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Isildur, a novel (in Fanfiction)

…“If they cannot pay our duty they must work it off in labor. It is a long-standing practice. Call it what you will.” “I call it piracy,” said Isildur. “Know…

The Price of Allegiance (in Fanfiction)

…he was momentarily distracted, his concentration divided for an instant as he called his fellow warriors to retreat to the Keep. And now his left arm bore the price of…

Chapter 2: Flight from the Mire (in Fanfiction)

Chapter 2, Flight from the Mire. Spamdumb: Wait Mr. Author. Author: What is it, Spam? Spam: We canÂ’t fly. Why is this chapter called “Flight from the Mire”? Author: ummÂ……

2.05.*b The Bridge of Khazad-dûm (in Movies vs. Books)

…reached out like two vast wings. It raised the whip, and the things whined and cracked. Fire came from its nostrils. But Gandalf stood firm. ‘You cannot pass,’ he said….

2.05.*a The Chamber Of Mazarbul / Balin’s Tomb (in Movies vs. Books)

…with the merry band of cave-dwelling cuties, and upon his return Boromir and Aragorn block the door to the hall, but this is breached by a great Cave-Troll. After some…

The Price of Success (in Fanfiction)

…Let him tell you. Are going to make me go back?” Estel glanced at the two horses, noting both were quite capable of carrying two people. “My exact orders where…

Chapter Twenty-Six: A Decision Made A Price Paid (in Fanfiction)

…his eyes closed. The small elegantly carved writing desk is where his mother kept her journal but the candle lay upon the table, dark. The rug under his feet felt…

Flight and Fight (in Fanfiction)

…All I needed was the opportunity to carry it out. My chance came a few hours later, when about a dozen trackers split off from the main group, and headed…

The Haven of Rivendell: Chapter 1 Flight to Sanctuary (in Fanfiction)

call from the gate, and three horses thundered into the stable yard. It was Elladan and Elrohir! Arwen stepped out onto the balcony and came down the outside stairs. She…

Flight of the Lovelorn Hunter (in Fanfiction)

…her wake did he Pursue and call her ardently: “Fair Arien, be mine!” Arien halted not her flight, But turned her eyes; and now She looked upon the earnest wight…