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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: January 19, 2004 05:24
I didn,t cry through the movie , But i felt sad for faramir How could a father say that to his own son the guy had no heart :heart: hes a sicko

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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: January 20, 2004 06:05
I saw ROTK for the 4th time 2 days ago and yes, the crying incresed. I burst into tears when Pip found Merry on the Pellenor Fields and said 'It's Pippin'. Why? I love them and want have thier babaies, but have never cried SO MUCH at their moment there....!
I wish they wouldn't play 'Into The West' over the beautiful credits...the crying just NEVER ENDS!!!!!
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: January 20, 2004 09:22
I cried when denethor said that stuff about faramir, when the movie started.( I saw it @ midnight on opening night. ) when merry and pip get split up.frodo says " sam go home". when pippin sings that (awesomely sweet) song.when theodon dies, and when aragorn on the march on the black gates says" For Frodo" then charges. then from the detroying of the ring on I cried the ENTIRE time. no joke. I did not stop. :cry: :sob:that is all. I CRIED AND AM PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


who else besides me (who has read the books) has not yet for forgiven arwen for stealing glorfindel's moment!!!!!!!!!!
( please send me a message. )
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: January 20, 2004 04:56
I cried several times during ROTK. A lot of had to do with the last 20 mins of ROTK. from when Sam carried frodo over his shoulders til the end when Frodo leaves the last ship and sails to the grey havens never to return to Middle~Earth. :cry:

Other parts:

-Faramir saying that "You wished now that our places were exchanged. That I had died and boromir had lived." :cry:

-Arwen sees an image of Eldarion, her son and Aragorn. :cry:

-after the ring was destroyed, Frodo talks about the shire and stuff and Sam talks about Rosie. :cry:

-part when the Eagles come to rescue Frodo and Sam. The music in the background is just...wow. :cry:

-the expressions on Aragorn's, Gandalf's, merry and pippin's faces when Barad-dur tower falls and Sauron is defeated and also, when mount doom explodes, Everyone just stops and just ... looks up at Mt. Doom, realizing that Frodo and sam are inside and that they might be dead. :cry:

-the reunion of the fellowship. :cry:

-Aragorn's coronation. :cry:

-Arwen and Aragorn's beautiful sexy reunion. Very joyful indeedy. NIce kiss and hug, and stroking too. hehe :blush: :heart: :cry:

-And of course the Grey Havens scene, when Gandalf says Farewell to the hobbits and when he says "It is time, Frodo." and also, when Frodo hugs his friends who are crying. :cry:
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: January 21, 2004 04:32
I love this thread. As for crying, I don't think I've cried so much over a movie ever since I saw Braveheart. This movie is just heartbreaking! :cry:
I think I cried (or at least got misty-eyed) at most of the moments mentioned here, but most of all at the Grey Havens. It was just so sad... But having read the books, I already knew the end, so I brought some tissue with me the first time I saw ROTK (I've seen it twice so far). The second time I saw it, I didn't bring any tissue, because I thought I wouldn't cry again... but I was so wrong! I cried even more than the first time. So afterwards I waited until all the other people had left the theatre, and then I sneaked out because I didn't want anybody see that I was in tears...
I look so much forward to getting this movie on video (or DVD), where I can cry as much as I want and nobody sees me.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: January 21, 2004 08:51
I didn't actually "cry", but it took all my strength to keep those tears in my eyes and when I get the extended version and watch it alone I will let myself bawl. Anyway, here's what gets me:

Faramir's face after dear old dad wishes he died instead/pippins reaction/pippins song and the charge

Merry and Pippin's separation gets worse every time

"You bow to no one" (i'm gonna start crying just thinking about it)

When Frodo says good bye to Merry, Pippin, and Sam and then that long shot of Frodo smiling.

And looking at everyone's pictures during the credits. I guess just because the movies were so wonderful and i'm so attached to all the characters and pippin's pic is so cute and then they show boromir and that of course gets me.

I'm so glad Gandalf says "not all tears are an evil" because he's so right. This movie is beautiful.
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: January 21, 2004 09:16
Normally, I'm definately not one to cry...especially at the movie theatre. But I of course did! I got teary-eyed when Denethor said that he wished Faramir had died in Boromir's stead. I could have completely bawled in all the emotional scenes with Sam and Frodo. Like when Frodo told Sam to leave, when Sam thought Shelob had killed Frodo, when the ring was destroyed, when Frodo and Sam were lying on that huge rock and all that lava was erupting from the volcano around them, when Frodo found himself in a bad and then the Fellowship came to greet him (crying especially at the part when Sam cam in the doorway), and finally the whole Frodo leaving on the boat part. Oh yeah~ and when Frodo said that he was afraid he's lost it when Bilbo asked whatever happened to that old ring...yeah some people were crying but I thought it was sad that Bilbo was oblivious to the whole "ordeal" that had taken place because of Bilbo's "old ring".

