Trolls by Erutanie_Litsos (G) [Add Chapter]
Summary: This takes place in the year 2981. Will these two she-elves from Imladris be able to survive through the War of the Ring?
Characters: Other, | Genre: Action | Chapters: 9
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2004-03-06 14:31:49 | Date Updated: 2004-03-06 14:31:49