And that was my soapbox of the day (well..its like 2 a.m. so its my soapbox of the morning!)
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: January 21, 2004 11:47
yep quilty as charged i cried during ROTK and a lot!I needed three tisseus!Rhunengiliel is my witness! It was just such a beautiful movie and really emotional whaaa i already start crying again....
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 11, 2004 01:34
I cried then Theoden bury he´s son. Parents shall not bury their children.:cry:
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 12, 2004 05:28
I cried the for the whole movie. Absolutely. Any time there was any emotion at all, actually. Whenever there was dramatic music. When the title flashed on screen. Whenever one of the hobbits gave one of their oh-so-charming grins. So there were constantly tears streaming down my face...but then there were times when I just totally lost it and almost had to leave the theater from shaking and sobbing.

Probably the saddest scene for me was when Frodo sent Sam away. I was bawling my eyes out. Also, any scene with Merry and Pippin. They're just so cute and innocent, and they had to fight and see all this war and death. It was so sad for me to watch that happen.

I think the saddest thing was thinking back to the first movie...in the Shire--Frodo with his rosy cheeks, Merry and Pip with the fireworks, Sam looking lovingly at Rosie. And then to see them barely alive, dirty, sick...it was just so strange to see Hobbits on battle ground.

I was sitting next to these two teenage boys, who were acting all "macho". They were saying things like, "I can't wait to see all the guys get stabbed and shot and decapitated!" "That girl with the dark hair is really HOT." And other things that your average teenage boy would say when in the company of a friend he wanted to impress. But towards the middle of the movie, I looked over, and both of them were crying!

Peter Jackson is a genius. To capture so much emotion on the screen to make people sob in the theater...is just amazing. And I know he gets so much grief from the audiences about changing the books, but you all have to understand that PJ had artistic license to change almost anything he wanted. He chose to stay as true to the book as he did, but it would have been boring if he had copied the literature, word for word. It was his portrayal of the movies that we all love so much. I mean, back in the 70s, we had the animated version of the books--now we have the live-action. You can see that they are two completely different interpretations of the books. But that doesn't mean that one is "wrong" and the other "right". It was the adaption of the whole cast and crew that made these movies so incredible...whether it was pure Tolkien or not.

And I've started ranting, so I'm cutting myself off.
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 12, 2004 06:21
:cry: yeah me too, I cried throughout the whole movie, the lighing of the beacons... when frodo bilbo and gandalf leave middlle earth,when pippin sees minas tirith for the first time...when the rohirrim attack..when aragorn holds anduril for the first time, when the rohirrim ride off to battle...when sam thinks frodos dead...when sam and frodo are lying on that pincacle of rock before the eagles save them...when aragorn says the oath, ....i could go on, but it wasn tall sad tears, a lot of them were "in awe tears" lol, i was seriously worried that they'd ruin the movie but they did a fine job...(for the most part
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 12, 2004 08:19
Ok when did I cry. Takes a deep breath:
When Gandalf took Pipin of and he was like "we will see each other again?......MERRY etc"
Scenes with Shelob (but out of terror I am one big aracnophibic)
When Sam and Frodo are on the pinicle of rock at the end
Most of the end
Faramir and Denathor, "You ehish he died instead of me etc"
I cried at numerous other times but I blubered my eyes out when Pip of singing and Faramor was charging to his death (not that is was in the end)
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 12, 2004 08:21
:cry: I cried all through..there were lots of kleenex moments...but i think the one that had me sobbing with happiness, was when the newly crowned King Aragorn and Arwen saw each other again, then them both walking up to Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry and saying..."My friends, you bow to no one"..and then the whole place bows to them...that was it..i lost it...i was openly boo hooing, using my popcorn napkin for a tissue!! Wish it was still here in town..i'd be seeing it over and over..saw it five times. SO waiting for it to be out on DVD now...sigh
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 14, 2004 04:44
:cry: I also cried through most of the film, for happy and sad times. The ending was really tearful when Frodo left. However after watching FOTR I still cry for the death of Boromir.
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 14, 2004 01:41
I cried at all those parts that everyone mentioned. I cried mostly at the end with frodo going to the gray havens.:cry: I saw it 4 times in the regular theater, and cried on and off but i think mostly the first and last times.:cry: Im gonna go to see it again in the big theater (the cinerama) and i am soooo happy that the last time i see it on big screen it will be REALLY BIG. Ill probly cry most this last time.

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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 15, 2004 06:32
I basically started crying before the movie began. And throughout the whole movie, or for the whole movie. I also start crying when I hear any song from the sountarck. Yeah, I'm just that sad.
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 15, 2004 07:40
There was only one place I cried really hard and that was when the Rohirrim charged at Pellenor. I was balling:cry: . My friend thought I was so weird.
I felt bad that I cried harder at the end of the books than at the end of the movie. However now I recite or read the script and then I cry because the words have a different effect. I say them/think them the exact same way they were said in the movie so I don't get it.
I got a little teary the 3rd time I saw it when Aragorn spoke to the hobbits at his coronation and when Denethor was being very mean to Faramir. :cry: Oh and of course the suicide mission:cry: :cry: .

There are other places I cry though too. Like when Pippin has the flash back of Boromir's death. There and then the real one in FOTR I cry. When Gandalf fell I cried.
Yeah I'm a sucker.:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 17, 2004 12:09
Well, it's nearly impossible to watch this movie without crying.

The most tear-jerking scene: "My friends, you bow to no one!":cry::cry::cry:

I saw the movie several times and cried during the following scenes:

- Arwen's vision of Eldarion

- Faramir's hopeless attack/Pippin's song

- The charge of the Rohirrim

- Théoden's death

- "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you."

- "For Frodo"
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 18, 2004 10:03
I did'nt really cry at the film.Though i was very very close to tears when 'THE END' came onto screen.could'nt bear it basically:cry:!!!!!.Oh and the scene at the Grey Havens even the bloke infront of me had to keep drinking to keep the tears back and i think my mum was close to tears as well!And she's really rock solid when it comes to sad films
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 18, 2004 02:32
It is hard for me to cry in public. When a group of us went to see the film after work, they all cried hysterically but I could not. I am more the type to be haunted for days by the emotional impact of a movie. And this movie definately did that. The scenes that really tore at my heart:

- Faramir and his soldier's charge on Osgiliath while Pippin sings the hobbit folk song
- Gandalf explaining about the life beyond death to Pippin (Makes you remember beloved ones who have gone that road)
- Sam carrying Frodo the last part of the way up Orodruin
- "The End of All Things" (Wow, makes me think this must be the emotions soldiers experience during battles when they know they will not return)
- When Aragorn says to the hobbits at his coronoation "My friends, you bow to no one"
- The Grey Havens- more sorrow than crying- it always seemed so tragic to me that Frodo was not granted the chance to enjoy life after he suffered so much. He finds peace, here, but he has to leave those wonderful friends of his in order to do so.
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 18, 2004 03:52
I cried when Merry and Pippin were split up, when Merry and Pippin were reunited, when Frodo told Sam to go home, when Theoden died, when Denethor told Faramir he wished he died instead of Boromir, when Pippin sang, and about the whole last 45 minutes...my friends though I was crazy, but it's so SAD!:cry:
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 19, 2004 06:39
I haven't cried once during any of the films! I was especially surprised when I saw RotK, coz I thougt I'd be in tears, but nope.

I always get really teary on these parts though -

- at the end of FotR with Frodo and Sam in the boat
- when Theoden died in RotK
- When Frodo was leaving for the Grey Havens
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 20, 2004 01:59
During the Grey Havens bit, the only reason I cried was because Merry, Pippin and Sam were crying: it had nothing to do with Frodo buggering off on the so-called 'Last Ship'. Those three just looked so heart broken, Sam in particular, that it just made me cry with pity, really...

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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 20, 2004 02:35
well that's what I mean! whenever I see other people crying, that always starts me off *lol*
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 20, 2004 07:37
I actually did not cry until the third time through, then I cried quite a bit. Well, mostly when Faramir was leading his army out and Pippin was singing that song... that was just horrible. But for some reason it was just the worst the third time through, don't know why. Then my eyes got watery several times too. That happens a lot though. Interesting.
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 21, 2004 12:04
*looks around the room and slowly raises his hand*

I admit it I cried lol...

I thought the part where pippin sang was so beautiful, that fit the movie sooooooo well, one of my favorite parts of the movie for sure.

I cried when sam picked frodo up in mordor, that was such a powerful scene, you'd be stupid to not cry in that scene.

and when frodo went with gandalf and the elves to valinor, the look on sam, merry and pippins faces was all i needed lol, they looked like they needed a hug :cry:

Sam was the hero of the movie in my mind, his loyalty to frodo was unshakable, that is what a friend should be, i thought was sooooooooo awesome!

[Edited on 21/2/2004 by Oitur]
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: February 21, 2004 07:31
I cried for almost the whole movie, especially the second time. Some parts were:
the grey havens
when denethor said he wished faramir had died
when theoden died
and a lot more:cry:
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: March 06, 2004 05:54
I lost count of how many times I cried. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: March 06, 2004 06:07
I saw ROTK the first time with my best friend Anna, and we were sqeezing each other the whole time. She nearly cut off the circulation in my hand a coupla' times...Anyway, I was fine until I glanced over at her while Frodo was saying goodbye at Grey Havens and tears were running off the end off her nose like crazy. I had never seen her cry and I just went to pieces! sobbing uncontrolablely.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: March 06, 2004 07:20
The first time I saw the movie it was the midnight showing and I got misty eyed quite a bit.

The second and third showings though - really got me, I must have been more awake or something!

I think the major spots everyone else picked up on

~ Sam "Don't go where I cannot follow" :cry:
~ Faramir's ride, with Pippin singing :cry:
"Home is behind
The world ahead
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadow
To the edge of night
Until the stars are all a light
Mist and shadow
Cloud and shape
Hope shall fail
All shall fade"

~Sam "I can't carry it, but I can carry you"

~ The hobbits crying at the end, Hobbits crying get me every time!!:cry:

~ Aragorn: "My friends, you bow to no one" :cry:

~ Gandalf and Pippen "I never thought it would end like this.." conversation... I just love how tender Gandalf is with Pippen as they discuss death... I don't know why it made me all blubbery! :cry:

Ahh now I want to go see it again!!

[Edited on 7/3/2004 by MaryB]
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: March 06, 2004 07:28
Okay I have cried everytime I've seen the movie.Faramir's meeting with Denny ,Theoden's death, just about everything in the last hour and a half of the movie. But I went to go see it today and there were a good amount of people in the theather, and I sat there and cried here and there, but then Frodo is saying good bye and getting on that ship and start crying really hard. I was on the verge of sobs. The next I know Sam's hugging Elanor and he says " Well, I'm back." He walks into his home, closes the door and "The End" pops up and I was hit by the suddenly sudden thought of " Oh my god this is the end" and I started bawling like there was no tomorrow in an emptying theather. And hearing "Into The West" in the back didn't help either. Truth be told I haven't cried like that since I saw the Lion King, and Simba's ( no idea how to spell that) dad died.
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: March 07, 2004 10:46
I thought I wasn't going to cry, but when it got to beacons I started crying, and just couldn't stop :cry:
I've now seen it a few times, and each time I think I won't cry, but by the time of the ride of Rohirrim I start crying again and keep crying :cry:
Sam saying 'I can't it for you, but I can carry you' makes me practicially fall to pieces. It's a very moving film, the death of Theoden, Faramir riding to Osgilith whilst Pippin sings and the parting at the Grey Havens all make me cry even more than usual. I always ensure I have a good supply of tissues!
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: March 07, 2004 02:56
I cannot tell a lie. I cried for about the last hour and a half of the movie.

I just could not stop the waterworks. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

The worst was when Gandalf said to Frodo that it was time. That was when the other Hobbits looked at Frodo and did not understand. Then Gandalf grabbed Frodo's shoulder and led him to the ship that was going to take them to the west. That's when the waterworks would not stop. My shirt was soaken wet from all the tears.

It takes more than a movie to make me cry and this one did.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:can't stop.
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: June 04, 2004 09:34
I cried at all the same things. especially at theoden's death, makes me cry everytime.:cry:
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Post RE: OK - who cried? Come on, I know you're out there...
on: June 04, 2004 11:04
:cry:My eyes watered many times, But the ending was the worst!:cry: I was very tearful. In most of the scenes between sam and frodo I was emotional. But when the fellowship was reunited in the houses of healing I was so happy that my eyes filled with tears! :cry: I have to say, that I really do feel for this film so much, the chacters.... It really is all beautiful.

[Edited on 21/05/2004 by Aerhíril]
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